Potatoes: description of 73 best varieties (Photo & Video) + Feedback from gardeners

Potato There are about four thousand varieties of potatoes in the world. This number is increasing every year. The world selection is stepping forward, and new ...

Blackberry: description of the 17 best varieties, cultivation features, reproduction and care (30 Photos) + Reviews

To date, about two hundred varieties of cultivated blackberries have been described. Many gardeners are familiar with blackberries. Yes, and in nature, it is quite common ...

Pear: description of the 24 best varieties with their photos and reviews of gardeners

Pear Sometimes you really want to taste the sweet and delicate taste of pear fruits. Of course, you can always buy it in the store, but in some regions, planting this tree ...

Currant: description of 22 selected varieties with a PHOTO + feedback from gardeners

Currant When planning the laying of a berry plant, every gardener strives to make its return as efficient as possible. But, when choosing a variety, it sometimes turns out to be in ...

Mulberry: description of 3 popular species, cultivation in the middle lane, reproduction and care, useful properties (50+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Mulberry Mulberry will decorate any garden. It has tasty and healthy fruits, but besides this, it is actively used in decorative plantings. For instance, ...

Pepper: description, growing from seeds, planting in open ground and care (Photo & Video) + Reviews

Pepper Capsicum is one of the popular vegetable crops. Despite its thermophilicity, it is grown almost everywhere; where not...

Carrots: description of the 28 best varieties, characteristics (Photo & Video)

Carrot Carrot currently has many varieties and subspecies, descriptions of all its varieties take more than one thousand pages. This is one of the most popular...

Drip irrigation: step-by-step installation of a do-it-yourself system from ready-made materials, plastic bottles (Photo & Video)

With drip irrigation, a continuous supply of moisture to plants occurs. In order not to exceed the daily norm, water is supplied in scanty portions - drop by drop. For ...

What vegetables can be planted before winter? TOP 8 most suitable plants and their best varieties

In winter, you can safely relax and gain strength before the next tiring season. After all, so much work falls in the spring: planting vegetables and ...

[Instruction] How to pinch tomatoes in a greenhouse and open field: a step-by-step explanation of the correctness of the procedure (Photo & Video) + Reviews

Planting, watering crops and harvesting on the site are not all the most important procedures that must be carried out from the moment the plant is planted in the soil and until ...

Top dressing of cucumbers in a greenhouse, open ground: what and when fertilizers should be used

Of all the vegetable crops consumed by humans, cucumbers are the most watery. This has a fairly simple explanation: we eat cucumbers, not ...

56 The best productive varieties of cucumbers for the greenhouse: description and photo

The best varieties of cucumbers for the greenhouse The best cucumbers for your greenhouse will be those that you like in the truest sense of the word. Increasingly classic...

Raspberry: how to care for it so that there is a good harvest? In spring, summer, autumn and winter: features of watering, fertilizing, pruning shrubs and its remontant varieties

One of the most delicious, fragrant and long-awaited summer berries in a summer cottage is raspberries. How to care for this sun-loving plant to be a good ...

What should I feed the tomatoes after planting in the greenhouse, in the ground so that they are plump and tasty (Photo & Video) + Reviews

Tomatoes are the most popular vegetables grown by gardeners. This plant has a very high popularity due to its unsurpassed ...

When to plant fruit trees: all about the rules for planting and the most acceptable timing in spring and autumn

Planting fruit crops does not bypass anyone, neither the owners of empty land, nor the owners of chic plots. Someone brings to life...

15 Best varieties of Apricot: description and characteristics, their frost resistance, transportability and taste (Photo & Video) + Reviews

Apricot Apricot, the description of the varieties of which is considered in our article, is considered a heat-loving plant, but it is grown in most regions. ...

Raspberry: description of the 22 best varieties, characteristics and reviews of gardeners

Raspberry is an unpretentious plant with fragrant berries. When choosing raspberry varieties, it is important to take into account the reviews of gardeners, a description of the characteristics of each of the specimens and ...

Onion - a plant with a spicy taste: description, types, spring planting in the open field and care for it (Photo & Video) + Reviews

Onion - A plant with a special taste Onion is a perennial or biennial plant belonging to the Amaryllis family. In total in the genus Luk ...

Strawberries - description of 33 best varieties: early, mid-season, late and remontant varieties

Strawberry When choosing a strawberry variety, you need to get acquainted with the description and reviews of gardeners. Description of remontant, early, middle and late strawberries ...

Tomatoes: characteristics and description of the 25 best varieties with reviews from gardeners

Who doesn't know the tomato? - There are no such! Is everyone ready to give a tomato characterization and description of varieties right off the bat? At least a couple? Does everyone know what...

editor's choice
[Encyclopedia] Pests of garden trees and other garden crops: how to identify and neutralize them

Plants are a source of food not only for humans, but also for a large number of other living beings. It can be said that to some extent the inhabitants ...

