Projects of country houses for 6-10 acres: 120 photos, description and requirements | The most interesting ideas

Projects of country houses for 6-10 acres

Even in a small country house there should be at least a kitchen and a rest room. If you plan to spend the whole summer outside the city, in addition to often receive guests, it makes sense to build a full-fledged building with all the amenities. We invite you to consider photos of projects of country houses.

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Basic requirements of SNiP

For a building located on a garden plot, the requirements are less stringent than for a residential building. However, if during the construction process you create discomfort for your neighbors, you may be forced to demolish an already finished building.

Minimum distance from other buildings, fence and roadway

Minimum distance from other buildings, fence and roadway

Therefore, before choosing a project, you should familiarize yourself with the basic requirements of SNiP:

  • even in a small area, the building can only be located at a distance of 3 m from the neighboring fence
  • the minimum distance from the public area (road) is also 3 m, and if there is a passage, 5 m
  • if there are other buildings on your site, in order to reduce the risk of their ignition, the distance between block or stone buildings is left at least 6 m, between the stone and wooden buildings 10 m, if both buildings are wooden - 15 m; when using wood only as a ceiling - 8 m
  • in the presence of a nearby power line, the distance from it is from 10 m; from the high-voltage line it is even more up to 40 m
  • a certain distance (up to 4 m) must also be retreated from tree trunks, 2 m is enough from undersized trees.

Don't forget about building density. With the standard size of a summer cottage of 6-10 acres, you have the right to occupy no more than 30% of the area with buildings.

The territory must necessarily have a mesh or lattice fence 1.5 m high. Deaf fences are allowed only if this is agreed by the meeting of gardening members or both neighbors have agreed to this.
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Is any permission needed?

According to Art. 51, paragraph 1, part 17 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, if the building is not intended for permanent residence, a special building permit is not required. But in order to obtain ownership of an already built garden house, as well as other outbuildings, you will need to issue a cadastral passport and register with the Registration Chamber (according to a simplified scheme).

If the building already built on the site has not yet been registered, it is worth taking advantage of the dacha amnesty and completing all the missing documents

If the building already built on the site has not yet been registered, it is worth taking advantage of the dacha amnesty and completing all the missing documents

If it is planned to erect a residential building on the garden plot with the right to register in it, then it will be necessary to obtain a special permit signed by the executive authorities and a building passport. As well as permission from the fire department. In the future, you will also need to register ownership of the building.

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Important Tips

small house

Even a small building should last long enough

To make the country house as comfortable as possible, you should listen to the opinion of experts:

  • no matter how much you would like to build something unusual on your site, with little construction experience it is better to stop at a universal project that has already been tested over the years
  • when planning, you should immediately determine the size of the rooms and their location; this will immediately determine the supply of communications (sewage and water supply), which are laid even at the stage of foundation construction
  • in order to save your own money, the design of even a temporary building must be thought out so that in the future it can be used as a bathhouse, barn or summer kitchen
  • be sure to consider the possibility of further extension to the building of additional premises: verandas, terraces, baths and other buildings
  • even in a small house it is worth providing not only a rest room, but also a kitchen area
  • in the absence of other buildings, a separate place should be allocated for placing garden tools
  • the building must be durable enough to last at least 25-30 years

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How much will construction cost?

Estimated sample budget

Estimated sample budget

Regardless of the size of the future garden house, before starting construction, you will need to calculate the cost of its construction. To do this, you need to consider:

  • Main settings: length, width and height of the building
  • type of foundation and its height
  • type of materials used for the construction of walls, and their thickness
  • roof type
  • materials used for flooring
  • dimensions of each room
  • heating methods (if it is planned)
  • types of finishing materials
  • communication methods: electricity, sewerage, etc.

There are enough programs on the net that can calculate the approximate cost of building any type of building. Most of them have a free trial period. You can also use online calculators for calculations. Please note that the cost of materials in them may differ from those applicable in your area of ​​​​residence.

Since prices in the process of building a country house can rise if the construction is planned for a long time, it is better to include a margin of at least 10-20% of the total cost in the estimate. When calculating the cost, do not forget that such “little things” as roofing bolts, self-tapping screws, primer, plaster will also require considerable expenses.

