Ranunculus (Buttercup): description, types and varieties, cultivation and reproduction, planting in open ground and care, useful properties (50 Photos & Videos) + Reviews

ranunculus planting and care

A beautiful summer cottage today is hard to imagine without a smooth lawn and bright flower beds. Ranunculus is an easy plant to plant and care for, ready to decorate any summer cottage. Depending on the climatic features of the region and preferences, you can create an original composition. Ranunculus or Asian buttercup is native to Asia Minor.

Many myths and legends are associated with the tender plant. According to one of them, the flower in the past was a star, which Jesus Christ reincarnated and brought to his mother as a gift. The flower occupies a worthy place in literature. William Shakespeare immortalized Ranunculus by including it in the tragedy Romeo and Juliet. Buttercup potion, drunk by the main character, plunged her into a deep sleep. In the 19th century, Russian gardeners briefly lost interest in the plant, but at the beginning of the 21st century, interest in the plant resumed.

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Varieties of plants of the ranunculus family

To date, botanists have discovered more than six hundred species of Ranunculus. In nature, flowers of different colors are found: red, yellow, purple, pink and white. For cultivation in summer cottages, the Asian species and its varieties are most often chosen.

Asian ranunculus variety

Asian variety

All types of flower are conditionally divided into several subgroups:

  1. African, Turkish or chalmoid. The flowers are similar in appearance to peonies.
  2. Persian. The bud looks like a rose. A distinctive feature is early flowering.
  3. French. They were artificially created at the end of the 19th century. The flowers are spherical in shape and have a dark spot in the center.
  4. Asian. One of the most popular modern hybrids. Species are often used for decorative purposes, creating bridal bouquets, decorating terraces and balconies, growing in garden plots.

The remaining subspecies are varieties of the above presented.

General information and characteristics of the family:

  • kingdom of herbaceous plants, department of flowering plants
  • meet annual perennial representatives
  • grow in water and on land, depending on the species
  • flowering time from late spring to late summer
  • predominantly short root system
  • dissected foliage
  • flowers solitary or collected in inflorescences
  • most representatives have five sepals
  • the presence of a honey hole at the base of the petal
  • a large number of pistils and stamens
  • one carpel per pistil
  • ovary unilocular
  • polynut fruit
  • various colors of inflorescences
  • stunted
  • doesn't like transplants
  • Leaves are rich green in color and profusely hairy.
  • flowers up to 7 cm in diameter
  • stress resistant
  • undemanding plant to care for
  • do not tolerate severe frosts
  • no fragrance
  • retains a marketable appearance up to two weeks after cutting, subject to proper maintenance

The flower is native to Iran, southern Europe and Syria, found in different regions of Russia. The best climatic conditions for flower cultivation are in the Northern Hemisphere.

buttercups in their natural habitat

Buttercup grows freely on its own in the cold northern and temperate climate zone.

In the European part of the country, the most common types of buttercup are five representatives of the family

Acid or Ranunculus acris

Caustic Buttercup

caustic ranunculus

Caustic or Ranunculus acris, popularly night blindness

  • The height of the erect stem reaches 100 centimeters, the branches end with rich yellow flowers.
  • Protoanemonin in the composition of the plant can negatively affect the condition of the eyes. Acid ranunculus herb is effective in neutralizing bacteria and microorganisms

Multiflorous or Ranunculus polyanthemos

Multiflorous or Ranunculus polyanthemos

multiflorous ranunculus

Multiflorous or Ranunculus polyanthemos

  • The height of an upright plant does not exceed eighty centimeters. Miniature flowers of bright yellow color differ in diameters of no more than three centimeters.
  • You can often meet a variety in natural conditions in the forest or in the meadows. The species is used for medical purposes.

Creeping or Ranunculus repens

Creeping or Ranunculus repens

creeping ranunculus

Creeping or Ranunculus repens

  • Often found in different regions of Russia and has toxic properties. The perennial plant reaches a height of forty centimeters.
  • At the end of the ascending or creeping stem is a bright golden yellow flower. It has a number of properties applicable for medicinal purposes.

Poisonous or Ranunculus sceleratus

Poisonous or Ranunculus sceleratus

Poison Ranunculus

Poisonous or Ranunculus sceleratus.

