Rudbeckia is a beautiful and spectacular plant of the Aster family. Rudbeckia is native to North America. In the middle of summer, a flower show begins - the plant pleases the eye with red, orange, yellow inflorescences, with a flower diameter of 15 cm. Flowering continues until frost.
Due to its attractive appearance and sun-flowers, the people began to call rudbeckia Black-eyed Susanna or Sun Hat. Unpretentious rudbeckia, planting and caring for which does not require much effort, is especially popular among gardeners. In culture, there are annual, biennial and perennial representatives of the Aster family.

Rudbeckia stems are rigidly pubescent, simple or branched. A tall plant can reach up to 3 meters in height, but these are only individual specimens, mainly varieties from 0.5 meters to 200 cm are found.

Charming rudbeckia came to us from North America and won the hearts of gardeners with its unsurpassed beauty.
Leaf plates resemble an oval in shape, their length varies between 5-20 cm. Leaves can be pinnately divided, pinnately dissected and entire. At the bottom of the stem, the leaves sit on long petioles, at the top - on short ones.

Rudbeckia in the foreground. Looks beautiful against the background of purple flowers
In the middle of summer, bright inflorescences of the basket appear, reaching a diameter of 15 cm. Marginal reed flowers are painted in bright colors, and staminate or middle flowers are darker: from yellow to purple, may even be black.
The fruit is an oblong achene with a small crown.. In the achene are black, like small dots, rudbeckia seeds. A characteristic feature of the seed material is that they do not lose their germination capacity for 3-4 years.

Species diversity
In the botanical description, there is a distinction between species of rudbeckia. There are encircling, hairy, dissected, sun-gazing, glossy and shiny rudbeckia.
This species is characterized by powerful bushes with erect shoots.. The stems reach a height of 70 cm. The oval foliage has no pubescence, slightly elongated.

Above the bright yellow petals of the rudbeckia, the brown center proudly rises.
Tubular flowers at the base are painted red, lateral, reed flowers have a yellow tint. The middle rises above the flower itself to a height of 3 cm.
Perennial in our latitudes grown as an annual or biennial. Plant height varies from 50 cm to 1 meter. It depends on the type of plant.

Rudbeckia hairy - like a bright light sparkles with its warm colors
Stems strong, pubescent. There is also pubescence on the leaves.Double flowers reach 10 cm in diameter. Color palette: from pale yellow to orange. The middle is colored purple, protrudes well above the flower itself. Flowering begins in the first decade of July and continues until late autumn. The beauty of the flowers can only interfere with frost.
The perennial plant also has its second name "Golden Ball". The name is true: if you watch the plant during flowering, it is completely covered with double golden flowers that look like a ball.

Rudbeckia dissected. Flowers look like golden balls
Dissected rudbeckia is a tall plant, stems can grow 2 m or more in height. The leaves are oblong, divided into 3 parts. The flowers are large, even more than 10 cm in diameter. Flowering time - 60 days.
The species is characterized by powerful growth, characterized by extensive, lush bushes, reaching a height of 50 cm. Some specimens, under good conditions, can grow up to 80 cm in height.

Tall herbaceous plant rudbeckia glossy
Shiny leaves are entire, with sharp teeth along the edge, lanceolate. Inflorescences-baskets include reed flowers of orange color. Tubular flowers, middle, painted in a dark purple tone.

Varieties: a charming sun in your garden
Consider the popular varieties of annual and perennial rudbeckia. Annual plants are charming flowers, the process of development and flowering of which takes only one year. To get the same plant next year, you will need to collect seeds and grow an annual rudbeckia through seedlings. Perennial specimens delight the eye for many years.
Refers to the type of hairy rudbeckia. The straight, branched and densely leafy stem of an annual plant reaches a height of 40 cm. The flowers are large, painted in 2 colors. Reed flowers have an orange-yellow hue, tubular - coffee-red. A ring is clearly visible in the center. Inflorescences reach a diameter of 8 cm.
Flowering is plentiful, but from the second half of summer. Pleases with joyful highlights until late autumn. Prefers well nutritious, sufficiently moist soils. When choosing a place, you need to stop in a well-lit area.
Cappuccino is used to decorate borders, flowers look beautiful in single plantings, on flowerbeds and flower beds.
On the site you can plant various varieties of rudbeckia. And if you combine them with a long-term aster in a solitary version, or planted against the background of a host, you get a bright spot, pleasantly pleasing to the eye on gloomy autumn days.
Beautiful, elegant, annual plant of the Compositae family. During the vegetative period on voluminous bushes forms a large number of peduncles. The leaf plates are densely covered with hairs, the stems are rigidly pubescent, growing vertically upwards.
The bright color of the inflorescences-baskets attracts attention. In addition, the flowers of the Marmalade variety are large.: above the convex center, yellow-orange petals beautifully break up in different directions, as if soaring.
Marmalade is used in the design of discounts and mixborders, good for cutting.. Can be used as solitary plantings in the lawn. Flowering continues all summer, right up to the frost.