It is better to purchase materials in one place - bulk purchase will be much cheaper.
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Site selection

optimal location of the house on the site

Choosing the best location on the site

First you need to draw up a plan of the estate on a scale and mark the cardinal points on it. We immediately mark on it existing buildings and large plants that are not subject to demolition. We shade all restricted areas on the plan (distances from the fence, power lines, etc.).

You should also not place the building near compost pits and a toilet - at the slightest breath of a breeze, unpleasant odors will enter the house. We mark favorable zones with dotted lines. Try to plan the site in such a way that even after construction there is room for outbuildings (if they are required), recreation areas, for example, a swimming pool, gazebos, playgrounds, etc.

In addition to the distances from neighboring buildings and the road established by SNiP, one should also focus on other factors:

  • it is better to place a country house closer to access roads and sources of communications: loading and unloading crops and household items will not become a big problem in this case, and connecting to electricity and other communications will cost less
  • wind direction: so that the building does not dry out quickly, do not place windows and doors from the side of the prevailing winds
  • when the windows face south or east, the room will quickly overheat in the summer, it is better if the sun hits them in the afternoon
  • so that groundwater does not destroy the foundation of the building, the house is located on the highest place; in wetlands, if there is no alternative, you will need to consider a reliable drainage system and waterproofing the foundation
  • pay attention to the appearance from the window, because comfort always consists of such trifles.

Don't rush into choosing a project. Start development at least six months before construction begins, so that you have the opportunity to think it through thoroughly and take your time to make calculations.
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We draw up a project

Of course, a country house project can be ordered from a specialized organization, but the prices for such services are considerable. When building a small house, it is much easier to use ready-made schemes, which abound on the network, and supplement them with your own calculations.

small house project

Building plan

You will need several drawings. The first with the designation of the location of all rooms, the entrance and window openings, as well as the thickness of the walls and partitions. The second figure shows the layout of the foundation and the scheme of roofing.

In the third scheme, it is necessary to calculate the location of the roof rafters and foundation blocks with the designation of their height. A separate plan is drawn up for sewerage, water supply, heating and ventilation systems.

small building project

On 3-6 acres of land, it is not advisable to build too large a structure - it will take up most of the site. A grandiose building is not required even if you spend a little time in the country. In some cases, a small building that does not have a foundation and is assembled from boards or even plywood is sufficient. However, such a house will not last long.

Small building with outdoor terrace

Small building with outdoor terrace

Inexpensive panel or foam block buildings on a pile foundation will cost the minimum amount, and even grandchildren will get it. A small country house can have a standard size of 3x3 or 4x4 m, and even a separate small walk-through kitchen-dining room can be provided in it. The second room is equipped with one or two beds.

A small house can have a single room with space for kitchen cabinets, a dining table and a sleeping area. But even for a small country house, it makes sense to attach a winter glazed veranda or terrace along the long side of the building 2 m long. The veranda is erected on a common foundation or the base is poured for it separately.

For terraces prepare a separate columnar base. With a minimum budget, a country house can be made with a shed roof - the cost of such a roof is minimal. However, it should be noted that the angle of inclination of the roof is calculated taking into account the height of the snow cover.

When determining the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises, it is necessary to take into account the thickness of the walls.

Medium size house

Structures measuring 6x4 and 5x6 m are the most popular. They provide not only a kitchen-dining room and a bedroom, but also a shower room and a bathroom. To save space, a corridor with a small dressing room can be divided not by a wall, but only by a small arch.

Such country houses have a foundation and heating. From the side of the facade, they are finished with heat-insulating materials.You can even place a medium-sized country house on 5-6 acres - there will be room for beds, a pool or a small pond and a flower garden.

Medium size house layout

Medium size house layout

Such a house can be made with a summer or winter attic. A medium-sized building will occupy a minimum of free space on the land, while the living area will increase. If there is an attic, bedrooms are placed in it, and on the ground floor there is a kitchen and a bathroom.

It is better to supplement such a building with a veranda or terrace, where you can comfortably settle down for relaxing in the evening. For better heat retention, a vestibule can be provided in front of the entrance.. A small outdoor shower will fit on the veranda.

