TOP-50 Ornamental plants that purify the air in our house or apartment (50+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

air purifying plants

Indoor plants that purify the air create comfort in the apartment, absorb noise, release useful phytoncides and oxygen. Due to the intensive evaporation of moisture through the leaves, the humidity of the air increases. For those who are interested in their health, knowledge about the possibilities of improving the ecology of the home will be useful.

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How can plants purify the air?

Plants decompose organic pollutants by absorbing them from the air into harmless inorganic compounds. The resulting substances accumulate in plant tissues or are excreted in a harmless form.

Anthurium Scarlet

Anthurium Scarlet

Among the many plants, there are the best air purifiers. They are able to absorb from the air not only carbon dioxide, but also toxic formaldehyde, benzene and other harmful substances.

Scientists have studied the ability of various plants to purify the air to create space stations on the Moon and Mars. All plants have this ability to varying degrees.

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A selection of indoor plants that purify the air

air purifying plants

In enclosed spaces, where people spend most of their lives, the air is polluted with poisonous gases, dust and is hardly breathable.

Orchid (Dendrobium)

Here are some of the harmful substances that it contains:

  • formaldehyde
  • xylene
  • toluene
  • benzene
  • ammonia
  • alcohols
  • acetone

Pollutants are interior items, furniture upholstery, wallpaper, floor coverings, carpets, household chemicals. Harmful bacteria and viruses fly in the air, causing respiratory diseases and allergies. Interestingly, indoor plants selectively absorb gases, this can be seen in the table.

Harmful substancespollutantsPlants filters
Ammonia Household chemicals Aglaonema, Ficus Benjamin
Acetone Cosmetics Spathiphyllum
Benzene Paint, varnish, furniture, cigarette smoke Ivy, gerbera, tradescantia, sansevieria, orchid, spathiphyllum, dracaena, aglaonema
Octane Chemical solvents ficus benjamina
Formaldehyde Household chemicals, building materials, chipboard Rhododendron, chlorophytum, nephrolepis, dracaena, spathiphyllum, tradescantia, dieffenbachia, dates, aglaonema
Trichlorethylene Glue, ink, varnishes, paints Ivy, gerbera, tradescantia, spathiphyllum, dracaena
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The best plants for air purification

All indoor plants purify the air of the apartment from carbon dioxide and dust, releasing precious oxygen. Some specimens absorb poisonous gases from the air, kill pathogenic microbes and release air ions. It is especially useful to put green plants in cramped apartments, crowded with things and furniture, or on kitchen.

Indoor palm trees will help improve the atmosphere in the house, ficuses, creepers, herbaceous perennials. Various representatives of the plant kingdom have a beneficial effect on the health and emotional state of a person.




  • Homeland aglaonema - Asian tropics. Its green leaves on long petioles are decorated with a silvery pattern. Decorative add red fruits that grow after flowering.
  • This hardy plant, unpretentious in care, loves abundant watering in the warm season.
  • Aglaonema purifies the air in the apartment from benzene, formaldehyde and ammonia. Increases humidity and content of useful oxygen.

Adiantum venus hair

Adiantum venus hair

Adiantum venus hair

  • Adiantums are one of the most beautiful ferns with a creeping ground rhizome. Its pinnately dissected leaves can be yellow-green or light red. For them, the plant was called "venus hair."
  • Adiantum prefers light partial shade, regular watering, does not like frequent fertilizers.
  • Adiantum releases useful phytoncides and air ions. Cleans the air from harmful microorganisms and poisonous gases.

Alocasia large rhizome

Alocasia large rhizome

Alocasia large rhizome

  • Large, beautiful leaves of alocasia are swept-oval or heart-shaped.
  • The main requirements for growing are high humidity, warmth and bright diffused light. If the lighting is insufficient, the leaves become smaller.
  • The plant cleans the air from excess carbon dioxide and toxic fumes. Leaves attract dust.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera

Aloe vera

Aloe vera

  • Aloe juice is known for its healing properties.
  • This succulent plant with thick, fleshy leaves loves full sun and moderate watering. In winter, the favorable air temperature for it is 12 ° C.
  • Aloe perfectly cleans the air from harmful fumes and pathogenic microbes.

