In the second year after planting grape seedlings a suitable support structure must be installed for it in a permanent place. Without this, without having a support for a new growth, the conditions for the development of new shoots will deteriorate greatly.
Do-it-yourself trellis for grapes avoids these problems. Each type of such a structure has in its scheme positive properties and disadvantages.

Why do you need a wallpaper?

The vine is a woody vine that strives to "climb" to an elevated place, clinging to whatever is nearby to raise the shoots towards the sunlight. But it will be very inconvenient to pick grapes from the top of a tall tree in the country.
When growing grapes at home, you need to control the development of the vine, to increase its productivity, to simplify plant care, ripening and fruit picking. If you do not build a reliable support, then the vine will begin to develop as it wants.
At the same time, if the whips are not fixed and remain on the surface of the earth, they will suffer greatly from pests and diseases, the berries and leaves will rot and be affected by mold fungi. To get a healthy and productive plant, be sure to use a strong columnar trellis.

It is convenient to form grapes growing on a support correctly, it is easier to treat diseases and harvest a ripe crop

Garter Benefits

Strong supports allow you to control the direction and speed of development of shoots, fix vaccinations as needed by the gardener
They make it possible to place the vines in sunny areas, where the clusters are well lit by the sun's rays. They are blown with fresh air and dry quickly after the formation of dew or rain.
If you make a trellis, it will be easier to control the number of fruits, leaves and lashes. Otherwise, with an incorrect load on the bush, an environment is formed where the berries cannot ripen quickly and well, and the shoots will be overloaded and the plant will not have enough nutrients.
As a result, the plant will not have enough energy for the upcoming wintering.

Structures and their purpose
There are many photos and videos of grape trellises that gardeners use, each has its pros and cons:
- Single plane vertical – vines are tied in the same plane
- Biplanar - 2 parallel useful planes are created, the racks are firmly fixed, the shoots of one row of grapes are tied to the wire
- Besedochnaya - used in recreation areas. Decorative, non-covering grapes or climbing crops are mainly tied to them.
- Arched - allows you to get a high yield due to good ventilation and high-quality lighting of the lashes.Arches provide shade in the right place, but they can only grow frost-resistant grape varieties that do not require shelter.
- semiarca - suitable for zoning a small area. Can be placed in the recreation area
- pergola - used for shading, except for grapes, any vine-like plants are grown on them
Support type | Use for | Not suitable for |
single plane | For areas with a lack of sunlight, plants receive the maximum light on them. For the northern regions, so in cold latitudes it is easier to cover the grapes growing on them for the winter with millet, covering it with soil. You will need a little covering material, it is easy to fix it on the posts. For people who grow few grapes. Grow varieties with high shoot-forming ability. | For powerful plants on which several sleeves are formed, since there is not enough space for new shoots and the bush quickly overgrows. |
Biplanar | For plants with many shoots. For better fruiting. For fast growing varieties. For areas with good moisture and fertile soil. For standard plants. | For small plots that do not allow planting grapes separately. For areas with a lack of sunlight, in such conditions, shoots tied up in different planes are poorly lit. |

Required Materials
Since the trellis is used to support the green mass of grapes, it must be as reliable as possible.
To make it with your own hands, use materials such as:
- Quality lumber (no rot or other defects)
- Rebar and thick wire
- Metal grid
- Pipe made of plastic and metal
- cement mortar
For the manufacture of supports, you will need several common tools:
- Wood saw
- Bulgarian with metal discs
- screwdriver
- stapler
- bayonet shovel
- Roulette and building level
- Screwdriver and knife

Design choice

For the manufacture of tapestries according to step-by-step instructions, the material and design of the support are selected, taking into account the technical characteristics of the varieties and the nuances of their cultivation (resistance to disease and low temperature, possible yield)
They also take into account the place where the bushes will be planted, and their financial capabilities. To save some money, used materials are used, they can be bought inexpensively at the acceptance of scrap metal.
For covering varieties, you should not use arches if you need to get high yields, then you should not plant grapes near the arbors. But for landscaping and for non-covering varieties - these designs are perfect.

Required dimensions
Install trellises for grapes according to the drawings before planting seedlings. The supports are installed in advance according to the manufacturer's instructions, because if the bushes grow for 1-2 years, then there is a risk of damage to the roots when installing the support posts.
The optimal height of the trellis is 1.6-2.2 m from the ground, it is enough for comfortable work and it allows you to cover the plants for the winter. For the frame, according to the manufacturing instructions, it is permissible to use pipes with a diameter of at least 32-57 mm, it is advisable to use galvanized copper or stainless steel wire 2-4 mm thick, hanging it with a gap of at least 60 cm.
Wood is better to use hardwood with a cross section of 100-120 mm.You can use a 15x15 cm timber or a round log, with the bark removed, their lower part is treated with resin or blue vitriol to provide protection from decay. A tree for a two-plane support should not be used. The material must be treated with antifungal compounds before use, then it will last at least 7 years.
It is undesirable to make gazebos, arches and pergolas for grapes above 3.2 m, the high height of the vineyard makes maintenance work very difficult.
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Single plane support
The simplest trellis, formed in one plane - 2 support posts are driven in and several parallel rows of wire are pulled or hooked onto the brackets. The lower one is located 60-100 cm from the soil, then after 30-40 cm, the growing lashes of grapes are tied to a stretched wire.
Pillars are constructed from the above materials. They are dug in by 50 cm and the pits are poured with concrete, the extreme pillars are reinforced with inclined beams. The height must be chosen taking into account their height, so that a person can reach the top wire. Supports need to be dug in after 2.5-3.5 m, leaving free aisles of at least 2.5 m.
- Simplicity and low manufacturing cost
- Just reach any vine shoot. They are evenly spaced, easy to cut, collect ripe berries and cover plants for the winterat
- Plants are well lit and provided with free ventilation
- They cannot be used for vigorous varieties, the support may not withstand the growing foliage and green mass
- With improper pruning of the shoots, the bush overgrows, mold and fungus begin to develop on it.

