Mulberry: description of 3 popular species, cultivation in the middle lane, reproduction and care, useful properties (50+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews



Mulberry will decorate any garden. It has tasty and healthy fruits, but besides this, it is actively used in decorative plantings. For example, it harmoniously looks in hedges.

Growing and caring for mulberries requires knowledge of the basic rules. They will not provide any special difficulties and troubles. After reviewing them, you can safely plant this plant in your garden or cottage.

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plant description

Mulberry has a second name - mulberry tree or mulberry. It belongs to the Tutov family.

Mulberry - garden decoration

Mulberry - garden decoration

The plant genus consists of approximately 16 species. These are deciduous trees. They are distributed mainly in Africa, Asia and North America, however, mulberry is found in Russia, Kazakhstan, Romania, Moldova, Bulgaria, Azerbaijan, Ukraine and some other countries. Scientists are inclined to believe that China is the original homeland.

plant height can reach 15 meters. Their rapid growth at a young age gradually slows down. Average life span trees 200 - 300 years old, there are specimens that have lived 500 years.

On the shoots, the leaves grow alternately. Juveniles may be lobed. They are of various shapes: from ovoid to round. The edge of the sheet plate is framed by teeth. The base can be heart-shaped or oblique. Grows on small petioles. When cut, milky juice is released.

Mulberry fruits

Mulberry fruits

plant fruit complex shape, consists of drupes. It is formed from the overgrown perianth. It has a fleshy texture. The length varies from 2 to 3 centimeters. It tastes sweet with a pleasant aroma, edible.

On the territory of the countries of the former Soviet Union, mainly 2 types of mulberries are grown:

  • White
  • Black

The name of the black species refers to the color of the berries. The fruits of white mulberry can be white, yellowish, red, black. The name of the species is given because it has a light bark.
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Popular types and varieties

white mulberry

white mulberry

white mulberry

The homeland of this species is the mountain forests of China. Deciduous trees grow from 8 to 20 meters. In a young plant, the crown is dense and narrow. With age, it grows, takes a rounded shape.

  • Bark grayish-brown, in some varieties with a brown tint. It is prone to cracking.
  • shoots grey, straight and flexible. The young are covered with silky hairs, becoming bare with age. The kidneys on them are reddish, small in size.
  • Foliage different size. Length from 7 to 20 centimeters. They are broad oval or ovoid in shape. On young shoots and fruiting branches, leaf plates have a smooth edge, but on the rest with denticles. Leaves grow on petioles. Their length is about 2 centimeters. Their surface is densely covered with fluff.
  • Fetus 1.2 - 2.5 centimeters long. The color varies from white to purple. Depending on the cultivar. Each individual segment of the fetus is 1-2 mm in diameter. Their taste is sweet, the flesh is juicy with a subtle, barely perceptible aroma.

In the southern regions, flowering occurs in April-May, in colder climatic conditions in May-June. Frost withstands up to -29 degrees.

This variety of mulberry has become widespread.

The species contains a large number of ornamental varieties:

1aurea - young shoots and leaves are painted in golden color when blooming. They turn green with age. The maximum tree height is 15 meters.
2Constantinople - the height of a deciduous tree does not exceed 8 meters. His shoots are thickened. The leaves are large. The average length of the leaf plate is 15 centimeters.
3Fruitless - deciduous tree with a spreading crown of a rounded shape. Its height is 10-15 meters. The surface of the leaf plate is rough, shiny.
4Multikaulis - is a shrub, up to 5 meters high. Differs in rapid growth, thanks to multiple root offspring. The fruits are dark, almost black when fully ripe.
5Pendula - deciduous tree from 7 to 10 meters tall. It has weeping branches. They are thin and long, hanging down to the ground. The size of the leaves is large.
6Tatarika - This is one of the most unpretentious varieties. Differs in high frost resistance. It is represented by bushes up to 3 meters high. The fruits are small but very sweet.

Mulberry black

Mulberry black

Mulberry black

Mulberry black

The origin of the species is twofold: some scientists believe that it is from Southwest Asia, others that it is a cultivar that has gone wild over time.

It is a deciduous tree from 6 to 15 meters tall. The diameter of the crown of an adult plant is about 15 meters.