Anthurium Andre

Anthurium Andre

Anthurium Andre

  • This large plant up to 90 cm high looks very impressive. The leaves are heart-shaped, 40 cm long and 20 cm wide. The flowers are pink, burgundy or white, on tall peduncles.
  • Stimulates flowering limited watering in winter and an air temperature of 15 ° C. Anthurium is fed with fertilizers for orchids.
  • Anthurium absorbs carbon dioxide and harmful volatile substances from the air. saturates the air with oxygen.

Araucaria heterophyllous

Araucaria heterophyllous

Araucaria heterophyllous

  • This is the only conifer among indoor plants.. It grows very slowly, reaching a maximum height of 2 meters. The needles are soft, slightly prickly, the tree has a pyramidal shape.
  • The plant loves cool air temperature (not higher than 16 ° C) throughout the year and bright, diffused light.
  • Doctors advise people with asthma to grow araucaria at home. The plant perfectly cleans the air from allergens and pathogens.

Asparagus densely flowered

Asparagus densely flowered

Asparagus densely flowered

  • This plant is valued for its graceful openwork branches. Asparagus are not ferns, and their needle-fluffy leaves are actually modified stems.
  • Likes moist air and bright diffused light. Blooms profusely with weekly top dressing.
  • The plant secretes phytoncides that are harmful to pathogenic microbes. Saturates the air with oxygen.

Aspidistra high

Aspidistra high

Aspidistra high

  • Aspidistra has glossy, green leaves on long petioles, about half a meter long and 15 cm wide. This is its main decoration.Small purple flowers hide under the leaves on short legs, located directly on the surface of the earth.
  • The plant loves regular spraying on the leaves with warm water. Aspidistra is fed with fertilizer for palm trees or ficuses.
  • Perfectly cleans the air from excess carbon dioxide, harmful microorganisms and toxic fumes.

Banana dwarf

Banana dwarf

Banana dwarf

  • Some dwarf bananas bear fruit in the room, they ripen a crop of edible fruits. The plant develops very intensively, several new stems from 1 to 3 meters tall and large leaves grow from the rhizome every year.
  • To preserve the decorativeness of the dwarf banana, it is advisable to annually renew the plant with young shoots.
  • Large leaves absorb a large amount of harmful fumes. Naturally increase the humidity in the room.

Begonia evergreen

Begonia evergreen

Begonia evergreen

  • This type of begonia is characterized by long flowering, it can continue all year round if there is enough light and nutrients. The flowers are white, pink or red, quickly fade, but new buds immediately bloom to replace them.
  • Begonias love moist air, but they should not be sprayed on the leaves. Therefore, in hot weather, it is advisable to put the plants in a container with wet moss.
  • Begonias purify the air from harmful fumes and excess carbon dioxide.

Hemigraphis alternating

Hemigraphis alternating

Hemigraphis alternating

  • This ground cover plant can be planted with larger ones - palm trees, dieffenbachia, yucca, ficuses. Hemigraphis looks beautiful in compositions with miniature deciduous begonias.
  • This plant loves spraying on the leaves and bright diffused light. It needs to be watered only with clean, filtered water, it does not tolerate soil salinity.
  • Hemigraphis remarkably cleans the air from volatile organic compounds that are harmful to humans.

fragrant geranium

fragrant geranium

fragrant geranium

  • Geranium or pelargonium blooms for a long time and is easy to care for. It has not only a wonderful aroma, but also healing properties. Based on it, medicines and cosmetics for skin and hair care are made.
  • In spring, geraniums must be pruned to form a beautiful crown.
  • The leaves secrete special biologically active substances that are harmful to viruses and bacteria.

Gerber Jameson

Gerber Jameson

Gerber Jameson

  • Large star-shaped gerbera flowers of various colors can be simple or double.
  • Its leaves are light green, pubescent.
  • In room conditions, dwarf varieties of Jameson gerbera are cultivated.
  • Gerberas not only bloom beautifully. It also purifies the air from harmful fumes.




  • The plant is valued for its chic flowering, which happens to him only once in his life. It is advisable to put Guzmania on a separate stand by the window, as it grows strongly.
  • Water it directly into the rosette of leaves.
  • When watering, you need to make sure that water does not get into the place where the peduncle grows from. The soil should be very loose, drainage holes can be made not only at the bottom, but also on the side of the pot.
  • For top dressing, fertilizers for bromeliads are used. Guzmania, thanks to its lush leaves, purifies the air of poisonous gases and dust.




