Rose: description of 16 varieties, features and care - such a different queen of flowers (150 Photos & Videos) + Reviews

rose varieties photo and description

The rose is the most popular flower grown on our planet. In general, when they say the word "flowers", in the vast majority of cases they mean exactly roses, consider the description of its varieties and photos. Magnificent appearance, incomparable with any other flowers, gives the rose the right to be called the "queen of flowers"

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Rose: description of 16 varieties

Currently, there are several tens of thousands of varieties of these plants. However, from the point of view of biology, they are all the most common wild rose. Since ancient times, mankind has paid attention not only to the usefulness of rose hips, but also to the aesthetic properties of its flowers.

Amateur breeding with hybridization of wild rose was already carried out in Ancient Greece, and the Romans raised the issue of bringing new varieties to a professional level.

Red Rose

For two and a half thousand years, the rose has gone through a difficult path from only a dozen varieties known to Herodotus' contemporaries to 35 thousand varieties that are cultivated now.

Their classification is a whole science that has existed for more than a hundred years. To list all the varieties, or at least their groups, is a very difficult task. Therefore, we will consider their varieties, focusing on the main classes, describing some of the features of their cultivation, as well as caring for them.

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floribunda roses

floribunda roses

  • The height of these plants is from 0.3 to 1 m. Each shoot from above forms a large bouquet of bright flowers.
  • The petals are goblet-shaped or bowl-shaped; they are either terry or smooth.
  • The flowering time of floribunda is in July, its duration is from 2 to 3 months.
  • The size of flowers can vary from 4 to 11 cm.
  • These flowers are grown as shrubs or as standard plants.
  • In some cases, pot growing can be used.

The number of varieties of these varieties is quite large. The most popular varieties of floribunda are:

  • (Galaxy) Growth up to 80 cm, petals - terry, white, with a slight shade of red along the edges. Their aroma is reminiscent of the smell of linseed oil.
  • (Carte Blanche) White, up to 1 m. Bloom until early October. They are disease resistant.
  • (Blue Baju) The hue of the inflorescences is bluish-lilac, which, against the background of yellow-green shoots, gives the illusion of blue. The plant is capricious and demanding on growing conditions, but is appreciated by flower growers for its original coloring.
  • (Frisia) Height up to 70 cm. A large number of buds with yellow petals. Petals are terry, extremely fragrant. Blooms in late June, blooms until mid-October.

These varieties are thermophilic, love well-lit areas; they need protection from the wind and also require room for the root system of each bush. Planting holes must be at least 50 cm deep.

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Canadian roses

Canadian roses

  • They are a kind of champion in frost resistance.
  • These varieties are able to tolerate frosts down to -30 ... -40 ° C without warming.
  • They bloom from early June until the first frost.
  • These plants are practically undemanding to light, their cultivation does not present any special problems even for inexperienced flower growers.

Traditionally, Canadian roses are divided into two series:

  • park (upright, odorless);
  • varieties, such as "explorer".

The latter include both erect and climbing varieties with a pronounced aroma.

Caring for these plants is quite simple: planting is carried out in fertile soil laid on the bottom of holes up to 70 cm deep. The first 1-2 years, young plants must be wrapped up for the winter, and every spring they should be pruned, removing diseased or damaged shoots.

Plants must be mulched, and to ensure good flowering, feed twice a season: in spring, 30 g of nitrogenous fertilizers are applied under each bush, in the middle of summer up to 30 g of superphosphate. Before the winter period, it is advisable to spud the bushes with compost (up to 3 buckets per 1 bush), and during the winter, cover the bushes with a layer of snow up to 50 cm.

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climbing roses

climbing roses

By this name, they do not mean some kind of related species, but almost all representatives of the rosehip genus, which form long shoots and are able to change the direction of growth. Naturally, there is no general description of them, since they often represent representatives of completely different varieties or hybrids.

