Sage is a medicinal plant used in ancient Egypt. Even today, this medicinal herb is actively used in medicine. But, in any case, we should not forget that sage, like any drug, in addition to its medicinal properties, has contraindications.

General information about the plant
Sage (or salvia) is perennial family of yasnotkovye. This is an extensive family and almost all species in it are similar to each other, like two drops of water; Moreover, many of them have medicinal properties.
Modern medicine, having studied the properties of various varieties of the plant, chose one of them with the maximum concentration of nutrients and included this variety in the list of "official" medicines.

Salvia officinalis
Subsequently, this variety became known as "Sage officinalis". It is he who is sold in pharmacies, it is he who is used in all recipes of traditional medicine.
On the other hand, he has more than a hundred "relatives" who have the same properties, but to a lesser extent; for example, meadow sage. They can also be used in traditional and official medicine recipes.
This should be done with caution, since the features of their use have not been studied well enough, or not studied at all. In addition, the use of the same meadow species requires approximately 2-3 times higher concentrations than the medicinal one.

meadow sage
From the point of view of botany, sage is a perennial shrub, 50 to 70 cm high, with a powerful branched rhizome. Sometimes large parts of the roots of a plant can have a length equal to the length of the stems of the plant.
From the stiffened rhizome, many stems extend in different directions. They have a characteristic, incomparable texture in the plant world - they are tetrahedral.
There are 20 to 30 leaves on each stem, sometimes extremely leafy specimens are found - up to 70 leaves per stem. This is important, because in sage, not only flowers, but also leaves have healing properties.
The flowers of most of these plants have an irregular shape and are collected in inflorescences in the form of brushes - whorls. Their color can be blue, purple, pink or white; sometimes there are shades of these colors. But, most often you can find purple sage.
Its fruits are small seeds, 4 pieces located in boxes remaining from the flowers. This semi-shrub is very unpretentious in cultivation, and its agricultural technology is extremely simple. Therefore, it can be grown in almost any area, without particularly caring about caring for it.
Rather, on the contrary, more often it is necessary to restrain its growth, since the plant is very aggressively conquering new territories for itself and surviving any competitors. There are few plants that can become a monoculture on the site and sage is one of them.

Medicinal properties

Flowering meadow sage
What is the secret of the medical properties of this perennial? Sage cells contain many chemically active substances that not only affect the body, but are also able to enhance each other's action. These are essential oils, and tannins, and saturated acids.
It also contains tannins and folic acid.
All of these substances give the flowers and leaves of sage the following properties:
- sage is a mild topical pain reliever
- it has an anti-inflammatory effect and can be used as an antipyretic
- decoctions of leaves and flowers are also used as a disinfectant for mucous membranes
- thanks to tannins, sage has an astringent effect
- various organic acids in the composition of this plant have expectorant and diuretic properties
- the minerals in it stimulate blood clotting, so sage can also be used as a local hemostatic
In addition, this plant is considered a tonic. It is used in the treatment of excessive sweating and in pain in the stomach. Since the plant contains folic acid, it is recommended for use during pregnancy and diabetes.
There are several lines of preparations made on the basis of medicinal raw materials from sage. These drugs are used to rinse the mouth with local inflammation of the upper respiratory tract and various colds. But, nothing prevents the use of an ordinary infusion of leaves and stems for these purposes.
The natural antibiotic contained in the pulp of the plant, called salvin, has proven itself well as a remedy against pathogens such as staphylococcus and streptococcus.The essential oils contained in salvia are also antibiotics, as they have high antibacterial activity.
It is believed that the essential oil of salvia in its ability to heal wounds is not much inferior to the legendary Vishnevsky ointment. This oil is also used to treat advanced peptic ulcers, burns up to 3rd degree, gingivitis and stomatitis.

Essential oil from sage officinalis
Also from salvia, through special processing, a special concentrate is obtained, which is used to treat our motor system, namely bones and joints. In small quantities, this concentrate is used to treat the peripheral nervous system.

Application in traditional medicine
In folk medicine, salvia has the widest application: it is used in almost all diseases - from banal edema to tuberculosis or atherosclerosis.

Traditional medicine also treats gynecological and urological diseases with salvia solutions.
Sage leaf tea is used for infections of internal organs, such as bronchitis and inflammation of the kidneys. For the treatment of the digestive system, the plant can be used both in pure form and mixed with other herbs. The diuretic and choleretic properties of salvia are used in the treatment of diseases of the kidneys and bladder.

