Many housewives freeze berries for the winter. Cherry is probably the most common. There are a great many recipes with frozen cherries. Consider in the article the most delicious of them.

Before compote prepared in the summer for the whole winter. The berries were boiled and rolled into three-liter jars to enjoy in the cold season. Today, this need has disappeared. Freezers allow you to save berries, use them as needed.

Each chef has his own favorite drink recipe.
It can be welded from one cherries, and you can add other berries and fruits to it. The main ingredients are cherries, water and sugar. Moreover, the amount of granulated sugar varies from taste preferences.
Lovers of a sweet drink need to put more of it, and those who prefer compote with sourness - less. On average, a liter of liquid is 70 grams.
Recipe #1
We invite you to read and try the easiest recipe. It does not need to add any additional components.
What to cook from:
- Cherry - 300 grams
- Water - 3 liters
- Granulated sugar - 250 grams
How to cook:
- All ingredients are placed in a saucepan, water is poured. Berries are used frozen.
- Put on fire and bring to a boil
- After boiling, reduce the fire and cook for 5 minutes
- Compote is ready. It is recommended to refrigerate before use.
Recipe #2
Components for compote:
- Cherry - 300 grams
- Apples - 300 grams
- Sugar - 250 grams
- Water - 5 liters
How to cook:
- boil water
- Wash apples, cut and remove seeds
- Add apple slices and cherry berries to boiling water
- Cooking takes 10 minutes
- Pour in the sugar before being ready.
- Drink chilled. You can add mint leaves to a glass of drink for freshness.
Recipe #3
If you have a multicooker, compote can be prepared with it.
What to cook from:
- Water - 3 liters
- Frozen cherries - 500 grams
- Sugar - 200 grams
Step by step preparation:
- Put cherries in a multicooker pan. If desired, you can add apples, currants or orange zest
- Pour out the sugar
- To fill with water
- The mode is set to "soup" or "steamer"
- Cooking time half an hour
- Then set the "warm up" mode. Set the time - half an hour
- After the drink has cooled, it can be consumed

Recipe number 1: jelly
What to cook from:
- Cherry - 400 grams
- Water - 1 liter
- Sugar - 100 grams
- Potato starch - 2 tablespoons
Cooking instructions step by step:
- Pour cherry berries with water. Put them on the gas stove
- Sprinkle granulated sugar
- Dissolve cornstarch in cold water in a separate bowl.
- After boiling the cherry drink, add starch, constantly stirring the drink
- Switch off after the jelly begins to boil.
- Serve chilled
Recipe number 2: fruit drink
- Cherry - 200 grams
- Granulated sugar - 100 grams
- Water - 1 liter
Cooking instruction:
- For fruit drink, it is better to take cherries frozen in the form of mashed potatoes. If there is none, defrost the berries
- Remove bones
- Berries need to be mashed. You can use a blender to grind.
- Pour crushed fruits with water. Boil. Leave on fire for a quarter of an hour
- Add sugar before cooking. Remove from fire only when it dissolves.
- You can drink as soon as it gets cold. To speed up this process, pieces of ice can be added to the fruit drink.
Recipe #3: Wine
Frozen cherries can be made wine. Its recipe is different from the preparation of fresh berries. This is due to the fact that you need to speed up the fermentation process. For this, yeast or raisins are added.
Wine composition:
- Cherry - 2.5 kilograms
- Water - 3 liters
- Raisins - 20 grams
- Sugar - 800 grams
Step by step cooking instructions:
- Cherries need to be thawed
- Grind it into puree. If there are bones, remove them.
- Mix cherry puree with raisins. Put in a warm place. Withstand 2 days
- After that, pour in chilled, boiled water
- Strain the drink. The pulp is no longer needed
- Add sugar and stir
- Bottled
- Put latex gloves on the necks
- Set to ferment for 40 days. The room should be dark, and the temperature in it should be about 20 degrees
- The sediment that has settled to the bottom testifies to the readiness of the wine. The liquid must be clear
- Pour into other bottles, while the sediment must be poured. It should not get into the finished wine.
- Leave for several days in a cool room

