cucumbers, grape, peas, most varieties tomatoes, blackberry and raspberries, some types of flowers require mandatory garters to trellises or ropes to form the correct shape of the bush. We will tell you in detail how to make a trellis with your own hands for each of these plants.

Types of tapestries
A trellis is called a lattice or a rope tied to a stake, along which climbing plants cling as they grow.. In some cases, this device simply cannot be dispensed with - the development of full-fledged lashes becomes impossible.
In modern landscape design hedges, entwined with climbing plants, become a real decoration of house territories and garden plots. Simplify such supports and plant care.

Inclined cucumber trellis
You can make trellises for climbing plants from any available material:
- most often used designs in the form of wooden trellises
- decorative trellis lattices are often welded from metal
- for less massive plants, strong stakes driven into the ground are used, with ropes tied to them
- in recent years, gardeners have begun to make trellises from plastic water pipes; their cost is low, plus, unlike wood, they do not rot
- chain-link mesh
- hand woven thick wire mesh
- for whips that are light in weight, you can use a light plastic mesh
The size and shape of the trellis depends on the type of plants and the way the stems are formed:
- grape requires a strong and rigid support that can withstand severe loads; to strengthen the structure, it is usually concreted into the ground
- raspberries, which has dense tree-like stems, requires only a little help in the form of lattices located on the sides of the rows
- cucumbers: high arches, strong nets or lattices are used to form bushes
- tomatoes: plants require fairly strong supports of medium height
- peas: trellises for legumes can be made from any improvised means, for example, thick branches of plants fastened together
- clematis: the main requirement for such supports is a frequently located lattice with the possibility of tying a bush
- climbing roses: for the manufacture of trellises for roses, decorative nets, wooden, metal lattices in the form of arches or decorative panels are used

grape trellis
The quality and even yield of grapes largely depend on the choice of trellis. The support for it is made mainly two-plane. Lightweight structures located in the same plane are used only for young shoots, ornamental or small varieties.
Single-plane tapestries

Semi-arch construction
We will tell you in detail how to make a simple trellis for grapes:
For the convenience of collecting and caring for plants, supports should not be taller than a person. It is desirable that the bunches of grapes are located no higher than the level of the grower's eyes.
The trellis can be made in the form of a straight columnar structure, an arch or a semi-arch. Arched structures are better illuminated by the sun, so the yield of plants with such cultivation will be greater. Columnar supports or semi-arches are used more often with a lack of space
It is better to use metal as supports - this design will be more durable and will last much longer. After all, the vine can live up to 50 years! It will be a shame if one day it breaks along with a rotten wooden beam.
For the simplest single-plane trellis, it is sufficient to use support posts located at a distance of 3 m from each other. For them, with the help of a drill, pits with a diameter of 60 cm are prepared.
To strengthen the structure, it is better to concrete the pillars into the ground to a depth of 50-60 cm. To protect against moisture, a layer of crushed stone is poured into the bottom of each pit before pouring concrete mortar
Vertical crossbars are attached to horizontally located supports with the help of welding
Biplanar structures
Such trellises have a large plane, which allows the vine to grow in different directions.. The plant in this case receives more air and light, which significantly increases the yield.
Improves with garter on such supports and natural pollination. A well-grown tent creates a shade, allowing you to protect the roots of the grapes from the rapid evaporation of moisture.

Biplanar design
Outwardly, this design resembles the letter Vattached to a small post. In its upper part there are horizontally running crossbars.
The optimal height of the trellis is 2.2-2.5 m
The diameter of the metal supports is from 32 cm. It is better to make the extreme pillars a little thicker
For fixing pipes, welding or metal corners and self-tapping screws are used
The distance between the pillars is at least 2.5-3 m
Metal or wooden supports must be concreted into the ground
To protect metal or wood from moisture, the lower part of the pillars is treated with bitumen and wrapped with roofing material.
To attach it to the poles, corners, rings or brackets are welded

Drawing of a grape trellis

cucumber trellises
It is perhaps simply impossible to do without supports when growing this southern liana. The trellis provides the whips with normal ventilation and protects against decay. And when searching for ripe cucumbers in tender and fragile stems creeping along the ground, there is a high probability of damage to them.

Harvesting from trellises is a pleasure - just reach out
Using Arcs
Open high trellises in the form of lattices are used mainly in the southern regions, where spring shelter of these heat-loving plants is not required. In the rest of Russia, cucumbers are grown under high arches covered with foil.
At the same time, they also serve as tapestries - a non-slip wire or rope is hung from them, freely hanging down. Cucumbers, growing up, cling to the twine with the help of antennae.
Use of supports with horizontal bars
For the construction of such a structure, you can use any waste material made of wood, for example, an old picket fence.
Building materials remaining after repair are also suitable:
Wooden Tapestry in the shape of the letter "T"
To create such a structure, several supporting pillars are prepared. To strengthen them, 2 inclined spacer strips are used.