How to plant an apple tree and care for it so that it bears fruit for many years: tips and tricks (Photo & Video) + Reviews

Apple tree - Will bear fruit for many years When planning to plant a fruit tree in the garden, it is important to remember that the varieties of the "apple tree" culture, planting and caring for which ...

How to permanently get rid of weeds in a summer cottage: folk remedies, chemistry and other methods

Dreaming of a good harvest in gardens (gardens), summer residents are forced to constantly fight weeds that appear in the beds. If the site is not adequately ...

editor's choice
How to properly store apples for the winter at home: we study the subtleties and possibilities

A rich harvest from your own apple orchard is the joy of every gardener. And how you want to keep, if possible, for a longer time tasty and healthy ...

[Instruction] How to tie up tomatoes: description, tying methods for open ground and greenhouses

Any gardener who has been growing tomatoes understands that no matter how strong the stem of their favorite crop is, the plant will still have to ...

TOP-5 Remedies for the Colorado potato beetle. Description of the life of the pest, classification of means against it (Photo & Video) + Reviews

The Colorado potato beetle is capable of completely destroying most of the potato crop in days, and sometimes hours. And not only him. As a natural "consumer" ...

editor's choice
Lunar calendar gardener and gardener for 2019

The moon, which is a natural satellite of the Earth, has a significant impact on the biological rhythms of all creatures living on our planet. Plants don't...

garden pruner

best garden pruner Gardeners are economical people, for them the issue of buying an inexpensive but high-quality tool is always relevant. Secateurs are one of the main...

Pests and diseases of fruit trees: a description of common problems, treatment methods (Photo & Video) + Reviews

Diseases and pests of the garden Gardeners, planting fruit and berry crops on their plot, count on getting a harvest from them. However, sometimes they...

Late blight of tomatoes: a description of the signs, treatment of the fungus with fungicides, antibiotics and folk remedies (15 Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Late blight of tomatoes Late blight is a disease of plants caused by a mycelial unicellular parasite - late blight. Most often hit...

15 secrets on how to grow a good crop of tomatoes in the open field and in the greenhouse (Photo & Video) + Reviews

How to grow a tomato crop Tomatoes are one of the most popular vegetables in the garden that everyone loves. But it is not always possible to collect a large number of delicious ...

We save the yellowing ovaries of cucumbers in the greenhouse: a description of the causes of the problem, methods of combating and preventing this deviation (Photo & Video) + Reviews

cucumbers Cucumbers are one of the most popular crops to grow. In greenhouse conditions, they feel great. The timing of fruiting cucumbers at ...

Planting corn in open ground: how to get a good harvest with minimal care (25 Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Planting corn in open ground Corn is an unpretentious plant that, even with minimal investment, provides maximum returns. To obtain ...

Garlic is an acute neighbor with a permanent residence permit: description, planting and care in the open field, recommendations, possible diseases (25 Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Garlic Garlic is a perennial herbaceous plant of the genus Onion from the Amaryllis family. Along with garlic, this genus includes all known types of garlic ...

Apricot: description of 20 popular varieties, planting in the middle lane, care features (33 Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Apricot Apricot is a very tasty and healthy fruit of the apricot tree. Some hundred years ago, apricots were considered an exclusively southern plant, ...

Honeysuckle: description, planting in the open field and care (20+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Honeysuckle - a shrub with many roles Honeysuckle is a shrub of medium height with a dense, branched crown. The plant is native to Eastern ...

Zucchini: dietary vegetables of the gourd family. Planting seeds in open ground and care, growing seedlings (15 Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Zucchini Zucchini is one of the varieties of the common pumpkin. It is a vegetable with elongated fruits of a wide variety of colors. ...

Persimmon: description and characteristics of the 9 best varieties. Early and late varieties (20 Photos & Video) + Reviews

Persimmon Persimmon is a genus of plants of the Eben family. Their distinctive feature is the fruit of a characteristic shape and structure: it is quite large ...

Quince: rules for planting in open ground, caring for a fruit tree with fragrant fruits from the Moscow region to Siberia. Reproduction methods (35 Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Quince Quince is a tall tree with beautiful, entire foliage, large flowers and pear-shaped or apple-shaped fruits. In ancient times quince...

Almonds: description, planting a tree or shrub in the open field, caring for it, benefits and possible harm (Photo & Video) + Reviews

Almond Almonds are not only useful, but also an incredibly beautiful tree.It is believed that it can only grow in the south, but this is not entirely true. Now ...




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