  • Crown rounded and strongly spreading. Formed from branches on a short curved trunk. His bark strongly cracked, with a rough surface.
  • Leaves different sizes, so on fruiting branches they are smaller. Their length is about 12 centimeters. The rest reach 20 centimeters in length. Their base is heart-shaped.
  • The leaf blade is asymmetrical. The lower part is covered with fluff.
  • Berries 2-2.5 centimeters long. Their flesh is juicy with a sweet and sour taste. At first they are green, when fully ripe they become dark.

The flowering period takes place in April-May. Fruiting begins in July.

Winter frosts can withstand at least -25 degrees.

Among gardeners, the species is common. Grown more for fruit or when growing silkworms. Rarely used as an ornamental plant.

red mulberry

red mulberry

red mulberry

red mulberry

The species is widespread in Canada and the eastern part of the United States. Deciduous tree about 15 meters high. Some specimens grow up to 20 meters.

  • Bark red-orange, prone to cracking. Shoots covered with gray skin, pubescent.
  • Leaves different, the length varies from 7 to 20 centimeters. Their shape can be round and ovoid. The base is truncated or rounded. The apex is often pointed. They grow on petioles, 2.5 centimeters long. They can be red or green.
  • Berry 2.5-4 centimeters long. The shape of the fruit is cylindrical. When ripe, they turn red. The pulp is sweet, with sourness.

Blooms flowers in May. In July, you can enjoy juicy berries.

This species has increased frost resistance up to -34 degrees.

Red mulberries have been cultivated in gardens since 1629. It is distributed on the North American continent.

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mulberry cultivation and care

Mulberry can be propagated in almost any way:

  • seeds
  • cuttings
  • layering
  • vaccination

seed method

Reproduction by seeds

Reproduction by seeds

1In order to grow a plant from seeds, you need to take ripe fruits. Put them in a jar and put them in the sun. Berries should ferment.
2Pour in water and rub the mass with your hands. The shell will come off. It will float to the surface of the water, from where it can be easily removed. The seeds will settle to the bottom of the dish.
3Pour them with clean water, rub through a fine sieve.This procedure will free the small seeds from the remnants of the pulp.
4The cleaned seed must be dried.
5Put in a paper bag.
6Store until spring.
7Stratification is recommended before planting. To do this, one and a half months before sowing, place the seeds on the top shelf of the refrigerator. If for some reason the moment of the beginning of stratification is missed, then before sowing they can be kept in water for 3 days.
8The mulberry loves the light, so garden bed cook for her in a sunny place.
9Sowing is recommended to be done in late April - May.
10Seeds go deep into the soil by 1 centimeter.
11The bed needs to be watered regularly. However, you need to make sure that there is no stagnation of water. Too much moisture will cause the seeds to rot.
13Night frosts can be fatal for young shoots. At night they need to be covered with non-woven material. This will help protect the plant.
14After the sprouts appear, you need to protect from direct sunlight. Gardeners are advised to install shading in the form canopy.
15After 5 leaves grow, you need to thin out the plantings.

On this bed, the mulberry is left for 2 years. During this time, she will get stronger and grow up. After that, you can transplant to a permanent place.

A plant grown from seeds loses its varietal identity if the mother plant is of hybrid origin. Often such trees are used as a stock for grafting a cultural specimen.


Rooted mulberry cuttings

Rooted mulberry cuttings

The mulberry tree can be grown from various cuttings:

  • green
  • semi-lignified
  • lignified

Green cuttings:

  • Cuttings are cut in June. A young shoot is chosen for them. Each should have at least 3 kidneys.
  • The lower leaves must be removed, and the upper ones cut in half.
  • They are planted in a greenhouse or seedling box.
  • You need to deepen into the ground by 3 centimeters.
  • If landing is made in a box, its top must be closed with a film. Under it, you need to maintain moisture, for the speedy root formation.
  • Watering needs moderate, otherwise you can destroy the plant.
  • Every day, it is recommended to remove the film and air the planting, gradually increasing the time.
  • A month later, fertilizing with a mineral complex of fertilizers is carried out.
  • The signal that the root system is formed will be new shoots. They will appear in about a month.

A tree grown in this way retains the full varietal affiliation of the mother plant.

Propagation by semi-lignified cuttings:

Propagation by semi-lignified cuttings

Propagation by semi-lignified cuttings

Cuttings are cut in the middle of summer. The method completely repeats the green cuttings. The difference is that brown branches are chosen. Which have already lost their softness. Rooting takes two weeks longer, that is, shoots with successful formation of the root system will appear in about 45 days.

