Do-it-yourself induction heating: simple, warm and economical

Simple do-it-yourself induction heating-

Did you know that with the help of the simplest induction hob Is it possible to fully heat a room over 30 m²? If not, then you should read this article and learn how to make simple induction heating at home.

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A bit of theory

Make this device within the power of everyone

Make this device within the power of everyone

Many people know that induction cookers exist, but not many people know how they work. And this is very simple - a special coil of the plate generates magnetic fields of a certain frequency, which, when exposed to metal, excite electric vortices in it.

The latter, in turn, heat it up due to the resistance of the metal. This is how kitchen utensils are heated: pots and pans. The main condition in this process is a metal with magnetic properties, - for example, stainless steel, cast iron and iron, but aluminum and other non-ferrous metals will not heat up.

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Induction hob heater

Induction cooker

Induction cooker

Knowing this principle, it is possible to build a full-fledged heater in a couple of hours, which will be not only efficient, but also economical. Using it, you can save about 50% of electricity when compared with a similar heater running on heating elements.

What you need to make

Induction heater option

Induction heater option

For manufacturing you will need:

  • 1.2 kW induction hob

Tiles fit the cheapest, without built-in cooking programs. The cost is about 1.2 thousand rubles.

  • Corrugated steel hose about 2 meters long

Sold in building stores, in the plumbing department. The cost is about 500 rubles.

  • Two fittings for connecting the hose
  • aluminum radiator

The number of sections is selected according to the heated area. Approximate calculation of 1 kW per 10 m².

  • Piece of copper tube, about 20 cm

Making a heating boiler

Be sure to loop the spiral, otherwise it will not heat up

Be sure to loop the spiral, otherwise it will not heat up


Heating boiler - a container where the heating medium will be heated, i.e. water. To make it from a corrugated metal hose, we form a spiral, as shown in Fig. 2. This will take about 1 meter. It is necessary to form a spiral in such a way that the remaining ends of the hose are enough to connect to an aluminum radiator.


The resulting spiral must be looped, those. connect the end of the spiral with its center using a copper piece of tube (see Fig. 2). This is necessary in order for the induction hob to recognize boiler and heated it up.

You can make a boiler and a different shape. For example, as shown in the photo below.

This variation is also looped, connected with tin

This variation is also looped, connected with tin

Connecting the boiler to the radiator

Top - supply, bottom - return, - gravity flow system

Top - supply, bottom - return, - gravity flow system

Using fittings, connect both ends to radiator. Up-down junction scheme, one-way.

Connecting to the tile and checking the functionality

Checking the performance at full power

Checking the performance at full power


Now we fill the coolant into the system. We unscrew the top nut of the radiator and fill it with water. We leave a little empty space that is needed for the expansion of water.


We place the spiral-cauldron on the induction hob. And check the performance of the system. If everything is done correctly, the radiator will heat up to 60 degrees within 5 minutes.

More compact position

More compact position


So that the tile does not take up space, it can be attached to the wall, i.e. vertically.

Control and monitoring devices

parallel toggle switch

parallel toggle switch


In order to organize automatic control of induction heating at no extra cost, you need to turn on the stove mechanically. To do this, we disassemble the plate, and on the board we find the switching terminals and solder a parallel toggle switch to them. This is necessary so that the stove starts working immediately when connected to the mains.


Now you can connect various control sensors. For example, a temperature sensor.

temperature sensor

temperature sensor


You can also set the heating to turn on by a timer. A conventional mechanical timer will cope with this task - the minimum value is 15 minutes.

Budget On Timer

Budget On Timer

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In such a simple way, using an induction hob, you can heat a fairly large room. As for the power consumption, it is much less than if you use oil heaters, - average at -15 ° C 650 W / h.

This value can be reduced by using more radiator sections or converter radiator type.

VIDEO: Part 1. DIY INDUCTION BOILER - it's easy. Attachment for induction hob.

Do-it-yourself induction heating: simple, warm and economical

Part 1. DIY INDUCTION BOILER - it's easy. Attachment for induction hob.

Do-it-yourself induction heating: simple, warm and economical

VIDEO: Part 2. Do-it-yourself induction boiler is simple. Choice of induction hob. Refinement.

Do-it-yourself induction heating: simple, warm and economical

Part 2. Do-it-yourself induction boiler is easy. Choice of induction hob. Refinement.

Do-it-yourself induction heating: simple, warm and economical

VIDEO: Part 3. Do-it-yourself induction boiler is simple. Automation connection.

Do-it-yourself induction heating: simple, warm and economical

Part 3. Do-it-yourself induction boiler is simple. Automation connection.

Do-it-yourself induction heating: simple, warm and economical

VIDEO: Part 4. Do-it-yourself induction boiler is simple. Testing in the water heating system.

Do-it-yourself induction heating: simple, warm and economical

Part 4. Do-it-yourself induction boiler is simple. Testing in the water heating system.

Do-it-yourself induction heating: simple, warm and economical

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DIY induction heating

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