Bakery products
From the berries prepared in the freezer, you can cook not only compotes, but also bake a variety of pies and make other desserts. It is better if the pits were removed from the cherries before freezing. Because if they are not a hindrance in the compote, then they will be superfluous in the pie.
Recipe #1: Pie
- Flour - 2 cups
- Kefir - 1 cup
- Sugar - 300 grams
- Cherry - 300 grams
- Oil - 2 tablespoons
- Baking powder or soda - 2 teaspoons
Cooking procedure step by step:
- For the dough, flour, kefir, 200 grams of sugar, butter and baking powder are combined
- Grease a baking sheet or special pie dish with butter
- Pour in the prepared batter
- Berries need to be allowed to defrost a little
- Drain out the juice
- Sprinkle them with the remaining sugar.
- Spread over the surface of the dough, pressing the cherries into it a little
- We put in the oven for half an hour. It must be preheated to 200 degrees.
- It is fashionable to check readiness with a match, a knife, a toothpick
Recipe number 2: sour cream
- Sour cream - 200 grams
- Wheat flour - 2 cups
- Chicken eggs - 2 pieces
- Baking soda or baking powder - 1 teaspoon
- Sugar - 200 grams
- Frozen cherries - 300 grams
- Margarine - 100 grams
Cooking process:
- You need to start cooking with eggs. They are beaten with sugar.
- Then, continuing to beat, put sour cream
- At this time, melt the margarine. It must be slowly poured into the whipped mixture.
- The last step in preparing the dough will be the addition of baking powder and flour.
- Pour the finished dough into a greased mold. Cherry berries need to be distributed on the surface
- Bring the temperature in the oven to 200 degrees, put sour cream in there for 35 minutes
Recipe number 3: Charlotte
- Chicken eggs - 4 pieces
- Sugar - 250 grams
- Vanillin - 1 pack
- Premium flour - 200 grams
- Cherry - 300 grams
- Starch - 1 tablespoon
- Butter
Cooking steps:
- First, beat the egg whites and yolks separately. 200 grams of sugar is added to proteins
- Then the whipped parts are combined and whipped together again.
- Next, flour and vanilla sugar are slowly introduced into the eggs.
- The berries must be completely thawed, if necessary, remove the seeds from them.
- Sprinkle with starch and remaining sugar.
- Pour dough into pre-greased mold
- Place cherries on top
- Preheat oven to 200 degrees
- Bake charlotte for 35 minutes
Recipe #4: Chocolate Pie
- Frozen pitted cherries - 0.5 kilograms
- Wheat flour - 1.5 cups
- Margarine - 100 grams
- Eggs - 3 pieces
- Sugar - 200 grams
- Cocoa - 4 tablespoons
- Soda - 1 teaspoon
- Semolina - 2 tablespoons
- Sunflower oil - 2 tablespoons
Step by step cooking process:
- Remove the berries from the freezer, leave them for several hours. They must be completely defrosted.
- If they have bones, then they need to be removed.
- Add a glass of sugar to the berries
- Melt margarine and mix with sugar, you need to mix thoroughly so that it completely dissolves.
- Add eggs. Whisk it all together
- Pour all bulk products into the resulting mixture, except semolina, and mix well
- Lubricate the form with sunflower oil and sprinkle with semolina. It will protect the cake from sticking to the walls of the mold.
- Cherry filling is placed at the bottom and poured with dough
- You need to cook in the oven, you must first preheat it to 180 degrees. Baking will take 45 minutes
Recipe number 5: clafoutis
Clafoutis is a sweet pastry native to France. They eat it there for breakfast. The French serve this dessert warm. Often combined with ice cream or whipped cream.
Traditionally, clafoutis are made with cherries. In the homeland of the dessert, berries with stones are used. It is believed that they give an almond flavor to baked goods.
Grocery list:
- Flour - 100 grams
- Salt on the tip of a knife
- Eggs -2 pieces
- Sugar - 3 tablespoons
- Milk - ¾ cup
- Butter - 2 tablespoons
- Vanilla sugar - 15 grams
- Powdered sugar - for sprinkling
Step by step cooking process:
- For clafoutis, the dough must be liquid. Combine flour, eggs, melted butter, salt, 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar, milk. These components must be thoroughly mixed.
- Cherries for the filling need to be stewed for a couple of minutes with the addition of butter. It needs a little
- Then sugar is added and still cooked, constantly stirring with a spatula until it melts completely.
- Then the berries are covered with dough on top and sent to the oven.
- Baking temperature is 220 degrees
- Dessert ready in 20 minutes
- After the clafoutis is baked, sprinkle it with powdered sugar
Recipe number 6: cherry cake
Products for cooking:
- Chicken eggs - 6 pieces