Climbing roses differ in the conditions of care, as well as the climatic zones in which they are grown. The only common feature of these plants is the ability of their stems to take the forms into which flower growers direct them with the help of special supports or other landscape design elements.

These plants are suitable for braiding various elements. decorative gardening: fences, arbors, walls, trees and so on. Actually, the classification of climbing roses depends not so much on their biological characteristics, but on how and what they will braid.

Consider their main classes:

  • (curly or ramblers) They have long (more than 5 m) creeping shoots with small leaves. Flowers are evenly distributed along the entire length of the stems. The duration of flowering ramblers is from 4 to 5 weeks and falls on June-July. Most ramblers are frost-resistant and winter without any shelter. The main purpose is the braiding of walls and fences.
  • (climbing) They are a hybrid of ramblers and tea roses (sometimes floribunda). The length of their shoots is about 4 m, however, the flowers are much larger than those of climbing roses; their diameter can exceed 5 cm. Most climbers bloom twice a season, they are also frost-resistant.
  • (Climings) They are a further mutation of the climbers, however, they have thicker stems and flowers, up to 11 cm in diameter. However, the number of flowers on the shoot is about two times less than on climbing or climbing ones. Most of them also bloom twice a season, but they grow only in warm climates, as they cannot tolerate even light frosts.

Most climbing plants are frost-resistant, however, it is recommended to cover them for the winter with additional means in the form of a film or a protective layer of foliage or grass. In the latter case, you have to remove the stems of the plant from the supports, laying it on the ground.

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Flamentan climbing rose

Flamentan climbing rose

  • It is one of the climbing ones, which has a large number of buds in inflorescences (more than 15 pieces) with a strong aroma.
  • The variety was bred in the middle of the last century for a specific purpose: to create a low climbing plant that has a red color and high disease resistance.
  • The length of the stems does not exceed 3 m, the size of the flowers is 7-8 cm, which is quite large for climbing.
  • Flowering lasts up to 50 days and begins in mid-summer.The plant is resistant to pests, resistant to diseases, can endure frosts down to -20 ° C without shelter.
  • For cultivation, well-drained loose soil is required, since the roots do not tolerate excess moisture, needing air breathing.
  • Top dressing for good flowering is required. As a standard, nitrogenous fertilizers are applied in early spring (30-40 g per bush), and phosphorus-potassium fertilizers in summer (up to 50 g per bush).
  • In late autumn, it is advisable to fertilize the roots with compost.

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spray roses

spray roses

  • They were bred in the middle of the 20th century. Their feature is the presence of a large number of buds (more than 15 pieces) at the end of the stem.
  • The diameter of the flowering parts reaches 8 cm. The height is about 50 cm.
  • For their similar size and shape of the inflorescence, they are sometimes called "pink splashes."
  • The decorativeness of these roses allows them to find the widest application: from wedding bouquets to the decoration of very dense flower beds.
  • Planting is carried out in holes up to 40 cm deep, at the bottom of which it is necessary to put drainage in the form of pebbles.
  • The rest of the steps are standard for roses: a layer of compost or fertile soil is placed on the drainage, a bush is planted, covered with earth and watered with a large amount (up to 10 liters) of water.

Their advantages include:

  • long flowering at the beginning of summer and lasting up to 3 months
  • variety of colors and shades: from yellow to bright red
  • unpretentiousness in cultivation
  • frost resistance up to -20°C

Caring for them is not difficult. It includes regular loosening and moderate watering. Pruning is done several times during the season: as a rule, this is the beginning of spring, when diseased, dried stems are removed, as well as the end of flowering, in which only wilted buds are cut. They require shelter for the winter.

Top dressing is standard, applied to all types of skewers: nitrogenous fertilizers in spring, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers in summer; It is best to do summer dressing during the period of budding or the beginning of flowering.

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hybrid tea roses

hybrid tea roses

With the advent of these plants in 1867, a new period in the cultivation of roses began. Their first variety, bred by André Guillot, was called "France". He was a hybrid of a tea rose with a remontant. It is he who is the ancestor of all existing popular roses at the present time.

