Aphids are one of the most common types of insects. In total there are about 4 thousand species of aphids. Despite external differences, the duration ...
The invasion of small gray rodents is a real problem not only for summer residents, but also for those who live in the private sector. Not only do they eat your supplies in...
hunting belt The larvae of most pests that live on fruit trees descend to the ground in the fall to pupate, and climb up again in the spring. ...
Dreaming of a good harvest in gardens (gardens), summer residents are forced to constantly fight weeds that appear in the beds. If the site is not adequately ...
The Colorado potato beetle is capable of completely destroying most of the potato crop in days, and sometimes hours. And not only him. As a natural "consumer" ...
Ants In this article, we will take a detailed look at how you can get rid of ants. Unexpected guests in the form of ants give the owners a lot of inconvenience. After all ...