  • The height of a one- or two-year-old species does not exceed seventy centimeters. Brilliant foliage is rarely located on a branched stem.
  • Miniature flowers of small size, the diameter of individual does not exceed ten millimeters.
  • Used externally to treat skin conditions

Water, marsh or Ranunculus aquatilis

Water, marsh or Ranunculus aquatilis

Water, marsh or Ranunculus

Water, marsh or Ranunculus aquatilis

  • The perennial species is distinguished by its light green color palette and bare stem.
  • Small flowers rise above the water surface and have a white-yellow color.

The most popular species for cultural cultivation is the Buttercup Garden or Asian. The plant reaches a height of up to 80 centimeters. The shoots are distinguished by a strong structure and deeply dissected foliage. The root system in the form of tubers resembles crow's feet.

The flowers have an attractive appearance and are double, semi-double and densely double. The color palette of the plant stands out for its brightness and great variety, only blue and cyan are missing. Among the representatives there are bicolor flowers.

The view is often chosen for creating a bridal bouquet, designing a summer cottage, decorating home and outdoor space.. It is not recommended to combine Garden Buttercup with other types of flowers. Small buds of the plant are easily lost due to the small size of the inflorescences.

garden ranunculus

garden ranunculus

When growing and using garden ranunculus for decorative purposes, it is important to remember the poisonous qualities of the plant's sap. Children and pets are not recommended to be allowed near the plant.

Having chosen a plant as a decoration for a house adjoining area or a summer cottage, it is necessary to follow a number of measures and recommendations in advance. Compliance with the rules of agricultural technology will help create an attractive flower arrangement.

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General Fitting Recommendations

pink garden ranunculus

pink garden ranunculus

The plant does not require close attention from the gardener. It has all the characteristic features of the buttercup family.

To create a beautiful flower arrangement, several features of the family should be taken into account:

  • The flower is hard to tolerate transplants.Experts recommend choosing a landing site that does not require further intervention in the development of the plant.
  • During the flowering period, the flower needs special treatment. Feed containing potassium and limestone must be applied in a timely manner
  • For the favorable development of the flower, one should be careful about the applied fertilizers, in order to avoid burning the root system. Do not use substances that include biohumus
  • When organizing watering, the plant should be moved to a dark place. This action will extend the flowering period.
  • A one-time planting of different varieties will provide the flower arrangement with a winning and most attractive appearance.
  • A dried plant should not be left for the winter. Tubers are recommended to be dug up and put away for storage, due to instability to low temperatures.
  • When the flower wilts, the shoot is advised to be cut off. The event will help new buds bloom sooner. In August, experts recommend removing all shoots by cutting them to the ground.

Landing Rules

For a plant, the method of reproduction by tubers is considered preferable. For landing seedlings preference should be given to large specimens with at least four nails. Too dry or soft tubers are not suitable for planting.

To obtain the best seedlings, the tubers are first placed in a container with warm water and left for a period of ten hours. After the appearance of the roots, they are planted in the soil at the place of permanent cultivation or temporary maintenance until transplantation.

plant tubers

plant tubers

Carrying out preparatory work allows you to achieve early flowering of the Buttercup Garden.

The plant germination event includes several stages:

  • prepare a flat container with nutrient soil
  • place the tuber in the kidney, sprinkle with soil on top and pour water at room temperature
  • place the planting container in a cool place
  • protect the plant from rodents and pests
  • after germination, the tubers are placed 6-7 centimeters deep, keeping a distance of 12-15 centimeters between plantings

Requires more time and effort planting seedlings plants by seed. Planting material differs in the average number of shoots. A pack of seeds is easy to purchase at a flower shop, order online or assemble it yourself.

The first blooming buds are the best source of material for sowing.. The corolla is wrapped in advance with cotton cloth or a piece of gauze so that the seeds are not lost during ripening. The collected material is poured onto a paper surface and dried in a dry, warm room or in the open air. Seeds prepared for planting are stored until early spring.