Rose sage tea
The original way to treat bronchial asthma is to smoke a dried mixture of salvia and dope leaves (in a ratio of 3 to 1 by weight).
In some cases sage is used by pregnant and lactating women. The range of its application to this category of patients is quite wide: from long and complex procedures for the normalization of hormonal metabolism, to simple and urgent tasks.
For example, properly prepared sage tea (the so-called salvia tincture) can stop lactation literally within a day.
Sage is also interesting for men. In addition to a positive effect on male strength and potency, it provides the stronger sex with another aesthetic service - it helps with hair loss and baldness.
Infused for several days, a decoction of it is perfect for strengthening hair follicles, which significantly slows down their loss and, as a result, stops baldness. However, perfumers also took note of this, and about half of the shampoos for hair loss contain sage extract.

For the treatment of the respiratory system (and this is a large part of its use), sage is either brewed in the form of a tea or inhaled.
The infusion of the plant is used for almost all types of external and internal injuries, leading to purulent wounds, cracks and ulcers.
So, for example, with toothache or periostitis, and indeed, any gum disease, a mixture of two decoctions is used: sage and oak bark. In addition, sage is used to prevent various forms of candidiasis.


In the people there are many recipes for all occasions
There is no single remedy that is made from sage and is used to treat “everything at once”. The plant has many properties, and in order for one or another of its methods of influence to manifest itself, each disease needs its own recipe.
Consider ways to use sage for the treatment and prevention of certain diseases:
Local external treatment
In the case when it is necessary to treat some external problem areas, you can apply a decoction of sage herb. These can be wounds, abrasions, inflammation, hemorrhoids, etc.
- 250 ml of water and 2 tablespoons of sage herb are mixed in a small resealable container
- the container is placed in a water bath for 15 minutes
- cool the broth for 45 minutes
- pour the broth into a container, squeeze the remainder there and add boiled water to 250 ml
The decoction can be stored in the refrigerator for 24 hours. Heating before use is required. In addition to compresses and lotions, a similar composition is also used for gargling and mouthwash.
Local internal processing
Internal application requires slightly lower concentrations of active substancesso that they do not irritate more delicate surfaces and mucous membranes.
- A tablespoon of sage herb is poured into 250 ml of boiling water and infused under the lid for 30-45 minutes.
- The container can be additionally wrapped with any heat insulator.
- The infusion is also stored for no more than a day and heated before use.
- The infusion is used as maintenance therapy for diseases of the stomach, bronchitis, tracheitis.
- The dose for the diseases under consideration is from 10 to 60 ml 4 times a day before meals.
Prevention of various diseases with extract
The short shelf life of decoctions and infusions creates many problems if it is necessary to take long courses of taking the active substances contained in sage.
And sometimes there is an urgent need for this, for example, during the season of colds, it would be nice to take some preventive measures.

In such a situation, you can prepare an extract from sage based on ethyl alcohol.
It can be purchased at a pharmacy, or you can cook it yourself. If ethyl alcohol is not at hand, you can use ordinary vodka without dyes and flavors.
- three tablespoons of sage herb
- which are poured with 500 ml of vodka and mixed thoroughly
- then the container is closed with a lid and placed in a dark place for further infusion
- duration of infusion is about 2 weeks
- at the same time, daily mixing and shaking of the liquid is carried out
- the liquid is filtered, squeezed and placed in a cold place in a tightly closed container
- used as a prevention of colds 1 time per day for a teaspoon after meals
A similar extract is also recommended for the prevention of atherosclerosis in the same dosage. You can dissolve a teaspoon of the extract in a glass or mug of tea.

Sage extract
Various lozenges and throat lozenges are produced industrially from sage extract. It is not recommended to do this at home, since prolonged contact of the sage extract obtained in this way with mucous membranes can cause irritation or burns on them.
Essential oil
It is quite difficult to prepare it at home, since it requires a rather complex device for distillation and filtration.
However, this oil is quite widespread and can be purchased at pharmacies or cosmetic stores.

