We equip a pond in the country with our own hands: interesting landscape ideas, useful information on creating, decorating, caring | 75 Photos & Videos

We equip the pond in the country with our own hands

How pleasant it is to enjoy beautiful images of nature, to breathe clean air. And for this there is a wonderful place - a cottage. Here you can realize your ideas. One of them is building a pond in the country with your own hands. Near such a reservoir it will be not only pleasant to relax, but also boldly brag to guests about a masterpiece created by oneself. The dimensions of the pond will depend on the free space on the territory, and the arrangement will depend on the personal imagination of each and financial possibilities.

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General principles

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Nice place to stay

Nice place to relax

Before proceeding with the direct construction, you need to carefully prepare. For this you will need:

  • determine the location
  • choose the shape, size and style
  • purchase the necessary materials

Planting of vegetation around the reservoir is carried out at the final stage.

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Location determination

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Well-chosen location

Well-chosen location

For good functionality and attractiveness of the pond, it is necessary to correctly select a place for it. It should not be under the scorching rays of the sun, as well as in the shade of trees. Lighting plays a big role because planted flowers around will not be able to fully grow with a lack of light.

An open area is not the best place for a pond for the following reasons:

  • Resting on hot days under the scorching rays of the sun will be unpleasant
  • Single-celled algae grow stronger in a large amount of light and cause water blooms
  • The living organisms that will inhabit the pond will die from the heat at a shallow depth.

Pond in the country

Pond in the country

The best option is a site that is not surrounded by trees nearby and is located next to a building or fence. Here, in the morning and evening, the sun is not so hot, and at noon the cast shadow from the building will give the necessary coolness. 

It is not worth planting trees near the reservoir, because. they can ruin the base of the pond with their roots. For the same reason, do not place a reservoir next to an already growing garden.

It is necessary to think in advance nearby and the source of electricity for arranging lighting, installation filter, pump.

The construction of a decorative pond does not have strict requirements. The shape may be different. The perimeter, as an addition to the overall design of the site, is decorated with plants.

In order not to miscalculate with the location, it is advisable to pre-draw the outlines of the future artificial lake with twine or sand. During the day, you need to observe how the lighting will change.

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Form and style

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Shape and style may vary

Shape and style may vary

Whatever design is chosen, it must be combined with the general appearance of the entire territory. For example, a round pond looks good in an area designed in the genre of an English landscape. Irregular shapes are suitable for giving, made in oriental style. 

No need to try to design a pond, adhering to clear geometric shapes. It is important that the form is simply in harmony with the overall design of the garden.

As far as the free area of ​​​​the site allows, this will be the size of the future creation. It's important to know that a large reservoir is easier to maintain. It is easier to create a stable and sustainable ecosystem in it.

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concrete base

concrete base

In order to equip an artificial reservoir and provide waterproofing protection, various materials are used:

  • Concrete - often used to create precise geometric lines. Relatively complex building
  • Plastic containers - used in small areas (up to 5 m2). They are simple to install. They have a long service life
  • waterproofing film – well suited for a special project. It has elasticity, but is easily damaged. There are the following types:

  1. PVC (polyvinyl chloride) – deformed areas are easily removed with glue
  2. Polyethylene - at a lower cost, but not durable. In case of damage, self-adhesive tape helps
  3. Butyl rubber - the best view. Used in various thicknesses. The greater the depth is assumed, the thicker the film is selected

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Plastic mold base

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plastic mold

plastic mold

With the acquisition of a finished form, you can easily and quickly create an artificial lake with your own hands. Even a beginner can handle the installation. It will take no more than 2 days.

Plastic is resistant to temperature and UV rays, but requires great care when installing. It is very easy to damage, without the ability to effectively close the cracks. 

For garden ponds, prefabricated structures made of fiberglass are also used. This material is more expensive. It also has reliability and is able to last much longer than plastic.