All pillars are connected to each other with the help of the upper crossbar. On each of the upper parts of the letter “T”, on both sides of the bar, nails are stuffed at a distance of 25 cm, to which a long wire is screwed or a string is tied, freely falling down to the very ground.
Small loops are made at its ends, which will be thrown over young plants. Nothing more needs to be done. In the future, the liana plant will itself cling to the nearest string with the help of antennae.
Cucumber trellis
The design of such tapestries can be any - they can be made in the form of a tent, a hut, a curbstone and even a polyhedron. The grid cells can be rectangular, square or triangular in shape.
Metal grid
A strong metal mesh is able to withstand the weight of even a large number of lashes. You can also use a plastic mesh - it is strong enough, plus it absolutely does not rot.

Mesh trellis
Let's describe step by step the process of making trellis for cucumbers:
L-shaped trellis in the form of a hut

Tapestry in the form of a hut
This design is convenient in that when the lashes grow, the cucumbers sag perpendicular to the ground under their own weight and immediately catch the eye when harvesting.
For its manufacture from metal or timber, a frame is assembled in the form of a hut, which is installed on the ground. In order to prevent the structure from turning over, it is screwed to small pillars driven into the ground.

Tomato garter
Varieties for open ground more often just tie it to stakes made of wood, plastic or reinforcement. The length of the stakes should exceed by 27-30 cm the average length of a mature adult plant.
The stakes pointed on one side are driven almost back to back, at a distance of several centimeters from the bush. To such a stake, tomatoes are tied with a rope using the "eight" method, that is, wrapping each bush twice.

Garter of tall tomatoes
But this method is only suitable for medium height tomatoes - powerful plants on high stems can simply fall along with the stakes. Yes, and fast-growing plants will have to be tied up several times per season.
Tall greenhouse tomatoes are best fixed to strong supports.
To create a wallpaper you will need:
Another way to attach bushes is a linear garter.. In this case, between the supports driven into the ground, a horizontal upper crossbar is attached, to which a rope is tied, the lower end of which is attached to the bush. It should not be pulled too tight. As the plant of this towline grows, you will gradually wrap around new shoots.

Linear garter of tomatoes

Types of trellises for raspberries and blackberries
The bushes of these plants are quite strong and flexible, but during the ripening of the crop they can be bent under the weight of the berry. As a result, collecting it will be problematic.
Plus, the berry, touching the ground, quickly gets dirty. To prevent this from happening, the plants are fixed with a strong wire stretched between T-, V-shaped pillars or supports in the form of tents.

Raspberry garter
Make trellises for raspberries or blackberries with your own hands is easy:

Raspberry mount

flower trellis
It is desirable that such a design look decorative.. After all, it is placed closer to the entrance to decorate the site.In hardware stores you can find a variety of types of trellises for flowers, but if you wish, you can make them yourself.
support for clematis

Clematis flower
The main requirement for such a trellis is increased strength.
After all, whips clematis are quite weighty, and after rain their mass increases even more:
Trellis for climbing roses
These types of roses are not able to attach themselves to the supports, since they do not have tendrils. Therefore, each bush in several places must be tied to a trellis with its simultaneous formation and pruning.
Shoots of climbing roses are attached horizontally or in the form of a fan. Otherwise, the principle of creating do-it-yourself trellises for roses is similar to the previous ones.

Support of thin wooden slats for climbing roses attached to the fence
Decorative supports for them can be single, ordinary flat, arched or semi-arched, or consist of fragments of different shapes. Bright flowers look very original against the background of white plastic pipes or a decorative metal grill. You can also use a colored plastic mesh made of a fairly dense fiber.
Floral trellis can be of great service when separating any part of the site or zoning the space. With the help of arched supports, recreation areas are often equipped. The overgrown lashes of plants can also hide the dilapidated walls of old buildings, the repair of which never reaches the hands.

garter pea
Gardeners have been tying up legumes for a long time. After all, harvesting on lashes that creep along the ground is very problematic. And half of the pods, especially during the rainy season, will simply rot. Plus, due to insufficient illumination, peas lose their taste and sweetness, as they are not able to accumulate enough useful substances.

Pods hanging vertically will be more visible on an inclined trellis.
There is no need to build too complex structures for peas. Any improvised materials will do, including branches of thick trees. They are sharpened at one end, driven into the ground and tied together with wire.
We will not describe detailed step-by-step instructions for making trellises for peas. In the photo below, you can choose the type of trellis for legumes that suits you.

Pea trellises
Making a trellis for climbing plants
How to make a tapestry with your own hands? Original ideas and drawings (110+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews
The site promised drawings of trellises, but not a single one was presented, it’s a shame and autumn is a pity for the spent Aremeya