Japanese camellia at home - a winter flower from Asia: description, varieties, cultivation and care, reproduction (100+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Japanese camellia

Japanese camellia

Camellia japonica is a plant of the Tea family. Its homeland is Southeast Asia. In this region, it is widely distributed and has long been used as one of the most beautiful ornamental plants. This tall shrub is distinguished by a long flowering period and a large number of beautiful large flowers. Growing Japanese camellia at home is an extremely difficult task. The plant is quite demanding on the conditions of detention and the quality of care.

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Camellia owes its name to the naturalist Joseph Kameliuswho first introduced Europeans to this culture. At home, camellia can reach gigantic sizes. Trees with a height of 5-6 m are considered the norm in Japan. In addition, in the city of Hagi, where camellia festivals are held annually, there is a whole grove of Japanese camellia trees, about 15 m high.

Japanese camellia in natural habitat

Japanese camellia in natural habitat

However, obtaining similar sizes in our growing conditions seems unlikely; usually, trees or bushes growing with us reach no more than 1.5 m in height.

Grove of camellias

Grove of camellias

Camellia is an evergreen plant with a dense deciduous mass. Traditionally, the dark green shade of the leaves, often glossy, predominates. The size of the leaves is mainly 6-8 cm; most often the leaves are oval in shape, but there are also elongated leaves up to 11 cm in length.

The plant branches profusely and usually the most extreme of the branches act as flower stalks. Buds are formed in the axils of the leaves.

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plant care

Japanese camellia makes serious demands on the conditions of detention. It is difficult to single out one of the factors that affect the normal well-being of a plant, since it is important to observe almost all of them: lighting, temperature, and watering.

Camellia japonica Mary Williams

Variety Mary Williams

Providing the right conditions for keeping camellias is not easy., since maintaining some of them at the same time at home is relatively problematic. However, in case of their correct observance, it is possible to achieve not only the flowering of the camellia, but also its fruiting. Consider the conditions of the plant and how to care for it in more detail.

Habitat and lighting

The conditions of the winter garden are best suited for the plant, in which the necessary lighting standards are observed. In addition, camellias require a lower temperature in winter.

Daylight hours for camellia should be at least 12-14 hours. This implies additional lighting in the winter with the help of special tools. As such, you can use phytolamps or fluorescent lamps.

use of phytolamps for flowers

Phytolamp for flowers

Camellia requires at least 3000 lux of illumination at home. This means that for each plant in the absence of sunlight, at least 2 fluorescent lamps with a power of 30 W or more are needed.

Insufficient lighting can lead to the fact that the plant not only does not bloom, but also begins to shed its leaves.

There is also one important fact to keep in mind: as soon as the plant begins to form buds in the axils of the leaves, under no circumstances should it be moved or the position of the light sources changed. In the best case, the budding process will stop, with more severe consequences, the plant may die altogether.

Camellia decorating the summer terrace

A plant that decorates the summer terrace

At the same time, in other periods (for example, in summer, or in winter, when the flowers are already formed), the plant can be moved from place to place without any problems. In particular, in the summer, it is recommended to transfer camellia to a balcony or garden - such events will not have any negative consequences for the plant.

It should be remembered that the foliage of the plant does not tolerate direct sunlight. It is best to install the plant in partial shade, even artificially created.

Soil and containers

The soil mixture can be poor or rich; for a plant, this does not play a significant role. The main thing is that the soil should be loose and acidic.

soil and flower pot

The main requirements for the soil are its acidity and softness.

If possible, it is necessary for the camellia to select the soil that best suits its natural habitat; its composition will be something like this:

  • leaf ground - 2 parts
  • coniferous land - 2 parts
  • peat bog - 2 parts
  • perlite - 2 parts
  • sand - part 2

If these components are not at hand, the soil can be made like this:

  • leaf ground - 2 parts
  • sod land - 1 part
  • peat - 2 parts
  • sand - 1 part

Thermal treatment of soil for the prevention of fungal diseases is not required, since camellia, even in a humid climate, resists fungal diseases quite well. Even if the plant is affected by root rot, after transplanting it into drier soil, the fungus goes away on its own. Therefore, it will be enough to simply rinse the soil with a 0.2% solution of potassium permanganate and dry it thoroughly.

