Vesicle: types, description of 18 popular varieties, planting and care (80+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Vesicle description

Few ornamental shrubs can boast bright foliage, beautiful flowering and at the same time perfect unpretentiousness. This description fully applies to such a plant as the vesicle.

It will not cause much trouble to the owners of garden plots, and even novice gardeners can handle its cultivation. This shrub is cultivated because of its high decorative qualities.

It has leaves of bright colors and a lush dense crown, which gives the plant a spectacular look and does not lose its decorative effect throughout the entire growing season.

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Biological description

Vesicle bushes of different varieties

Vesicle bushes of different varieties

The vesicle is an ornamental deciduous shrub that belongs to the Pink family. The genus Vesicle has more than 10 species, of which the most widespread and popular is the viburnum vesicle. The height of the shrub grows from 1 to 3 meters.

The bubble is used both in single and in group plantings, as well as for creating hedges and landscaping streets, squares, park areas. This plant is native to East Asia and North America. In the USA and Canada, it grows wild in mixed forests, valleys and along river banks.

Description of the vesicle:

  • Bark brown or brown. It tends to flake off with age.
  • Leaves ovoid or elliptical in shape, small in size, about 4-10 cm long. The edges of the leaves are serrate-toothed. On the upper side, the leaf plates have a dark and saturated shade, and on the lower side they are painted in lighter colors.
  • flowers white or pink, collected in convex corymbose inflorescences. Shrub blooms in JuneJuly and blooms for two to three weeks
  • Fruit are miniature leaflet bubbles collected in shields

The vesicle blooms

The vesicle blooms

The unusual shape of the fruit gave the plant such an unusual name - the vesicle. In Latin, it sounds like Physocarpus. This name comes from two Greek words: physo, which means "bubble" and carpos, which translates as "fruit".

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Vesicle: ornamental and unpretentious shrub

In Russia, the vesicle first appeared at the end of the 18th century in the botanical garden of St. Petersburg. During the 19th century, several more plant species were introduced from North America.

  • is unpretentious, has high winter hardiness
  • tolerates city conditions well
  • not too demanding on the composition of the soil
  • begins to bloom and bear fruit at the age of 4 years

  • does not tolerate excessive moisture and stagnant moisture

The vesicle retains its decorative effect throughout the entire growing season.At the same time, the shrub is very unpretentious.

However, there are two requirements that must be observed in order for this plant to be comfortable in the garden:

1Lack of lime in the soil. On soils with a high content of lime, the shrub will develop poorly.
2The presence of drainage. The bubble plant does not tolerate stagnant moisture, and soils with a high level of groundwater are not suitable for it.

Although this shrub is not too demanding on the composition of the soil, it will respond to a loose, fertile and fertilized substrate with good growth and a lush appearance. The plant is resistant to air pollution. For this reason, it can be grown near roads.

A huge advantage of the vesicle over other ornamental shrubs is its good winter hardiness. In the middle lane, he winters without problems, and only very severe frosts can damage the tips of his shoots.

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The vesicle can be grown both in the shade and in illuminated areas. However, cultivars with purple and golden leaves in full sun will have a brighter shade of foliage. In the shade, the color of the leaves fades over time and becomes muted.

Vesicle Kalinolistny Red Baron

View Kalinolistny (Red Baron)

Therefore, if you want to achieve a greater decorative effect from this plant, you should choose an open sunny place for planting it. For planting, it is better to purchase material in a nursery, where shrubs are sold in special containers, ready for planting.

Such seedlings with a closed root system can be planted not only in spring, but also in any other period during the growing season.

We plant a vesicle

How to properly plant this shrub so that it starts and quickly grows:

1A pit is prepared for planting, having a depth and diameter of 0.5 meters. Fertile garden soil, peat substrate or humus should be placed on its bottom.
2The plant, together with a clod of earth, must be carefully removed from the container and placed in a prepared planting hole. It is important not to damage the roots and try not to straighten them.
3The pit with the plant should be covered with soil, preferably fertile, and the seedling should be deepened by 5 cm. This technique will help the shrub to give additional new shoots from dormant buds.
4After planting, the vesicle bushes should be watered with water, to which Kornevin can be added, and then the trunk circle must be mulched.
Young bush Vesicle Coppertina

Young bush of the variety Coppertina (Coppertina)

With such a treatment, a surface crust will not form, and the roots of the plant will be able to receive a sufficient amount of air.

