Radish: black, green and white. Description, useful properties and possible contraindications (Photo & Video) + Reviews



Now many varieties and hybrids of radish are known, as well as their beneficial properties and contraindications. Each of them belongs to one of the groups: black, green, white, red radish. Even the well-known radish is actually a kind of radish with a slightly spicy taste.

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Companies that breed new varieties and sell seeds produce hundreds of them. Now there is a fashion for hybrids that are distinguished by good commercial qualities: smoothness and evenness of root crops, the same size.

Every year new hybrids appear, which should satisfy the need of gardeners for new seeds. Most often they buy those that are considered more productive and more useful. But there are many types of radishes.

Which one is more useful? This question cannot be answered unambiguously. Each group has its pros and cons. One has more essential oils and vitamin C, the other has more B vitamins and proteins. Let's try to understand all the subtleties.

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A bit of history

The radish has been known since time immemorial. Her images are found even on the pyramid of Cheops. The ancient Egyptians cultivated and consumed radishes as a natural cure for many ailments. Its pungent taste has been known to the Egyptians for at least 4,500 years. That is how old the famous pyramid is. Most likely, the radish served as a good medicine for various diseases.

radish in ancient greece

She was loved more than other vegetables in ancient Greece

Preference was given to black radish even before carrots and beets, tasty and sweet root crops. The radish was worth its weight in gold for its beneficial properties. Even then, it began to be used not only as an additive or main dish, but also as a medicine.

In all ancient treatises, radish has already been mentioned as a remedy for various diseases. Ancient doctors advised to use not only root crops, but also oil, which is obtained from seeds.

In Russia, black radish has been known since time immemorial. She was fed, treated various diseases. She, along with other root crops, was stored until spring and was an indispensable meal on fasting days: “The radish came, yes, hell, yes, the book of Ephraim.” Thus, respect was shown for a vegetable that surpasses the rest in its usefulness: “The radish often cures the plague.”

At that time, ordinary people did not have personal doctors, numerous pharmacies nearby, so prevention was given much more attention than treatment. The special value of the radish is that it can be used to prepare delicious savory dishes and at the same time be taken for medicinal purposes. One of them is okroshka, a traditional Russian dish.

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types of radish

20 years ago in Russia they knew, basically, only black radish. Some have heard or read about white and green on the pages of the Homestead Farm. These species were considered exotic. It was considered a great success to write out expensive seeds for a lot of money.

Everyone was curious why the daikon is so loved in Japan that they pay so much attention to it. And why exactly is it the most popular vegetable. The intrigue was created by the fact that among the inhabitants of Japan, where this root crop came from, there are many centenarians and a long life expectancy.

In addition, the advertisement promised giant small-seed root crops and record harvests.

In addition, the advertisement promised giant small-seed root crops and record harvests.

Allegedly, one daikon can last almost the whole winter. Having tried a foreign miracle, our gardeners were convinced that the crops were really good, but not so good that they could exchange the usual spring radish salad for an overseas root crop.

For a long time, green radish and daikon really replaced our compatriot, black radish. And only now the fashion is returning to it. It was found that there is no such root crop (except horseradish) that would be similar in taste and composition to our original Russian type of radish.

Not without reason, according to their usefulness, they are put in one row with horseradish. Although, for example, it is impossible to make a salad from horseradish, but from a radish - please. Other types have their own advantages, which will be discussed below.


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There are more essential oils in black radish than in other varieties. That is why it is considered the best cough medicine. In the recent past, black radish was used as a natural antibiotic.

varieties of black radish

Black radish is grown all over the world: in Russia, the Mediterranean, Asia

But, unlike tablets, after its use there are no side effects.

In our country, several dozen varieties are known, here are some of them:

Winter round black

Winter round black radish

Winter round black

Winter round black

  • An old tried and tested variety that was planted by our grandmothers. Checked and included in the register in 1950.
  • Average term of maturing, in 2,5-3 months after crops. Very tasty, sweet and spicy taste harmoniously combined.
  • The weight of the fruit is from 250 to 550 g, the shape is round, the skin is black, and the flesh is white.
  • This variety stands out for its remarkable keeping quality.
  • The variety is grown throughout Russia and is considered the most vigorous and "real" of all.