Marmalade - a bright sun of yellow-orange flowers adorns a sprawling bush
Unpretentious plant prefers areas in direct sunlight. If planted in partial shade, the plant will put up with it, but the flowering will not be so bright. It is preferable to grow on fertile, well-drained soils with neutral acidity.
The variety is resistant, adult specimens tolerate light frosts. To get earlier flowering, the Marmalade variety is recommended to be planted through seedlings or sow seeds before winter.
Herbaceous, perennial plant, with strongly pubescent stems. It is also called hairy rudbeckia. The variety is characterized by early flowering, pleasing to the eye with dark red sunflowers from the second half of July to September. It can bloom until frost.
Recommended for creating arrangements in pots and containers. Easily tolerates a transplant, quickly adapts to a new place. Needs moderate watering.

Charming dark red flowers of the Moreno variety attract the eye. From them breathes warmth and tenderness
It is better to plant in an open sunny area. Prefers cultivated, fertile soil, does not like clay. When growing a variety, you should know that Moreno does not like droughtTherefore, soil moisture should be monitored daily.
Prolongation of flowering is facilitated by the timely removal of faded flowers.. After the plant fades, the bush does not lose its decorative effect. Until late autumn, a green rosette of leaves rises above the surface of the earth, and beautiful convex pedicels sway on the stem under a gust of wind.
planted on seedlings recommended in March, and it is recommended to transfer the grown plants at the end of May, when the soil warms up. Well propagated by seeds.
Medium-sized herbaceous plant of the Asteraceae family. The stem of the plant is densely pubescent with numerous hairs, reaching a height of 60 cm. The Yantar variety has gained its popularity among gardeners because it is resistant to prolonged drought, even a serious drop in temperature does not affect it. The variety is best grown in open sunny areas.

Variety Amber. Indeed, the plant looks like drops of amber
In mid-July, inflorescences-baskets appear on long peduncles, reaching a diameter of 10 cm. On the edges of the reed flowers are painted in golden yellow. Brownish-purple tubular flowers are located on a convex receptacle.
Seeds for seedlings are sown in the first decade of April, and seedlings are transferred to the ground at the end of May. Seedling planting scheme: 20x25 cm. Yantar variety is characterized by long flowering. Bright flowers, replacing each other, delight the eye for 2 months. Group plantings are used in landscape design, massive plantings can be used when placed on a lawn.
golden ball
For many of us, this plant brings us joyful memories from childhood, when behind the fence at home or our neighbors one could see an unpretentious and in its own way beautiful plant - the golden balls of rudbeckia. For many years, rudbeckia was undeservedly forgotten, and only recently the popularity of the plant is gaining momentum again.
The golden ball is a perennial plant. During the growing season, the height of the plant can reach 2.5 meters. The leaf plates are strongly dissected, the leaves themselves are colored green.

Rudbeckia dissected. Popular grade Golden ball. Hustomahrovye flowers delight the eye with their splendor
The variety can grow on any soil, but for better and more abundant flowering, it is recommended to feed with organic fertilizers.. The golden ball has adapted well to harsh winters, but cannot survive dry summers. Rudbeckia needs watering. If the watering conditions are neglected, the doubleness of the flowers will noticeably decrease and the plant will be dominated by semi-double and simple flowers.
The plant got its name due to the terry shape of the flower. Bright baskets consist of 2 types of flowers - reed and tubular. The variety is characterized by good fullness of the flower.
Flowering is very long. The first flowers bloom in early July, and the last ones bloom just before the frost, that is, all summer with flowers!
The variety is good in that it is not susceptible to pests and is not affected by diseases.
Rudbeckia purpurea is a close relative of Echinacea. The tall variety belongs to perennial plants. Powerful shoots reach a height of 1 meter. In mid-July (under good growing conditions) or in mid-August, large inflorescences-baskets appear on long peduncles. Purple flowers can reach 10 cm in diameter.

