Peach: description and characteristics of the 15 best varieties.Early, mid-season and late varieties (Photo & Video) + Reviews

Peach The peach tree is an example of what can be achieved through successful breeding. The result of artificial selection and numerous ...

Carrots: description, planting in open ground, care, top dressing (Photo & Video) + Reviews

Carrot Carrots belong to the plants of the Apiaceae family. The homeland of carrots is Central Asia, from where this plant spread first in ...

Sea buckthorn: description of the 20 best varieties. Large-fruited, without thorns and frost-resistant (Photo & Video) + Reviews

Sea buckthorn Sea buckthorn is considered one of the most useful plants, its fruits contain a huge amount of useful substances that have a beneficial effect on everything ...

Gooseberries: description, varieties, planting in the open field and care in spring, summer and autumn (20 Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Gooseberry Gooseberries are one of the most common crops in modern gardens. Its homeland is Western Europe, from where the plant was ...

Medlar homemade: how to grow a favorite fruit of the Japanese from a stone on a windowsill (45 Photos & Videos) + Reviews

medlar Many lovers of gardening and floriculture know such an ornamental plant as homemade medlar. This is a tropical culture, it does not suit ...

The value of superphosphate as a mineral fertilizer in the care of tomatoes, potatoes, seedlings, and other crops. Ways to use it in the garden (Photo & Video) + Reviews

Superphosphate In our article, we will talk about the importance of a phosphorus-containing substance for plant crops, about the norms and timing of fertilization ...

Raspberries are one of the sweetest berries. Description, planting in the open field, reproduction and care. Popular varieties: from early ripening to remontant (25 Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Raspberries Raspberry is one of the old-timers of our gardens. Its cultivation in Europe began about two thousand years ago. At first, its wild varieties ...

Currant: description, planting in open ground, care in spring, summer and autumn, reproduction, popular varieties (23 Photos & Video) + Reviews

Currant Currant is a shrub that can be found in any garden or garden. The popularity of currants is explained by unsurpassed taste ...

Planting and growing pears: description, types, watering, fertilizer, pruning and other subtleties of tree care (25 Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Pear - Planting and cultivation Planting a pear and caring for it is an urgent issue for all lovers of fruit trees. Especially in spring, when the ground is already...

Cherry: description, planting and care - all you need to know about it in order to get generous harvests

Cherry Cultivated cherry Cerastis vulgaris does not exist in the wild. It originates from the spontaneous crossing of two types of common cherries and cherries ...

Growing potatoes from seeds: is it necessary? Full description of the technological process suitable for this variety (Photo & Video) + Reviews

Potato Of all the vegetables, potatoes are the most common in our climate. Often its cultivation is reduced to the use of the same ...

Tomato Bull's heart is a favorite of summer residents. Description and characteristics, cultivation and care, possible diseases (Photo & Video) + Reviews

Bull's heart tomato Tomatoes Bull's heart is called by many a retro variety. Since it has been grown for several generations of summer residents. He comes from Italy, but firmly ...

Physalis: description, growing seedlings, planting in open ground and caring for it, useful medical and culinary properties (30 Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Like most fruit-bearing nightshade crops, physalis came to us from the Western Hemisphere. It is there that the greatest variety of species of this ...

Grapes: description of 20 varieties for growing in the temperate climate zone, features of care and reproduction at home (Photo & Video) + Reviews

Grape Grapes are loved by many. They are eaten for dessert, wine, juice, jelly are made from them, they are added to salads. Gardeners, especially beginners, are afraid ...

Mango: description, planting and growing from the stone at home, possible diseases (Photo & Video) + Reviews

Mango is a tropical plant whose fruits have an amazing taste. This is one of the largest fruit-bearing plants in the world. Individual ...

Beans: a description of the beneficial properties for our health, possible harm to the body of women and men (Photo & Video) + Reviews

Beans - At every dacha Beans are a favorite dish of many inhabitants of the planet. Do gourmets realize the full extent of the benefits and harms of their favorite dish? Everybody knows ...

Peas: description of the 43 most popular varieties, undersized, medium-sized and varieties of grain forage purposes (Photo & Video) + Reviews

Peas Peas are beautiful in any form. And summer salads from it are excellent, and you can cook it for a couple, and on New Year's holidays you can’t do without it ...

Persimmon Food of the gods: description, benefits and harms for our body (female and male), selection and storage of fruits (Photo & Video) + Reviews

Persimmon Among all available fruits and berries, persimmon is the richest in its composition. Its fruits are able to save and warn from many ...