  • It is demanding to care orchid with beautiful flowers, which is grown not in soil, but on blocks or in a pot with pieces of pine bark. She has a pronounced dormant period, the leaves fall.
  • From the second half of September, watering and fertilizing are reduced.
  • It is advisable to put the dendrobium in winter in a bright, cold room, with an air temperature of 12 to 16 ° C, and water it once every 3 weeks. Dendrobium cleans the air from harmful fumes, carbon dioxide and dust.

dieffenbachia spotted

dieffenbachia spotted

dieffenbachia spotted

  • It is a plant with a thick, fleshy stem and large leaves. Dieffenbachia juice is poisonous, so it is undesirable to grow it in a house where there are small children. The plant is valued for its unpretentious care and decorative foliage.
  • For irrigation, only purified water is used; when the soil is salinized, the plant is sick and may die.
  • Dieffenbachia loves moist air, spraying, partial shade in summer and good lighting in winter. It perfectly moisturizes the air, cleans it of pathogenic microbes and toxic fumes.

Dracaena deremskaya

Dracaena deremskaya

Dracaena deremskaya

  • Dracaena means "female dragon" in Chinese. This plant is somewhat reminiscent of a palm tree with a thick trunk and a cap of leaves at the top. Dracaena deremskaya flowers have a very unpleasant smell. Leaves may be dark green or variegated.
  • For good growth, abundant watering, a well-lit place, a warm shower once a week in order to wash dust from the leaves is necessary.
  • Dracaena is an excellent natural filter that captures toxic substances from the air.

Kalanchoe Blossfeld

Kalanchoe Blossfeld

Kalanchoe Blossfeld

  • This plant is called indoor ginseng and the tree of life for the healing properties of the juice. The height of the bush is about 30 cm, the leaves are green, round or oblong.
  • Abundant flowering continues throughout the spring - from March to April. The flowers are bright red, orange, yellow, etc., collected in inflorescences-umbrellas.
  • Kalanchoe loves bright lighting, grows well with regular but moderate summer watering. A daily temperature difference of 5 °C stimulates flowering. In winter, the plant needs cool air (10-12 ° C) and minimal watering (1 time per month).




  • This is a beautiful, but capricious plant. The color of the leaves of some plants resembles the plumage of fabulous birds.
  • It blooms in spring and summer with spike-shaped inflorescences - white, yellow, purple, etc.
  • By evening, the plant raises its leaves vertically, and during the day it turns to the sun, you can even hear how they rustle at this time.
  • The plant loves light partial shade, abundant summer watering with soft water, high humidity.

Clivia cinnabar

Clivia cinnabar

Clivia cinnabar

  • If the clivia is properly watered and put in a cool room for the winter, it will bloom every year.
  • In early spring, 10 or 12 flowers of orange, cream, red or yellow color bloom on a high peduncle.
  • This plant is long-lived, and can grow up to 40 years in good conditions.
  • On old clivia, up to 40 peduncles are formed. Leaves perfectly clean the air from harmful fumes and dust.

Codium motley

Codium motley

Codium motley

  • This ornamental evergreen shrub can grow up to 2 meters in height. It has large leathery leaves of various shapes, up to 30 cm long. They have a different color, from green to motley with yellow, brown and red hues.
  • Codiaum juice is poisonous, care must be taken when leaving.
  • The plant cleans the air well, creates healthy "electrostatics" in the apartment.

Maranta white-veined

Maranta white-veined

Maranta white-veined

  • Leaves with spectacular coloration are the main decoration of the plant.
  • They change their position depending on the lighting - in bright light they are located horizontally, with the onset of twilight they rise and fold together.
  • White-veined arrowroot is a semi-ampel plant.
  • Partial shade is best for growing. The plant cleans the air of poisonous gases and saturates it with oxygen.

Monstera gourmet

Monstera gourmet

Monstera gourmet

  • It is an evergreen vine with large feathery leaves. It is grown on a support. They put the monster in spacious living rooms, she feels good in the back of the room, where there is a bright but diffused light.
  • With good care, Monstera can bloom and produce edible purple fruits. Large, dissected leaves well give moisture to the air, purify it from harmful fumes and saturate it with oxygen.