Nochka radish



  • New, but already tested mid-early variety. The fruits can be eaten after 2 months and harvested after 75-80 days.
  • The root crop is rounded, weighing 200-300g.
  • Nochka is stored well, so it is not only consumed fresh, but also stored for storage.
  • For storage, it is desirable to lay medium-sized fruits of approximately the same size.


Doctor radish



  • A late variety that produces even small root crops weighing 200-250 g.
  • Harvest can be stored until spring.
  • The name of this variety reminds us of the main purpose of the radish.


Murzilka radish variety



  • Black radish with a pleasant medium-spicy taste.
  • This is a late variety, bred specifically for winter storage.

Uncle Chernomor

Uncle Chernomor radish variety

Uncle Chernomor

Uncle Chernomor

  • The late-ripening variety was bred 2 years ago specifically for winter storage.
  • It will appeal to those who like small, 200 g, flat-rounded root crops with a semi-spicy taste.
  • This variety is very beautiful: small, smooth, black "balls" of the same size.


Cylinder radish

Cylinder radish

Cylinder radish

  • The variety was bred more than 10 years ago and is distinguished by an unusual elongated shape, similar to carrots.
  • The variety is mid-season. Its taste is very close to radish, there is almost no sharpness in it.
  • In shape, as well as in taste, it is more like a daikon. However, do not be confused, this is one of the varieties of the classic black radish.


Chernavka radish



  • Late ripe variety for storage.
  • Brought out 20 years ago and still enjoys popularity.
  • It can be recommended to those who want to get a quality harvest.


Chernomorochka radish variety



  • Mid-early variety with round fruits with a sharp taste.
  • They combine a real "rare" flavor and good keeping quality.

Black medicinal

Black medicinal radish

Black medicinal

Black medicinal

  • Average term of maturing.
  • Some fruits reach a weight of 500 g.
  • Valued for good taste, root density and shelf life.

There are a lot of varieties now, from slightly spicy to spicy in taste, of various shapes and ripening dates. Everyone chooses according to their taste. But, basically, if they are going to plant a black radish, then first of all they pay attention to its keeping quality and sharpness.

There is no need to chase for a large size when growing this type of radish. The most vigorous are small root crops. Everyone knows the benefits of black radish with honey when coughing.

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Agricultural technology

Previously, the peasants sowed entire fields of radish, which indicates that the agricultural technology of the vegetable is extremely simple. Firstly, weeds should not grow on the site that is allocated for sowing black radish.

The site must be clean, any root crop requires the absence of obstacles to the development of the root system.

The site must be clean, any root crop requires the absence of obstacles for the development of the root system

Otherwise, the fruits turn out to be crooked and curved, as the root is “looking for” a free place in the ground. It is better if vegetables have already grown on it in the previous year.

The most successful predecessors for radish will be:

The most undesirable predecessors are representatives of the cabbage family: all types of cabbage, turnip, radish. In this case, pests and diseases characteristic of these crops remain in the soil. "Relatives" are best planted on the same bed in 2-3 years.

It is good if ripe humus or compost is introduced before digging, and also if manure was applied under the vegetables last season.

But in no case should the beds for radishes be fertilized with fresh manure.

Black radish loves loose, light, pH-neutral soils. The bed needs to be dug up 2-3 times, select all the weeds and loosen with a rake. After that, the prepared soil is left to "rest" and settle a little. Usually it takes at least a day.

Further, the algorithm for planting black radish seeds is as follows:

  • Sowing is carried out from May to July.
  • Late sowing is done for vegetables intended for storage.
  • To make it convenient, they make grooves 3 cm deep with an improvised tool (for example, a rod).
  • The distance between the grooves is kept at least 30-40 cm. You can do less, but in this case it will be inconvenient to loosen the bed.
  • First, the soil is shed, then the seeds are laid out at a distance of 8-12 cm from each other.
  • Seeds are sprinkled with loose and dry soil. If it is cold outside, then you can lay a film on top for the first time until the seedlings sprout.
  • Seedlings hatch in about a week.
  • As soon as the seedlings grow a little, they are thinned out, leaving at least 15 cm between plants.
  • Too much distance is not necessary, the plants begin to develop poorly. You can plant fast-growing lettuce, radishes in the aisles.
  • For prevention, and in order to get rid of pests, young and adult crops are treated with a mixture of ash and tobacco dust sold in a hardware store. They are mixed in a 1:1 ratio by volume.
  • The radish is harvested as it ripens.