Camellia in a pot

A pot for a plant can be anything - both clay and plastic

The main requirement for containers is drainage at the level of ¼ of the height of the pot, most often consisting of fine gravel or expanded clay. Usually pots with a height of 20-25 cm and a diameter of 15-18 cm are chosen for camellia. Transplantation into large containers is done when the plant grows too much.

Temperature conditions

Since the flowering time of the plant falls in the winter and lasts from December to April.

thermometer for plants

It is necessary to pay special attention to the correct temperature regime in winter and in the off-season

From March to September it is necessary to maintain the temperature from +20°С to +25°С. At the same time, when the budding process begins (and it sometimes occurs long before flowering, in October-November), the temperature should be lowered to + 18 ° -20 ° С and maintained all the time until the generative buds are fully formed. It usually takes about a month.

In "winter time", that is, from December to February, the temperature of the plant should be in the range from + 8 ° С to + 12 ° С. At the same time, going beyond such a “temperature corridor” can lead to the following unpleasant consequences:

At temperatures above + 12 ° C, the formed buds and even blossoming flowers will begin to fall off. A decrease in temperature will lead to a noticeable decrease in the number of blooming flowers and the fall of part of the foliage; at the same time, the plant will live, but its decorative effect will significantly decrease.

Camellia in bonsai style

Camellia in bonsai style

Another circumstance that must be mentioned: Camellia is very bad at drafts, however, it needs fresh air like no other plant pet. This means that in the summer it is necessary to either ventilate the premises where the plant is located, or take it out to the garden or balcony for the summer. In winter, the room should be ventilated, taking measures so that too cold air does not enter the plant.

Watering and humidity

Camellia is a moisture-loving plant, however, watering rates depend on the season. The main criterion for the need for irrigation is the drying of the topsoil. Usually, in summer, watering is done every 2-3 days, in winter - about half as often.

Plants, like people, cannot live without water.

Plants, like people, cannot live without water.

In winter, water evaporates much more slowly, so with a large number of irrigations or their high intensity, there is a possibility of damage to the root system.

There are special requirements for water quality. The water should be the same temperature as the soil, and it should not be alkaline. The latter means that it is forbidden to water plants with tap water without settling it.

It is necessary to use settled or boiled water, which, in addition, should be acidified with a solution of vinegar. To do this, add 2-3 drops of 9% table vinegar to one liter of water intended for irrigation.

Camellia tree. winter hardy perennial

Camellia tree. winter hardy perennial

Camellia does not feel well in rooms with dry air.. Therefore, you can not place it close to heating devices. In addition, the air in the room needs periodic humidification. To do this, you can use either automatic humidifiers, or you need to put a container with water next to the plant, which could evaporate freely.

Camellia also responds well to spraying it from a spray bottle.. However, it is not allowed to get water on the buds and flowers - only the leaves can be moistened.


In the summer, camellia does not need additional feeding. Only in case of deterioration of its appearance, fertilizers can be applied at intervals of 1 time per month. As fertilizers, complex top dressing for azaleas is used. Its dose in the summer should be half of the recommended.

A wide range of fertilizers and top dressings for plants

A wide range of fertilizers and top dressings for plants

During budding, which occurs in autumn, the frequency of top dressing increases up to 3 times a month., and their dose is taken equal to the recommended one. In this case, do not use top dressing with an expired shelf life.


camellia in a pot

Plants under the age of 3 years need an annual transplant with a complete change of soil. It is produced in early spring.

Mature plants usually do not need to be transplanted. In this case, the neck of the plant cannot be immersed in the ground. Before transplanting, the plant is watered abundantly so as not to injure its root system.


The plant reproduces quite well both vegetatively and by seed. If the flowering process of the plant went well, then after about a month it will form fruits that can be planted in the ground immediately after the fruit boxes have dried. In this case, the same soil is used as in adult plants. All conditions for growing young plants - from temperature and light to watering are the same as in adults.

camellia cuttings

camellia cuttings

Of the vegetative propagation methods, cuttings are used. As cuttings, cuts of the tops of adult plants 5-8 cm long are used. They take root quite well in water or in a mixture of peat and sand in equal proportions. There is no need to use any special means, such as wrapping cuttings in impromptu polyethylene greenhouses.