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This shrub reproduces in several ways. Each of them has its own characteristics that you need to pay attention to.

Reproduction by seeds

Vesicle fruits with seeds

Vesicle fruits with seeds

The seeds of the vesicle give good germination, however, with this method of reproduction, there is no guarantee that all varietal characteristics will be preserved. It is highly likely that bushes grown from seeds will not have red, but green leaves.

For this reason, seed propagation is rarely used. To preserve the original color of the leaves, the vesicle should be propagated vegetatively.


Reproduction by cuttings

Reproduction by cuttings

This is the simplest and most popular method, which gives fast and traditionally good results. For propagation by cuttings, green shoots are used, which are cut into a length of 10-20 cm. It is important that each cutting has several growth points.

Cuttings are carried out in spring or early summer, before flowering shrubs:

1The cuttings are separated, the leaves are removed from the lower half of the shoot, and half shortened from the upper half. You can also scratch the skin at the base of the cuttings: it is believed that roots form faster in these places.
2The bases of the resulting cuttings are soaked in any of the root formation stimulants. This stage is not mandatory, since the vesicle can successfully take root without stimulation.
3Shoots are planted in river sand or a substrate consisting of sand with peat.
4After planting, the cuttings should be watered and covered with plastic wrap.
5Subsequent care before the start of winter consists in airing and systematic moisturizing. When new leaves and shoots begin to appear, indicating successful rooting, the film can be removed.
6For the winter, rooted cuttings should be covered, best of all with spruce branches. The bases of the stems are mulched with foliage, peat or earth.
7In the spring, young shoots can be planted in a permanent place.

The division of the bush

Young vesicle bushes

young plant bushes

This method is less popular than cuttings, because it requires physical effort, and the number of young plants obtained as a result of dividing the bush is very limited. One well-developed adult bush can be divided into 4-6 parts.

The bush should be divided in early spring, before the onset of a period of active growth.

Perhaps the behavior of this procedure in the fall, after the shrub has faded, and at least a month and a half remains before frost:

1Planting pits are prepared for delenki, and the stems are cut at the level of 60-70 cm. This will only benefit the vesicle and will be an additional incentive for the emergence of new shoots.
2The plant is carefully dug up, completely removing the root system from the soil.
3The bush is divided in such a way that each part gets a good rhizome and one powerful healthy branch more than 20 cm long.
4Separated parts should be planted in a new place as soon as possible to prevent the roots from drying out.
5After that, the plants are watered and the soil is mulched to avoid crusting.
6In the first year, separated young plants need shelter for the winter.

Reproduction by layering

This is a fairly common method of reproduction. Such a procedure is carried out in April, after the first leaves appear on the shoots, so that the layering has time to take root during the growing season.

The order of propagation by layering is as follows:

1Almost all leaves are removed from the shoot, except for those that are at the very top.
2In the ground under the branch, a groove is made up to a depth of 10-15 cm.
3Without cutting off the prepared shoot from the bush, they lay it in a groove, pin it to the ground and cover it with fertile soil. The tip of the shoot must be left open, without falling asleep with earth.
4It is important to water the soil during periods that are too dry, because without moisture, roots that are not yet fully established can die.
5At the end of autumn, young rooted bushes are separated from an adult plant. For the winter, they should be covered with spruce branches.
6Such laying of layering gives good results if you choose strong and healthy shoots directed outward for them.
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Despite its high decorativeness, the vesicle is a very unpretentious plant.. It does not require any special care, but certain conditions must be observed: regular pruning, watering the plants and fertilizing.

With proper cultivation, the bushes will practically not be affected by diseases and pests.

