Despite its apparent simplicity, grafting is one of the most complex manipulations carried out with fruit trees. The success of this procedure depends on...
The most pressing "spring" issue for gardeners is the cultivation of the garden. Malicious larvae, bacteria, fungi, viruses that survived the winter in the old ...
Grafting fruit trees in summer and spring: a description of the most popular species (Photo & Video)
Grafting is a fairly common process in gardening. The essence of this operation is very simple - cuttings of another are transferred to one tree. Operations like this...
Trees and shrubs in any garden need regular corrections in their direction of growth and crown thinning. These procedures are essential...
hunting belt The larvae of most pests that live on fruit trees descend to the ground in the fall to pupate, and climb up again in the spring. ...
Planting fruit crops does not bypass anyone, neither the owners of empty land, nor the owners of chic plots. Someone brings to life...