In private households, in the absence of a centralized sewage system, it is better to equip not an ordinary cesspool, but to make a septic tank for a house with soil after-treatment with your own hands. However, when building it, you should be extremely careful. Any violation of sanitary norms and rules can turn into a serious problem.

Principle of operation

Do-it-yourself septic tank for a house without pumping out with a filter well
A septic tank is a sewage septic tank, consisting of 2-3 tanks. In the first of them, large particles accumulate and precipitate - food debris, feces, earth, sand, etc. Fats in the form of a film and non-settling particles also remain here.
Partially settled liquid with impurities of small particles through a communicating pipe enters the second tank, where purification occurs with the participation of anaerobic bacteria.
They are able to decompose any organic matter: waste from the vital activity of the human body, food residues, detergents, etc. In the process of acidic and methane fermentation, they decompose to hydrogen, carbon and methane.

Scheme of a 3-chamber septic tank with a drainage field
Discharge of treated water into ditches or reservoirs is strictly prohibited. They are taken only to the ground.
- filtration wells: containers similar in design to settling tanks, but covered with gravel, with holes in the lower part;
- filter fields: several horizontally running trenches covered with sand and gravel.


Wastewater treatment plant made of concrete rings
According to the filtration methods, all sewer tanks for private houses can be divided into:
To avoid deformation, septic tanks should be made of high-strength concrete or concrete rings. It is also possible to build containers for collecting and cleaning waste from bricks, provided that they are reliably waterproofed.
When using plastic tanks, they are installed in reinforced concrete boxes. You can also buy special containers equipped with stiffeners.

Eurocube septic tank with stiffeners
If an ordinary cesspool is a waste collector that has to be periodically removed, then it will be less common to pump out septic tanks with soil aftertreatment. Ideally, this can happen once every 10-20 years.
In practice, when building a septic tank of sufficient volume, it is cleaned every 3-5 years. Deep cleaning stations do not require this - all waste in them completely decomposes.

Calculation of the volume of a septic tank
According to SNiP, if there is a water supply, sewerage, bath or shower in the house, about 200 liters of water are required per person per day. Accordingly, for a family of 4 people per day, it will merge 800 liters or 0.8 cubic meters. m.
With a daily shower, installed dishwasher and washing machine, a maximum of 150 liters of water is consumed. For four people, respectively, this figure will be 0.6 cubic meters. m.

The required volume of a septic tank depends on the number of residents in the house.
The volume of receiving tanks should be 3 times the daily volume of wastewater. But it is better to use tanks with a small margin. That is, for a family of 4 people, build a septic tank with a volume of 3.0-4.0 cubic meters. m.

Selecting a location for installation
It is strictly forbidden to build a septic tank for a house and a summer residence near housing and reservoirs with your own hands. According to SNiP, you have the right to install it 1 m from outbuildings and 5-7 m from residential buildings.
From drinking wells retreat at least 50 m. If there is an open reservoir near the land, then the distance to it should be 15 m. A septic tank should not be installed near neighboring fences - 2 m should be retreated from them.
How to drill a well for water with your own hands? Description, arrangement (Photo & Video)

When arranging a septic tank, it is necessary to strictly adhere to sanitary standards
Do not forget that, although less often than a regular pit, the septic tank will still have to be pumped out periodically. Therefore, it is necessary for him to choose a place that is most convenient for the access of a sewage truck.

