Variety giant Yellow raspberries are considered an exquisite and very attractive crop. So far, it is a rarity in our gardens, but every year ...
Lingonberry, description of the plant. Conditions necessary for growing a crop. Features of planting and care of lingonberries. Harvest features. How to organize...
In the second year after planting a grape seedling in a permanent place, a suitable support structure must be installed for it. Without this, without having a support for ...
Modern gardening, even in comparison with the achievements of half a century ago, is very well developed. Breeding work, as well as the results of ...
Grapes have been used by mankind for about seven thousand years. This is not the first culture used for the production of alcoholic beverages, but certainly the most ...
In areas with relatively cold winters, grapes need shelter to help them survive the cold. Grapes are a heat-loving crop and ...
Of all the crops cultivated by man, grapes occupy a special place. This plant, despite its thermophilicity, can grow in quite cold ...
Raspberry is a biennial plant of the Rosaceae family. Raspberry fruiting occurs on the branches of the second year, after which they die off. This situation is not very...
Currant Blackcurrant is a perennial deciduous shrub whose characteristic habitat is the middle climatic zone. For today...
Dogwood Dogwood is a deciduous perennial plant with a spreading crown. There are both woody and shrubby forms of this plant. Family to...
Blueberry Blueberries in our gardens are not yet as common as raspberries or currants. And in vain! We will tell you why you should plant this plant on ...
Lemongrass Schisandra chinensis is a type of perennial liana with beautiful red berries, it serves not only as a decoration for your garden, but also as a supplier of raw materials for ...
Blueberry We all perceive blueberries as a forest dweller, it is in a pine or mixed forest that we pick healthy and tasty berries in mid-July. Some ...
Grafting fruit trees in summer and spring: a description of the most popular species (Photo & Video)
Grafting is a fairly common process in gardening. The essence of this operation is very simple - cuttings of another are transferred to one tree.Operations like this...
Trees and shrubs in any garden need regular corrections in their direction of growth and crown thinning. These procedures are essential...
Blackberry Many people think that in order to eat blackberries, you need to look for places where they grow. But this is not entirely true, because blackberries can be grown in ...
Any garden cannot be imagined without fruit and berry shrubs. Shrubs, unlike fruit trees, have an important advantage - they ...
Want to know which grape varieties stand out from the rest? In this article, we have collected for you the most popular samples with their photos and a brief ...
Gooseberry Introduction The plant is a bush with thorns, which gives many shoots. Often this leads to excessive thickening of the plant. ...
Barberry varieties, unpretentious in care and planting, are in great demand among Russian gardeners. Due to the bright colors of foliage - from green and yellow to ...
To date, about two hundred varieties of cultivated blackberries have been described. Many gardeners are familiar with blackberries. Yes, and in nature, it is quite common ...
Currant When planning the laying of a berry plant, every gardener strives to make its return as efficient as possible. But, when choosing a variety, it sometimes turns out to be in ...
One of the most delicious, fragrant and long-awaited summer berries in a summer cottage is raspberries. How to care for this sun-loving plant to be a good ...
Raspberry is an unpretentious plant with fragrant berries. When choosing raspberry varieties, it is important to take into account the reviews of gardeners, a description of the characteristics of each of the specimens and ...
Honeysuckle - a shrub with many roles Honeysuckle is a shrub of medium height with a dense, branched crown. The plant is native to Eastern ...
Gooseberry Gooseberries are one of the most common crops in modern gardens. Its homeland is Western Europe, from where the plant was ...
Raspberries Raspberry is one of the old-timers of our gardens. Its cultivation in Europe began about two thousand years ago. At first, its wild varieties ...
Currant Currant is a shrub that can be found in any garden or garden. The popularity of currants is explained by unsurpassed taste ...
Grape Grapes are loved by many. They are eaten for dessert, wine, juice, jelly are made from them, they are added to salads. Gardeners, especially beginners, are afraid ...
Honeysuckle berries give pleasure and a vitamin charge, necessary after long cold weather. And the beauty of the bush allows you to create landscape compositions that delight ...