Two-plane support
There are many support structures in 2 planes, more often parallel U-shaped, T-shaped, Y-shaped and V-shaped trellises are used, the choice of a particular design depends on the needs of the grower. They are mainly used for vigorous varieties that can withstand low temperatures well.
The dimensions are the same as for single-plane supports. The height is about 2 m, the poles are installed every 3-6 m, leaving a space between rows of about 4 m.
As in any design, biplanar supports have their pros and cons:
- Allows you to grow the most productive varieties
- The number of emerging and ripening clusters increases
- Improves pollination of clusters under the influence of wind
- Save free space in the garden - allows you to grow more bushes in a small area
- Only frost-resistant varieties can be planted, since it is problematic to cover plants for the winter, it is difficult to bend hanging lashes to the ground surface
- Labor-intensive fastening of elements, more materials will be required
- Inability to reach all parts of the bush
Two-plane V-shaped
V-shaped support with 2 planes, structurally resembles a single-plane trellis. It is recommended to dig in support pillars against each other in two pieces at an angle of 45 degrees.
At the bottom, the pillars are welded together, and at the top they are moved apart.
It is better to use metal for the construction of such a trellis for grapes. During the manufacture, welding equipment will be required, and digging holes for concreting the base to a depth of at least 65 cm.
When using profile pipes, crabs and top rails will be needed, in the manufacture of wood, it is better to use ash or oak; self-tapping screws and corners are required for work.

decorative trellis
Decorative tapestries were invented to organize recreation areas and shady places. Sometimes they are placed along the walls of the house and the fences of the site to improve the design. In this case, the presence of many leaves on plants matters. Often they are made of durable wooden slats, sometimes metal products are used, bending them in the form of semi-arches or in the form of visors.
Often, wild grapes are grown on decorative structures, which do not require pruning and shaping, of course, in this case you will not get a harvest. But it will only be necessary to tie them up as the lashes grow and water the grapes in time.

They allow you to zone the territory, do not require a lot of space. growing on pergola the grapes are well lit by the sun, and the clusters ripen quickly, it is easy to remove excess shoots.
Such a support must be strong so that it does not break under the heavy weight of greens and berries. The wood for the manufacture of pergolas is strong, requires treatment with antiseptic compounds and bitumen, it must be done annually or the structure will need to be painted.
A pergola made of metal will cost you more; you will need a welding machine to work. Sometimes they make durable and beautiful forged products. Metal parts need to be painted to protect against rust. It is convenient to use a profile pipe, it is easy to bend and connect it. The lower part of the structure is fixed with a solution mixed on the basis of crushed stone, cement and sand.
Caring for plants on a pergola, in the usual way. Watering is carried out as needed, from the fungus and diseases are treated in the summer. Winter-hardy varieties grow well on them, since the height of the structure is at least 2.5 m.
arched trellis
It is convenient to use arches if there is a lot of free space on the site and you have a desire to plant several varieties.
These structures are placed above the paths, and the plants are planted on the sides. Making an arched vine trellis will cost more money than a simple support and will require a lot of work. Sometimes gardeners go to the trick and place solid semi-arches near the walls of the building. This way you will get additional shade, but they can only be erected along the southern part of the house and the arch needs to be fastened to the wall.
The materials may be different, but it is important that it is durable:
- Metal profile (for work you will need welding)
- plastic pipes (used only for small semi-arches, with large sizes, plastic will not withstand a lot of shoots and a bountiful harvest)
- lumber (impregnated antiseptic, processing is repeated every year), nails are required for assembly
- Stretch thick wire for garter lashes
Arbor as a support for grapes

This is a decorative building in a summer cottage, but it is often used to grow frost-resistant grapes. Small furniture is installed in the gazebos
Often decorative wild grapes are planted along its walls. It is preferable to use the design of the gazebo if you are building a tunnel-type building in the form of an arch or pergola.
How to tie vines
Grape shoots are tied up at the beginning of sap flow, before the buds open. It is undesirable to tie up the vines later, otherwise a lot of buds break off during work, significantly reducing the amount of your crop.
When the lashes are tied up, the plants are fertilized, the trunk circle is dug up. Experienced growers advise digging a small hole near the trunk, so when watering, moisture will flow directly to the roots.
BEST support for grapes. Drawing, dimensions. Two-layer trellis.
Tapestry for garter grapes: instructions with dimensions and drawings for making your own hands | (Photo & Video)+Reviews
Tapestry for garter grapes: instructions with dimensions and drawings for making your own hands | (Photo & Video)+Reviews