If something went wrong...

Possible plant diseases

Possible plant diseases

If there were any deviations from the rules for caring for the plant, the plant may have certain problems.

Consider the main ways to solve them:

  1. Falling leaves are often associated with a violation of the irrigation regime. In some cases, this happens with a lack of some nutrients. Watering and fertilizing need to be adjusted.

  2. If brown spots appear on the leaves, then this is most likely due to sunburn. In this case, measures should be taken to shade the plant.

  3. Leaching of the soil or its excessive acidification leads to poor flowering. It is advisable to transplant the plant into the soil of the correct composition. Too much acidity of the soil will be determined by the presence of a whitish coating on it.

  4. In the event that insects attack the plant, for example, aphids or spider mites, it should be treated with an insecticide. In some cases, the usual treatment of leaves and stems with soapy water helps.

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Varieties of camellia japonica

The varietal variety of camellia is quite large. Already about 300 years ago, at least two hundred varieties of this plant were bred in Japan. At present, their number exceeds a thousand. Among them there are plants with a variety of colors - from red-violet to snow-white. In addition, there are also multi-color and striped coloring.

Camellia hedge

hedge from camellia

The shape of the petals and their texture also have a wide choice - from simple and smooth to terry. There is a wide variety of flower sizes: from 5 to 15 cm in diameter. Their density can also be almost any: from 2-3 to a dozen flowers on one branch.

Consider the most popular varieties of camellias, which can be said to be grown at least in our home conditions.

Double White

Double White

Double White

  • It has beautiful spherical flowers with almost perfect radial symmetry.
  • Color is perfect white. It is considered a terry variety, although it is noticeable only up close.
  • The petals of the flowers of this camellia are smooth almost along the entire length, except for a small part of their outer edge.
  • Also a distinctive feature of this variety are elongated leaves that have a glossy tint on both sides.

Giulio Nucci

Camellia japonica Guilio Nuccio

Giulio Nucci

  • Distinguished by crimson petals. In turn, the petals are of several types.
  • The outer petals are usually round or elongated and arranged in several rows along the edge.
  • The petals located inside the flower are usually small and dense.
  • Sometimes they are very thin, from which they twist into a kind of "curl".
  • In the center of the flower there are many yellow or white-yellow stamens.

Margaret Davis

Margaret Davis Camelia ‚Margaret Davis'

Margaret Davis

  • It is a semi-double variety. Coloring is usually two-tone.
  • Outside, the petals are pink or bright red, inside they are white.
  • The outer border has a width of 3 to 5 mm. The diameter of the flowers of this variety is 10 cm.
  • The flowering part of the plant consists of two types of petals.
  • The outer petals are quite large, have a rounded shape.
  • There are several dozen of them and they are located quite densely.
  • The inner petals are narrow, low, usually white.
  • Varieties with crimson inclusions are especially valued.

Lady Campbell

Camellia j. Lady Campbell - Japanese Camellia Lady Campbell.

Lady Campbell

  • The bush has a fairly large height, reaching at home up to 1.5 m.
  • The plant branches well, so it always looks very bushy. The foliage has a dark green glossy hue. The flowers are terry, similar to peonies.
  • Their diameter is 10 cm.
  • Flowers are bright red.
  • In the center of the petals, you can sometimes distinguish barely noticeable white stripes. The number of flowers on a plant can reach up to a hundred.

Linda Rosazza

Linda Rosazza rfvtkbz

Linda Rosazza

  • A relatively new variety, bred in the second half of the 20th century in Italy.
  • The height of the plant at home is about 1 m.
  • The leaves are oval in shape, slightly pointed at the end. Color green, glossy.
  • The flowers have a diameter of up to 10 cm. The flower petals are white. Their edges are slightly terry.
  • All petals are uniform, the flower has radial symmetry.

Pink Perfection

Pink Perfection Camellia

Pink Perfection

  • A low shrub with a compact structure. It is considered one of the most beautiful varieties.
  • The color is light pink. All petals are the same shape, slightly curved inside the flower. The diameter of the flowering part is about 9 cm.
  • Due to the structure of the petals, the flower looks very lush and decorative.
  • As a rule, 5-6 flowers are located on the branches. As the bud opens, the petals do not lose their shape and color.
  • Fully bloomed flowers have an almost perfect shape; they are very thick and heavy.