Beautifully shaped vesicle

Nice shaped bush


The shrub can grow up to 30-40 years, and during the growing season develop quite rapidly. When favorable conditions are created in one year, the vesicle can grow up to 40 cm, both in height and in width.

When does a plant need pruning?

  • to stimulate the active growth of shoots
  • if the crown needs to be shaped

The vesicle endures the pruning procedure painlessly, and in the future quickly overgrows with young shoots.

In addition to forming pruning, a sanitary procedure is also carried out:

  • sanitary pruning is carried out in early spring.Its purpose is to remove broken, withered branches and shoots frozen in winter.
  • Formative pruning is needed to give the plant the desired shape. It is also carried out in the spring, even before bud break on the shrub, or in the fall, after the vegetative period is over.

There are two types of shaping pruning that can be applied:

  • if the goal of pruning is to obtain a powerful and wide bush with a large number of trunks, then it is carried out at the level of 40-50 cm
  • to give the plant a so-called "fountain-like" shape, all thin shoots are cut out at the base of the bush, leaving up to five of the strongest and strongest branches. These shoots are also additionally pruned at a height of 1.5 meters to stimulate growth.


The frequency of watering shrubs depends on several factors:

1Soil type
2plant age
3The climate zone where it grows

If the soils in the area where the shrub is grown are loamy, and high temperatures are possible in summer, then the plant needs regular watering. (at least twice a week). However, overflow and stagnant water should be avoided.

When waterlogged, the vesicle bush runs the risk of being infected with powdery mildew. This can lead to the death of the plant.

top dressing

By fertilizing the shrub, you can get its beautiful and lush shape.

By fertilizing the shrub, you can get a beautiful and lush shape.

Shrub fertilizer is carried out twice per season, in spring and autumn:

1In early spring, when the buds open, it is necessary to apply a nitrogen-containing fertilizer.
2autumn it should be replaced with mineral supplements.

Plants respond well to fertilizer, forming a lush dense crown.


The advantages of this shrub include good winter hardiness. In the conditions of the middle lane, the vesicle hibernates without shelter. At the same time, freezing of the tops of the shoots is observed only in rare cases and during very frosty winters.

Only young shoots rooted in the current year need shelter for the winter period.. In autumn, after pruning, the soil around the plants should be mulched with a layer of peat at least 8 cm high. After that, young plants should be covered with spruce branches.

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There are more than 10 species of this plant, however, only two species have become widespread in culture in the European part of the country:

  • Amur vesicle (Physocarpus amurensis)
  • Vesicle viburnum (Physocarpus opulifolius)

Unpretentious, decorative and fast-growing vesicles are excellent material for hedges. They tolerate pruning well, with which the bushes can easily be given the desired shape.

The Amur vesicle is used less frequently in landscaping, and the viburnum vesicle is the most widely used in landscape design.



Amur vesicle

Amur vesicle

The homeland of this shrub is the mixed forests of the Far East, North Korea and northern China. Bushes grow up to 3 meters high.

The crown has a wide spherical shape, green leaves and blooms with small white flowers collected in corymbose inflorescences.

The fruits are swollen leaflets that turn red as they ripen and give the plant an attractive appearance and decorative effect in autumn. This species is winter hardy.

Shoots are completely woody. The plant is used both in single and in group plantings, as well as as hedges.


Vesicle viburnum

Vesicle viburnum

Vesicle viburnum

This plant is native to North America, where it grows wild. The shrub got its name because of the leaves that look like viburnum leaves.

For decorative decoration of a garden plot, mainly two groups of varieties of the viburnum vesicle are used: plants with red leaves and with yellow foliage.

In each of the groups, breeders have bred many varieties that are worth dwelling on in more detail.

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The most popular red-leaved varieties

This group is especially appreciated by gardeners and designers for its high decorative qualities. The foliage of these vesicles, painted in different shades of red and purple tones, looks very festive. White-pink inflorescences in summer and clusters of berries in autumn look spectacular against the background of leaves.

Red-leaved varieties prefer open sunny areas. In the shade, they lose their “zest”, because due to the lack of sunlight, the bright purple color of the leaves quickly turns into ordinary green.