- Sugar - 500 grams
- Flour - 2 cups
- Juice of half a lemon
- Soda - 0.5 teaspoon
- Cocoa - 50 grams
- Sour cream - 700 grams
- Cherry - 200 grams
- Nuts -150 grams
- Chocolate -0.5 tiles
The cooking process in stages:
- Whites are whipped first
- Then 400 grams of sugar are introduced into them. At the same time, continuing to whip, this procedure cannot be stopped.
- Then add the yolks
- Stir in cocoa powder
- Soda must be repaid with juice squeezed from a lemon. Put it in the mix
- The last step is to carefully add the flour. It is better to mix with a wooden spatula, then the dough will not settle.
- The cake is baked at 180 degrees. It will take 60 minutes in time. So that it does not burn, confectioners recommend covering the top with parchment paper.
- After it cools down, it needs to be divided into 2 parts. It is better to do this with a long and well-sharpened knife.
- One part cut into cubes with sides of 3 cm
- While the biscuit is baking, you need to do the cream. Sour cream is whipped for him. First alone, then with added sugar
- Lubricate the base of the biscuit cake with cream
- Arrange cherries and walnuts on top
- Soak the cubes with cream and place on top of the filling. They need to be layered with cherries and nuts
- Top the cake with the remaining cream
- Apply a pattern of melted chocolate bar on top
Recipe #7: Cherry Cupcake
What to bake from:
- Flour - 250 grams
- Cherry - 250 grams
- Sugar - 1 cup
- Butter - 150 grams
- Eggs - 3 pieces
- Milk - 0.5 cups
- Baking powder - 30 grams
- Vanilla sugar - 1 teaspoon
How to bake:
- Cherries need to be thawed, and the released juice should be removed
- While the dough is being prepared, you need to turn on the oven to warm up. The temperature is set to 180-190 degrees
- Sugar and butter need to grind
- Add eggs to them
- Then milk is poured in. The mixture should be of an even consistency.
- Combine all bulk products and slowly add them, without ceasing to stir, to the prepared mixture
- Part of the dough is laid out in a greased form. From above it is necessary to lay a layer of cherries, cover them with the remaining dough
- You need to bake for 50 minutes. The degree of readiness is checked with a toothpick. If it comes out of the cake dry, then it is ready.
- We take out the finished cake from the oven and let it stand for five minutes. After that, we take it out of the form
- Serve chilled with tea.
Recipe number 8: pies
Pie ingredients:
- Wheat flour of the highest grade - 1 kilogram
- Margarine - 1 pack (180 - 200 gr.)
- Chicken eggs - 3 pieces
- Milk - 0.5 liters
- Dry yeast - 1 tablespoon
- Sugar - 100 grams
- Salt - 10 grams
- Pitted frozen cherries - 800 grams
Step by step cooking instructions:
- Heat milk and combine with yeast. Leave them for 15 minutes
- Pour half of the flour into the dough and knead the dough
- It must be covered and left to approach
- Beat 2 proteins, mix with yolks, margarine, salt and half the sugar
- Then the liquid component must be mixed into the dough.
- Now you need to add the remaining flour and mix thoroughly
- Let the dough rise again
- Then divide the dough into portioned balls. They also need to be allowed to lie down and come up
- Only after that roll out the cakes
- For the filling, the cherries are thawed and combined with sugar. The juice is poured out, it will only interfere with sculpting.
- The filling is placed in the middle of the cake, the edges are pinched
- Blinded pies are laid out on a baking sheet, which is previously recommended to be covered with parchment.
- While the pies are rising, it is necessary to preheat the oven. The temperature in it should reach 180 degrees.
- Bake for 30 minutes. 5 minutes before cooking, brush the surface with an egg. It will add shine and ruddy to pastries.
Recipe number 9: mannik with cherries
Product List:
- Sugar - 0.5 cups
- Margarine - 100 grams
- Semolina - 1 cup
- Milk or kefir - 1 cup
- Cherry - 300 grams
- Dough baking powder - 2 teaspoons
- Eggs - 2 pieces
- Flour - 50 grams
Step by step cooking process:
- Pour semolina with milk or kefir and leave for half an hour, during which time it will swell
- Melt margarine
- Beat testicles
- Put in them sugar, melted margarine, baking powder, flour
- Add the swollen semolina to the mixture
- The bottom and edges of the mold must be anointed with vegetable oil.
- Pour batter into it
- Arrange the cherries on top, pressing them into the batter.
- Bake at 180 degrees for 25 minutes
- The degree of preparation can be checked with a toothpick.
- 11. Mannik can be sprinkled with powdered sugar on top, pour over with condensed milk or decorate with melted chocolate
Cherry Pie Secrets

