Cucumbers are grown almost everywhere. Cucumber farming is simple: with regular care procedures (watering, fertilizing, lash formation) ...
In our gardens, traditional types of cabbage are often planted - white and cauliflower. Many gardeners know about the abundance of cabbage varieties, but to ...
Cucumber is a popular crop, the cultivation of which in one form or another is distributed throughout the globe. Culture is used by humanity...
Varieties of bunch cucumbers are in high demand among vegetable growers. This is due to the fact that caring for them is not particularly difficult and to cope with ...
According to reviews, pink tomatoes are the favorites of many vegetable growers. Fruits with a very delicate taste are harvested from them, with a high content of biologically active components and ...
Traditionally, planting tomatoes is carried out on the beds. All possible refinements in the ways of growing this crop come down to how it will ...
Among vegetable crops, tomatoes have broken all records in terms of the number of varieties. Particularly pleased with the appearance of unpretentious standard tomatoes. Their advantages: they ...
For many years, pumpkin has been a favorite vegetable not only in its homeland of Mexico, but throughout the world. Less popular is...
Pumpkin is considered a valuable dietary vegetable in terms of the content of vitamins and microelements. But in winter you will not find it on store shelves. So ...
The process of growing many crops, especially those with a thick shell, can be significantly accelerated if it is first softened in some way or ...
Beets are part of many dishes, mainly salads and snacks. In the vast majority of these dishes, the vegetable is used boiled. Boiled beets...
radish Now many varieties and hybrids of radish are known, as well as their beneficial properties and contraindications. Each of them belongs to one of the groups: ...
Beet Beets are a popular vegetable crop. Without it, it is difficult to imagine our daily diet and any holiday menu. This vegetable is popular...
Potatoes are the most common source of carbohydrates on our planet after cereals. The varietal variety of potatoes is huge, few cultures ...
Carrots are a relatively easy crop to grow, but this simplicity is to some extent offset by its difficult storage conditions. By ...
bell pepper Sweet bell pepper is the fruit of an annual vegetable plant, belongs to the Solanaceae family. Thanks to selective work, ...
Onion Consider the most common onion varieties, according to the description and photo, we will try to choose exactly those that are suitable for growing conditions in your region. ...
Potato There are about four thousand varieties of potatoes in the world. This number is increasing every year. The world selection is stepping forward, and new ...
Pepper Capsicum is one of the popular vegetable crops. Despite its thermophilicity, it is grown almost everywhere; where not...
Carrot Carrot currently has many varieties and subspecies, descriptions of all its varieties take more than one thousand pages. This is one of the most popular...
In winter, you can safely relax and gain strength before the next tiring season. After all, so much work falls in the spring: planting vegetables and ...
Planting, watering crops and harvesting on the site are not all the most important procedures that must be carried out from the moment the plant is planted in the soil and until ...
The best varieties of cucumbers for the greenhouse The best cucumbers for your greenhouse will be those that you like in the truest sense of the word. Increasingly classic...
Tomatoes are the most popular vegetables grown by gardeners. This plant has a very high popularity due to its unsurpassed ...
Onion - A plant with a special taste Onion is a perennial or biennial plant belonging to the Amaryllis family. In total in the genus Luk ...
Who doesn't know the tomato? - There are no such! Is everyone ready to give a tomato characterization and description of varieties right off the bat? At least a couple? Does everyone know what...
Any gardener who has been growing tomatoes understands that no matter how strong the stem of their favorite crop is, the plant will still have to ...
The Colorado potato beetle is capable of completely destroying most of the potato crop in days, and sometimes hours. And not only him. As a natural "consumer" ...
Late blight of tomatoes Late blight is a disease of plants caused by a mycelial unicellular parasite - late blight. Most often hit...
How to grow a tomato crop Tomatoes are one of the most popular vegetables in the garden that everyone loves. But it is not always possible to collect a large number of delicious ...
cucumbers Cucumbers are one of the most popular crops to grow. In greenhouse conditions, they feel great. The timing of fruiting cucumbers at ...
Planting corn in open ground Corn is an unpretentious plant that, even with minimal investment, provides maximum returns. To obtain ...
Garlic Garlic is a perennial herbaceous plant of the genus Onion from the Amaryllis family. Along with garlic, this genus includes all known types of garlic ...
Zucchini Zucchini is one of the varieties of the common pumpkin. It is a vegetable with elongated fruits of a wide variety of colors. ...
Carrot Carrots belong to the plants of the Apiaceae family. The homeland of carrots is Central Asia, from where this plant spread first in ...
Potato Of all the vegetables, potatoes are the most common in our climate. Often its cultivation is reduced to the use of the same ...
Bull's heart tomato Tomatoes Bull's heart is called by many a retro variety. Since it has been grown for several generations of summer residents. He comes from Italy, but firmly ...
Like most fruit-bearing nightshade crops, physalis came to us from the Western Hemisphere. It is there that the greatest variety of species of this ...
Beans - At every dacha Beans are a favorite dish of many inhabitants of the planet.Do gourmets realize the full extent of the benefits and harms of their favorite dish? Everybody knows ...
Peas Peas are beautiful in any form. And summer salads from it are excellent, and you can cook it for a couple, and on New Year's holidays you can’t do without it ...