Grafting fruit trees in summer and spring: a description of the most popular species (Photo & Video)

Fruit tree grafting

Grafting is a fairly common process in gardening. The essence of this operation is very simple - cuttings of another are transferred to one tree. Such operations are necessary mainly in the case when the cultivation of a plant "from scratch" is impractical, ineffective or even impossible.

At the same time, grafting allows you to do more interesting things: for example, rejuvenating an old tree, improving its yield, or even getting different varieties, or even plant species, on the same trunk.

It is safe to say that almost all varietal fruit-bearing trees were grown by grafting. The article will discuss the issues of vaccination fruit trees and highlighted the most characteristic features of this procedure.

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Why is vaccination needed?

The main purpose of grafting is to make better use of tree resources. Indeed, often the fruiting of certain crops does not stop at all because of the trunk and root system of the tree. The formation of the crown of old trees is difficult, young shoots are practically not formed on them, and the yield is significantly reduced.

Successful apple grafting result

Successful vaccination result apple trees

At the same time, the root system of the tree works more and more efficiently every year (since it is constantly increasing in size). It turns out a paradoxical situation: the roots supply the plant with nutrients, but the plant cannot use them anywhere due to the degradation of the crown.

It is at this moment that vaccinations come to the aid of the gardener. In place of the old crown, young cuttings take root, which, thanks to the nourishment of a powerful root system, develop very quickly. Literally after 2-3 years, the tree begins to reach stable yields. At a normal pace, this process would have taken much longer.

As a grafted material, either the same or a different variety or species can be used. It does not play any role - the nutrients extracted by the root system from the soil in all plants are exactly the same.

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General concepts

A typical way to rejuvenate an old tree

A typical way to rejuvenate an old tree

There are two different types of biological material involved in grafting: scion and rootstock.

  • Scion - This is a cutting or branch that is grafted onto an already formed root system or tree.
  • Rootstock - This is the part of the plant to which the desired variety is grafted.

The rootstock can be:

  • a young tree of a variety or species well adapted to the area
  • old tree in need of updating
  • adult plant used as a "donor"
  • a damaged or injured plant that you would not want to uproot

Despite the fact that the scion after the end of the procedure will determine the varietal characteristics of the plant, it does not have its own roots and receives all the necessary elements from the rootstock.

This means that it is the stock that will determine the yield, the duration of vegetation and flowering, resistance to bad weather, the life of the plant, and many other factors.

Growing walnut rootstocks

Growing walnut rootstocks

Therefore, in order for the future garden tree to develop correctly and evenly, it is necessary that the stock has the following qualities:

  • was well adapted to the climatic conditions of the growing region
  • was compatible with the graft
  • had a reliable and branched root system

Vaccination is preferably carried out in the spring. Exactly spring, during the period of maximum sap flow, the survival rate of the scion is maximum.

The collection of cuttings of the scion should be carried out in early spring, as soon as the snow melts. The collection procedure must be completed before the opening of the first vegetative buds.

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Preparation of scion cuttings

Soaking cuttings before grafting

Soaking cuttings before grafting

In order for the vaccination to give a guaranteed result, it is important to get good graft material. There are many ways to obtain cuttings of varietal trees. From a banal purchase to self-preparation.

In the case of obtaining cuttings on your own, you can use the following recommendations:

1You should choose cuttings from a proven and well-bearing tree. The cuttings are cut directly from the outer crown, located on the south side.
2It is believed that the best scion is annual shoots with a diameter of not more than 5-6 mm, equipped with at least 3 buds.
3The length of the handle should not exceed 40 cm
4Do not use frozen or dried cuttings. The criterion for the unsuitability of the cutting for grafting is its brown or gray core.
5The number of harvested cuttings should be at least 10-15 pieces for one variety. Such a number of cuttings will not only increase their survival during storage, but will also allow you to choose the most suitable cutting in diameter.
Fruit tree grafting

Fruit tree grafting

It is recommended that the kidneys are located quite compactly (at least 1-2 pieces per 15-20 cm cutting). It is believed that the greater distance of the kidneys from each other will lead to too different conditions for their nutrition.
It is best to cut the cuttings with a secateurs, and then clean them with a grafting knife.

You can store cuttings in wooden boxes in the cellar or basement without access to light. At the same time, they must be in a humid environment (for example, wet sawdust or a cloth moistened with water). It is necessary to remove the cuttings from the storage place no earlier than a day before vaccination.

If, for some reason, the vaccination is carried out in the summer, then the process of harvesting cuttings is greatly simplified - they are cut immediately before vaccination. Another advantage of summer grafting (besides the lack of storage) is that only two buds are needed per scion, and they may already have blossomed.

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Optimal timing for vaccination

Grafting trees in spring

spring vaccination

The most appropriate timing and methods of vaccination for various crops are shown in the table:

cultureTiming of vaccinationGrafting method
Apple tree March, April Grafting cuttings
end of April - beginning of May Budding, eye grafting
Pear early spring Graft for the bark
start of sap flow Bridge grafting
first decade of April In split
end of April - May In side cut
Cherry Spring Any way and time
August Cleavage grafting
Cherries Spring Any way
Aug. Sept In the split, behind the bark
Plum March, April Budding or copulation
April May For the bark
Peach 2nd decade of March - end of April Splitting with shelter of the grafting site with a film
May Any way, covering the graft with paper
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Tree grafting methods



There are several almost standardized methods for grafting fruit trees that are traditionally used in the spring. It is in the spring that the choice of vaccination method can be any. In the summer, there are certain restrictions on the methods of grafting plants.


