A short log stove will burn for more than 7 hours ???

Log stove

Anything happens in life - it happens that you need to cook food for a large number of people, but not on gas and not on electric stovewhich barely warms up. Can at the stake, but it takes a long time to kindle it, and cooking on it is not very convenient.

Today we will tell you how you can make a convenient log rocket stove in 5 minutes with a fire adjustment function.

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Making a rocket launcher

Log Rocket Furnace

Log Rocket Furnace

For manufacturing, you need a large log and an electric drill and a pen drill with a diameter of at least 20 mm. The latter can be replaced screwdriver. If there is no tool, then you can make furnaces with the help of one ax. However, this is a topic for another article.

Step number 1 - preparing the log

Drilling a well in the center

Drilling a well in the center


From the end of the log, in the center, you need to drill a hole. Depth is recommended to be done no less than half a log. This will be the furnace part - the main fire will burn here.

Mark the side and drill

Mark the side and drill


Since the fire does not burn without oxygen, it is necessary to equip our furnace with a blower. To do this, you need to drill another hole on the side of the log so that it connects to the longitudinal one - you need to strive to ensure that it connects at the maximum depth of the longitudinal hole. This is done as shown in the photo above.

Step number 2 - we form a burner

We form the burner of the rocket stove

We form the burner of the rocket stove

The burner is needed not only in order to install a pot or pan on itbut also to keep the fire burning.


We will make it from 150 mm nails - the optimal size.


We hammer three nails to a depth of 2-3 cm at the same distance (10 cm) from the central hole in the log - in the future you can correct it. Three nails should form an equilateral triangle.


We bend them with pliers at the level of 5 centimeters from the log.

The burner is ready to use

Step number 3 - start the stove-oven

We launch a rocket-type furnace

We launch a rocket-type furnace


For ignition, you need to place kindling material in the drilled holes: dry branches, paper - if there is ignition fluid, then this will speed up the process. It is necessary to ensure that a little coal is formed inside from kindling.


As soon as this happened - we speed up the process - we fan the fire through the side hole.


After establishing a stable combustion, you can start cooking.

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Furnace adjustment

Furnace on full power

Furnace on full power


A strong fire is only good for boiling water quickly, but it is not very convenient for frying.


The design of the rocket stove allows you to adjust the strength of the fire.


This is done by limiting the access of oxygen to the furnace part of the stove - the less oxygen, the quieter the fire. It is only necessary to block the access of air through the side hole. This can be done with a wooden handle, suitable in diameter - it's simple!

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Powerful, economical and adjustable

Powerful, economical and adjustable

How long does a fire of 8-10 logs burn? Two or three hours? Our stove burns for about 10 hours!! Of course, the size of the log matters, but the savings are still on the face.

The photo shows the state of the log stove 6 hours after it was started.

VIDEO: Log Rocket Furnace

A short log stove will burn for more than 7 hours ???

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A short log stove will burn for more than 7 hours ???

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Log rocket stove in 5 minutes: a simple life hack

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