Garden and Garden - With Your Hands
Shop "Semyanych" cooperates with many bases, on one of them fifty plums were planted. Planting was carried out as part of the promotion of this culture and ...
Cucumbers are grown almost everywhere. Cucumber farming is simple: with regular care procedures (watering, fertilizing, lash formation) ...
In our gardens, traditional types of cabbage are often planted - white and cauliflower. Many gardeners know about the abundance of cabbage varieties, but to ...
Aphids are one of the most common types of insects. In total there are about 4 thousand species of aphids. Despite external differences, the duration ...
Cucumber is a popular crop, the cultivation of which in one form or another is distributed throughout the globe. Culture is used by humanity...
According to the astronomical calendar, the phases of the moon in December 2020 will be as follows: Third quarter - December 8 (Moon in Virgo) New Moon - 14 ...
According to the astronomical calendar, the phases of the moon in November 2020 will be as follows: Third quarter - November 8 (Moon in Leo) New Moon - November 15 ...
According to the astronomical calendar, the phases of the moon in October 2020 will be as follows: Full Moon - October 2 (Moon in Aries) Third quarter - October 10 ...
According to the astronomical calendar, the phases of the moon in September 2020 will be as follows: Full Moon - September 2 (Moon in Pisces) Third quarter - 10 ...
According to the astronomical calendar, the phases of the moon in August 2020 will be as follows: Full Moon - August 3 (Moon in Aquarius) Third quarter - 11 ...
According to the astronomical calendar, the phases in July 2020 will be as follows: Full Moon - July 5 (Moon in Capricorn) Third Quarter - July 13 (Aries) ...
According to the astronomical calendar, the phases of the moon in June 2020 will be as follows: Full Moon - June 5 (Moon in Sagittarius) Third quarter - June 13 ...
According to the astronomical calendar, the phases of the moon in May 2020 will be as follows: Full Moon - May 7 (Moon in Scorpio) Third quarter - May 14 ...
Being a close relative of the peach only without pubescence, the amazing nectarine has a juicy taste, a number of useful properties, a wide variety ...
Variety giant Yellow raspberries are considered an exquisite and very attractive crop. So far, it is a rarity in our gardens, but every year ...
Varieties of bunch cucumbers are in high demand among vegetable growers. This is due to the fact that caring for them is not particularly difficult and to cope with ...
According to reviews, pink tomatoes are the favorites of many vegetable growers. Fruits with a very delicate taste are harvested from them, with a high content of biologically active components and ...
Traditionally, planting tomatoes is carried out on the beds. All possible refinements in the ways of growing this crop come down to how it will ...
Among vegetable crops, tomatoes have broken all records in terms of the number of varieties. Particularly pleased with the appearance of unpretentious standard tomatoes. Their advantages: they ...
Spicy plants are quickly gaining a place in the gardens and apartments of amateur gardeners. Housewives try not to buy dried herbs in bags, but ...
Spring is the start of a new growing season. The success of the garden depends on how work will be started in the garden, garden or summer cottage.
Despite its apparent simplicity, grafting is one of the most complex manipulations carried out with fruit trees. The success of this procedure depends on...
The most pressing "spring" issue for gardeners is the cultivation of the garden. Malicious larvae, bacteria, fungi, viruses that have survived the winter in the old ...
The invasion of small gray rodents is a real problem not only for summer residents, but also for those who live in the private sector. Not only do they eat your supplies in...
The efficiency of agriculture directly depends on soil fertility. Over time, the supply of nutrients in them decreases and plants become ...
Everyone who grows seedlings in greenhouses has faced such a problem as spring frosts. Although they are short-lived, they can destroy the fruits of your ...
Lingonberry, description of the plant. Conditions necessary for growing a crop. Features of planting and care of lingonberries. Harvest characteristics. How to organize...
In the second year after planting a grape seedling in a permanent place, a suitable support structure must be installed for it.Without this, without having a support for ...
In order not to waste time on trips to peat bogs or large sums of money to buy cranberries, you can plant them in your garden, while observing ...
Few of the Russian people imagine their life without a garden and a kitchen garden. This is not just a work "up to a sweat", but also self-realization, an opportunity to be alone with ...
Temperate climate zones can differ significantly in terms of the onset of the warm season, as well as its duration. As you move away from...
Modern gardening, even in comparison with the achievements of half a century ago, is very well developed. Breeding work, as well as the results of ...
Mulching is an important agricultural practice used in the cultivation of almost all crops. The essence of the technique is to create ...
Land is the main component of the future harvest. Information about it is important in the smallest detail. You need to know it in order to find opportunities ...
Grapes have been used by mankind for about seven thousand years. This is not the first culture used for the production of alcoholic beverages, but certainly the most ...
Avocado is a beautiful evergreen woody plant with very healthy fruits that taste good. No wonder so many would love to see this exotic...
All gardeners and summer residents want to get a big and healthy harvest in their summer cottages. To grow good seedlings, which is the main step, ...
Plum is the ancestor of almost all modern garden crops. Apple tree, cherry, apricot, peach, cherry plum - all this was actually obtained by ...
The heat-loving fig (Ficus Karika) is considered one of the first plants cultivated by man. It was originally grown in the region of modern Arabia, from where ...
It will take quite a bit of time and the days will come of turning the window sills of city apartments into small plantations for vegetable and flower seedlings. Many...