Such cuttings, unlike green ones, are less susceptible to fungal diseases. The process of their rooting does not require strict adherence to the greenhouse effect.

Propagation by woody cuttings:

  • The branches are selected completely lignified. The crowns grown from the outside and caressed by the sun's rays are best suited.
  • Harvesting is done in late autumn, when the leaves fall.
  • The length of the handle should be approximately 18 centimeters.
  • The lower cut is treated with a root stimulator. You can use heteroauxin or root.
  • Landed in garden bed. The ground part should be about 5 centimeters.
  • Transplanting to a permanent place should be done after the plants get stronger. This should take 2 years.

Cuttings cut in autumn can be placed in moist soil and stored in a cellar or refrigerator in winter. Landing should be carried out in the spring, when sap flow begins. Such cuttings are suitable for grafting.


Graft breeding scheme

Graft breeding scheme

In horticulture, there are several methods of grafting. Mulberry lends itself to such reproduction. Let's dwell on the two most famous and simple.

Both of them are held before the start of sap flow. This will allow the cuttings to take root faster. Methods are suitable for reproduction at home.

1 On the scion and rootstock make the same oblique cuts. They should be between the kidneys. Then the 2 parts are connected. It is very important that the fit is tight, without gaps, gaps and displacement.

Wrap the joint with polyethylene. Fix it on top with a bandage.

2 This method is improved. It differs in that notches are made on the cuts of the cuttings. When docked, they provide a tighter fit.

The incision is made on the rootstock down, on the scion up. Starts at a distance of 1/3 from the edge of the cut. Ends in half of the oblique cut.

This cut creates tabs that provide a tighter fit. To fix, as in the first method, you need to wrap with polyethylene, tie.


Propagation by air layering

Propagation by air layering

To root the layering, you need to choose a branch that grows as low as possible to the ground. At the point of contact, an incision is made on the bark, this will accelerate root formation.

The branch is fixed with a pin. Sprinkle soil on top.

Layering should be done in the spring. In autumn it will be a separate plant with its own root system. It can be separated from the mother tree and replanted.

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Growing any plant begins with its planting. fruit trees and bushes planted in early spring or autumn before frost. Many gardeners prefer fall time, as a plant that survives the winter will be stronger. He is predicted to have a long life.

Mulberry loves the light

Mulberry loves the light

The key to success is the choice of location. The mulberry loves the light, but at the same time it needs protection from the wind. Sandy soil and wetlands are not suitable for her. The groundwater level should be located at a distance of 1.5 meters.

Mulberry trees can be either male or female.. Therefore, a plant with male flowers will not bear fruit. You can recognize this accessory for 4-5 years of his life. When buying seedlings, experienced gardeners recommend giving preference to three-year-old specimens.

Fall planting tips:

1Holes are prepared 2 weeks before planting. The average size should be 50 centimeters on each side and the same in depth. The roots in it should be free.
2A layer is laid on the bottom drainage. For it, you can use broken brick, crushed stone or river pebbles.
3The next layer should consist of 7 kilograms of humus or compost mixed with 100 grams superphosphate.
4Next, the hole is filled with garden soil.
5After the landing site is prepared and settled, you need to plant a mulberry seedling. The top layer needs to be compacted.
6Planting must be watered. For 1 bush you need 2 buckets of water. After soaking which, you need to lay a layer of mulch.

If the tree is weak, then support is needed. It is necessary to drive a stake into the ground next to the seedling and tie it to it.

If it is decided to plant a tree in the spring, then the planting process exactly repeats the above rules and recommendations. The difference is that the landing hole needs to be prepared in the fall, and after the snow has melted, plant a tree in it.

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Formative pruning

Formative pruning

The complex of measures for the care of mulberries includes:

  • watering
  • weeding weeds
  • soil loosening
  • mulching
  • pruning
  • top dressing
  • disease prevention and pests, in case of illness - treatment of a tree

Watering mulberry is carried out in dry years from spring to mid-summer. In rainy times, it does not require watering.

By the way, the frost resistance of a tree increases if it lacks moisture in the autumn.

After moisture has been absorbed into the soil, it is necessary to loosen the top layer. This will prevent crusting on the ground and cracking.