Nephrolepis sublime

Nephrolepis sublime

Nephrolepis sublime

  • This is a beautiful shade-loving fern. It has pinnate leaves up to 40 cm long, light green in color on red petioles.
  • The plant loves abundant watering in the warm season, frequent spraying on the leaves. Does not tolerate drafts and overdrying of the earth.

Nephrolepis cordifolia

Nephrolepis cordifolia

Nephrolepis cordifolia

  • This variety of nephrolepis has drooping leaves, up to 60 cm long. Care for it is similar to sublime nephrolepis.
  • Both varieties have a beneficial effect on indoor air, purify it of harmful compounds and release phytoncides.
  • Nephrolepis leaves increase the humidity in the apartment, absorb carcinogenic formaldehyde.

Prickly pear

Prickly pear

Prickly pear

  • This is a small cactus with flat, jointed stems, up to 60 cm high. It blooms with large yellow flowers.
  • Prickly pear loves bright light, moderate watering, and light foliar spraying on hot summer days.
  • The plant is able to reduce the background radiation in the apartment, absorb harmful electromagnetic radiation.

Pachira water

Pachira water

Pachira water

  • Houseplant in the form of a small tree with palmately compound leaves. Pachira, grown by interlacing several trunks, is often found on sale.
  • The plant loves bright, diffused light, moderate watering, fertilizers once a month, spraying on the leaves from a small spray bottle.
  • At the bottom of the stem there is a thickening at the bottom of the stem, in which water accumulates.

Peperomia clousieleaf

Peperomia clousieleaf

Peperomia clousieleaf

  • It is a medium sized bushy plant.
  • The leaves are oval on short petioles, thick and fleshy, look very decorative. They are painted dark green with a reddish tint and a purple stripe along the edge.
  • The plant is unpretentious in care, suitable for beginner gardeners.
  • Peperomia cleans the air in the apartment from pathogens, releasing phytoncides.


Common ivy TOP-50 Ornamental plants that purify the air in our house or apartment (50+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews


  • In the people, ivy is often called a loach for its curly branches clinging to a support. Some specimens can cover the entire wall with their branches and even the ceiling in the apartment.
  • This is a tenacious plant that is difficult to "kill" with improper care, it is shade-tolerant, it is easier to tolerate overdrying of the earth in a pot than waterlogging.
  • Ivy purifies indoor air by assimilating nitric oxide, which is released by thermal insulation and furniture made from chipboard.

Poliscias shrubby

Poliscias shrubby

Poliscias shrubby

  • It is a tall shrub with feathery leaves. It grows rapidly, reaching a height of 80 cm. There are variegated varieties, with a white canvas along the edge of the sheet.
  • The plant is quite demanding on care, loves diffused sunlight, moderate watering with soft and warm water, loosening the soil. He needs high humidity.

Poinsettia or Euphorbia the most beautiful

Poinsettia or Euphorbia the most beautiful

Poinsettia or Euphorbia the most beautiful

  • Poinsettia or the most beautiful euphorbia is called the Star of Bethlehem because its flowering falls on Christmas. This is a photophilous plant that prefers moderate watering. It tolerates overdrying more easily than overflowing.
  • Poinsettia is often grown as an annual and discarded immediately after flowering, although it can grow in the home for many years with proper care.
  • Biologically active substances that secrete milkweed leaves improve the composition of the air in the apartment. Significantly reduced the number of pathogenic bacteria.

Rapis low

Rapis low

Rapis low

  • Rapis is a fan-leaved palm that grows up to 70 cm in height. It is unpretentious and hardy, withstands air temperatures down to -8 ° C.
  • For good growth, it is desirable to put in partial shade, the plant is sick from direct sunlight. Rapis needs loose soil and moderate watering.

Ruellia tuberous

Ruellia tuberous

Ruellia tuberous

  • Ruellia is grown in hanging baskets or planters. It blooms with bright funnel-shaped purple-colored flowers.
  • It has healing properties, is used in folk medicine as a diuretic, antipyretic, analgesic.
  • The plant loves bright light and abundant watering, needs high humidity.

Sansevieria three-stripe

Sansevieria three-stripe

Sansevieria three-stripe

  • Sansevieria is a succulent plant that looks good in composition with other indoor flowers. The length of the leaves collected in a dense basal rosette is from 30 cm to 1 meter.
  • The plant is photophilous, but easily puts up with shading. Watering requires moderate, it is desirable that water does not fall into the center of the rosette of leaves. Feed sansevieria with fertilizers for cacti no more than 1 time per month.
  • Sansevieria reduces the content of benzene and trichlorethylene in the air, reduces the number of harmful microorganisms.