If a light beam is used for the construction of walls, and there are no problems with the soil (it is not too wet and not loose, and the groundwater does not rise too high), it is enough to erect a strip foundation. The base for the stove is being prepared simultaneously with the foundation of the house. For the veranda, a columnar base will suffice.

For a log house from a 150x150 bar, a tape is prepared from a foundation 25 cm wide. The terrace is installed separately on poles with a section of 25 cm, buried in the ground at a distance of 60 cm. When building in swampy areas or building brick walls, you will need a full-fledged deep-buried foundation.

To save money, the foundation for the veranda can be made separate lightweight (columnar or pile). You can attach it even after the end of construction. But the option with a separate foundation is only suitable if there is soil that is not prone to movement, otherwise the foundation will lead.

large house project

If the family is large, and the country house is planned to be used as a residential house, including in winter, it makes sense to build a capital building from rounded logs, timber or even bricks according to ready-made projects measuring 5.3x8.4 m, 7x8.4 m, 10x8 m and more. You can also order the development of your own non-standard project.

Building project 9.09x3.590 m

Building project 9.09x3.590 m

For such houses, a full-fledged lath foundation is required. It is laid below the freezing of the soil, so that when seasonal temperatures change, there is no movement and deformation of the structure.

A large country house can be two-story or consist of one floor and an insulated attic. It will have enough space not only for residents, but also for guests. On the first floor there is a kitchen, a bathroom and a living room, and on the second floor there are bedrooms, children's rooms, if necessary, an office and other rooms.

Building layout 5.8x7.6 m

Building layout 5.8x7.6 m

To avoid unnecessary problems with the supply of water, gas and sewerage, it is not worth moving the bathroom and the cooking room to the second floor. It is also customary to equip the living room on the ground floor, near cuisine and away from bedrooms.

If the building is planned to be used all year round, it is better to build not an attic, but a full-fledged second floor. Otherwise, almost as much money will be spent on its insulation, wind and vapor barrier as on the construction of the second floor. It is also necessary to take into account the cost of heating - in the winter cold, the main walls will store heat much better than even well-insulated thin attic walls.

House with an attic

A country house with an attic will cost less than building a full-fledged two-story building only if it is operated only in the summer. But even with its arrangement, a heater will be needed. Otherwise, on sunny days it will be too hot. The heat insulator layer is made slightly thinner than for winter operation.

If only the first floor is heated, only the walls of the building and the ceiling are insulated, leaving the attic cold. The door / cover, intended for passage to the upper floor, is made as tight as possible and additionally insulated.

Layout of a house with an attic

Layout of a house with an attic

When constructing a conventional gable roof, living space in the attic will not be enough. To increase the free space, the roof is made broken.However, its construction is more complicated, and more materials will be needed.

Another way to expand the space in the attic is to raise the walls just above the first floor. Such houses are called "half-story". By raising the walls, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises will slightly increase.

Project of a house with a glazed veranda

The veranda can be attached to only one of the sides of the houses or run along two or even three walls. On heaving soils, it is better to build a foundation for it simultaneously with the foundation of the house. After all, when making a separate shallow foundation, you will win only 1-2 m.

Glazed veranda with a fully open lower part

Glazed veranda with a fully open lower part

Most often, the veranda is completely glazed or the lower half of the wall is closed, and double-glazed windows or single frames are inserted on top. You will receive a full-fledged room in which you can equip a dining room, living room or kitchen. In the warm season, the windows can be thrown wide open.

The veranda can also serve as a continuation of the living room. It can also be equipped with a small sports corner, a children's playroom or even an office.

Terrace house

On the covered terrace it will be possible not only to settle down for tea drinking on a warm summer evening. On it, on hot or rainy days, it will be possible to do some current affairs without littering the house. Often it is attached already at the end of the main construction on a separate columnar foundation.

A small building 6x6 m with a terrace consists of a kitchen and 2 rooms

A small building 6x6 m with a terrace consists of a kitchen and 2 rooms

Terrace, Unlike verandas, is always erected on a separate columnar or pile foundation with a wooden deck laid on it, which rises slightly above the ground. Roofing for it is also most often performed separately. Such structures are always open.