In a period favorable for sowing, the following activities are carried out for the cultivation of buttercup:

  • a container specially prepared for planting is filled with fertile soil
  • before sowing, the soil is pre-moistened using a spray bottle
  • seeds are evenly distributed over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe beds and sprinkled with soil, the depth of immersion of the seed material is 1-2 centimeters
  • crops are covered with glass or film to create a greenhouse effect
  • the first shoots appear two or three weeks after planting the seeds and the film is removed
  • maintaining the temperature in the room, not lower than plus fifteen degrees
  • seedlings require a long daylight hours, it is necessary to install containers with crops on the sunny side of the apartment, if necessary, purchase fluorescent lamps
  • after the appearance of two true leaves, the seedlings are planted in separate pots
  • after establishing a suitable temperature of the soil and the environment, the plants are transplanted into open ground; by the time of planting, the soil should warm up to plus ten degrees

Shoots of a young plant

Shoots of a young plant

The use of seed material allows you to achieve flowering only a year after planting.
For indoor plant lovers, the Asian Buttercup is a great planting option.

At home, to get beautiful flowers, you will need to follow a number of simple rules:

  • preparation of wide containers, with the obligatory presence of drainage holes
  • filling the pot with fertile soil should be done at the rate of one liter of earth per bush
  • to plant flowers in groups, in a separate pot it is not recommended to place more than three bushes
  • single planting is undesirable
  • 24 hours before planting the tubers in prepared pots, it is necessary to immerse them in containers with plain water, the procedure will allow you to get the fastest shoots
  • any drainage is placed on the bottom of the pot in an even layer
  • peat-containing substrate is suitable as soil for planting
  • when planting a tuber, leave the top in the air, do not sprinkle it with earth
  • abundant watering with water at room temperature immediately after planting the tubers
  • maintaining the room temperature at least twelve degrees
  • when the first seedlings appear, the ambient temperature should be at least twenty degrees
  • during the flowering period, the recommended ambient temperature is eighteen degrees, high temperatures can reduce the duration of flowering Buttercup
  • organization of a good light regime, it is preferable to choose a south balcony or window sill on the south side of the apartment.

Beautiful ranunculus bud

Beautiful ranunculus bud

In the case of planting flowers in open ground, it is recommended to plant tubers.

Planting should be done every year. Under the condition of a favorable, warm climate, the flower is left for the winter, covering the tubers with grass or spruce branches. While maintaining the rhizome, subsequent plants are weaker than their predecessors. To obtain healthy, powerful flowers, experts recommend planting new tubers annually.

A tuber is placed in a hole prepared in advance for planting, placing it down with a “beak”. The desired distance between seedlings is 12-15 centimeters. In case of sudden cold snaps, the planting is covered with specialized material or simple straw.

The seed method of planting when cultivating the Garden Buttercup is practically not used by gardeners. The fact is due to the low percentage of germination. According to statistics, when planting with the seed method, only one plant out of twenty blooms.

Before starting sowing, it is necessary to take into account and prepare a number of points:

  • landing time
  • the best place to create a flower arrangement
  • soil preparation
  • selection and preparation of planting material

Optimal sowing time

Depending on the method and place of planting, the plants choose the right sowing time. Experts recommend planting the Asian Buttercup in late spring. An important factor is the temperature of the soil and the environment.

The heat-loving plant does not tolerate frost. buttercup ranunculus

Heat-loving plant does not tolerate frost

Sowing work begins only if there are no night frosts. Begin preparatory work and purchase seedlings should be in early or mid-spring. Until planting, the tubers are advised to store in a dry, well-ventilated area at a temperature not lower than seventeen degrees. Gardeners begin work on preparing seedlings from the beginning of April. When preparing seedlings, peat pots should be used to maintain the integrity of the root system when transplanting the plant into open ground.

Planting a plant in open ground is recommended in May, after setting a constant warm period. The optimum air temperature is not lower than eighteen degrees.

Place for planting

When choosing the best place to plant a Garden Buttercup, there are a number of factors to consider:

The plant feels comfortable in a shady area, but a zone with constant, good illumination will not interfere with successful growth and flowering.
Buttercup (Ranunculus) aconitifolius

Ranunculus (Aconitifolius)

To create conditions for long flowering, tubers should be planted under a tree with medium branching., the light should periodically fall on the plant. A good choice would be a penumbra zone, next to shrubs.