Installation step by step
Let us describe in detail the process of manufacturing a septic tank for a house from concrete rings. The number of chamber sections does not matter much - only the volume of the septic tank and the correct location of the drains are important.
Pit preparation
Each tank will require a separate pit.
They can be arranged in one line or arranged in the form of a triangle:
Pipeline laying

Tanks must be equipped with a sanitary tee
Installation of concrete rings

Filter well rings

Scheme for the manufacture of a septic tank for a private house with the obligatory arrangement of ventilation

Calculation of the volume of the filtration well

Septic tank with filtration well
Such facilities are allowed to be used with a volume of wastewater up to 1 cubic meter. m per day. The depth of the filtration well is calculated so that its bottom is 1 m above groundwater.
The size of such a container is calculated based on the average daily amount of effluents. For sandy soil per 1 sq. m should account for 80 l / day. For slurries, this number is reduced to 40 l/day.
The bottom of the filtration wells at 1.2 m is covered with crushed stone or gravel. At the same time, stones of the largest fractions are laid below, and small stones are laid on top in a small layer. In this case, when silting, this layer can be easily removed, and the lower part of the well can simply be washed with water.
The hole for the pipe connecting the septic tank to the filtration well must be located at least 15 cm from the backfill level. To provide access to the well cover, a hatch with a diameter of 70 cm is equipped. To protect against freezing, it must have two covers, which are laid with heat-insulating material.
An exhaust pipe is led into the overlap of the well, which should rise 30 cm above the ground. Its diameter is from 10 cm. After installing the concrete rings, the space between them and the ground must be covered with crushed stone and gravel.

drainage field
The main disadvantages of such structures include the presence of free space on the site for laying drainage pipes and a long level of purification - for full-fledged filtration, such a field must have a significant length.
Therefore, it makes sense to build drainage fields in those cases when, with a high rise in groundwater (up to 2.5 m), the arrangement of deep-seated filtration wells becomes impossible.

drainage field
The size of the drainage field and the number of trenches to be laid depends on the volume of the septic tank. Up to 30 liters of purified water should fall per 1 meter of pipes laid per day. For sandy soils that can absorb less liquid, this parameter is reduced to 15 liters. For loams, it will be even smaller - the length of the pipes will have to be increased.
The diameter of the perforated pipes is 11 cm. In order for the liquid to be evenly distributed over the site, the distance between the pipes must be 1.5 m. Their length must be maintained no more than 20 m. Each of them is equipped with a ventilation riser, which must rise above the ground by 0, 5 m
In order for the liquid to flow freely into the ground, the pipes are laid with a slope of 2 cm per linear meter. The average depth of the trench is 2 m. It must be borne in mind that its bottom should be at a distance of 1 m from the groundwater level. When laying pipes at a shallow depth, they will need additional insulation.
At the bottom of the prepared pit, a layer of soil 10 cm high with good filtering ability is first poured. On clay soils, its height should be increased to 70 cm.
Next comes a 35-40 cm layer of crushed stone, into which perforated pipes are laid. Another 10 cm layer of crushed stone is poured on top, geotextiles and a 30 cm layer of soil are laid.

Septic tank from monolithic concrete
When constructing septic tanks for a reinforced concrete house, there is no need to involve special equipment - all work can be done manually. Such containers can have a different volume - you no longer have to focus on the size of concrete rings.
However, the construction of such a septic tank will be more laborious:

Operating recommendations

3 chamber system
With proper installation, maintenance of a septic tank is minimized:
- for the smooth functioning of the system, make sure that oil products, solvents, household poisons, alkalis, alcohol and other aggressive chemicals that can kill anaerobic bacteria do not get into it; clogging of the septic tank is also facilitated by the entry into the sewer of construction debris and inorganic residues that are not decomposable
- with proper operation, thick sediment will have to be pumped out infrequently - once every 2-3 years; it is necessary to call vacuum trucks if it rises closer to the surface by 20 cm
- it is not necessary to pump out the septic tank completely, leaving 10-20% so that anaerobic bacteria, that is, “sourdough”, remain at its bottom
- to sustain life bacteria a constant presence of organic matter is required, therefore, in garden plots that are not used for permanent residence, it is better to equip not a septic tank, but an ordinary cesspool
VIDEO: The simplest and most effective septic tank (explanation and diagram).
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VIDEO: Septic tank drainage field. Secrets of Longevity
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