Essential is not suitable only for external use and its main function is cosmetic.
It helps to cope with local problems on the skin in the form of the consequences of acne, microcracks and edema. The oil is applied to damaged areas of the skin with cotton swabs.
It is also used in aromatherapy, since sage essential oil has the ability to relieve stress and tension.
The oil is quite concentrated, so it is enough to dilute 1-2 drops in half a teaspoon of water in a cup of an aroma lamp. This aromatherapy will additionally have a preventive character, since the oil is an antibacterial agent.
- 5-10 drops of essential oil are dissolved in 100 ml of water and tampons are impregnated with the resulting composition
- then tampons are applied to the affected areas with bruises and hematomas
- compresses can also be applied to painful joints
Application for menopause
Sage is rich in natural estrogens, which are female sex hormones.

Traditional medicine in some countries calls it "female grass"
Menopause is a difficult period in a woman's life. since the hormonal balance is disturbed and the functioning of all body systems is carried out in a stressful mode.
Therefore, the use of sage in menopause helps women significantly alleviate this difficult period.
To improve well-being during menopause, it is necessary to use an infusion of dried leaves of the plant.
To make this infusion:
you need to boil 500 ml of water
in which 1 tablespoon of crushed dried sage leaves is poured
the container is closed with a lid and infused for 30 minutes, then filtered
taken in a tablespoon 3 times a day before meals
the infusion is stored in the refrigerator, the shelf life is 3-5 days
it is not necessary to warm up before taking
Helps with menopause and the use of essential oils. In addition to the standard aromatherapy procedure, you can use sage essential oil while taking a bath.
- 10-15 drops of essential oil must be added to the typed bath
- after that, you just need to lie down in it for 10 minutes, relaxing and doing nothing
Since we are talking about baths, you can take sage baths 2-3 times a week with menopause.
- before taking a bath, boil a 3-5 liter pot of water
- it is necessary to fill it with half a pack of sage grass from a pharmacy, letting it boil for 2-3 minutes
- then let it brew for another 5-10 minutes and pour the entire contents of the pan into the bathroom
- it is recommended to stay in a sage bath for no more than 15 minutes - this time will be quite enough for relaxation and saturating the body with a sufficient amount of the hormone

An interesting option for the bath would be the use of "bombs" for baths containing extracts and essential oils of sage.
They are instant balls that contain a whole range of necessary substances inside. Often these "bombs" include dry grass and plant flowers. Sometimes they consist of extracts of several herbs.
As a reproductive stimulant
Modern research, having found natural analogues of tarragon in sage, confirmed this assumption. Therefore, doctors recommend products containing sage as a side therapy for infertility.

As early as the 16th century, doctors recommended sage as a natural aphrodisiac and a means to increase female fertility.
For these purposes, it is recommended to take sage at the beginning of the menstrual cycle, more precisely from its 5th day before the onset of ovulation. If menstruation is absent for a long time, then the reception should be started on any day, approximately corresponding to the 5th day of the cycle.
- 1 tablespoon of dried sage leaves is poured into 250 ml of water brought to a boil
- infused for 15 minutes
- after that, the infusion is filtered
- reception is carried out 3-4 times a day for half an hour before meals
- every day you need to make a new infusion
If you are taking hormonal drugs, then you can not take sage. In addition, since sage is not recommended for more than three months, the entire course of its intake should not exceed more than 3 menstrual cycles. The next course can be carried out no earlier than two months after the end of the previous one.
The use of sage for the treatment of infertility must be agreed with the attending physician! It is also important in the treatment of infertility to monitor the body's response to sage. In case of any deterioration or the appearance of an allergy, the drug should be stopped immediately.
Mouth rinse
Since sage is a good anti-inflammatory agent, its decoction is recommended by doctors for rinsing the mouth in case of various kinds of infections there. The complex effect of the decoction reduces pain at the site of inflammation, relieves swelling and prevents the development of the inflammatory process.

Indications for the use of sage decoction include stomatitis, gum disease and gumboils. In addition, sage is indicated after tooth extraction
Sage is also effective in various diseases of the upper respiratory tract: tonsillitis, pharyngitis and tonsillitis.
gargles are performed up to 6 times a day
the temperature of the broth should be between + 35 ° C to + 38 ° C
If you start rinsing at the very beginning of the disease, this will reduce pain throughout its entire length and will contribute to a speedy recovery.
For inhalation, a tablespoon of dry herbs or sage flowers is taken and 500 ml of boiling water is poured. After that, the resulting mixture is boiled for another five minutes, and then the same amount is settled under the lid.