Planting the plant in a zone of constant sunlight will cause Buttercup to bloom for a short time. And also you should not grow Buttercup in a draft zone.
Flower bed with buttercups

Flower bed with buttercups

If you want to focus on Buttercup, you should not plant flowers of different varieties in the same flower bed. Floral composition Buttercup and Anemone- this is one of the few successful options for grouping plants in one flower bed.

The plant tolerates proximity to water bodies and feels good in a zone of high humidity.

Selection and preparation of tubers

When buying planting material, it is necessary to pay attention to the appearance of seedlings. The root system should not have noticeable defects obtained from pests, without mechanical damage. The tubers must be intact To prepare the seed material for sowing in the ground, the tubers must first be placed in water. The minimum immersion time for tubers is several hours.

Instead of a container of water, any moist environment will do:


wet sawdust


  • wet sponge


  • moss

In order to increase the growth rate, tubers can be treated with growth stimulants. According to the recommendations of gardeners, to improve the development of the plant, the tubers are wrapped in a rag or gauze soaked in Epin's solution before sowing. When carrying out such preplant preparation, the tubers should be kept in a special composition for at least six hours.

Good tuber for planting

Good tuber for planting

During this time, the tubers receive the required amount of moisture and do not receive excess moisture. With an increase in the processing period, rapid decay of the root system of the plant is possible.

As a preventive measure against pests, a weak solution of potassium permanganate is used.

Soil preparation before planting a flower

The Asian Buttercup is not distinguished by its exacting attitude to the composition of the soil.

Neutral fertile soils are best suited for successful cultivation of the plant.

Neutral fertile soils are best suited for successful cultivation of the plant.

As a basis for planting a plant, preference should be given to the following soil:

  • black soil with humus
  • black soil with sand
  • peat with chalk

The Ph level in the soil should be between five and eight.

For sowing Garden or Asian Buttercup, loam is not suitable - a kidney with a high content of clay and sand.
Attention should be paid to the level of soil moisture. It should absorb liquid well, but should not retain it. The land should be rich in humus with a groundwater index of at least one and a half meters.

Soil preparation activities include:

  • In autumn, a bed for planting a buttercup is dug up to a depth of 15-20 centimeters.
  • The entire planting area in the autumn is cleared of weeds and fertilized with manure or compost is applied.
  • With increased soil moisture, limestone or bone meal is added to the soil in advance
  • For the convenience of planting, the flower beds are pre-marked, a rail is put in place of the hole, adhering to the distance between plantings of 15-20 centimeters
  • To improve the growth of flowers, if necessary, create a drainage layer. It is based on expanded clay or gravel. The drainage layer serves as a protective measure against rotting of the root system.

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A set of measures for the care of Buttercup

The plant is not particularly difficult to care for.

To obtain a beautiful flower arrangement, it is sufficient to follow a number of simple rules of agricultural technology:

  • preparatory work
  • watering regime
  • feeding technique
  • loosening and weeding
  • removal of dried and faded inflorescences
  • preventive measures to prevent diseases and swelling of pests

Watering mode

An unpretentious plant does not require close attention. The flower does not respond well to excessive watering or dryness of the soil. For optimal condition, experts recommend watering no more than once every two or three days.

watering plants

In case of accumulation of a large volume of water in the region of the rhizome of the flower, a rotting root system may appear.

Reduce the amount of watering should be in the following situations:

  • the presence of white plaque in the area of ​​​​the stem or on the leaves of the flower
  • falling off of only started buds long before the moment of flowering
Gardeners finish watering Buttercups at the end of summer, before the leaves turn yellow.