You can only provide for the presence of a mosquito net. The terrace is located mainly on the side of the entrance - in this case, it also serves as a porch. Its length most often coincides with the width of the building itself.

building with garage

A country house can be quite combined with a garage. In this case, you will be able to significantly save space on the site. The main disadvantage of such a building is the penetration of gasoline odors into the house. Therefore, before placing the garage door in the hallway or glazed porch, this point is worth considering.

Country house with garage

Country house with garage

The garage is made as an extension to the house or is located on the basement floor. Walls and foundations can be made of brick or concrete blocks. If the soil is wet or loose, the house is installed on a reinforced concrete pad.

Two-storey house

If the family is large enough, and the size of the plot does not allow building a country house of a large area, it makes sense to build a two-story building. In this case, you can squeeze the maximum benefit out of even a small piece of land. The size of such a structure can be anything from 4x4 m to 10x10 m or more.

Two-story building project

Two-story building project

The construction of the second floor will not cost much more. The load on the foundation increases by only 60%. Flooring and roofing costs do not increase at all. Only the cost of materials for walls and floors will be added. Thus, a square meter of area will cost less than in the case of a one-story building.

Experts do not advise overloading a house from a bar with an additional floor. It has enough advantages, but its strength has limits.

Country house combined with a bathhouse or sauna

If the land plot does not allow allocating a separate place for construction baths, it is quite possible to attach it to a country house. Such a project is also economically beneficial - after all, much more building materials will be needed for a separate building. It will not be necessary to supply separate communications - light and water supply.

Very often, a bath or sauna is attached to the house after the construction is completed. The foundation for it is selected depending on the type of soil and the total weight of the building.To protect against moisture, the walls are carefully waterproofed.

Even if the bathhouse is being built simultaneously with a residential building, the foundation for it is made separate so that cracks do not appear due to the difference in humidity and it does not move away from the general structure. The foundation must be built separately from the foundation of the house.

House with sauna

House with sauna

Indeed, due to high humidity, cracks may appear in it, and the base of the bath will begin to move away from the foundation of the entire structure. Sewer pipes and water supply pipes are laid in it. At a distance of at least 3-5 m from the foundation, a separate drain pit is being prepared.

To prevent moisture from entering the room, the entrances to the bath or sauna and the house are made separate. Between them, you can build a covered corridor-transition, veranda, gazebo or at least canopy - in this case, when moving from a bathhouse to a house in winter, the likelihood of catching a cold decreases.Since the bath and sauna are a source of high humidity, you should carefully consider the system of its ventilation and waterproofing of the room.

In addition to ventilation holes, it is desirable to provide a window or a small window for ventilation. The most acceptable option is to connect the steam room to the wall with a stove located in the house. Dry bath or sauna in this case will be much faster.

house with bay window

A bay window is called a small part of the room protruding beyond the facade. Such structures against the background of a building of a conventional form will look ridiculous. The bay window will look harmonious only if there is a complex architecture, an unusual shape of windows, a roof or an entrance group.

It can be built into only one of the floors or pass through two floors at once. The shape of the bay window can be any: from semicircular to trapezoidal or pentagonal. With the help of it, it is possible to expand the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe building - in such extensions there are dining areas, winter gardens or study rooms.

Building with bay window

Building with bay window

In the absence of experience in construction, it is hardly realistic to create such a structure, and the project will need to be ordered from specialists. However, such a house looks very unusual.

It is possible to attach a bay window even after the construction of a country house. In this case, cantilever slabs are used as the foundation, which are built into the load-bearing wall. Deepen such a foundation to the same level as the foundation of the whole house. For laying out curly protrusions, brick or profiled timber with a special locking system is most often used.

The protruding elements of the bay window lead to a weakening of the rigidity of the entire structure, so the house box must be strengthened.
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How much will it cost to buy a finished building?

In the absence of experience in construction, it makes sense to purchase a ready-made building on a turnkey basis. Depending on the allocated amount, you can buy either a simple panel structure or a full-fledged structure made of timber or logs. Since the cost of materials in each region may vary, it is better to find out the prices for such houses on the relevant sites.