Guyot managed to create a plant of exceptional quality, with a long, almost continuous flowering, as well as a wonderful aroma. Actually, Guillot's work was the very separator that drew the line between the "old" and "new" colors.

  • These roses are considered the most refined of the decorative varieties.
  • They can have a height of 50 cm to 1 m, have a variety of forms of bushes, and can be grown as standard crops.
  • Their flowering parts are very large, up to 10 to 15 cm in diameter, the number of buds on the stem averages 6-7.
  • The number of petals in one bud in hybrid tea varieties ranges from 20 to 130.
  • Flowering begins in the second half of June, and lasts until mid-October.
  • And, often, it is divided into two stages: June-July, and after a short pause, July-October.
  • The plant is frost-resistant: without shelter, it tolerates frosts down to -10 ° C, and with shelter - almost any winter.

The care of these roses is standard, however, some varieties should be considered prone to diseases, especially fungal infections or pests. The plant is especially vulnerable to dropworm caterpillars, spider mites; roots can often be affected by nematodes.

The number of varieties of these plants is huge. The following are the most popular:

  • (american pride) Height - 80 cm, flowering parts are red, velvety, goblet, 15 cm in diameter.
  • (Baron Rothschild) Height is 110 cm.Petals are white inside, crimson outside. Diameter up to 11 cm.
  • (Dee Welt) Tall flowers up to 120 cm. Orange inside, yellow outside, diameter 11 cm. Flowers are dense, have more than 60 petals.
  • (Evening Star) White plants with a pale yellow base. Flowers solitary, diameter up to 11 cm. Height 80 cm.
  • (Lady X) Purple flowers up to 12 cm in diameter, dense (up to 50 petals). In inflorescences 3-5 flowers.
  • (Mr. Lincoln) Height up to 90 cm, flowers up to 12 cm in diameter, moderately dense (up to 40 petals). They have one of the longest flowering periods.

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garden rose

garden rose

By this name, in recent times, they mean not garden roses in general, namely their ancient garden ancestors that existed before André Guillot developed hybrid tea varieties. These time-tested plants have survived unchanged to this day. To some extent, they can be called the "antiques" of the pink world.

Their most popular varieties include:

  • (White roses Alba) White or pale pink flowers, arranged in inflorescences of 5-6 pieces. They bloom in mid-spring or summer, starting from the second year after planting. Very unpretentious and frost-resistant.
  • (Bourbon) Large red or purple flowers (up to 11 cm) on strong shoots of medium height. Usually flowers are collected from inflorescences of 3 pcs. Flowering time is late summer. Ideal for borders, but there are also climbing varieties used to decorate fences.
  • (Burso) Climbing cultivated wild rose, used to decorate arches. Terry flowers, collected three in one inflorescence. They require winter shelter. Color - from red-violet to pale red.
  • (Provence) Similar to Bourbon, but pink in color and stronger in flavor. They belong to bushy plants.
  • (Chinese roses) Flowers of low and medium height, shrub. They have all shades from white to red. Flowering lasts all summer. Require protection from the wind, are used as borders.

Currently, most of the "old" roses are practically not used for breeding new varieties, since the descendants of hybrid tea have a much larger base for selection. Representatives of garden roses may have a less spectacular appearance, however, they are quite suitable for decorating discreet gardens.

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English roses

English roses

A large group of relatively new varieties, bred in the late 20th century in the UK. Their appearance is unique in its own way - it was one of the few successful attempts to cross the old garden roses with modern tea or floribundas.

"Englishwomen" combine the forms of flowers of old roses and the stability and frost resistance of modern ones. Their important feature is that they have almost all possible bush forms: "English" can be low, tall, bushy, standard, climbing, integumentary, and so on.

In addition, all these varieties have hybrids adapted to different climatic conditions. Most of these plants are frost-resistant and shade-tolerant.

