When growing Schlumbergera at home, it is necessary to create conditions for the plant so that they are as close as possible to their natural habitat. This is the only way to achieve lush flowering of zygocactus.

Botanical description
Schlumbergera (Schlumbergera) belongs to the genus of epiphytic representatives cactus, which bloom in December-January. For our latitudes, the flowering period seems unusual, so the people called the Schlumberger "Decembrist", "Christmas cactus".

Flowering Schlumbergera
A beautifully flowering perennial plant, sometimes confused with ripsalidopsis - An Easter cactus, since flowering occurs in April. These flowers are very different. The leaf segments of the Schlumbergera have sharp teeth, the flowers are asymmetrical, slightly beveled. While in ripsalidopsis, the leaf blades have rounded edges, and the flowers bloom in the form of stars.
The lush bush of Schlumbergera consists of many branched stems.. Toothed segments reach a length of 5 cm and a width of 2.5 cm. Toward the end of autumn or early winter, numerous buds appear at the ends of the segments, which bloom closer to the Christmas holidays. Depending on the type, the flowers can be painted in pink, crimson, white, orange and red.

Hybrid variety Schlumbergera
Under good conditions, the flowering of zygocactus can last up to one month. Since the stems of the plant are quite sprawling, it is preferable to grow it in hanging flower pots or in stemmed flower pots.

Origin of the plant and distribution area
It may seem strange to many that the Schlumbergera came to us from the tropics. Can cacti live in hot and humid forests? Yes they can. And the rainy tropics did not become a hindrance to them. The fact is that cacti settle at an altitude of 600-1500 m above sea level. They are compact bushes, cute looking out of cracks in the bark or from under huge vines. Cacti grow into the trunk of the vine and feed on decaying organic matter.

A beautiful plant, the flowering of which is not subject to any laws of nature, came to us from tropical forests located in the southeast of Brazil.
When the segments break off, roots grow on them very quickly and new plants quickly attach to the support and continue to live and develop. Since cacti are located high above the ground, frequent tropical rains only moisten them and the drops flow down. Therefore, Schlumbergers live in conditions of prolonged dryness.

Schlumbergera blooms with completely unusual, red-orange flowers with bright stamens that stand out beautifully above the oblong petals
Under natural growing conditions, flowering plants occur in late spring or early summer. And here Schlumbergera blooms in winter, since our winter corresponds in time to the Brazilian summer. The plant has an excellent genetic memory, so it is not affected by changes in geographical latitudes. As laid down by genetics, so the plant begins to bloom.

plant species
Schlumbergera got its name in honor of Frederick Schlumberger, who collected cacti. A little later, the flower received another name - zygocactus, which in Greek meant "rocker". The fact is that during vegetative growth, the segments are stratified only into 2 parts, this feature of the plant caused people to associate with a rocker.
Schlumbergera truncated

Schlumbergera truncated: the snow-white flowers of the plant with a bright crimson center of irregular shape delight the eye
perennial plant belonging to succulents. It reaches a height of 50 cm. The stems of the plant are drooping, light green, can reach a length of 30 cm. Schlumbergera stems consist of leaf-shaped segments, well curved, with a clearly visible serrated edge with sharp teeth. The segment is 2.5 cm wide and 5 cm long. Areolas with bristles are visible at the apex of the segment. They are located between the teeth.
Flowers appear at the top of the segments. One flower blooms on one segment, in rare cases 2-3 bilaterally symmetrical flowers can be seen. The flower tube takes on a slightly curved shape. The stamens are clearly visible, as they "fall out" and go beyond the wide open outer petals of the corolla.
During flowering, the truncated Schlumbergera is covered with caps of white, pale pink, pale lilac, purple flowers. After flowering, a fruit is formed in the form of a red berry, up to 1 cm long.
Schlumbergera booklets

Buckleys (Schlumbergera bucklei)
Medium-sized epiphytic plant, reaching a height of 40-45 cm. Flat, dark green, shiny stems of the plant branch well. The fleshy stems consist of many flat segments, the edges of which are weakly pronounced and are characterized by slight pubescence. Areoles do not contain spines.
The flower includes numerous pointed oblong petals and a long yellow tube. Flower diameter - up to 8 cm. Depending on the variety, flowers can be painted in all colors of the rainbow and differ in flowering time. There are even yellow varieties of Schlumbergera bouclei.
schlumbergera rousseliana

