According to reviews, pink tomatoes are the favorites of many vegetable growers. Fruits with a very delicate taste are harvested from them, with a high content of biologically active components and ...
Traditionally, planting tomatoes is carried out on the beds. All possible refinements in the ways of growing this crop come down to how it will be ...
Among vegetable crops, tomatoes have broken all records in terms of the number of varieties. Particularly pleased with the appearance of unpretentious standard tomatoes. Their advantages: they ...
Who doesn't know the tomato? - There are no such! Is everyone ready to give a tomato characterization and description of varieties right off the bat? At least a couple? Does everyone know what...
Late blight of tomatoes Late blight is a plant disease caused by a mycelial unicellular parasite - late blight. Most often hit...
Bull's heart tomato Tomatoes Bull's heart is called by many a retro variety. Since it has been grown for several generations of summer residents. He comes from Italy, but firmly ...
In most regions of Russia, to obtain a full-fledged harvest, it is necessary to grow seedlings at home. We will describe in detail the timing and methods ...
“Tomatoes in a greenhouse are just a miracle how they grow!” - manufacturers of polycarbonate shelters invite summer residents, citizens permanently residing on the land. But ...