Every dish has its own cooking secrets.
We have collected for you the recommendations of housewives and chefs for making baked goods with frozen cherries. Using them, you can create culinary masterpieces that will disappear in the stomachs of households in five minutes.
- To make the dough more tender, as they say, melt in your mouth, you need to add cottage cheese to it.
- If you have stocked, in addition to cherries, other frozen berries. Feel free to mix them up. The pies will only taste better. It goes well with blackcurrant cherries.
- Berry pies are baked not only in ovens, but also in multicookers, miracle ovens, microwave ovens. The mode must be set according to the manufacturer's recommendation.
- If it is assumed that only adults will enjoy the pie, then the cherries for it can be soaked in cognac. This will give more juiciness and piquancy to the taste.
- When mixing the products onto the dough with a whisk, you must first mix the dry and liquid components separately. Only then connect them together. This will make it easier to achieve a uniform consistency.
- Pies love a constant temperature. Therefore, the oven must not be opened during the baking process. This will cause them to sink.

First meal
Cherries can not only be added to desserts. It is suitable for cooking first courses. Try making soup out of it. The whole family will love it, especially the kids.
Recipe number 1: cherry soup
- Pre-cooked rice - 200 grams
- Cherry - 400 grams
- Sugar - 100 grams
- Potato starch - 1 tablespoon
- Water - 1 liter
- Whipped cream for garnish
Cooking process step by step:
- Frozen cherries put in a container for cooking, pour water into it and bring to a boil
- Add sugar and boil for a few minutes
- Add starch to boiling soup
- Put a lot of cooked rice on a plate
- Pour cherry jelly
- Top with a flower of whipped cream
- For decoration, you can put a green mint leaf.
- Can be served either warm or chilled
Recipe number 2: traditional Hungarian soup
The list of products used for cooking:
- Frozen cherries - 1 kilogram
- Water - 1.5 cups
- Sugar - 200 grams
- Red dry wine - 1 bottle
- Cinnamon - 2 sticks, or 1 teaspoon ground
- Almond essence - 1 teaspoon
- Cream 10% - 250 milliliters
- Sour cream - 250 grams
Step by step cooking process:
- Combine cherries with sugar
- Pour water and wine into it
- Put on the stove, boil
- Take off the gas. Pour almond essence
- Mix cream and sour cream
- Add mixture to soup
- Consume chilled