A layer of mulch will eliminate the need for loosening. It will also prevent the growth of weeds under the tree.

top dressing carried out in a similar manner. Fertilizers applied in the spring should contain nitrogen, and mixtures with nitrogen are preferred in summer. phosphate and potassium.

pruning a necessary measure when caring for a mulberry tree. It should be carried out during the rest of the plant, that is, in early spring or late autumn.

In the spring, before buds appear and foliage blooms, 2 types of pruning are carried out:

1crown forming

The third type - sanitary pruning, is carried out in the autumn. The time is suitable for her when the leaves fall and the air temperature drops below 0. But it should not be below -10 degrees.

weeping mulberry

weeping mulberry

Each variety is cut in different ways:

  • weeping - long branches and shoots are cut, the crown is thinned out
  • standard - a crown is formed. Usually a bare trunk is left, and the crown is given a spherical shape or a cascade of branches is left.

During sanitary pruning, you need to remove dry and broken branches. It can be carried out not every year, but as needed.

Another measure of care is preventive treatment.aimed at minimizing tree damage by pests and diseases. The tree itself and the near-stem circle are treated with fungicides and insecticides.

Suitable for processing beginning of April and end of October. That is, in the spring, while the buds have not yet blossomed, in the fall, when the plant has passed into a dormant state.

Urea can be used in spring. The solution is needed 7%. This tool will not only kill pests, but also serve as a top dressing for mulberry awakening from winter.

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Preparing for winter frosts

In mid-October, you need to start preparing the mulberry tree for winter.. Young, flexible shoots are tilted to the ground, and old branches are tilted to a horizontal position. Top covered with a canopy. This will protect the tree from snow and wind.

Young and low trees completely wrap. To do this, it is wrapped several times with covering material.

In regions with warm winters, mulberries do not need shelter.

In regions with warm winters, mulberries do not need shelter.

Roots also need to be taken care of.. Poison for rodents is necessarily placed near the trunk. Otherwise, they can cause serious harm to the mulberry tree. Lay insulation on top. To prevent it from shifting, you need to press it down, for example, with bricks.

In regions with severe winters, shelter is necessary to protect the plant. Residents of the southern regions, with mild, warm winters, do not need to carry out this procedure.

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Growing in the Moscow region

The climatic conditions of central Russia are not well suited for plants that love heat. Despite this, mulberry is able to survive frosts down to -30 degrees under snow.

At the same time, a temperature of -10 degrees in snowless years can be fatal for a tree. To save the plant during planting, you need to deepen the root neck into the soil.

Mulberry has adapted to the daylight near Moscow

Mulberry has adapted to the daylight near Moscow

A lover of light, mulberry has adapted to the light day near Moscow. This culture has the ability to form a cork layer between the mature and green parts of the shoot.

This feature allows you to drop some of the shoots in the fall, which provides a more comfortable wintering. Thus, do not be surprised if some of the shoots on your mulberry tree fall along with the leaves.

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Diseases and pests

The mulberry is in good health. She rarely gets sick and is affected by insects. But she is not immune from adversity.




1Powdery mildew can damage it. This disease is caused by a fungus. It appears on plants with a white bloom. A favorable environment for development is a dense crown, dry weather. You can get rid of it with the help of Bordeaux liquid, colloidal sulfur, fundazole.
2Another disease caused by fungi is brown leaf spot. It appears on the foliage with red spots with a border. It destroys the leaf plate from the inside. As a result, the leaves turn yellow, dry and fall off. From this disease, spraying mulberry with a one percent solution of silita will help. One tree needs 3 liters.
3Young leaves and shoots may be susceptible to bacteriosis. It appears as spots with uneven borders, they become black with the development of the disease. The leaves begin to curl, then fall off. The shoots are deformed, clots similar to gum are formed on them.

From bacteriosis use Phytoflavin or Gamair. These remedies do not always rid the plant of infection. Therefore, preventive treatment is recommended. It aims to prevent disease.

4 Insects carry a viral disease - small-leaved curl. Carriers can be aphids, thrips, mites. They can infect mulberries.

In a diseased tree or bush, the leaf plate between the veins wrinkles. They appear knotty granularity. Shoots become brittle. The bark acquires an unusual roughness.

The disease is incurable. Therefore, it is necessary to control insect vectors in order to protect garden plants. Damaged specimens will have to be removed: dug up and burned.

