Varieties of bunch cucumbers are in high demand among vegetable growers. This is due to the fact that caring for them is not particularly difficult and even beginners can cope with growing.
However, this does not mean that care is not required at all. Certain norms of agricultural technology must be observed.

Features and characteristics of bunch cucumbers

Varieties of bouquet greens are classified according to many criteria.
Cucumbers are one of the main vegetables in any garden along with tomatoes, beets and other crops. It is known that most of the varieties and hybrids of this vegetable form paired female flowers (inflorescences), or single ones, in the axils of leaf plates. Accordingly, after pollination, 1 or 2 fruits will appear on the plant.
However, not so long ago, hybrids were bred that are capable of forming 3-8 female flowers in each node. These varieties are classified as a bouquet (beam) type of flowering.
Superbeam varieties of cucumbers are also known. It is common for them to have from 8 to 14 female flowers. In terms of yield, they are unique - they bring up to 500 fruits per season. It is to these varieties that cucumbers of the gherkin type are classified.
To the question of what is bunch cucumbers, you can answer that it is - hybrids that have been bred by breeding by crossing some especially productive varieties with varieties that have female flowering. The requirements for care and maintenance of bunch cucumbers are very similar to ordinary varieties, but they also have nuances that you should be aware of.
Their advantages and disadvantages

There are many advantages to bunch cucumbers, which is why they are in high demand and have positive feedback from gardeners.
- high palatability (complete absence of bitter taste);
- long period of fruiting;
- a large selection of varieties;
- saving space in the beds;
- resistance to weather conditions, spring frosts;
- good immunity that protects plants from insect pests and diseases.
But the most important thing that breeders are talking about is high productivity, mass ripeness of fruits. It is noted that fruits of the same size are typical for bunch varieties - medium-sized. Overgrowing is ruled out due to high competition for nutrients.
- lack of seeds, since many varieties do not require pollination, as well as their increased cost.
Factors that can affect the number of ovaries

The main advantage of hybrids is high yield
To achieve high yields, you will need to take into account the secrets of growing from specialists and the features of the hybrid. But the formation of a certain number of ovaries depends not only on the characteristics of the variety, but also on proper care, nutrition and conditions of detention.
A poor harvest can be produced by bushes with an insufficient level of moisture or, conversely, with moist soil. Also, the reason may be a lack of light, top dressing, a violation of the microclimate in the greenhouse.
Varieties of bunch cucumbers

Beam cucumbers are classified according to various criteria. According to the intended purpose, there are salad varieties with small seeds, thin skin and white spikes, as well as varieties for pickling.
Cucumbers are also distinguished by ripening time. Sprinters, the so-called early varieties, are characterized by a fast ripening period, good germination, but they quickly cease to bear fruit. Late varieties of cucumbers are more resistant to diseases and have long fruiting.
One of their important characteristics is pollination. All varieties of cucumbers are divided into pollinated by bees and parthenocarpic, which do not require pollination (sometimes they are called self-pollinated).
In addition, cucumber varieties have a number of differences in the branching of lateral shoots:
- varieties with limited branching have short lateral shoots, small internodes and a long fruiting period;
- varieties with a weak type of branching are classified as sprint hybrids, their entire crop is concentrated on the main stem;
- varieties with active branching initially form fruits on the main stem, and then form greens on lateral processes as they develop.

Bunch cucumbers: how to grow and get a rich harvest
Thus, before purchasing, you need to decide which variety is needed for planting, and then create all the necessary conditions for the culture to develop and actively bear fruit.

The best varieties for growing
It is clear that beam hybrids will significantly improve the yield per meter of sown area. Next, the best hybrids of bouquet varieties that have long been time-tested will be presented.
However, it is important to follow all the basics of agricultural technology to obtain the declared fruits.

Parthenocarpic hybrids (self-pollinated)

Parthenocarpic hybrids do not need pollination.
It is these varieties of bunch cucumbers that are popular with gardeners and are suitable for greenhouses, however, they are also grown outdoors.

Cucumber Emelya F1
It is considered an early hybrid, since the fruits are tied 39-40 days after the appearance of the first shoots. Refers to vigorous plants with strong branching. The variety is suitable for tunnels, greenhouses, but can also grow in open ground.
Housewives note high taste qualities in cucumbers, they prefer to send fruits for harvesting. The culture is resistant to temperature changes, some parasites and fungal infections. Grown fruits of a bright green shade, elongated cylindrical shape. Weight of one vegetable up to 150 g, length up to 15 cm.
beam splendor

Cucumber variety Beam splendor
Beam splendor F1 is an early ripe variety. This vegetable crop belongs to gherkin cucumbers.
Pickles are ideal for preparations and for salads. The fruit is green, cylindrical in shape, small tuberculate. Does not require pollination and is tolerant of low temperatures.
The fruits appear quite early - on day 40, they also pour quickly. The crop is harvested up to 40 kg per 1 sq. m.

