Springs used in various mechanisms lose their properties over time and require replacement. Quite often, springs of the required sizes cannot be found on sale. What to do in this case? We will tell you how to make custom springs with your own hands.

Materials for manufacturing
In order to make a spring, you will need:
- conventional door spring;
- gas burner or blowtorch;
- pliers;
- hand vise;
- container with engine oil;
- Bulgarian;
- bolt of the desired diameter and length;
- slotted screwdriver.
Step 1. Making a blank
To make the desired spring, we use a door spring, which is easy to buy in a supermarket or on the market.

Cut off a piece of the spring using a grinder.

To make the spring wire soft, it is necessary to anneal the steel. To do this, it must be heated to a red color and left to cool in the air. Heating a piece of spring can be done in various ways:
- Having built a microhorn for the spring from pieces of vermiculite, we use a microburner.

- Using a blowtorch.

- Using a gas burner and horn.

We stop heating when the spring turns dark red (about 800 degrees Celsius). We leave it to cool in the air.

Step 2. We form a spring
After cooling, remove carbon deposits from the spring with a brush and unwind it.

We take a bolt with a diameter equal to the inner diameter of the spring, which we want to make and, fixing the tip of the wire with a hand vise, wind the wire tightly around it.

In the same way, springs of various shapes and purposes can be made.

For uniformity, using a slotted screwdriver, we make the required distance between the turns.

After trimming, this is how the spring turned out.

Step 3. Making the spring stronger and more resilient
We carry out hardening of the spring, for which we heat it to a dark red color and immerse it in a vessel with engine oil.

To eliminate the fragility of the spring, we carry out a high tempering of steel at a temperature of about 400-500 degrees Celsius, achieving a light gray tint.

When this temperature is reached, the heating is stopped and cooled in air.

How to make a spring with your own hands at home
How to make a spring with your own hands [KNOW-HOW]
Many thanks to the author for an interesting video.
if there is a spring, is it not easier to fix it, compress or decompress it by heating and cooling