Installation of the plastic mold is carried out in the following order:

  • Initially, you will need to dig a pit that matches the shape of the workpiece. For this, the finished container is installed on the ground. Around it, along the perimeter, with an indent to the sides by 15-20 cm, sticks are stuck into the ground. A rope is stretched over them. The plastic container is removed for a short time. A hole is dug according to the outlined outlines. In height, it should be 30 cm more. At the end of work, it is necessary to check the evenness of the bottom using a board or a special device
  • The bottom of the pit is covered with a layer of sand, which will work as a base. Then the form itself is installed. All free gaps between the walls of the mold and the edges of the pit are covered with sand and moistened with water. This will ease the shrinkage
  • The final stage is filling the form with water and decorating the banks with beautiful stones, planting plants

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film base

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Film as a base

Film as a base

The use of a waterproofing film as a base provides great opportunities for recreating a reservoir of various shapes, even the most unusual.

PVC film is also not afraid of exposure to ultraviolet rays, temperature changes. Its color lasts for a very long time. The service life is up to 10-15 years.

More reliable is a butyl rubber film. For the price it is more expensive. It is used to create deep ponds.

The material is bought with a margin (+50 cm on each side), for a good fixing of its edges along the banks.

PVC film for pond

PVC film for pond

Work is carried out in the following order:

  • The outlines are marked with lime or sand
  • A shallow ditch is dug. Excavated earth is not thrown away
  • New outlines are indicated. The deepest should be the bottom
  • Using twine and a measuring tape, the required footage of waterproofing material is calculated
  • The bottom is covered with a layer of sand. Then interlining or geotextile is spread to protect the film from possible contact with roots or stones
  • The film is slipping. The bottom and ledges are pressed down with pebbles
  • The pond is slowly filling with water. It is important that the base material settles gradually
  • After 2-3 days, the shores are drawn up. The edges of the cellophane are tucked in. Tiles, stones are placed on top, with filling the resulting gaps with sand

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Basis from an old bath

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The second life of an old bath

The second life of an old bath

In fact, to recreate a decorative reservoir, any containers that are no longer suitable for farming can be used as a basis. For example, an old bath.

The course of action will be as follows:

  • Under the dimensions of the bath, +20 cm on each side, a pit is dug. In depth, it should be slightly larger than the base. A groove is dug along its perimeter. It should be about 30 cm in height and width.
  • The bottom of the pit is carefully leveled. Its horizontalness is checked using a special measuring tool.
  • The bath is installed in the pit. Empty gaps on the sides are covered with sand (soil)
  • Next, you need to prepare a mixture consisting of tile adhesive and water. Pigment is added to give color. This mass is applied to the sides of the base from the inside. You don't have to try to get it right. The walls will acquire a dark color and structure, similar to natural soil
  • During the day, the glue should completely dry. To do this, everything is covered with cellophane and left
  • To better strengthen the bath, a metal mesh is laid on its sides. It is cut into pieces and placed along the borders and inside the base (by 1/2 depth). The bottom is left uncovered
  • Next, a solution (cement, water, sand) is prepared for bonding and applied on top of the mesh. It also doesn't need to be leveled much. For greater naturalness and strengthening of the mesh, stones are inserted into the mixture. The drain is carefully cemented
  • Clay is poured on the bottom of the base, water is added and the solution is kneaded. They are smeared on the sides to close the cement and fill the void between the stones. Allow the solution to dry for several hours.
  • The finished base is filled with water. In a circle, aquatic vegetation is planted in the grooves.


Bath pond

Bath pond

After a couple of days, the water will become a little cloudy. A decorative lake will look quite natural, hiding its true origin.

Along the edges of the base, it is better to lay large stones on the grid. This will give clarity to the shape of the pond, and naturalness to the banks. When unfolding the fragments, it is not necessary to observe the severity of the forms. The relief will look more natural with bumps and elevations. And if you alternate large stones with handfuls of rubble, then this will add more beauty to the emerging pattern.
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Creating such beauty is troublesome, but the result will justify itself.

Creating such beauty is troublesome, but the result will justify itself.

A homemade pond looks very beautiful if fish swim in it and plants grow around it. This is truly a painting.