Sample estimate for building a house

Sample estimate for building a house

  • For example, a small house made of timber 3x3 m with clapboard lining will cost 60 thousand rubles.
  • A medium-sized building 5x3 m will cost about 10 thousand rubles.
  • A full-fledged log house with a veranda can be bought for 270 thousand rubles.

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Materials used for construction

Foundation types

The choice of foundation type depends on the type of soil and the total weight of the structure:

  • columnar or pile foundationsmade of concrete blocks, bricks, reinforced concrete, rubble stone with a step of 1-2.5 m; to combine them into one structure that serves as a support for the house, a grillage made of wood or metal is used; the most economical option, more suitable for light timber or frame buildings, log cabins; in summer cottage construction, screw piles are mainly used, driven, stuffed and drilling are used less frequently;
  • strip foundation: a stronger support made of reinforced concrete, brick or buta, such a tape runs along the entire perimeter of the house and internal partitions; subdivided into two types: shallow in the ground by 40-70 cm and deep (used for heaving soils) 1.5-1.8 m below the freezing level; tape bases can be used for any type of houses from cast, block to brick;
  • slab base in the form of a monolithic reinforced slablocated on a sand and gravel cushion; when the soil is heaving, such a foundation is able to lower and rise without any deformation; such a base simultaneously serves as a subfloor; suitable for all types of buildings, including large masses.

A columnar foundation on loose soils or with a close passage of groundwater is unacceptable. In these cases, strip foundations are used.

Most types of foundations are built on a 20-30 cm sand and gravel pad, which protects the foundation from groundwater and capillary moisture. It is especially important in the presence of heaving (peaty and clay) soil, which, when frozen, changes its volume and rises up. In the absence of a sand and gravel substrate, this can lead to warping of the foundation and cracking of the walls.

Foundation types

Foundation types

Such a pillow helps to perfectly level the base before pouring the foundation. With it, the pressure of the building on the ground is distributed more evenly. In its absence and uneven subsidence of the structure, it can simply be jarred. Do not make such a pillow only on sandy soils or heavily marshy lands.

When laying the foundation, sewerage and water supply pipes are immediately laid. The depth of their laying is 0.5 m lower than the freezing point of the soil. If this is not possible, the pipes are additionally insulated. To ensure the gravity flow of the liquid, they are laid at a slight slope of 4-7 °.

Wall materials

Thermal insulation of different types of materials

Thermal insulation of different types of materials

The choice of materials for the walls of a country house depends on many factors: personal preferences, the region of construction, the length of stay (year-round or only in the summer), project requirements and, of course, the allocated amount:

  • frame or panel buildings: their main advantages are low cost and ease of construction; the disadvantages include high flammability, low wind resistance and poor thermal insulation - a few years after the shrinkage of the mineral wool or polystyrene laid between the frame racks, it will be difficult to heat the house; service life of 30-40 years;
  • slag-cast: inexpensive buildings, for the arrangement of walls, formwork is prepared, into which a mixture of cement and coal slag is poured; this method was used several decades ago even in the construction of residential buildings; the main disadvantage of such a material is its low moisture resistance: inside such premises, due to dampness, a fungus quickly starts up; service life up to 50-70 years;
  • light houses from gas or foam blocks: these inexpensive materials are 8 times larger than ordinary bricks, so the construction of the building will be fast, in addition, the blocks are easy to saw or drill; due to high porosity, they have high heat and sound insulation; the service life of aerated concrete is up to 50-80 years, foam blocks are slightly lower;
  • sandwich panel houses: unlike frame and panel boards, the strength element in them is not racks and crossbars, but the panel itself, filled with polyurethane foam, expanded polystyrene or mineral wool filler. Such structures do not require assembly - fragments of the future building are brought ready-made, they only need to be assembled; although such products are more expensive than panel and frame products, the disadvantages are the same - high flammability and short service life; although manufacturers claim that such a house can last up to a hundred years, in practice, it will be problematic to live in the house permanently after a couple of decades after the insulation shrinks;
  • houses made of timber or log cabins: durable eco-friendly building; excellent heat retention; service life of 100 years or more; garden houses from a bar can be purchased and ready-made, "turnkey";
  • brick or stone buildings: their construction will cost much more, but they will last 100-150 years or more.