Diabolo viburnum is a spectacular variety with dark purple glossy leaves of uniform color and a dense lush crown.

Powerful bushes grow up to 3 meters in height and need pruning. With the onset of autumn, the color of the leaves does not change.

In the shade, the leaves turn green with a slight purple tint. The variety was awarded the prize of the English Royal Horticultural Society.

"Red Baron"

Red Baron

Red Baron

The Red Baron vesicle bush can have a beautiful spherical shape. It reaches up to 2 meters in height and the same in width.

The leaves of this variety are up to 7 cm long, dark red in color, slightly elongated and corrugated.

With the onset of autumn, the foliage takes on a bronze hue.

"Summer Vine"


Vesicle (Summer Wine)

Summer Vine

The vesicle of Summer Wine has a crown with spreading branches and foliage of deep wine color with a metallic sheen.

The bush grows to a height of 2 meters. In the spring it blooms magnificently, the shoots are completely covered with white-pink inflorescences.

This variety can tolerate severe frosts well, so it is suitable for growing in almost any region.

"Lady in Red"

Vesicle Kalinolistny Lady in Red

Lady in Red

Plants of this variety of English selection have reddish foliage and pale pink flowers. Bubble Lady in Red does not exceed 1.8 meters in height.

With the onset of autumn, the elegant foliage of the Lady in Red variety tends to darken.

The decorative qualities of this shrub were awarded the Royal Horticultural Society of England.


Vesicle Kalinolistny Andre


Andre's vesicle has a height of no more than 2 meters and the same width. The leaves, orange-red when blooming, become bronze-red in early summer.

They are up to 10 cm long and elliptical in shape.

This variety blooms in June with creamy white or pale pink flowers, in place of which bright red berries are formed.


Vesicle Kalinolistny Schuch (Schuch)


The Schuch vesicle has wine-red foliage and blooms in late spring with white-pink flowers.

The shrub grows in height and width by 2 meters. Resistant to frost and adverse factors.

With the onset of autumn, the color of the foliage does not change.

"Little Angel"

Little Angel

Little Angel

Little Angel is a low-growing shrub that grows up to 1 meter in height and width. The leaves are small, have a size 2 times smaller than that of tall varieties.

Young orange-red foliage becomes deep burgundy with orange-red shoot tips.


Vesicle variety Midnight


Midnight is the darkest of all vesicle varieties. The leaves of an adult plant are almost purple-brown in color.

The flowers are pink-white. The bush is medium in size, reaches 1.8 meters in height and 1.5 meters in width.

Leaves turn orange-red in autumn.

"Little Joker"

Little Joker

Little Joker

The Little Joker vesicle, bred by breeders in the Netherlands, belongs to dwarf varieties. The height of the bush is from 50 cm to 1 meter.

The leaves are small, burgundy-purple. As autumn approaches, the foliage takes on a dark purplish-brown hue.

The flowers are pinkish white and appear in June. If desired, plants of this variety can be grown in containers.

"Tiny Vine"

Tiny Vine

Tiny Vine

The Tiny Wine vesicle is a low-growing variety. Plants reach a height of up to 1.2 meters. This shrub will be a great option for small garden plots.

Dark maroon leaves are almost invisible in spring due to the fact that the branches are completely covered with a large number of white and pink inflorescences.

Leaves turn bright red in autumn.

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The most popular yellow-leaved varieties

Varieties with yellow or yellow-green leaves are no less decorative than red-leaved varieties of vesicle. They stand out against the dark greenery of the garden and bring fresh and bright touches to landscape compositions.




Luteus vesicle bushes grow up to 3 meters and have a crown diameter of up to 4 meters. The leaves of plants of this variety attract with their color, which changes during the season.

The foliage is yellow with a slight orange tint when it blooms, turning yellow-green in summer, and turning into a beautiful golden color in autumn. The plant is winter-hardy.

"Darts Gold"

Darts Gold

Darts Gold

The height of the Dart's Gold vesicle bushes is up to 1.5 meters. The leaves are orange-yellow when they bloom, turning yellow-green in summer, and in autumn they turn to a magnificent yellow-bronze hue.