However, they have a number of disadvantages that are the result of "extreme" selection:

  • in the first years of life, while the stems are not yet strong enough, they bend and break under the weight of heavy flowers
  • about a third of the varieties have little or no re-flowering
  • despite shade tolerance, with a large number of cloudy days, they may not bloom at all

However, in any case, if the grower tends to grow old roses, he would be better off turning to English roses, since their breeding is less troublesome.

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Roses of Austin

Roses of Austin

They are essentially a version of the English ones (since David Austin was the person who got the English roses), but this name refers to the most successful results of his experiments related to bushy forms.

All of them have a large number of terry petals (from 100 to 120) and have strictly defined flower shapes:

  • pompon
  • bowl (shallow, deep, curved, etc.)
  • power socket

Austin also achieved the unification of the flavors of his creations. There are five of them:

  • fruit
  • myrrh
  • tea
  • musky
  • old

One of the advantages of Austin roses is that, theoretically, a florist can find a plant with the flower shape he needs and the aroma of interest to him. These plants are also unpretentious in their care and devoid of most of the shortcomings of English varieties.

rose wrinkled

rose wrinkled

They are varieties of the common wild rose, but they have larger and more beautiful flowers in rich colors. They are powerful shrubs with long branches, on which there are many sickle-shaped thorns.

  • Their leaves are oval in shape and covered with a layer of fluff underneath. The inflorescences of this wild rose contain 4-8 flowers of a wide variety of shapes and sizes.
  • One of the features of the plant is early flowering, which occurs already in May, and by the second flowering, which occurs in July, not only flowers appear on the plants, but also large bright red fruits up to 3 cm in diameter, adding additional decorativeness to the bush.
  • In autumn, another beautiful metamorphosis takes place with the plant: its leaves change color from green to burgundy or bronze. The combination of a similar color of foliage and bright red fruits of the second flowering looks very impressive.
  • The wrinkled rose is absolutely unpretentious and requires almost no care; in addition, it is frost-resistant, almost like Canadian.
  • The disadvantages of the plant include its overly developed root system: if you do not fight the processes of the roots in time, the wild rose will very soon capture the entire possible territory.
  • The plant is very tenacious and wins over any competitors, so the fight against excess young shoots is mandatory.

ground cover roses

ground cover roses

They are wrinkled hybrids and inherited all the advantages of their ancestors. They are unpretentious, practically do not require care and are frost-resistant, which allows them to be used in almost any climatic conditions. They are also highly resistant to diseases and pests.

Flowering of ground cover roses lasts almost the entire season. Flowers have a variety of shades: from white and pink to red and purple, in addition, the petals can be multicolored. This stunted plant is usually used to decorate slopes, create dense thickets or borders.

Just like wrinkled the Rose, it changes the color of the foliage in autumn, which brings additional variety to the design. A small amount of soil is enough for its root system, so it can be grown in multi-level flower beds or flowerpots.

Varieties of this rose may have the properties of climbing roses, although rarely when they can rise to a height of more than 1.5 m, however, this is quite enough for decorating small hedges or the lower parts of arches and pergolas.

Shrub roses

Shrub roses

This class includes the so-called semi-climbing plants; shrubs are also included. Such a classification is criticized by the biological community, since English, Canadian, and ground cover roses in one way or another belong to it.

The main property of this class is its ability to be used both in the vertical direction of growth and in the horizontal direction. In fact, scrubs include those varieties that, for various reasons, were not assigned to other classes of roses.

  • Shrubs can be used in a wide variety of roles: from cover and border plants to climbing plants with an average braiding height (up to 2 m).
  • Given the high growth rates and large volume of plants, they are often seated at fairly large distances from each other.
  • For scrubs, planting in 1.5-2 m increments is the norm. To create a continuous cover, seating arrangements are used with a density of 2-3 plants per 1 sq. m.