5 A fungus, a tinder fungus, can settle on a mulberry tree. Its spores penetrate the wood, destroying it.

Having found such a mushroom, it must be removed. It is carved along with the wood, then burned. The wound is washed with a 5% solution of copper sulfate. Coat with a mixture of mullein, clay and lime. The proportion is 2:1:1.

The tree needs to be inspected in its entirety. If it has mechanical damage. Then they also need to be washed and processed. You can use a mixture of nigrol with wood ash, a ratio of 7: 3.


white american butterfly

white american butterfly

1 The most dangerous insect pest for the mulberry tree is the white American butterfly. More precisely, its caterpillars bring harm. They have a green body with orange stripes and black warts.

They eat leaves. Can cause irreparable damage to the tree. Their nests must be cut and burned.

For prevention, the crown is treated with chlorophos. Special belts for catching caterpillars can be placed on the trunk.

2 Caterpillars of the mulberry moth feed on mulberry leaves. They appear during the formation of buds in the spring. The treatment of the mulberry tree with chlorophos will help.
3 Spider mites live on fruit trees. They feed on the juice of the leaves. By piercing the leaf plate, the mites suck the juice out of it. From such an impact, the foliage becomes brown in color, falls off.

These pests are not affected by insecticides. To combat them, you need to use acaricidal drugs. These include kleshchevit or actellikom.

The danger of ticks is doubled by the fact that they can carry incurable viral diseases.

4 No less dangerous is the Comstock worm. This sucking insect lives in the bark, foliage and branches. They feed on the sap of the tree.

The result will be a weakened plant with deformed branches. Wounds and tumors appear on the mulberry tree. Foliage loses color, falls off. You need to fight the worm with pesticides.

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The benefits and harms of mulberry

Mulberry contains a lot of useful substances

Mulberry contains a lot of useful substances

Mulberry contains many useful substances:

  • vitamins A, K, E, C
  • selenium
  • iron
  • manganese
  • zinc
  • copper
  • phosphorus
  • magnesium
  • calcium
  • potassium
  • sodium
  • riboflavin
  • folic acid
  • pantothenic acid
  • tocopherol
  • pyridoxine
  • choline

Adherents of traditional medicine actively use mulberries to treat various diseases:

1Ripe berries are used to treat constipation. They have relaxing properties.
2For the treatment of diarrhea, it is advised to use green fruits. They have an astringent effect.
3Unripe berries help get rid of heartburn.
4A sore throat is gargled with mulberry juice diluted with boiled water.
5ARI and bronchitis are treated with tincture of mulberry fruits and the bark of its tree.
6A decoction of the roots and bark is a good diuretic. The same decoction lowers blood pressure.
7A decoction of the leaves is used at elevated temperatures, as an antipyretic.
8Berries strengthen the cardiovascular system. People suffering from heart disease are recommended to consume 300 grams of berries every day for a month.
9A decoction of dried mulberries helps those who suffer from insomnia and disorders of the nervous system.
10Mulberry helps to recover from surgical operations. This is due to the rich content of potassium, magnesium and quercetin. These components are actively involved in the process of hematopoiesis in the human body.
11The bark, crushed into powder, mixed with vegetable oil, is used to treat bruises and wounds.
12In a few days, the juice of fresh berries relieves ringworm.

In addition to healing in traditional medicine, mulberries are added to preparations. For example, Fomidol is made on its basis. It is used to treat rheumatism and skin diseases.

There are no contraindications for the use of mulberry fruits. Side effects may occur in case of individual intolerance and the presence of an allergy to the components of this berry.

Green berries should be used with caution. They can cause gastrointestinal upset.

Mulberries do not mix well with other fruits and berries. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to use them together with other fruits. They cause fermentation in the intestines. It is recommended to eat a berry 2 hours before a meal, or 2 hours later.

Shamans claim that the mulberry tree is able to drive away evil spirits. He is endowed with strong magical qualities. Thus, she will not only be a storehouse of vitamins, but also the keeper of the house.

Mulberry planted on the site will provide tasty fruits for more than one generation. This fruitful tree is a long-liver. She will fit into site landscape, decorate it. After reviewing its care requirements, any novice amateur gardener will cope with growing.

Mulberry: description of 3 popular species, cultivation in the middle lane, reproduction and care, useful properties (50+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Features of growing mulberries

Mulberry: description of 3 popular species, cultivation in the middle lane, reproduction and care, useful properties (50+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

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