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The white radish has been known as well as the black radish for a very long time. In 1950, two successful varieties were created in the USSR, which were used by several generations of our gardeners. These are Winter round white and Winter round black. They differed not only in the color of the peel, but in the content of nutrients.

The taste of white radish is much sweeter and more tender than black. Some varieties are ideal even for a children's table.Many grow only white radish for its more delicate flavor. But at the same time, an indescribable rare aroma is present in it.

Among the varieties of white radish, several groups stand out.

Among the varieties of white radish, several groups stand out

Among the subspecies, the daikon stands out especially. He came to us from Japan relatively recently, which is why it is often called the "Japanese radish". Just 20 years ago in Russia they began to grow this vegetable, which is similar in shape to carrots.

Now we can say for sure: he fell in love with the Russians and will remain in our gardens. But we did not have the same attitude as in Japan towards the daikon. In the Land of the Rising Sun, this root crop takes 1st place in terms of the areas that are allocated to it for cultivation.

In Japan, the daikon is dried and fermented for the winter, almost like our cabbage. The fact is that side dishes from it are very popular and are used in some families almost daily. We also have our traditional black radish and radish, which has a semi-spicy taste reminiscent of daikon. Daikon has taken its niche, but it is not as extensive as in Japan.

This vegetable has much fewer phytocins, which means its taste is much sweeter than rare. It contains a large amount of amino acids, which contributes to the better functioning of the human brain.

What is not less important: Japanese radish is a low-calorie vegetable, 100 g contains 21 kcal. In addition, it contains a protein enzyme that promotes the rapid absorption of foods containing starch.

But the vitamin composition of daikon is on top. The entire vitamin and mineral complex of ordinary radish is contained in it. 100 g of fresh root provides a person with vitamin C for 1/3 of the daily norm.

During epidemics, you need to eat Japanese radish dishes more often. Yes, and just in the fall and spring, you need to drink daikon juice or eat salad as a preventive measure.
White radish dish

White radish dish

Daikon is grown in the same way as black radish. First of all, pay attention to the preparation of the soil. Manure is applied in advance, in the autumn or spring of the previous year. Before planting, you can add well-ripened humus, compost, ash and superphosphate.

Superphosphate is applied to the soil at the rate of 40 g per square meter, ash - according to the state of the soil. If it is acidified, then you can add 200 g per m2, on neutral - about 100 g. The sowing depth of daikon seeds is about 2 cm.

When thinning, do not forget that root crops are different in size. Depending on this, 7-12 cm are left between plants.

Some varieties of daikon:


Minowashi htmlrf



  • It is sometimes referred to as Minowase. This is the most famous variety that grows up to half a meter.
  • In terms of ripening, it is considered mid-season, about 2 months pass from germination to ripeness.
  • The pulp of this daikon is very tasty and crispy.
  • According to its taste, it does not look like a black radish; bitterness is practically not felt in it.
  • The advantage of this variety is that it is suitable for long-term storage.

Moscow hero

Moscow hero radish

Moscow hero

Moscow hero

  • This is an early, but very productive variety of domestic selection. It reaches a length of 70-80 cm, and a weight of 2 kg.
  • Moreover, its diameter is only 8-9 cm.
  • Good for fresh consumption and storage, used for various diseases and obesity.


Kalancha radish



  • Late variety for storage. Root crops aligned, smooth, white.
  • The mass of the root crop is 700-850g, the shape is cylindrical, the flesh is white.

dragon tooth

dragon tooth radish

dragon tooth

dragon tooth

  • A new, very productive variety. The mass of one fruit can reach one and a half kilograms.
  • The variety is mid-season, not suitable for storage.

The Dragon

dragon radish

The Dragon

The Dragon

  • Mid-season variety. Root crops reach a kilogram with a length of half a meter.
  • Root crops are smooth, conical in shape.


Vakula radish



  • Mid-season and large variety.
  • It is valued for excellent dietary qualities and a long shelf life.


Rhino radish



  • Early maturing variety.
  • Daikon salad of this variety can be enjoyed already in late June-early July.