All scrubs have the following features:

  • long and abundant flowering, often repeated twice per season
  • almost all scrubs have a more pronounced aroma than hybrid-tea classes
  • a large volume of both green and flower mass
  • high disease resistance
  • moderate or high frost resistance
  • unpretentiousness, and often a complete lack of care
  • compatibility with almost all types of other ornamental plants

roses park

roses park

This name is used to identify a large group of cultivated rose hips of a wide variety of varieties and varieties. Just like scrubs, this class is not a biological definition, but combines many plants of different origins used for a specific purpose - landscaping large areas in parks, squares and gardens.

  • In principle, all the characteristics and features that apply to scrubs apply to park roses, with the exception of one thing: park plants are not climbing.
  • These plants prefer sunny areas with neutral, well-drained soil.
  • Soil fertility can be any, because in any case, mineral fertilizers will have to be applied according to the standard scheme (nitrogen in early spring, phosphorus and potassium in summer).
  • The planting of plants is carried out according to the scheme 1.5 by 3 meters, since after 2-3 years the processes of the roots will fill all the free space.
  • Caring for park roses is simple and includes moderate regular watering and decorative pruning, as they, like all wild roses, have a fairly fast spread of green mass.
  • For the first three years, it is desirable to cover the plants for the period of winter with the help of a film; after this age, their wintering is carried out without shelter.

Polyanthus roses

Polyanthus roses

  • Translated from Latin, this name means "many-flowered."
  • These are bushes of small stature (from 30 to 60 cm), with dense foliage and a huge number of buds: in one inflorescence there can be more than five dozen.
  • Despite the small size of the flower (3-4 cm), due to their huge number and dense branches, the whole bush gives the impression of a continuous flower mass.
  • Polyanthus, like all wild roses, are very hardy and highly resistant.
  • They are practically not afraid of pests and diseases, hibernate at a temperature of -20 ° C without shelter.
  • These bushes are able to fully recover after the complete loss of the ground part of the stems.
  • Another feature of polyate varieties is the immunity of their root system to excessive moisture, which is not typical for most garden plants.
  • The disadvantages of the plant include only a small number of existing shades: there are only 3-4 of them, as well as the almost complete absence of aroma in the inflorescences.

The flowering time of each individual bud is about two weeks, however, their large number, together with the regular regeneration of the buds, ensures almost constant flowering. There are practically no thorns on polyanthus bushes, which makes it possible to plant them without problems in gardens where children play.

Red roses

Red roses

These plants are timeless classics. It is difficult to find a garden in which there would be no place for red roses. Among modern varieties, there are a large number of varieties that have a pronounced red color. They have a variety of growing methods and the necessary climatic conditions for successful breeding.

Naturally, roses of the same color can belong not only to different varieties, but in general, have completely different origins.

Consider the most popular varieties of red roses in our latitudes:

  • (Amadeus) Climbing rose, 2 to 3 m high. Flowers are bright red, smooth, rather large. The foliage has a bright green glossy hue.Ideal for decorating arches.
  • (Belcanto) Also a climbing plant, up to 2.5 m high. Terry petals, dark red. It is used for braiding columns.
  • (Flamentanz) We have already considered this plant. The abundance of flowers and unpretentiousness in cultivation make it one of the most optimal plants for braiding any surfaces and structures.
  • (Grand Amor) A hybrid tea variety with an average height (about 70-80 cm). The foliage of the plant has a dark green color, large 12 cm flowers have a pleasant aroma. The shape of the bush is slightly elongated, the plant can be planted quite close to each other.
  • (Piano) Also a hybrid tea plant. The height of the stems is about a meter. The flowers are double, the color is brilliant red.
  • (Botero) Refers to the previously considered varieties. The flowers are dense (more than 10 petals), double, moderately red, similar to strawberry. They have a pronounced aroma. Despite the thermophilicity, it is a frost-resistant crop and spends light winters (down to -10 ° C) without additional insulation.
  • (Cherry Gel) Refers to floribunda. Height 70 cm, flowers are bright, dense, terry. The foliage is plentiful, but the bush itself is quite graceful. Has a strong aroma.
  • (Paprika) Classic scrub, up to 0.7-0.8m high. Numerous medium-sized flowers cover the tops of the stems so that the upper half of the stem is almost invisible. It is undemanding in leaving and is frost-resistant. The variety is also known as Tsarskoye Selo.

