Lingonberry, description of the plant. Conditions necessary for growing a crop. Features of planting and care of lingonberries. Harvest features. How to organize...
In order not to waste time on trips to peat bogs or large sums of money to buy cranberries, you can plant them in your garden, while observing ...
Avocado is a beautiful evergreen woody plant with very useful fruits that taste good. No wonder so many would love to see this exotic...
The heat-loving fig (Ficus Karika) is considered one of the first plants cultivated by man. It was originally grown in the region of modern Arabia, from where ...
Chokeberry is the popular name for chokeberry, a fruit shrub with medicinal properties. Since ancient times, people have used berries and leaves...
People have long known the taste and healing qualities of figs. Excessive consumption of berries can provoke certain harm to the human body. This ...
Viburnum (Viburnum opulus) is a deciduous woody plant from the Adox family. Currently, there are many varieties and ...
Goji berry is known to many, thanks to its properties advertised on Internet sites. It is offered as a miracle drug that helps in...
Dogwood Dogwood is a deciduous perennial plant with a spreading crown. There are both woody and shrubby forms of this plant. Family to...
Blueberry Blueberries in our gardens are not yet as common as raspberries or currants. And in vain! We will tell you why you should plant this plant on ...
Lemongrass Schisandra chinensis is a type of perennial liana with beautiful red berries, it serves not only as a decoration for your garden, but also as a supplier of raw materials for ...
Blueberry We all perceive blueberries as a forest dweller, it is in a pine or mixed forest that we pick healthy and tasty berries in mid-July. Some ...
Mulberry Mulberry will decorate any garden. It has tasty and healthy fruits, but besides this, it is actively used in decorative plantings. For instance, ...
Honeysuckle - a shrub with many roles Honeysuckle is a shrub of medium height with a dense, branched crown.The plant is native to Eastern ...
Quince Quince is a tall tree with beautiful, entire foliage, large flowers and pear-shaped or apple-shaped fruits. In ancient times quince...
Sea buckthorn Sea buckthorn is considered one of the most useful plants, its fruits contain a huge amount of useful substances that have a beneficial effect on everything ...
medlar Many lovers of gardening and floriculture know such an ornamental plant as homemade medlar. This is a tropical culture, it does not suit ...
Mango is a tropical plant whose fruits have an amazing taste. This is one of the largest fruit-bearing plants in the world. Individual ...
Honeysuckle berries give pleasure and a vitamin charge, necessary after long cold weather. And the beauty of the bush allows you to create landscape compositions that delight ...
Probably everyone dreamed at least once to grow something exotic at home. So what prevents us from doing the same with some of the fruits? After all, there is...