Sasha radish



  • Early ripe.The oval root crop has white, crunchy juicy pulp.
  • Its weight ranges from 100 to 400g.
  • It doesn't keep long enough. But for a month or two after harvesting, it will be able to lie in the cellar along with other root crops.

Daikon is inferior to black radish in its healing effect on coughs, colds, flu.

But it has a number of advantages:
  • the yield of daikon significantly exceeds the yield of black radish due to the deep immersion of a narrow and long root crop into the soil
  • a small piece of land of a few square meters can feed the whole family
  • many varieties are well stored until spring, which means that it is possible to eat salads all winter
  • daikon is sweet in taste, which is very popular with children, they can eat a healthy vegetable
  • it is possible to use Japanese radish even for those people who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract

Many people prefer to grow this miracle vegetable and switched to it from radishes precisely because of its high yield. If you need several pieces of radish for a salad, then one daikon is enough for the whole family. And the benefits are the same. The care of these crops and the use of various repellents are also similar. pests.

Just like radishes, daikon suffers from cruciferous flea.. These little bugs love fresh greens and literally stick around mustard, daikon, radish and turnip leaves. There is an excellent remedy for it: mixture of tobacco dust and ash.

You need to mix them in equal proportions and sprinkle not only the leaves, but also the ground around, since these fleas are found in the ground, and they climb onto the leaves only to eat.

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Green radish is not as common as black or white. In vain, as its benefits have been proven by scientists, and its attractive appearance will add variety to the everyday table. Salads with white, green and red varieties of radish look very picturesque.

It was bred in Uzbekistan, but it feels great in the middle lane.
green radish

Its taste is much more delicate than that of black radish, with a pleasant sharpness that is inherent in all root crops of this species.

She is very helpful. It contains amino acids, phytocins, antioxidants, potassium, phosphorus, other minerals, as well as a complex of vitamins.

The essential oil contained in the fruits of green radish helps maintain health during epidemics. It strengthens weakened immunity and a person who constantly consumes green radish has no reason to consult a doctor. For colds, it is recommended to eat a fresh root vegetable salad at least once a day.

Green radish well helps to restore gastric motility, with constipation, also improves bowel function. The bactericidal properties of this vegetable have been known for a long time. It is useful in putrefactive fermentations, as it destroys dangerous microbes and bacteria.

Scientists have proven a positive effect on blood vessels. It reduces cholesterol levels and gently cleanses blood vessels. But the use of green radish should be agreed with the doctor for inflammatory processes, gastritis, and ulcers.

The choice of varieties of this species is not so wide, but it still differs in variety:

green goddess

green goddess radish

green goddess

green goddess

  • This is a new variety with a bright taste and beautiful crispy flesh.
  • The variety is early maturing, but it keeps well.


Southern green radish



  • Late-ripening variety, not prone to flowering. It has light green flesh and weighs between 200 and 300g.
  • Can be stored until spring or more.


Margelan green radish



  • A well-known early ripe variety of green radish. Very well preserved until the next harvest due to the thick skin.
  • The flesh of the Margelan variety is green, tender, with a semi-sharp taste.

Green radish contains a lot of fiber, which helps to improve bowel function. The unique composition of green radish promotes both weight loss in obesity and vice versa.

If you have problems with appetite, you need to eat vegetables that excite it.Usually these are those products that contain natural bitterness. These include green radish.
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According to the official classification, radishes are classified as cherry radishes. We will talk about several varieties of white radish, which have become real achievements of domestic and foreign breeders.

These varieties have white flesh and red skin, or vice versa.

These varieties have white flesh and red skin, or vice versa

The composition of such root crops is similar to the composition of white radish. Only a red tint indicates a high content of carotene.

Lobo Troyandova

Lobo Troyand's radish

Lobo Troyandova

Lobo Troyandova

  • Rounded root crop of pink color with a predominance of white closer to the "tail".
  • The flesh is a beautiful pink color. It belongs to mid-season varieties, it takes from 75 to 85 days to ripen.
  • The taste of this variety is sweet and spicy. It is good both in salads and in storage.
  • Under optimal conditions, such a radish can be stored until next summer.

Red long

red long radish

Red long

Red long

  • An early ripe variety of radish with red skin and white crispy flesh.
  • The shape of this variety is elongated. Weight 150-200g, size - 8-15 cm long and 4 cm thick.