For an inexpensive country house, it would be optimal to use a roof made of metal or profiled sheet. Such a roof is strong enough and is not afraid of bad weather and can last up to 40 years. Rolled metal covered with a colored protective film looks quite aesthetically pleasing. The metal tile is more convenient when arranging roofs of complex shape.

Types of roofing materials

Types of roofing materials

The disadvantages of these two materials include a high level of noise during rain or wind - the impact of each drop will be heard in the room. That is why it is worth considering the soundproofing of the ceiling.

Inexpensive foam plastic is a good heat insulator, but it makes no sense to use it as a sound insulator - it conducts sounds well. In addition, this material is combustible.

When using roofing felt as a roof, it is better to stop at a material with an additional protective coating in the form of abrasive chips - it will last longer. However, the service life of inexpensive materials based on bitumen is short and is only 12-15 years. For euroroofing material based on fiberglass, it is slightly longer - 20-30 years.

The most optimal material for the roof of a building, which is operated not only in summer, but also in winter, is slate. At a relatively low cost, it has excellent characteristics - it is not afraid of temperature changes, chemically resistant, and its real service life is up to 30-40 years. However, slate weighs a lot and increases the load on the foundation, so this fact must be taken into account when laying the foundation.

Arrangement of partitions

There is a rule in construction: partitions should not exceed the weight of load-bearing walls. The simplest inexpensive structures are frame, panel or plank. It is better not to use drywall in an unheated building - it quickly absorbs moisture, and over time it will warp.

Construction of frame partitions

Construction of frame partitions

In such a house, it is better to use ordinary partitions made of boards, later upholstered with shingles and plastered with lime. Any types of partitions are installed only on the subfloor. After installing the frame, fixed on the strapping to the floor and ceiling, heat insulators are laid inside, with the help of which heat is more evenly distributed inside the premises.

When erecting walls from a bar or log, the partitions are started only after the tree shrinks. The timber will settle for at least 6 months, but it will take at least a year for the logs to dry out. Glued timber almost does not shrink, so the installation of partitions can be started immediately after construction is completed.

Facade decoration

Finishing the facade of an inexpensive country house is not always a mandatory step. If desired, it can be sheathed with siding with insulation, which at the same time will serve as a reliable protection from the wind.

Facade plaster

Facade plaster

Cinder block houses or cinder-cast structures can simply be plastered and then painted with facade paint. Frame houses are sewn up with wood, trimmed with siding, block-house (log-like panels) or tempo panels. It is allowed to plaster them.

If you have free funds, you can veneer the country house with a ventilated facade with porcelain tiles or bricks. However, the cost of these materials cannot be called democratic.


If the heated building is not sufficiently insulated, this will not only increase the cost of coal or gas, but also the appearance of condensate in the premises due to the high temperature difference. Protecting the building from temperature extremes and excessive moisture with the help of insulation pads will significantly extend its service life.

It is better to insulate the building only from the side of the facade so that the dew point (the temperature at which water vapor turns into water) does not shift into the building. It will be necessary to insulate both the foundation, the ceiling above the basement (between the lags or under the screed), the attic floor, and the walls themselves.

Thermal insulation of the facade with mineral wool slabs

Thermal insulation of the facade with mineral wool slabs

As a heat insulator, you can use inexpensive foam, expanded polystyrene, mineral wool, sawdust or expanded clay. The last two are used as a foundation insulation and attic backfill. Extruded polystyrene foam, resistant to decay, can be used both for thermal insulation of walls and for warming the base of the house.

For the thermal insulation of the walls, a frame is prepared, between which waterproofing and a layer of insulation are laid. On top of the heat insulator, it is recommended to mount a film that serves as a windshield. Further, the frame is closed with any finishing material.

VIDEO: How to make a project at home - a specific example

Projects of country houses for 6-10 acres: 120 photos, description and requirements

How to make a project at home

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