Indications for the use of inhalations are infectious diseases of the throat or bronchi
- indoors (most often in the kitchen), water is boiled in a medium-sized container
- after that, 5-6 tablespoons of dry sage are poured into it and left to boil with the lid open
- several people who need inhalation are invited to the room at once, who are in it for 10-20 minutes
- thus, their respiratory tract is exposed to sage vapor at almost room temperature
- an increased duration of such an inhalation procedure is necessary to ensure a therapeutic effect
The disadvantage of this technique is the increased humidity in the closed room at the end of the procedure, but you can get rid of it by simple ventilation.
As a skin care product

Sage is widely used as a skin care product and a remedy for skin diseases.
These include:
- burns and frostbite
- psoriasis, eczema
- purulent and non-healing wounds
- acne effects
- eczema
Decoctions and infusions of sage reduce inflammation and eliminate unpleasant burning and itching. They clean the pores of the skin and stimulate the processes of its regeneration.
Sage is one of the few plants that is recommended for facial skin care. On its basis, many different medical and cosmetic products are made to care for sick and problem skin.

Sage-based cleansing cream
Many skincare treatments can use sage-based products, both store-bought and homemade.
A mask for dry skin can be made as follows:
mix a tablespoon of oatmeal or finely chopped cereal with a tablespoon of yogurt or sour cream
2-3 drops of sage essential oil are added to the resulting mixture, then the resulting mask is applied to the skin of the face
After 10-15 minutes, the mask is removed and the face is washed with warm water.
To care for oily skin, a tonic consisting of sage leaves and flowers is recommended:
a tablespoon of leaves is poured into 100 ml of boiling water
as soon as the broth has cooled, 100 ml of apple cider vinegar is added to it
With the resulting mixture, the face is wiped twice a day - in the morning and in the evening.
You can fight acne in the way described earlier - by applying essential oil to problem skin areas with cotton swabs or sticks.
Application for hair
Salvia decoctions and infusions can also be used to care for hair and scalp, but their concentration will be somewhat different than when treating wounds and inflammations.
Salvia-based products stimulate hair strengthening, relieve inflammation of the scalp, reduce oiliness of both skin and hair, and also lead to a decrease in dandruff.

Usually decoctions of the plant are used to rinse the hair after shampooing.
When creating such decoctions and infusions, you can use both fresh and dried leaves or flowers. To do this, a glass of unground leaves is poured with 1-2 liters of water brought to a boil and infused for an hour. After that, it is filtered and the broth is ready for rinsing.
Rinsing is performed as standard:
washed hair and scalp are doused with decoction several times
then wrapped in a towel and kept under it for 5-10 minutes
then you need to be sure to wash the remnants of the decoction from the hair
salvia has the ability to stain clothes, so you need to wash your hair thoroughly
Essential oil is used to stimulate hair growth and strengthen them. The mixture for the hair roots is done as follows:
3 to 5 drops of essential oil are added to 10 ml of olive oil
then this mixture is applied to the hair roots


Sage has a wide range of uses, but it can have not only positive, but also negative sides.
The active substances contained in it can cause irritation or more serious reactions of the body, especially those prone to allergies.
- If the reaction of the body to the drugs contained in sage is unknown.Since many of them are allergens, its use should be accompanied by a skin test, and even in the case of a negative result for allergies, the use of sage should be started with small doses.
- For women during pregnancy and lactation. Tarragon, found in sage, is a female sex hormone and can cause convulsions in pregnant women and cessation of lactation in lactating women.
- For people with an increased metabolism and a tendency to get addicted to drugs. Many substances included in sage are highly addictive, that is, they are addictive. Therefore, in no case should such people exceed dosages or apply procedures associated with the use of sage for more than 2-3 months.
- Children up to 12 years old. For this age category, it is recommended to use decoctions of the plant only externally and only in the absence of allergic reactions.
- It is forbidden to use any salvia preparations for epilepsy and a number of other neurological diseases.
- It is forbidden to use salvia with severe coughing attacks and exacerbations with inflammation of the kidneys.
Sage: a description of its medicinal properties and possible contraindications for women and men, herbal infusions and other useful information about a natural healer
The article is very informative. The disadvantage is the lack of a list of vitamins and their concentrations in the plant. In the last photo, the girl holds her hand in a mannered way to her face - it gives off provincialism and the 50s of the last century. Inhalations according to modern concepts are a 100% useless procedure