19 The best varieties of zucchini: description and characteristics. Choose your favorite variety (Photo & Video) + Reviews

Zucchini - 19 best Zucchini is a close relative of pumpkin, they will differ in terms of ripening and taste. Most blanks for...

Growing greens at home - all year round with vitamins: onion, parsley, basil, garlic, the subtleties of this process (Photo & Video)

Greenery Recently, mini-beds on the windowsill have gained immense popularity. Thanks to the ingenuity of gardeners and the latest technology, home ...

Eggplant: description and characteristics of 53 popular and unusual varieties for open ground and greenhouses (Photo & Video) + Reviews

Eggplant A beginner or experienced gardener should be aware of what are currently the most popular, high-yielding eggplant varieties. ...

Celery: description, cultivation and care, useful properties and contraindications (Photo & Video) + Reviews

Celery Many people know about the benefits of celery. But until you meet him at every summer cottage, and most people are not familiar with the nuances of his agricultural technology. ...

Cabbage: types (white, Savoy, broccoli, Brussels sprouts), description of the 33 best varieties, features of agricultural technology (Photo & Video) + Reviews

The varieties of cabbage known to us, according to the description, can differ strikingly from each other. Of course, we, knowing the theory, understand that they all refer to ...

Pumpkin: description of the 30 best varieties with Photos. Types, Classification

We suggest you familiarize yourself with the description of the most popular varieties of pumpkin. Probably, there are no summer cottages in Russia, wherever a pumpkin grows. Her story ...

Honeysuckle: description of 19 popular varieties, their diversity and features, how to distinguish poisonous fruits (35 Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Honeysuckle berries give pleasure and a vitamin charge, necessary after long cold weather. And the beauty of the bush allows you to create landscape compositions that delight ...

Plum - description of the 22 most popular varieties: yellow, renklod, Hungarian and others (Photo & Video) + Reviews

Plum In this article, we will get acquainted with the description of the most popular plum varieties in our country. Plum is one of the most common crops in gardens...

Orange: description, planting, growing at home, reproduction and care (Photo & Video) + Reviews

Probably everyone dreamed at least once to grow something exotic at home. So what prevents us from doing the same with some of the fruits? After all, there is...

Growing seedlings at home: tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, eggplants, cabbage, strawberries and even petunias. All the subtleties of this issue

In most regions of Russia, to obtain a full-fledged harvest, it is necessary to grow seedlings at home. We will describe in detail the timing and methods ...

How to get rid of ants in a house or apartment: the causes of their appearance, effective means to combat them and preventive measures

Ants In this article, we will take a detailed look at how you can get rid of ants. Unexpected guests in the form of ants give the owners a lot of inconvenience. After all ...

Hawthorn: description, its useful properties and contraindications, decoctions and tinctures (20 recipes), preparations for the winter

Hawthorn, whose medicinal properties were identified as early as the 16th century, is used to treat blood vessels, normalize blood pressure, digestion, and ...

Cucumbers: description of 29 varieties, main characteristics and gardener reviews about them

cucumbers Cucumber, as one of the most sought-after vegetable crops, is characterized by unpretentious care, but to obtain a high-quality harvest, ...

Sweet cherry: description of the 20 best varieties (Photo & Video) + Reviews

Cherries Let's talk about cherries, and describe its best varieties. There are sweet, with a slight sourness, crispy, soft, different colors. Through selective breeding,...

The best 46 varieties of tomatoes for a greenhouse: a description with a photo and reviews about them

“Tomatoes in a greenhouse are just a miracle how they grow!” - manufacturers of polycarbonate shelters invite summer residents, citizens permanently residing on the land. But ...

Growing cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse, in winter and summer: features and technology (Photo & Video) + Reviews

When growing cucumbers in a greenhouse, certain rules of agricultural technology must be observed. Since only when creating a favorable microclimate, plants ...

Bulgarian pepper for the winter: 3 ways to store a vitamin record holder and 5 most delicious recipes for blanks

Bright, fragrant and sun-filled vegetables delight us throughout the summer and fall. Do you really have to be content with a rather tasteless ...

Apple tree: description of the 25 best varieties with gardeners' reviews about them

Apple tree The apple tree is very popular among gardeners and consumers. Among the variety of varieties, summer, autumn, and winter are distinguished. ...

Strawberries: in the open field and in the greenhouse - we choose the appropriate method of cultivation for ourselves

Strawberry The most common way to grow strawberries is to grow them outdoors without any cover. Our climate allows...

How to grow strawberries at home? And harvest all year round on your windowsill

If you are fond of growing home plants, gently and carefully care for flowers on the windowsill, then an article about growing strawberries at home ...




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