Here is such an unusual Schlumbergera Russeliana in bloom (Russelliana)
An epiphytic, low-growing plant, reaching a height of 30 cm. Falling shoots have flat segments covered with a glossy sheen.
It is recommended to grow in a hanging planter, as the length of the stems under good growing conditions can reach 1 m. The stems are fleshy, the edges of the shoots are scalloped, there are no thorns in the areoles. The length of one segment varies between 3-3.5 cm, the width is about 2 cm.
A well-marked central vein runs throughout the leaf. Under natural growing conditions in early spring, Schlumbergera blooms with red, carmine, pink, purple flowers. Flower petals are oblong, pointed, numerous. A greenish tube emerges from the center.
Schlumberger Gaertner

Gaertner (Schlumbergera gaertneri)
Unlike other representatives of the genus, Gertner is a large plant with red-orange flowers. Flower petals are strongly pointed, leaf segments are 6 cm long.
A distinctive feature of Gertner's Schlumbergera are huge flowers with pronounced pointed petals and rounded segments.

How to care
In order for the plant to willingly grow and delight in flowering in December, right at Christmas, you will need to know the conditions in which it grows in its natural habitat and try to create the same conditions in your apartment.
It is clear that cacti need bright light. However, for Schlumbergera, such a solution to the issue of lighting will be disastrous. In their natural habitat, forest beauties bloom in light shading, so at home it is advisable to provide the plant with a western or northern window sill. If the windows of the apartment face south or east, in this case, light shading will be required during the daytime.

Zygocactus Decembrist
Many arrange lighting to ensure the winter flowering of the Decembrist. You should not waste time and money on organizing additional lighting, it is useless for zygocactus. The fact is that flower buds are laid long before flowering. In our case, this time falls on the summer period.
Therefore, the Decembrists easily bloom in conditions of short daylight hours. For flowering, the plant needs to go through a cycle of reducing natural light and reducing solar activity. To these indicators, it is also necessary to add a decrease in the temperature in the room, a reduction in watering, but within reasonable limits, without prolonged overdrying of the earthen coma.
The soil
Tropical representatives are very sensitive to air humidity and do not tolerate stagnant water in the soil. For good growth and development, the plant needs loose soil, in which air exchange is easily carried out.
In their natural habitat, epiphytic plants live in the crevices of trees and among stones, so they do not need constant soil moisture.. They feed on decaying mosses and tree bark, therefore, when compiling soil for Schlumbergera, this feature should be taken into account and soil should be made with a pH of 5.5.

Thanks to breeding work, terry varieties of Schlumbergera were bred, which fascinate with the size of flowers and their color (Schlumbergera Aspen)
If there is no confidence in the purchased soil, you can make your own. To do this, you need to take 1 part of soddy land, 1 part of sand and 1 part of high-moor sour peat. Vermiculite can act as an alternative to sand. In addition, chopped moss should be added to the soil.
Plants growing in partial shade do not need frequent watering, only as the earthen coma dries up. The plant will not do well in excessively dry soil. Excessive waterlogging also has a negative effect. Therefore, Schlumbergera prefers the golden mean.

Schlumbergera truncated (Shlumbergera truncata)
It is desirable that the flower pot stand on the eastern windowsill. It is necessary to water with settled water at room temperature. when watering with cold water, rotting of the root system may occur. In addition, there are too many impurities in tap water that adversely affect the development of plants.
Other approaches can be used to increase humidity. For example, near a flower pot, you can put an additional container of water, install a decorative fountain, or put a tray with moistened expanded clay.
Content temperature
There is no critical temperature threshold for Schlumbergera. In other words, the plant is not demanding on the temperature in the room. However, it is recommended to stick to +22-25 °C in summer, and in winter it is desirable to reduce this figure to +16 °C. Thus, it is possible to extend the flowering period, since the flower quickly fades in a hot room.
In the active period of vegetative growth, when the plant is rapidly increasing its green mass, the flower pot must be taken out to fresh air.to get air baths. At this time, it is not recommended to expose the delicate foliage of the Schlumbergera to the scorching rays of the sun, since the possibility of getting burns is not ruled out, it is better to find a secluded corner in partial shade for it.

Lowering the temperature of the content will help prolong flowering.
On summer days, it is advisable to wash the plant, giving it a refreshing shower.. You need to take a pot with zygocactus, wrap the earth with polyethylene, put it in a bath and wash the plant in the shower. Water should be summer. Thus, all the accumulated dust will be washed off and the plant will develop better.
Fertilization for better growth and flowering
The vegetative period of the zygocactus begins in spring, in March. Starting from this moment and until the cessation of vegetative growth, the plant needs monthly top dressing.

soil fertilization
Experienced flower growers recommend feeding with complex mineral fertilizers, which include all the necessary substances and trace elements, but they need to be diluted in half the concentration than indicated in the instructions.
Starting from May, additional top dressing with the same mineral fertilizers is included.. With the advent of autumn, they are again transferred to a one-time top dressing.
Young specimens are transplanted annually, or rather, transferred to a new pot. The selected container should only be a couple of centimeters wider and higher than the previous one. Adult specimens are transplanted 1 time in 2-3-4 years. The whole procedure is performed after the plant has faded.