Preparation for vaccination by copulation

Preparation for vaccination by copulation


The easiest way to get vaccinated. It is carried out using a cutting having 2-3 kidneys. Traditionally, this method of vaccination is used in early spring before the start of sap flow. Both scion and rootstock are cut at the same angle and connected to each other using any fixing material.

  • the possibility of grafting on a stock of small thickness, it will not work in any other way
  • relative ease of joining the stock and scion material

  • the reliability of the mechanical connection leaves much to be desired
  • the cut is very fragile; it is highly likely to break in the first year after vaccination

Successful copulation is possible only if the diameters of both scion and rootstock match.

Graft for the bark

Graft for the bark

Graft for the bark

Graft for the bark

In this case, the stalk of the scion is installed between the bark and the wood of the stock. A fairly reliable and safe method of grafting, since fixation is carried out at the expense of the bark.

The main advantage of this method of merging plants over others is the use of both scion and rootstock of different thicknesses. Actually, here it’s even the opposite, the thicker the stock and the thinner the scion, the better.

It is believed that the best time to carry out such a procedure is the beginning of May, when sap flow is maximum even for spring. In order to understand whether the optimal time for grafting has come, it is necessary to make a cut on one of the branches of the rootstock and check how well the bark lags behind the wood. If this is done easily, you can start vaccinating in this way.

  • ease of implementation and high reliability
  • more than 80% of cuttings take root

  • justified only in a narrow period of time - at the peak of sap flow, when the bark is easily separated from the wood
  • there are restrictions on the diameter of the scion

Cleavage grafting

Cleavage grafting

Cleavage grafting

Cleavage grafting

The most common method of vaccination. It is used in cases where the diameters of the rootstock and scion differ by 2-3 times.

Technically carried out as follows:

  • a branch or stem of a stock is cut at a right angle
  • dissect (split) cut in the middle to a depth of 3 to 5 cm
  • the scion is cut in the form of a wedge
  • insert one or more scion cuttings into the split and securely fix the stock around the perimeter with electrical tape or a simple rope

  • very good mechanical contact between rootstock and scion material

  • relatively laborious method.
  • complex implementation with large rootstock and scion diameters
  • with a large amount of graft material is not used - for a reliable connection, a maximum of two cuttings can be placed in one split


Grafting by bud or eye

Grafting by bud or eye


This method of grafting is also called eye grafting. In this case, a T-shaped incision is made on the rootstock bark, into which, like in a pocket, a scion bud is inserted. In this case, it is necessary that the wood of the handle is exclusively under the kidney.

After the kidney is installed, it is necessary to carefully wrap all the places of cuts in the rootstock bark. The winding must be done in such a way that the kidney remains entirely in the air.

  • almost all graft material takes root
  • does not require a large amount of scion

  • relatively difficult to implement
  • not applicable for very thin bark

Bridge grafting

Bridge grafting

Bridge grafting

Bridge grafting

This method of grafting is carried out when it is necessary to save a tree in case of circular damage to its bark. This can happen during frostbite of trunks or during years of special activity of various rodents, for example, hares.

In fact, bridge grafting consists of several bark grafts along the perimeter of the plant stem. In this case, shoots of the same tree are used. Their preparation is carried out immediately before inoculation.

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Important Points

Treatment of cut points near the graft

Treatment of cut points near the graft

With any method of grafting plants, a number of rules should be remembered that will allow this procedure to be carried out with greater efficiency:

1Approximately 10-15 days before the scheduled vaccination, the soil around the rootstock should be loosened and watered.
2Immediately before grafting, you need to prepare a tool and cuttings. The tool should be cleaned of dirt and disinfected on fire or in alcohol. Cuttings need to be soaked in water at least for knocks before grafting
3All cuts and cuts must be made with an exceptionally sharp tool, at the right angles and the required length. Ragged edges of wood on cuts and cuts must be leveled with a knife
4After the grafting is carried out, the scion is additionally strengthened and partially insulated with a bandage (in the form of a rope, electrical tape, film, etc.), it is imperative that all open areas with damaged wood be treated with a garden pitch. If the vara is not at hand, you need to use at least oil paint

By following these simple recommendations, it will be possible to significantly increase the percentage of accustomed scion.

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Fruit tree grafting

Fruit tree grafting

Fruit trees are grafted regularly in orchards. With the help of this agrotechnical method, it is possible to renew fruit-bearing trees, speed up the onset of fruiting time, or make several varieties or even species of plants on more than one trunk.

In addition, vaccinations allow gardeners to greatly simplify the cultivation of many crops.which in certain climatic conditions simply cannot survive.

There are several ways to perform vaccinations; all of them can be applied without limitation in the spring. Summer vaccinations can only be performed in the split or behind the bark. Vaccinations are not done in autumn.


Grafting fruit trees in summer and spring: a description of the most popular species (Photo & Video)


Grafting fruit trees in summer and spring: a description of the most popular species (Photo & Video)

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Fruit tree grafting

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  1. good article. Thank you.

  2. Can you graft a peach onto a mulberry tree? Can I graft 2 different types of peach onto a fresh mulberry stump?

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