When growing Buttercup at home, watering should be done regularly, using water at room temperature. The plant loves well-drained soil. The main thing is not to be too zealous and not to fill the bushes with water. For best growth, it is necessary to maintain a humidity regime in the room. In the hot period, it is recommended to spray the plant from a spray bottle, take a light shower. When growing bushes at home, bushes require more frequent watering than in open ground.

top dressing

When growing Garden Buttercup in open ground and at home, experts advise to feed in the summer season and spring. The frequency of the event is once every two weeks. Mineral, potash and organic fertilizers, peat or diluted compost are suitable as top dressing material. To get the best result, it is better to alternate two types of top dressing. Potash fertilizers are applied at the rate of fifty grams per square meter of planting.

ranunculus in natural habitat

ranunculus in natural habitat

Most varieties of flowers of the family begin to bloom only after top dressing. During the period of active growth, the flower especially requires fertilizers; compositions rich in nitrogen, phosphorus-potassium compounds should be preferred.

Weed removal and soil loosening

Asian Buttercup requires careful attention. Weeds should be removed at least once a week.

 Timely weeding and loosening the soil will allow you to grow a lush flower bed of bright flowers.

Timely weeding and loosening the soil will allow you to grow a lush flower bed of bright flowers.

The procedure will provide oxygen access to the root system.

Removal of dried and faded inflorescences

The plant requires timely pruning of dried inflorescences. To carry out the procedure, gardeners use pruners or a sharp knife.. The event is necessary to organize space for the flowering of young buds.

Ranunculus in a garden pot

Ranunculus in an outdoor pot

Untimely removal of dried buttercup inflorescences leads to poor flowering. The plant gives all its strength to the growth of new foliage, and not to the buds.
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Digging up tubers

For the winter period, tubers are recommended to be dug out of the soil, and the stems are cut to the ground. Using a garden shovel, the tubers are carefully removed from the soil, avoiding mechanical damage. Plants should be stored after treating the seed material with a fungicide, a special chemical composition.helping in the fight against fungal diseases and thoroughly drying.

Collection of dug up buttercup tubers

Collection of dug out tubers

Attention must be paid to the storage room for tubers. It must meet a number of conditions:

  • dry air
  • no direct, bright light
  • maintaining a temperature regime not exceeding ten degrees

In warm regions, gardeners leave the tubers in the ground. At winter air temperature not lower than minus five degrees. Before the onset of cold weather, the bed with seedlings is insulated, covered with foil, straw, spruce branches and dry foliage.

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Pest prevention

Buttercups, like most garden plants, need care and timely preventive measures to combat dangerous pests. One of the possible threats was white mold. It affects the flower stalks and foliage of the plant.

Representatives of the buttercup family often encounter fungal diseases. The presence of infection is indicated by the presence of brown spots on the foliage and petioles.

buttercup alpine

buttercup alpine

One of the most serious enemies of the plant was the nematode, which affects the root system, and spider mites. The foliage begins to wrap in tubules, growth worsens, spots of yellow or silver color appear on the foliage.

As a warning of problems with the growth and development of a herbaceous plant, a number of measures should be observed:

  • Ensure the correct watering regime, do not flood the flower. In case of waterlogging, the risk of infection with powdery mildew increases. When the first signs of decay appear, watering should be stopped for a short time.
  • To avoid stagnant water, it is necessary to loosen the soil in a timely manner, provide for drainage and apply insecticidal formulations.
  • In the fight against the nematode, one-time treatment of the root system with a solution of potassium permanganate helps
  • The solution to the problems of the spider mite is associated with the treatment of Buttercup with specialized preparations

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Harvesting flowers for medicinal purposes

The plant is widely used for medicinal purposes.. The plant is suitable as a medicine, both fresh and dried. Before collecting it is necessary to wear protective clothing and gloves, getting on the skin poisonous juice causes burns and irritation.

Vast field of buttercups

Vast field of buttercups

The best time for collecting grass and harvesting is the period of time before the buds completely fall off. Flowers must be present on the stem. The plant is carefully cut. The rhizome is left in the soil, it is not used for medicinal purposes.

The resulting raw material is washed under running clean water and dried. Dry the buttercup should be in the fresh air under a canopy.

The finished material is stored in paper packages or fabric bags. The storage period should not exceed one year. After that, the plant loses its useful qualities.


Ranunculus (Buttercup): description, types and varieties, cultivation and reproduction, planting in open ground and care, useful properties (50 Photos & Videos) + Reviews


Ranunculus (Buttercup): description, types and varieties, cultivation and reproduction, planting in open ground and care, useful properties (50 Photos & Videos) + Reviews

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