Cucumber Maze F1
An early maturing hybrid of the parthenocarpic type. Fruits appear on the 37-39th day after the first shoots, ripens quickly. The resulting cucumbers are dark green in color, juicy, crispy, with a traditional taste, but without bitterness.
Great pickle option. Their size is not more than 12 cm. Fruits are formed in 4-6 pieces per ovary. Stem branching is medium.

Cucumber F1 Alphabet
The hybrid variety also belongs to parthenocarpics. For cultivation, cultivation of a plant, you can use a greenhouse or open ground.
The variety is characterized by high productivity and strong immunity, resistance to viruses. It is ultra-early, as “emerald” fruits appear on the 35th day.Water them quite often, otherwise the leaves and ovaries fall off.
Fruits of the average size, krupnobugorchatye. The weave is loose.

Cucumber variety Herman F1
Refers to early ripe varieties, their fruiting begins on the 40th day after germination. Srednerosly hybrid, has 6-7 ovaries in each node. Directly intended for open ground, but can successfully develop under temporary film shelters.
The fruits are dark green in color, weighing about 80-90 g, up to 12 cm in size. The yield is good - 9 kg per 1 sq. m. It is well suited for conservation and for fresh consumption. The hybrid is resistant to many fungal and some viral diseases.
Tom Thumb

Cucumber Boy with a finger F1
One of the fastest growing fruits. Cucumbers begin to form 37-39 days after germination.
The plant is vigorous, with an average degree of climbing. Nodules form from 3 to 6 fruits. Suitable for open ground, tunnels and greenhouses.
The resulting fruits are bright green in color, with tubercles, the thorns are light, not prickly. The mass of one green stuff is up to 65 g, the length is 6-10 cm. The declared yield is 10-13 kg per 1 sq. M. Pleasant taste, no bitterness.

Cucumber Shosha F1
Fruiting begins on the 39th day. The plant is classified as medium-branched, with the formation of 3 ovaries per node. Suitable for growing in different types of soil.
The fruit is green, cylindrical. Weight from 50 to 80 g, size about 10 cm. Yield per 1 sq m - 14-15 kg. The taste of cucumbers is excellent.
Ideal for spinning, salting and marinating. Resistant to a number of diseases.

Cucumber Murashka F1
The hybrid is vigorous, with an average degree of branching. Refers to early ripening varieties. Formation of fruits from 43-48 days from the first shoots. Forms up to 6 ovaries in each sinus.
It can be grown both in greenhouses and in open ground with temporary shelters. Greens are short, tuberculate, dark green in color with black small spikes. The weight of one is up to 110 g, the length is up to 13 cm. The declared yield per 1 sq m is 10-12 kg.
Fruits are versatile with excellent taste and very fragrant.
In addition to these hybrid varieties, note: Blizzard, Okhotny Ryad F1, variety Masha, Robin Hood, Detinets, Anyuta, Artel, Grasshopper, like cucumbers are high-yielding and resistant to fungal diseases, stress, moderate shading.

bee pollinated hybrids

Bee-pollinated hybrids are intended for open ground
First of all, they are suitable for growing outdoors, but they also develop in greenhouses. Recently, these varieties are not as popular as they used to be, but many still grow them.
The best varieties of bunch cucumbers for open ground include those which show high yield and disease resistance.
Children on a branch

Cucumber Kids on the branch F1
Early maturing hybrid variety, fruiting starts from 43 days. It belongs to medium-sized and medium-branched plants with a female type of flowering. Recommended for development in the open ground using a temporary cover in the form of a film.
The fruit is cylindrical, short, weighing up to 100 g, size - 8-11 cm. When ripe, it has an excellent taste, does not bitter and does not contain voids. It is considered universal - suitable for pickles and for preparing fresh salads.
Siberian Express

Cucumber Siberian Express F1
The variety belongs to early ripening, since the formation of fruits begins from 42 days after germination. Grow a hybrid in open ground and under a film. A plant with medium climbing, and if you remove part of the side shoots, then up to 11 fruits are formed in the axils of the main stem.
Zelentsy of traditional color with tubercles, up to 12 cm in size, the weight of each cucumber is up to 120 g. The taste is excellent, without signs of bitterness. Suitable for pickling and salads. Productivity in greenhouse conditions reaches 15 kg.
King of the garden

Cucumber King of the garden F1
The plant is powerful, has an average degree of branching. Can be grown outdoors with temporary film cover. Taste without bitterness, suitable for preservation and for salads.
The fruit is dark green in color with small stripes, up to 11 cm long. Up to 5 fruits are tied in each knot. The yield is average - from 1 sq. M about 6 kg of cucumbers. Atharvesting is comfortable.
It is better to plant seedlings, but often the seeds are laid directly in open ground. The hybrid is unpretentious and resistant to weather changes.

Cucumber Hokus
The hybrid has average terms of maturing. Produced in Finland, suitable for regions with unstable climate.
Differs in stable harvesting and gradual ripening of fruits. It can be grown by seedling method and by planting seeds in open ground, especially in warm regions. The size of ripe greens reaches 15 cm.