Syngonium stalk-leaved

Syngonium stalk-leaved

Syngonium stalk-leaved

  • Syngonium is grown as a climbing or ampelous plant. This is an evergreen vine, in which the shape of the leaves changes as it grows.
  • The juice of the plant is poisonous, so care should be taken during care.
  • There are interesting varieties with colorful leaves. Likes partial shade, abundant watering and spraying. Syngonium saturates the air in the room with oxygen, air ions and ozone, making it clean and fresh, like in the mountains.

Spathiphyllum Wallis

Spathiphyllum Wallis

Spathiphyllum Wallis

  • In the people, the flower is called "women's happiness." Around him there are many beliefs and legends. It is believed that his presence in the house can make a single woman happy.
  • The plant loves bright, diffused light, moderate watering, without stagnant moisture at the roots.
  • On hot days, regular spraying of the leaves is necessary. Spathiphyllum purifies indoor air from nitrogen oxide and formaldehyde, reduces the content of benzene and trichlorethylene, releases useful phytoncides and air ions.

Tradescantia white-flowered

Tradescantia white-flowered

Tradescantia white-flowered

  • An unpretentious and common houseplant, it decorates hanging pots with ampelous shoots. There are varieties with variegated multi-colored stripes on the leaves.
  • Tradescantia loves abundant watering, moist air, undemanding to lighting.
  • The leaves have healing properties, help lower blood sugar levels, cure calluses and burns. Bushes require regular rejuvenation with pruning.
  • The plant releases phytoncides that improve indoor air, reduces the amount of carbon dioxide.




  • This is a beautifully flowering orchid. Large, unusually shaped flowers are used as cut flowers for brides' bouquets.
  • Phalaenopsis loves light, moderate moisture, daily spraying on the leaves in the summer months.
  • The plant is planted in a special substrate for orchids, consisting of pieces of bark, moss and charcoal.
  • Blooming phalaenopsis has a positive effect on the nervous system, relieves stress.

ficus benjamina

ficus benjamina

ficus benjamina

  • Small-leaved compact tree that grows up to 2 meters in height at room conditions. On sale you can find copies of three or more trunks intertwined together.
  • Ficus loves light and does not tolerate waterlogging. If the roots do not dry out for a long time, the plant can get sick and drop all the leaves.
  • Ficus Benjamin is the best air purifier in the apartment. Its leaves absorb many harmful substances from the air - benzene, phenols, trichlorethylene, turning them into amino acids and sugars.

Ficus rubbery

Ficus rubbery

Ficus rubbery

  • This variety of ficus has large, leathery, oval-shaped leaves. There are variegated varieties.
  • In room conditions, the ficus grows slowly, does not like permutations from place to place.
  • Shade tolerant, but prefers bright diffused light.
  • Ficus leaves release biologically active substances and absorb formaldehyde from the air.

Philodendron blushing

Philodendron blushing

Philodendron blushing

  • This is a vine with elongated heart-shaped leaves on red petioles. It grows on a support, up to one and a half meters in height.
  • Prefers bright diffused light, protected from direct sunlight. Watering should be moderate, it is desirable to carry out regular spraying on the leaves.
  • Philodendrons favorably affect gas exchange in apartments, humidify the air. Phytoncides secreted by the leaves kill pathogenic microbes.

Date Robelin

Date Robelin

Date Robelin

  • Indoor palm tree, up to 2 meters high. Pinnately dissected leaves of dark green color are collected in a dense crown. It can produce edible, but not very tasty fruits.
  • The plant requires high humidity and good lighting. You can spray the leaves twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. Watering should be moderate.

Fittonia white-veined

Fittonia white-veined

Fittonia white-veined

  • This is a small plant whose leaves are covered with a pattern of white veins. This heat-loving plant does not tolerate drafts, loves partial shade, abundant watering in summer and moderate in winter.
  • It is advisable to carry out daily spraying of the leaves to maintain high humidity. Sometimes these moisture-loving plants are grown in aquariums or pot-bellied glasses.