The beautiful purple flowers of Rudbeckia (Echinacea) are used to create flower arrangements in the garden and on the lawn. Bright colors make this variety more profitable
Before planting, it is recommended to cultivate the soil well by digging it to a depth of at least 20 cm.. Grows well in fertile soils.
The older the plant, the better it tolerates winter. Young specimens are recommended to cover, otherwise they will not tolerate severe frosts.
Sowing seeds in open ground is carried out in May. Can be sown before winter. After the first shoots appear in the spring, the seedlings will need to be thinned out. Landing pattern: 50x40 cm.
In landscape design, they are used for group plantings, for decorating mixborders, discounts. Rudbeckia purpurea is good for cutting.

Rudbeckia from seeds: growing rules
Seed propagation is suitable for almost all types and varieties of rudbeckia, only when propagating terry varieties from the mother plant, genetic traits are not transmitted.
Sowing seeds of annual and perennial rudbeckia is started in March, it is possible in early April. Containers are prepared for planting, fertile soil is poured and seeds are sown. After sowing, the seeds are sprinkled with a thin layer of soil, watered with warm water, irrigating the surface of the soil from the sprayer.

Charming rudbeckia grown from seeds through seedlings. Flowering begins in early July and lasts until the end of summer
After sowing, the containers are covered with film or glass and placed in a well-lit place. The optimum temperature for seed germination is +22 °C. At high temperatures and high humidity, seedlings appear within 2 weeks. During the waiting period, it is required to regularly ventilate the mini-greenhouse, inspect the soil surface to prevent the development of mold, moisten and remove condensation from the glass.

When 2 true leaves develop on the plant, it is time to pick the plants
They need to be planted in separate provide more space for normal growth and development.
If there is no desire to mess around with seedlings on the windowsill, the seeds can be sown immediately in open ground, but not earlier than in mid-May.

Planting in the ground and caring for plants
It is necessary to plant seedlings of rudbeckia in a flower bed in warm weather, when the threat of return frosts has passed.
Site selection and soil preparation
Rudbeckia varieties are considered unpretentious to growing conditions, but care should be taken to ensure that the plants feel comfortable. If the flower will feel equally good on different soils, then in a shaded corner it will never open in all its glory.. Therefore, when choosing a place for planting, you need to provide rudbeckia with the brightest place in the flower garden.
Seedlings are planted in the last decade of May. If the soil is clayey, it is recommended to add crushed stone with sand; if it is acidic, add chalk or dolomite flour. To increase the nutritional value of the soil, it is necessary to apply compost as a fertilizer.

A beautiful shrub that will decorate your garden
For plants, you need to prepare shallow holes, the distance between plantings should not exceed 30 cm.
When landing in rainy and cold weather, the adaptation process will be delayed for a while. If the transplant coincided with a significant drop in temperature, it is recommended to cover all plants with lutrasil.
After the seedlings are transplanted to a permanent place, the ground near the plants must be tamped, the flowers should be watered and the soil around the flowers should be mulched 8 cm in height. You can use compost as mulch.
Perennial varieties of rudbeckia are not afraid of severe frostsso don't worry about how they will overwinter.
How and with what to water the plants?
Rudbeckia is very demanding on soil moisture and can not tolerate even a slight drought. The plant is a real "water drink", it needs the root system to always be in moist soil.
Rudbeckia does not tolerate watering with cold water. It is recommended to collect water in buckets so that it has time to warm up during the day. During this time, the water will settle, which will allow impurities to settle to the bottom.

Flowers that are not afraid of autumn cold and bad weather
Do not confuse constant soil moisture with regular watering. Flowers do not like to swim in water, you need to water often, moderate watering is necessary. Excessive soil moisture sometimes leads to rotting of the root system, and to the death of the plant.
An unpretentious plant practically does not need top dressing, especially when planted in nutrient soil. If rudbeckia has been growing in the same place for several years, it is advisable to feed the plants. This will provide them with good growth and abundant flowering.

From spring, it is desirable to introduce nitrogen-containing fertilizers into the soil.
Such a procedure will help the plant quickly start growing and build up a green mass. During the entire growing season, it is recommended to feed with complex dressings containing minerals. In the store you can buy any fertilizer for flowering plants.
What time to transplant?
An unpretentious plant can be successfully grown in the same place for 7 years. It will feel great and delight in flowering. Change of residence is necessary only when absolutely necessary.
It is necessary to transfer the bushes to a new place at the beginning of autumn, it is possible in the spring, after the soil has warmed up. In order for the plant to experience less stress, you will need to dig up the rudbeckia directly with a clod of earth and transfer it to a new place. This will allow the plant to quickly adapt to new conditions.

bright stars
If during transplantation it is planned to divide the mother bushes, you need to dig out the rhizomes, examine them for damage and remove those that do not inspire confidence. Divided into parts, each of them is planted in a prepared hole. The places of cuts are sprinkled with crushed coal.
Reproduction by dividing the bush is used not only in the case of obtaining new specimens, but also to rejuvenate the planting material.
Does it need pruning?