Under the different depths of the reservoir, certain vegetation is selected:

  • no more than 30 cm - yellow iris, marsh marigold, heart-shaped pontederia
  • 30-50 cm - common arrowhead, reed, broad-leaved cattail
  • over 50 cm - water lilies, lotuses, water hyacinths

Of the fish, crucians, veiltails, and certain species of the carp family are well suited to a home lake. So that the water does not deteriorate, and the living creatures do not suffer, a filter is installed without fail.

Creating an ornamental lake on a personal plot is a bit troublesome, but the result will be justified. This is an incredibly beautiful place to relax, which is fully consistent with the tastes of the owners. It will be possible every day to enjoy the water surface, bordered by tastefully selected plants. Which is especially true on hot days.

In order for the reservoir to serve for many years, it is freed from water for the winter. The only exceptions are plastic bases. Without water from the cold, they will be irrevocably mangled.

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Helpful Hints

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Every plant has its place

Every plant has its place

Even with the appropriate experience in arranging, some mistakes are sometimes made. Here are some tips to help you avoid disappointment in your own work:

  • No need to be afraid to pour earth into the created lake. When gardening, many people prefer to plant plants in plastic containers. It is not right. Plants grow best in natural soil. It contains clay, which strengthens the root system well and is not washed out with water. The pond will not be dirty
  • For decoration, it is better to use stones of different sizes. In this matter, it is important not to overdo it, so as not to get an absurd picture of a stone-filled area.
  • Greater depth is not the point. Earthmoving firms are more likely to dig deep reservoirs. This is done for profit only. If the plans are to organize a pond with further breeding of fish in it, the average depth will be enough
  • For the purity, freshness of the reservoir and the transparency of the water in it, installation of a special filter and pump is required. The pump must be selected correctly, because. its power depends on the volume of water
  • Each plant must grow in its place. Most often, it is in this situation that mistakes are made. It must be remembered that, for example, a water lily planted in the coastal zone will wither away. The same thing will happen with a fern in shallow water. List of plants with favorable zones for them:

  1. coastline: fluffy, kaluzhnik, highlander snake
  2. coastal area: elder, lily of the valley, coniferous plants
  3. area with water depth up to 20 cm: susak, arrowhead, reed
  4. area with a water depth of more than 20 cm: jar, jug
  5. decorations according to the water level add duckweed and water paint
How to decorate a pond in the country

How to decorate a pond in the country

In appearance, the pump resembles a small container that is easy to disguise with stones. It is placed on a concrete slab or brick. For laying a water pipe and an electric wire, markings are made. A cable is placed along it into the reinforced pipe. Everything is covered with stones. A breaker is used to connect the pump to electricity. Do not forget about the timely filter change.

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Timely care and care will prevent water bloom

Timely care and care will prevent water bloom

In order to prevent the transformation of an artificial pond into a swamp, it needs care and attention. By adhering to the following rules, a fabulous handmade creation will last for a long time:

  • As soon as the snow melts, the position of the banks, fish, pump with filter is carefully examined
  • The walls of the base are also carefully checked for holes. When they are found, everything is repaired. The fish are moving out at this time.
  • In the spring, the garbage left over from the fall is removed. Plants are being planted
  • During the summer period, the water level is monitored. If necessary, it is pumped up. You can complement the arrangement of the pond in the form of creating a shade and connecting a compressor to saturate the water with oxygen
  • In autumn, care includes only cleaning the foliage and cutting plants on the shore. You can save the pond from debris if you cover it with a fine mesh

To prevent the fish from freezing in winter, it would be better to take them indoors or provide water heating.
Quiet water surface shimmering in the sun

Quiet water surface shimmering in the sun

Some difficulties in the construction of a summer cottage should not be afraid. They are easily overcome. At a cost, it will not cost so much, and it will take about a week. As a result, the dream of any summer resident will come true in the form of a quiet water surface, shimmering in the rays of the sun with rainbow colors.

We equip a pond in the country with our own hands: interesting landscape ideas, useful information on creating, decorating, caring

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We equip a pond in the country with our own hands: interesting landscape ideas, useful information on creating, decorating, caring | 75 Photos & Videos

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