Dasair Camellia Japonica


  • Under natural conditions, it reaches a height of about 6 m, but at home it is unlikely that it will be possible to grow a bush higher than 50 cm.
  • However, this will not affect its decorative effect and the number of colors. Despite the fact that no more than two flowers are formed on each branch, due to good branching, almost the entire bush will be covered with flowers.
  • The flowers are pink, up to 12 cm in diameter. Most varieties of the variety are semi-double, two-color.
  • Inside the flowering part is white, outside is light pink. The transition in coloring is carried out gradually.


Ashani rfvtkbz


  • A plant up to 60 cm high. It has a large number of flowers.
  • Flowers with smooth few petals of the same size. The color is predominantly red.
  • The number of petals rarely exceeds a dozen.
  • They are located compactly, closer to the edges of the flower.
  • In the center there are many yellow stamens arranged in a circle in the center of the flower.

Vittorio Emanuel

Vittorio Emanuele II camellia

Vittorio Emanuel

  • A low variety with semi-double flowers with a non-trivial form of petals.
  • Its petals are convex and slightly bent back.
  • The color of the variety is very attractive - the background of the leaves is white, but there are pink dots, veins and stripes on it.
  • The thickness of the pink elements on the petals can vary widely.
  • The flowers have a small diameter - about 6 cm and can often be under the leaves.
  • The leaves of the plant are quite large, light green, without the usual glossy shade for camellias.

Lady Vanzittar

Lady Vansittart camellia

Lady Vanzittar

  • A relatively tall plant (up to 1 m at home), with light green glossy leaves and large, up to 10 cm in diameter, flowers.
  • It is a multi-colored variety with a slightly pronounced terry petals.
  • All petals are the same shape and size.
  • Growing to a certain size, they no longer grow, but bend back a little.
  • In a fully opened flower, the petals are boat-shaped.
  • The coloring of the petals is predominantly two-tone (pink and red).
  • In addition, each color occupies a certain segment of the petal: there is no change in color in the transverse direction.
  • In the center of the flower, several dozen bright yellow stamens on long white stalks are located around the circumference.


tricolor camellia


  • A low plant with oval short petals of a bright green color with a glossy tint.
  • The flowers are up to 8 cm in diameter.
  • The petals of the flowers are predominantly white, but sometimes there are some pink or red stripes on them.
  • Their thickness can be very different.
  • In the center of the flower are bright yellow stamens.
  • Their color contrasts well with the background of the flower, so the Tricolor flowers are visible from afar.

Chenders Red

Chenders Red camellia

Chenders Red

  • A plant up to 80 cm high, with dense flowers of rich red color.
  • The leaves are rounded, up to 5 cm in diameter. The size of the flower is about 10 cm.
  • The petals of the flower are of the same size and shape, pointed at the end.
  • On average, about two dozen blooming flowers appear on one plant during flowering.

Japanese camellia at home - a winter flower from Asia: description, varieties, cultivation and care, reproduction (100+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Camellia Home

Japanese camellia at home - a winter flower from Asia: description, varieties, cultivation and care, reproduction (100+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

7.5 Total Score

Growing camellia japonica is not an easy task that requires perseverance and perseverance. It is necessary to constantly monitor the state of the plant, as well as the conditions in which it is located, and at the slightest change in an unfavorable direction for the plant, immediately respond to them. You need to carefully follow all the rules for caring for camellia, and then this delightful plant will give you its charming splendor. Feedback from our readers is very important to us. If you do not agree with these ratings, leave your rating in the comments with the reasoning for your choice. Thank you for your participation. Your opinion will be useful to other users.

Ease of maintenance
Buyer ratings: 3.67 (3 votes)

1 comment
  1. Answer
    camellia japonica 08/21/2018 at 11:18

    Good day! Camellia is the flower of my name. Thanks for the detailed compilation!
    I would like to know about the variety of Japanese camellia “Sea foam” or varieties similar to it - with large white flowers that have a shade of natural yellowness, a shade of ivory.

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