Cucumber Minion F1
Fruiting begins on the 45-47th day from the moment the first shoots appear, it can be attributed to medium-early varieties. The plant is vigorous with abundant foliage, branching of an average degree. It can develop as a whole garland in open ground and in a greenhouse.
Zelentsy oval with small black spikes. The pulp is quite juicy. The mass of one cucumber is 80 g, the size is up to 10 cm. They give from 1 sq m to 16 kg.
Cucumber is tasty, devoid of bitterness, suitable for conservation.

Hybrid varieties for open ground

Outdoor hybrids require temporary film cover
There are many hybrids of bunch cucumbers, you should choose their personal preferences and those conditions in which to develop. Many varieties and hybrids are suitable for the development of fruits in the open field, but the climatic features of the area should be taken into account.
In temperate regions, vegetables are grown outdoors with the option of using temporary film cover. Whereas in the southern regions you can do without additional shelter.

Cucumber Zyatek F1
The hybrid is classified as a bee-pollinated plant. It is considered an early maturing, medium-branched variety with strong roots and a high growth rate. Up to 6-8 ovaries are formed in the leaf axil.
The fruit is dark green with small stripes, white-thorned. The length of the vegetable is up to 12 cm, the weight is about 100 g. The average yield is 5-7 kg. Taste without bitterness. Suitable for pickling and for fresh consumption.

Cucumber Mother-in-law F1
Early maturing, parthenocrpic hybrid with an average degree of branching. Before fruiting, about 45 days pass from the moment the first shoots appear. Up to 3-4 ovaries are formed in the leaf axils. It can actively develop in open ground and in film shelter.
Fruit with small tubercles, dark green color, dense. Its length is about 13 cm, weight up to 120 g. The average yield is up to 12 kg per 1 sq. m.
The taste is devoid of bitterness, well suited for salting. Resistant to major vegetable diseases.
Heroic strength

Cucumber Bogatyrskaya Sila F1
The hybrid is classified as parthenocarpic. Branching is medium, fruiting occurs quite early. Cucumbers appear on the 37-39th day after the appearance of green shoots. It forms up to 6-8 ovaries, while the fruiting period is long.
High taste properties make it possible to use cucumbers for salads and for canning. The length of each fruit is up to 12-13 cm.

Hybrid varieties for greenhouses

Greenhouse development in greenhouses
Many varieties are suitable for growing beam hybrids in shelters, but still, to a greater extent, plants with a moderate or weak degree of branching, as well as parthenocarpics.
In order to create the most suitable conditions for the development of plants, strong thickening should be avoided when planting a crop, as this will lead to poor lighting and a lack of nutrients, and then negatively affect the yield.

Cucumber Junior Lieutenant F1
The fruits of this hybrid variety reach a length of 12 cm. The taste of the plant is high, cucumbers are suitable for pickling and for fresh consumption. The number of ovaries in a bundle reaches 5-7 pieces.
The peculiarity of this hybrid is that it is able to independently regulate branching. Initially, the ovaries are formed on the main stem, while the lateral ones do not develop.
As soon as the ripened crop is removed from the main stem, the lateral processes begin to grow and develop, followed by the appearance of greens on them.

Cucumber Balcony F1
Speaking of bunch varieties of cucumbers, one cannot fail to note the balcony hybrid. From the name it is clear that it is intended for growing in small areas. Often it is grown on loggias or balconies.
The hybrid belongs to the parthenocarpic type. The internodes of the plant are very short, the lashes are poorly developed.
Zelentsy begin to form 40-41 days after germination. The resulting fruits grow up to 10 cm in length.

Growing Features

For greens of this type, you will need trellis
Beam varieties of cucumbers are endowed with high yields, but for this it is important to follow some rules that will allow you to grow a good harvest. Without the efforts made, an integrated approach, it is impossible to achieve the desired result.
Agrotechnics should consist in the correct irrigation regime, the timely application of top dressing, manure, compost, ash, mineral and organic fertilizers, loosening, weed removal and bush shaping. Preventive spraying against pests, diseases (for example, from downy mildew, spotting) is important. Landing should be in a place protected from wind and drafts.
Drying of the soil or excess moisture is unacceptable. It is also important to avoid overheating cucumber bushes in a greenhouse.
Experienced gardeners recommend using a trellis to tie up a grown plant. This will make shaping easier.
Regardless of where the seedlings grow, in closed or open ground, it needs light, because with its deficiency, the number of ovaries decreases. Therefore, it is advisable to plant bushes at the rate of 2 plants per 1 square meter.
It is important to take care of the soil during planting. It should be loose and moisture permeable. You need to feed no more than 1 time in 8-10 days. In this case, the doses should be small. When forming a bush, it should be noted that bunch cucumbers are grown in one stem with pinching of lateral processes.

Hybrid varieties of bunch cucumbers are attractive for their resistance to parasites and many diseases inherent in ordinary varieties. In addition, many gardeners note their unpretentiousness in care and maintenance.
This is important for some summer residents, who do not have the opportunity to visit their site too often and in a timely manner to irrigate, hill up, and harvest.
We choose cucumbers not simple, but bunched! Harvest in your hands
Bunch cucumbers | TOP-18 Best varieties: description with photo | +Reviews