The flowers are white, with a slight pinkish color. The variety has been awarded the Royal Horticultural Society of England.




Nugget vesicle bushes grow up to 2 meters. The leaves of plants of this variety are relatively small.

When blooming, they are yellow, but eventually turn green. Thick shoots grow vertically and form a vase-shaped bush.

"Enis Gold"

Anis Gold

Anis Gold

Bubble Annys Gold is a variegated variety. The plant has a compact dense bush with a hemispherical crown, carved foliage similar to currant leaves and an unusual variegated color.

The yellow-green leaves seem to be painted with dark green strokes that form a unique pattern.

"Amber Jubilee"

Amber Jubilee

Amber Jubilee

Amber Jubilee is a British-selected vesicle, an excellent ornamental variety. The plant got its name in honor of the Diamond Jubilee of the English Queen Elizabeth II.

The bush is distinguished by its compact crown size, not exceeding 1.5 meters in height and width. The leaves of this shrub have serrated edges.

As the season progresses, the foliage changes color from yellowish-purple, first to green, then to orange in autumn.




Aurea vesicle reaches a height of up to 2.5 meters. From the moment the leaves open until the beginning of flowering, the plant has bright yellow foliage.

Then it darkens a little, turning green, and closer to autumn it again acquires a golden yellow hue.

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Varieties with green leaves

The rich green color of the foliage of these plants allows them to be combined when planted with red-leaved and yellow-leaved varieties.. Emphasizing their unusual coloration, green-leaved vesicles also look very decorative, especially during flowering.




The Nanus vesicle has a compact shape. The height of the bush is usually up to 60 cm and rarely exceeds 1.2 meters.

In width, the bush grows up to 0.9 meters. The leaves have a dark green saturated hue.

With the onset of autumn, the foliage turns yellow. The flowers are pinkish white.




The Chameleon vesicle has compact bushes with a height of only 1.5 meters and an unusual color of foliage. Dark green corrugated leaves are distinguished by a red, orange and yellow tint.

At a young age, the leaves have a purple border, and at maturity - light green. This variety blooms with creamy flowers.

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Bubble in landscape design

Bubble in landscape design

Bush in landscape design

This beautifully flowering ornamental shrub is widely used in landscape design, including:

  • in single landings
  • in group compositions
  • as hedges

Contrasting compositions from a combination of yellow-leaved and red-leaved vesicle varieties look spectacular. For example, a hedge, made according to the principle of contrasting plant varieties with yellow and red leaves.

Hedge from the vesicle looks very decorative, but requires little maintenance, mostly constant pruning. For this plant will delight you with changing, depending on the season, shades of foliage, beautiful flowers that bloom in spring, and red fruits that ripen in autumn.

The vesicle is valued in landscape design for its unpretentiousness, rapid growth, different sizes, from dwarf to tall bushes, and a wide color palette.

In addition to the traditional green color, the leaves of the vesicle can be painted in a wide variety of colors:

  • yellow-green
  • Dark red
  • red-orange
  • maroon
  • golden yellow
  • red-purple
  • yellow bronze
  • purplish violet
  • red-brown and many other shades

Such a diverse range of colors allows this shrub to be widely used, creating beautiful landscape compositions.

Bubble plant in the garden

Vesicle in the area

The bubbler goes well with:

Looks great against its backdrop. hosta, astilba, foxglove and other flowers. Vesicles with contrasting foliage bring variety to the green decoration of the garden, and colorful color accents to landscape design that retain their bright colors throughout the season.

If you decide to plant a vesicle in your area, you will not be disappointed. This shrub can become the highlight of your garden, and caring for it will not be difficult. You can grow this spectacular plant even in unfavorable areas with poor soils, where other ornamental crops will feel uncomfortable.

Vesicle: types, description of 18 popular varieties, planting and care (80+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Trimming shrubs Trimming the vesicle

Vesicle: types, description of 18 popular varieties, planting and care (80+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

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