Main courses
Recipe number 1: dumplings with cherries
Dumplings are a favorite dish of the Slavs. They were prepared by Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians from ancient times. It is customary to cook them with berry filling starting from mid-summer, when the fruits begin to ripen. In winter, you can pamper your family with this dish, cooked from frozen cherries.
Dough and filling ingredients:
- Cherry - 400 grams
- Flour - 300 grams
- Egg yolk - 1 piece
- Sunflower oil - 2 tablespoons
- Water - 100 milliliters
- Salt - ¼ teaspoon
- Sugar - 150 grams
- Potato starch - 1 tablespoon
Cooking instructions step by step:
- Defrost cherries. Pour the extracted juice into a separate bowl. It can be used to make sauce for dumplings. See below for his recipe.
- Heat up the water a little
- In it you need to stir salt and yolk
- Add this mixture to the flour, pour in the sunflower oil. Knead the dough
- The dough must be well kneaded
- Then it is covered with a film and put in the refrigerator for an hour.
- Combine defrosted cherries with potato starch. It will take away excess moisture.This will greatly simplify the process of sculpting dumplings.
- Roll out the dough, use a glass to cut rounds out of it
- Put some cherries in the middle, sprinkle with sugar and blind the edges
- You need to cook dumplings in a large amount of water. They should be free to cook. This is a guarantee that they will not stick together and will not open.
- Drop them one by one into boiling water. Stir occasionally
- Cooking time is 5 minutes
- The finished dish must be flavored with butter
- Served with cherry sauce
Preparation of cherry juice sauce for dumplings:
- Juice mixed with 1 tablespoon of starch, 20 gr. sugar, put on fire
- As soon as it boils, immediately turn off the gas
- Serve with dumplings after cooling to room temperature.
Recipe number 2: duck with cherries
Required products:
- Duck - 1 carcass
- Salt - 2 teaspoons
- Ground pepper - 1 teaspoon
- Red wine - 0.5 cups
- Cinnamon, salt, sugar ¼ teaspoon each
- Cherry - 300 grams
Step by step preparation:
- Wash the duck well. Rub the carcass with salt and pepper, leave to marinate for 2 hours
- Prepare the sauce: add wine, cinnamon, salt, sugar to the cherry. Bring the mixture to a boil
- Make punctures on the duck carcass with a fork. The bigger, the better
- Put the duck on a sheet and send it to the preheated oven. The temperature should be 180 degrees
- Duck cooks for about 100 minutes. Turn it over every 20 minutes
- After this time, take out the duck and pour over the cherry sauce along with the berries. Put in the oven for another 20 minutes
- At the end of baking, the temperature can be increased. Then the skin of the bird will be well browned
- Drain the juice from the pan into a gravy boat. It is served with meat
Recipe number 3: chops with cherry sauce
Products for cooking:
- Frozen cherries - 200 grams
- Vegetable oil - 30 grams
- Pork steaks - 400 grams
- Salt, pepper by a pinch
- Mustard beans - 1 tablespoon
- Onion - 1 head
- Lemon - 1 piece
- Honey - 1 teaspoon
Cooking instructions:
- Meat steaks need to be washed and dried. Beat off on both sides with a special hammer
- Marinate pork in a mixture of pepper salt and 20 gr. oils. Let stand for half an hour
- Finely chop the onion and combine with cherries
- Mix the rest of the oil, honey, mustard, lemon juice
- Pour this mixture over the berries and onions. Mix
- Fry the chops in a pan on all sides
- Then add the cherry mixture to them and boil
- Simmer for 5-7 minutes with a lid
- You need to eat immediately, before the dish has cooled down.

The benefits of frozen fruits
Cherry fruits contain:
- Folic acid
- Vitamin C
- Tocopherol
- Retinol
- Thiamine
Its use helps to strengthen the immune system. The human body is better able to resist infectious diseases. It has a positive effect on the circulatory and cardiovascular systems.
Cherry contributes to the normalization of the intestines, supports the liver. This berry is a real elixir of youth, as it slows down cell aging. It is recommended to eat for the prevention of cancer.
Cherry fruits contain many microelements and organic acids.. They also have a positive effect on the body. The berry has practically no contraindications. With the exception of individual intolerance that can cause allergies.

Ways to freeze cherries
Cherries are frozen in different ways, the method depends on the dishes that you plan to cook:
- With and without bones
- Puree
- With sugar
Before the berries are sent to the freezer, they need to be prepared: sort, rinse and dry.Cherries should be ripe and undamaged.
For compotes, fruits with seeds are suitable. They need to be spread in a thin layer in the freezer and left for 5 hours. After the time has elapsed, pack the cherries in batches.

Cherry variety nord star
It is not recommended to immediately put the berries in a bag.. They will freeze in a lump, which will complicate the process of separation and defrosting. The portion should be at one time, because re-freezing is highly undesirable.
Pitted cherries are used as fillings for various pastries and dumplings. It is harvested, like berries with seeds. The difference is that they must first be removed, then only the fruits should be sent to the freezer.
Cherry puree is used to add to cereals and desserts, various sauces are made from it. First, the berries are crushed in a meat grinder, mixed with sugar. It is necessary to observe the proportion per kilogram of cherries add 250 grams of granulated sugar. Then the puree is laid out in prepared containers and sent to the freezer.
You can freeze the fruits in syrup. It is prepared in the proportion of 1.5 kilograms of granulated sugar per 1 liter of water. The berries are placed in a container for storage and poured with hot syrup. After cooling, the containers are placed in the freezer. This blank is suitable for making jelly, fruit drink and adding to desserts.
Frozen cherries retain almost all of their qualities and properties. From it you can cook all dishes that involve the use of fresh fruits. Freezing without sugar, it can be included in the diet of diets, and even use in diabetes is allowed. In winter, it will become a source of vitamins for households.
Freezing cherries is a great proven way for the winter
21 recipes for dishes and drinks from frozen cherries, cooking, tips, benefits of berries and recommendations for freezing (Photo & Video) + Reviews