Manthang Hong

manthang hong radish

Manthang Hong

Manthang Hong

  • Yielding hybrid, early ripening. Very pretty on the cut.
  • The combination of light green skin and deep raspberry flesh make it ideal for salads.


lady radish



  • This is a variety with a round root crop similar to a beetroot.
  • Its skin is red, and the flesh, like that of an ordinary white radish, is very juicy and tasty. The mass of the fetus is on average 100g.
  • The ripening period of the crop is medium. For winter storage, this radish is recommended to be sown in the first half of the year. July.

Red winter

Red winter radish

Red winter

Red winter

  • This variety is similar to the Lady: red root color and white flesh.
  • But the Red Winter variety has a late ripening period, up to 90 days and a larger size.
  • The average weight of root crops is 200g. Harvest good, perfectly stored.

It is recommended to grow several varieties, varieties and hybrids of radish in the garden at once. Ranging from intensely hot black radish varieties to sweet-spicy varieties and hybrids of different colors and shapes. After all, each of them has its own flavor nuance.

The presence of red and green varieties in a salad will turn them into festive ones.

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Beneficial features

Useful properties of a radish are not subject to any doubt.

Useful properties of radish are not subject to any doubt

This is evidenced by the practical centuries-old experience of entire nations, the conclusions of scientists and the knowledge of doctors. Radish differs from other vegetables, contains 8 essential amino acids and a large list of minerals, almost the periodic table.

Here is a list below, where the percentage of 100g of radish to the daily requirement of one or another element will be displayed:

  • silicon - 131%
  • rubidium - 129%
  • vanadium - 118%
  • boron - 41%
  • cobalt - 40%
  • potassium - 28%
  • sulfur - 24%
  • calcium - 24%
  • molybdenum - 22%
  • lithium - 17%
  • chlorine - 11%

Radishes contain the following vitamins:

  • Riboflavin (vitamin B2). It improves vision and skin color, gently affects the work of the intestines. With a lack of eating this vitamin, an upset of the gastrointestinal tract is observed. When taken orally, it helps to heal minor wounds.
  • Thiamine (vitamin B1). Like all B vitamins, this vitamin is needed to maintain the functioning of the nervous system. It also helps fight insomnia, as it strengthens the body and successfully fights stress. It plays an important role in the exchange substances.
  • Vitamin C. It is a strong antioxidant that acts on the cells of our body, slowing down the aging process. Helps the work of bone and connective tissue.
  • Alpha tocopherol. It is an antioxidant, immunomodulator and antihypoxant. Scientists have found that this substance is especially necessary for pregnant women and children.
  • Pyridoxine. Found in radish in small doses, it is a form of vitamin B6. Pyridoxine is involved in the functioning of the nervous system. In its absence, increased fatigue and depression were noted. It is also involved in the processes of blood circulation.

If we consider the types of radish as a whole, it turns out that the composition is approximately the same, however, the different content of bitterness and essential oils makes everyone choose what they like best. Some choose more vigorously, others - sweeter, as you like.

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Many diseases are cured by the radish itself and its juice.

Many diseases are cured by the radish itself and its juice.

But this is by no means a panacea. And this miracle vegetable has contraindications.

  • with increased acidity of the stomach
  • with peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum
  • inflammatory diseases of the kidneys
  • with heart disease and other diseases

In addition, you need to be careful in the following cases:

  • for children under 3 years old
  • allergies to radish
  • during pregnancy
  • when feeding

It is not necessary to completely refuse treatment or prevention. But it is better to start introducing a new product, especially to children, in small portions. In this case, you can immediately see if there is a deterioration.

Even a healthy person should not abuse radish and dishes from it. If you want to improve your diet and introduce radish into it on an ongoing basis, then you need to do this gradually.

VIDEO: How to treat a cough? Black radish with honey

Radish: black, green and white. Description, useful properties and possible contraindications (Photo & Video) + Reviews

What is the treatment for cough?

Radish: black, green and white. Description, useful properties and possible contraindications (Photo & Video) + Reviews

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Radish and its properties

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1 comment
  1. Radish is a very useful root crop that will relieve many ailments and diversify the diet.

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