Hamedorea Seyfritz

Hamedorea Seyfritz

Hamedorea Seyfritz

  • This is one of the most unpretentious indoor palms. It grows slowly, tolerates shade well, and can bloom indoors.
  • Chamedorea does not tolerate both waterlogging and overdrying, loves spraying on the leaves and bright, diffused light.
  • Cleans the air in the apartment from toxic gases and dust. Saturates with oxygen.

Hamedorea graceful

Hamedorea graceful

Hamedorea graceful

  • Indoor palm tree with one trunk up to 2 meters in height. Leaves pinnate, long-petiolate. Orange-red flowers are collected in long thin inflorescences - cobs.
  • In winter, coolness is useful for the plant, the air temperature should be from 12 to 15 ° C.
  • Hamedoreas perfectly purify indoor air from harmful compounds emitted by decorative plastic trim and chipboard furniture.

Chlorophytum crested

Chlorophytum crested

Chlorophytum crested

  • This is one of the most common indoor plants. It is easily propagated by young rosettes of leaves formed on long peduncles after flowering.
  • Chlorophytum is tenacious, and grows in the most unfavorable conditions. He likes bright, diffused light, plentiful summer and moderate winter watering.
  • Perfectly cleans the room air from benzene, formaldehyde and chlorethylene. It releases phytoncides that are harmful to viruses and bacteria.

Hovea Belmore

 Hovea Belmore

Hovea Belmore

  • It is an evergreen indoor palm that can grow to the ceiling. It has a trunk extended at the base, pinnate arcuately curving leaves up to 2 meters long.
  • The plant needs bright lighting, uniform watering and weekly feeding with palm fertilizer. Hovea loves moist air and spraying.
  • Palm tree enriches the air with oxygen and air ions, increases humidity, enhances sound absorption.

Hoya fleshy

Hoya fleshy

Hoya fleshy

  • This is a vine with dense leathery leaves, blooming with numerous umbrella inflorescences. Likes bright, diffused light and moderate watering. Tolerates dry room air well.
  • Flowering requires a period of winter dormancy with a decrease in air temperature and frequency of irrigation. Hoya is grown in a hanging planter or on a support.

Chrysanthemum garden

Chrysanthemum garden

Chrysanthemum garden

  • Chrysanthemum blooms incredibly beautifully. Dwarf varieties are successfully grown indoors. To get a lush, flowering bush, several plants are planted in one pot.
  • Likes cool air temperature, up to 20 ° C, flowering occurs during a short daylight hours. After flowering, the shoots are shortened by 1/3, transplanted annually in the spring.
  • Chrysanthemums purify indoor air from excess carbon dioxide, enrich it with oxygen, ozone and air ions.

Persian cyclamen

Persian cyclamen

Persian cyclamen

  • This perennial tuberous plant produces bright, moth-like flowers. Water cyclamens by immersion. Or pour water from above carefully so that it does not fall on the tuber and leaves.
  • After a beautiful flowering, cyclamen needs rest, its leaves turn yellow. Watering is stopped, the leaves are twisted, and the tuber pot is placed in a cool place. In the middle of summer, watering is resumed, and after the appearance of the first leaves, they are transplanted.
  • Cyclamen releases phytoncides into the air, which serve as a preventive measure against allergic and rheumatic diseases. Flowers relieve physical and psychological fatigue.

Cissus rhomboidus

Cissus rhomboidus

Cissus rhomboidus

  • This is a beautiful evergreen vine that grows upwards, wrapping itself around a support.The leaves are ternate, diamond-shaped, with a serrated edge. The stems are attached to the support with the help of antennae.
  • The plant is unpretentious. Likes bright diffused light, abundant watering in spring and summer, moderate - in winter. During the heating season, it is advisable to spray the plant 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening.
  • Cissus releases phytoncides into the air, which destroy microbes, viruses, and microorganisms of the Sarcina genus. Humidifies the air. reduces the amount of dust, absorbs poisonous gas - formaldehyde.

Schefflera tree

Schefflera tree

Schefflera tree

  • A small tree with palmately compound leaves on long petioles. The leaves are dense and leathery, up to 15 cm long and up to 8 cm wide, pointed at the end.
  • There are varieties with variegated coloration. in room conditions grows up to 1 meter in height. Schefflera loves bright diffused light, regular, moderate watering, moist air.

TOP-50 Ornamental plants that purify the air in our house or apartment (50+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews


TOP-50 Ornamental plants that purify the air in our house or apartment (50+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

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