When caring for a plant, one should not forget about such an important procedure as removing dried flowers and shoots.
Such manipulation will improve the aesthetic appearance, help prolong flowering. If there is no purpose to collect seeds, it is recommended to remove all faded flowers.

Medicinal properties: how is a flower good for health?
I would like to make a reservation right away that the use of rudbeckia for the treatment of diseases is welcomed only by alternative medicine. In traditional medicine, the medicinal properties of the plant are skeptical.
The chemical composition of rudbeckia is quite diverse. Sugars, alkaloids, saponins and tannins were found in the underground and aboveground parts of the plant. In addition, the composition includes substances such as coumarins, lactones, hydroxycinnamic acids.
The therapeutic effect and pharmacological properties are based on the content of biologically active substances in the plant. It is necessary to turn to coumarins, for example, due to the presence of scopoletin, the plant has an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect, and can relieve spasms. The umbelliferon contained in the plant also has an antispasmodic effect. The antibacterial property is achieved thanks to caffeic acid.
Traditional healers in rudbeckia noticed not only the beauty and charm, but also the ability of the flower to treat many diseases. The discovery of medicinal properties belongs to the American Indians, who spoke about the possibility of treating throat diseases, tonsillitis and cough.

The plant is credited with antispasmodic, wound healing, immunostimulating and anti-inflammatory properties.
Currently, folk healers and homeopaths are interested in rudbeckia. It is actively used to treat various kinds of neurological disorders, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It is used as a choleretic agent. Good help in the treatment of burns, skin diseases, it is also used in gynecology.
For the treatment of diseases, infusions prepared on the basis of dried parts of plants are used.. Tinctures for alcohol and decoctions are used much less frequently.
Contraindications for use
Unfortunately, we do not have comprehensive information about the absence of toxic effects on the body during the treatment of rudbeckia. In some sources, you can find information that the plant is completely safe for human health. Other sources cite facts that cases of poisoning have been reported in the treatment of rudbeckia at home.

Diseases and pests
If the agrotechnical rules of cultivation are not followed, a whitish coating can be seen on the plant, similar to scattered flour. It's powdery mildew - a rather unpleasant disease that can destroy plantings. The appearance of powdery mildew is promoted by increased air humidity in conditions of dense plantings. The fact is that among tall plants little space is formed, which prevents the air from circulating normally.
To treat the disease, a solution of colloidal sulfur is used.. Can be treated with Bordeaux liquid. In addition, in the store you can buy a chemical preparation to combat powdery mildew.

The plant has strong immunity and disease resistance.
Of the pests, the leaf nematode causes great harm to plants. The presence of a pest is evidenced by brown spots that can be seen with the naked eye on the foliage of plants. The spots grow over time, merge together.The nematode provokes the wilting of rudbeckia plantings. Control measures are the use of special chemicals. But first you can try the mechanical method. To do this, you need to cut off all the damaged parts of the plants and burn them away from your personal plot.
No less dangerous are leaf-eating pests.: spider mite, thrips, caterpillars.

Creation of landscape compositions
Low-growing varieties of rudbeckia are used for planting in discounts, for border decoration. They can decorate flower beds and create incredible compositions in flower beds.
Orange, red or yellow daisies look charming above the openwork greenery of rudbeckia foliage. The effectiveness of landings depends on the location. Group plantings located along the curb or lawn look beautiful. Bright spots always attract attention.

Tall varieties should be placed in the background so that they do not overshadow other plants with their growth.
Rudbeckia are characterized by long flowering, they can be used to decorate the garden plot in combination with gelenium. Look good in the background aster, lavators. Purple-blue verbena and cereals are a great addition to the creation of the composition.
Rudbeckia can be planted next to phlox, monarda, salvia, heliopsis. Country style lovers are advised to use this plant in their area.
Description and Reproduction
Rudbeckia: planting and caring for a plant in the open field. Varieties of rudbeckia for decorating a personal plot, useful properties (80+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews