Do-it-yourself cork knife handle: a master class on making a non-sinking knife ??? | (Photos & Instructions)

Making a knife handle

Fishing and hunting are hobbies that are very common among men. And in this case, not only the weather and good company are important, but also equipment. We suggest you make a knife handle that will fit comfortably in your hand, not slip, and most importantly, your knife will not sink if it accidentally falls into the river.


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Materials for manufacturing

In order to make a handle for a non-sinking knife, you will need:

  • 10-12 corks from wine or champagne, made from cork;
  • blank for a knife;
  • waterproof glue (for example, 88 or Moment). Please note that it should indicate that it is intended for gluing cork;
  • nail file for electric jigsaw;
  • epoxy adhesive;
  • threaded stud;
  • 2 rivets made from nails of a suitable diameter;
  • sawn cylindrical nut with two cuts for a screwdriver;
  • a screwdriver sharpened for cuts;
  • masking tape;
  • sandpaper from 120 to 600;
  • tassel;
  • cyanoacrylate adhesive for flexible connections;
  • acetone.

Step 1. Prepare the corks

Because champagne corks are deformed at the edges, you need to align them first. To do this, put the corks in the microwave for 1-1.5 minutes. As a result, the corks return to their original shape. One ring requires 2 plugs.

Aligning traffic jams

Step 2. We make blanks from corks


Trim one side of each cork with a knife. And cut off exactly the same part from the second cork.

Trim the edges of the corks


We must try to make them approximately the same width. Small irregularities and discrepancies are eliminated in the process of grinding with sandpaper glued to the tile.

We grind corks


After that, the fit is much better. Small gaps are allowed.

Checking the result


Apply glue to the cut surface of one of the corks. We take the second cork and in a circular motion of one cork against the other, smear the glue with an even layer.

We apply glue


Let the glue dry for 5-10 minutes (read more in the instructions), in order for the solvent to evaporate from the surface of the glue. This process can be speeded up with a hair dryer.

Speed ​​up the process with a hair dryer


We connect two plugs and press them well. We cut and grind the edges of the workpiece along the wide side.

Trimming and sanding the edges


As a result, we get an element for assembling the handle. The number of such elements is determined by the length of the shank.

Handle element


Using a jigsaw file, we cut a through hole in each of the elements. Moreover, so that the handle does not crumble later, we cut it alternately: in one element along the gluing point, in the other - across. The thickness of the cut depends on the width of the knife shank.

Making a hole

Step 3. Assemble the handle

To prevent the knife from sinking in water, we make the bolster and butt plate for the handle made of wood. The length of the handle should be 5 cm longer than the shank.

In the shank we make a cut for the screed.

Making a slot


We number the blanks so that it is clear in what sequence they are assembled. To dilute the epoxy in the correct proportion, we use a disposable syringe. We prepare a small container for mixing glue. Pour 5 ml of glue into divisions. Then add the hardener in the ratio indicated in the instructions, and mix everything well.

Mixing epoxy glue


We take the blade, wrap it with a small piece of leather and clamp it in a vise with the shank up. Lubricate the slot in the bolster and the shoulders on the blade with epoxy glue, and put the bolster on the shank. We press firmly.

We glue the bolster


Lubricating the slots and ends with glue, we continue to mount all the blanks from the cork by numbers on the shank.

We mount blanks


Having reached the cut, we put a threaded pin on the shank, insert the rivets and rivet them.

We put on a hairpin


We glue and put on the last cork blank on the shank, and then the butt. We tighten the nut with a special screwdriver, sharpened under the slots, thereby tightening the entire structure.

Tighten the nut


We make a plug from the cork, and glue it on the butt plate, thereby masking the nut. Let the glue dry.

We put a stub

Step 4 Finishing the Handle


First, cut off all sides of the handle with a knife, giving it a barrel shape.

Trim the edges with a knife


We cut off the corners, giving the handle a smooth shape.

cutting corners

For safety, wrap the blade with masking tape so as not to damage the blade itself and not injure your hands during processing.

We begin to process the handle with a nut file, shaping not only elements from cork, but also from wood.

Processing with a natfile


We grind the handle with sandpaper, starting from 120 and ending with 600.

Sanding with sandpaper


grinding result.

Grinding result


For impregnation, we use cyanoacrylate-based adhesive for flexible joints. We dilute it in acetone in a ratio of 1:50 or 1:60.

We breed glue


Take a brush and evenly apply this solution to the handle. Let's not forget the ends. Due to the weak concentration of glue in acetone, it penetrates deep into the cork and makes it durable and waterproof. Let dry for 15-20 minutes. We cover the handle with this solution until it becomes shiny.

We cover the handle with impregnation


To ensure that the surface of the handle has a uniform coating, wipe it with a cloth moistened with acetone.

Wipe with acetone


As a result, we get a matte light surface of the handle.



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As you can see, our blade floats, which means we got the desired result.


Video 1: How to make a cork handle


Video 2: Cork handle part 2 - installation and processing


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