rose yellow

rose yellow

Beautiful yellow flowers are able to dispel any negative mood with their bright appearance and, as it were, bring a ray of light into the realm of despondency. Just as in the case of red roses, the same shade can be characteristic of representatives of a wide variety of varieties.

Our most popular yellow roses are:

  • (Berlin rose) Tall tea-hybrid plant with a cup-shaped flower of rich yellow color. Plant growth up to 1 m, flower diameter 12 cm. Frost-resistant and easy to care for.
  • (queen of light) Shrabovaya the Rose, capable of growing up to 1.5 m. Can be used as a climbing fence for braiding low fences. Medium size flowers (10-11 cm). Requires shelter for the winter.
  • (Graham Thomas) An English variety bred by Austin. Hustomahrovye flowers have up to 120 petals, their diameter exceeds 12 cm. The bush is strong, reaching a height of up to 1.4 m. The branching of the bush is plentiful, in addition, numerous branches stand straight, and do not spread along the ground. Since the stems are quite densely covered with foliage, it can be used as a fence plant.

Varieties of roses for the Moscow region

Varieties of roses for the Moscow region

The choice of roses for any area should take into account, first of all, its climatic features, since almost always the soil for roses is imported with a sufficient amount of fertilizer. The Moscow region is a middle zone of a temperate climate, so the recommendations given here may apply to the entire middle zone or more southern regions.

  • The main requirement for such roses is susceptibility to cold weather.
  • In this area, stable negative temperatures during the winter can reach -20 °C.
  • Twice in the last century, short-term drops to temperatures of -40 ° C were recorded, however, such frosts are abnormal for this territory.
  • The number of sunny (clear and slightly cloudy) days in the season from April to September is 90.
  • The total amount of natural precipitation for the same period is about 300 mm.

Based on these criteria, recommendations are given for growing various varieties of roses:

  • Floribundas: Prince of Monaco, Mona Lisa, Rosenfi.
  • Shrubs: Rhapsody Blue, Baroque, Camelot, Don Juan.
  • Climbing: Amadeus, Jasmine, Westerland, Iceberg, Flamentanz.
  • Tea-hybrid: Flamingo, Morning of Moscow, Norita, Imperial, Dam de Ker.
  • English and Austin: Shoreshire Lad, Abraham Derby, Charles Darwin, Claire Austin.
  • Old gardens: Pierre Rosnar, Alba Maxima Arthur Santal.

Also suitable for this climate are many varieties of park and wrinkled roses (in fact, they are suitable for almost any climate) and some types of sprays, for example, Flash Fire.

Rose: description of 16 varieties, features and care - such a different queen of flowers (150 Photos & Videos) + Reviews

rose bloom

Rose: description of 16 varieties, features and care - such a different queen of flowers (150 Photos & Videos) + Reviews

9.7 Total Score
Description of varieties of roses

The abundance of varieties, hybrids and varieties of roses opens up a world of great opportunities for flower growers. Such a variety can satisfy not only the tastes of the owner, but, in addition, allows you to grow plants in almost any climatic conditions. When given proper attention, roses always reward the gardener with beautiful blooms on neat bushes. Do not be afraid to experiment with the queen of flowers, the main thing is not to deviate from simple, unpretentious rules, then everything will work out for you. We have tried to collect for you all the necessary information on this description. If you do not agree with these ratings, leave your rating in the comments with the reasoning for your choice. Thank you for your participation. Your opinion will be useful to other users.

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