Schlumbergera transplant
Schlumbergera flowering is observed only after the root system completely entwines all the space provided to it. Therefore, if a small plant is given a large area for growth, flowering can not be expected until the roots fill the entire earthen ball.

Reproduction methods
At home, 2 methods of reproduction are used. This is grafting and propagation using leaf segments. The seed method is used mainly by breeders to obtain new varieties and hybrids. Flower growers in rare cases practice this rather complicated and labor-intensive method.
Reproduction by leaf segments
Schlumbergera cuttings take root well after flowering.. When the plant fades, you need to pluck or cut off the stem, on which there are 2-3 segments. The cut should be sprinkled with activated charcoal and left at room temperature to dry.

Rooting cuttings
For rooting, you need to pour a nutrient mixture into the pot, deepen the cutting by 1-1.5 cm. After that, slightly wet the soil and cover the cup with the handle with another container.
From time to time it is recommended to ventilate the plantingsto remove the condensate that has appeared and not allow the plant to "suffocate" from lack of air.
Not so complicated, quite an interesting way of reproduction. As a scion, prickly pear or pereskia or prickly pear is used.
The whole procedure is carried out in the summer, this time is considered more suitable, since in the summer there is a better survival rate of the scion with a stock.

plant grafting
A healthy specimen of perescia is selected for vaccination.. All green mass must be completely removed. On the pereskia, it is important to leave only one main stem, approximately 2-3 cm from the soil, split it in two.
As a scion, the stem of a Schlumbergera plant with 2 segments is chosen.. The bottom of the cut must be made obliquely and the scion must be combined with the rootstock, that is, the Schlumbergera leaf segment must be inserted into the split made on the perescia stem.
It is necessary to create a favorable temperature for better grafting. The optimum temperature is considered to be + 18-20 ° C. Under good conditions, fusion occurs within 2 weeks. You can understand that the whole process has been successfully completed by the fact that the scion will start to grow.
Now the bandage should be removed. With regular inspection, it is important to remove shoots that will appear below the scion.
Why is this method good? The grafted Schlumbergera is characterized by abundant and lush flowering. Such a plant can be grown as a standard tree. Over time, a beautiful hat of green foliage forms on the plant.

crown formation
To form a beautiful crown on the plant, it is recommended to carry out a formative pruning after flowering. During formation, segments cannot be cut, it is better to pluck them, since the cut can lead to rapid decay of the leaf segments.

Well-groomed and properly formed zygocactus
Formation allows the plant to grow a large green mass, the bush will look lush and sprawling.
Crown formation and pruning of zygocactus
Schlumbergera is an epiphytic plant whose flowering contradicts all the canons of nature. Features of growing a Decembrist at home (65+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Subtleties: how to achieve lush flowering
In order to truly enjoy the fabulous flowering of the Decembrist, you need to know its natural features and, if possible, bring the content at home as close as possible to the natural habitat.

Lush flowering depends on proper care during the periods of the Schlumbergera development cycle
For a plant, care will depend on the phase that it goes through in a certain period of time:
- March to September - growing season
- September to early November rest time
- second decade of November - January - flowering period
- from February to March - another dormant period
- In March, the Decembrist begins a period of active growth. At this time, there is an increase in green mass, the plant responds well to fertilization. As fertilizers, you need to choose complex top dressings with a minimum nitrogen content, since excessive application of nitrogen-containing fertilizers can lead to decay of the root system.
- During growth in the warm season, you can take out the pot with the plant on terrace or a balcony to give the flower a lot of pleasure. You can not put the pot in the open sun, as the Schlumbergera will get foliage burns.It should be noted that in the open air, the earthy ball will dry out faster, so more frequent watering will be required, but without excessive waterlogging.
- The first decade of September is characterized for the plant by the beginning of the laying of flower buds.. This process cannot be seen, but you should be aware of it. The dormant period is an important time period for Schlumbergera and responsible for the grower. If you do not take into account the characteristics of the plant, you can not wait for flowering.
- Starting in September, watering is minimized., but do not allow the earthen coma to dry out completely. The room temperature should also be lowered. If possible, it is recommended to move the flower pot to a cool room, since it is unlikely that it will be possible to lower the temperature in an ordinary apartment.
- An unheated loggia will serve as the optimal place for keeping Schlumbergera for laying flower buds.
- During this time, the temperature can drop to +3 °C.. It will not be critical for the plant, on the contrary, it will stimulate the laying of the kidneys.
- During dormancy, you should rarely water the plant. Such a shake will turn into a lush and abundant flowering.
- In mid-November, the plant is brought into the room, accustomed to a constant temperature.. Soon it will gratefully respond to the care of the owner and will be covered with buds.
- At this time, fertilizing with fertilizers containing potassium and phosphorus is needed. It is recommended to feed once with calcium nitrate.
- During this time period, it is recommended to carry out shaping pruning.to provide the plant with further growth of new green mass, which will contribute to the laying of buds and abundant flowering.

Possible difficulties or how to avoid mistakes?
When growing Schlumbergera, many flower growers face some problems.

Schlumbergera Orchidaceae
Consider the most common care mistakes that can lead to rotting of the root system, to weakening and withering of leaf segments and to their redness:
- The segments acquire an unpleasant reddish tint. There is nothing wrong with the fact that the leaves turned red - no. This means that you have kept the plants at an uncomfortable temperature for a long time. The acquisition of a reddish tint by leaf segments indicates hypothermia, and this is its protective reaction. After the plant stands in a warm room, the leaves will turn green again.
- What causes wrinkled and sluggish leaves? This problem depends on 5 mistakes that flower growers make. Wrinkling and lethargy of foliage can be affected by: watering with cold water, prolonged drying of an earthen clod, excessive bathing in the sun, a prolonged decrease in temperature, fertilization in high concentrations. If the lethargy was affected by waterlogging, it is likely that the root system begins to rot. It is necessary to immediately remove the plant from the pot, dry the lump and transplant into new soil. If root decay has begun, it is necessary to reanimate the Schlumberger - cutting and propagating.
- How to prevent bud drop? The plant does not like the change of location. To avoid stressful situations, as a result of which the buds fall off, it is not recommended to often rearrange the flower pot to a new place.
- No flowering. This problem can be associated with many factors: lack of sufficient natural light or, conversely, excessive, improper watering, lack of a dormant period and keeping in a cool room. The plant can grow in the wrong size pot or in poorly nutritious soil.
- What is the reason for the fact when the plant loses foliage? If leaf fall has begun, it means that a spider mite has settled on the plant.The appearance of the pest is facilitated by increased dryness of the air, lack of hygiene procedures, rare watering with prolonged drying of the earthen clod, and the lack of regular top dressing. To correct the situation, it is necessary to treat the plant from the spider mite and then follow the agricultural practices for caring for the Schlumbergera.
To avoid mistakes in care, you should know that the plant does not tolerate drafts. During fertilization, Schlumbergera responds well to complex fertilizers, but they need to be applied only at half concentration, otherwise it will lead to yellowing, wilting and falling off of foliage, and poor flowering with pale flowers.

Diseases and pests
Of all diseases, Schlumbergers are more susceptible to bacterial and fungal diseases. It is possible that with improper care, pests will not appear on the plants.

Knowing the mistakes that can be made when caring for the Decembrist, you can avoid them and grow a beautiful flowering plant
Fusarium. A fungal disease that occurs when the fungus enters when the stem segments are damaged. Effective means in the fight against fusarium are broad-spectrum fungicides. They contain components that fight the fungus.
Phytophthora. Oddly enough, Schlumbergera is also susceptible to the disease of nightshade crops. Infection occurs through the soil when the soil is not disinfected during transplantation. In the event of a disease, the root neck is first damaged. The disease progresses and as a result there is a massive loss of leaf segments, the plant begins to wither when in moist soil. It is recommended to process with Fast, Maxim, Topaz.
Spider mite. The most common pest that plagues the Schlumberger. In the fight against arachnids, Actellik, Neoron, Tanrek, Aktara can be used.
Mealybug. The presence of a pest is evidenced by white lumps, similar to cotton wool, which can be found among the shoots. Aktara is an effective tool in pest control.
Zygocactus. Decembrist flowering conditions
Schlumbergera is an epiphytic plant whose flowering contradicts all the canons of nature. Features of growing a Decembrist at home (65+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews
At the very beginning of the article, this is written - “A beautifully flowering perennial plant is sometimes confused with ripsalidopsis”
Well, further in the article there is confusion ... several times, instead of Schlumberger, a description and photo of ripsalidopsis are given (now it is more correct to call them hatiors). And at the beginning of the article, the photo is not Schlumberger, but Hatiora Gertner (Hatiora gaertneri). And then more mistakes. And it’s completely nonsense when describing the vaccination ... the scion is confused with the stock ... and the photo is corresponding.