A reliable way to weld hinges: on gates, round posts and gates

weld the hinges

In our previous articles, we have already talked about many welding tricks and shared the secrets of experienced welders. Today we will slightly open the veil on another rather popular type of work, how to properly weld the hinges. Metal locking structures are found everywhere. These are, first of all, garage doors, metal doors and gates. The reliability and durability of the functioning of the mechanisms depends on the correct welding of the loops.

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Materials for work

In order to weld the hinges, you will need:

  • two turned loops and mortgages (ears) to them;
  • electrode 4 mm;
  • hammer;
  • welding machine;
  • long profile pipe or other flat surface.

Step 1. We make a conductor from the electrode


We bend the electrode in half and hammer the coating from it with a hammer.


Clamping the electrode in a vise, from the bent side we bend about 2 cm at an angle of 90 degrees.

on the bent side, bend about 2 cm at an angle of 90 degrees


We cut the second end slightly smaller than the size of the welded loop.

Step 2. We grab the fixed parts of the loops


We install the hinge on the door frame, placing a conductor under it. It must be placed at a distance of ≈ 250 mm from the edge of the door with the movable part up.

Installing the hinge on the door frame


If you plan to use MDF lining in the future, step back from the door leaf by 4-5 mm. Such a gap will also prevent the doors from rubbing against the box.


Strictly in the middle of the end, we weld the fixed part of the loop by welding.

Strictly in the middle of the end, we weld the fixed part of the loop by welding

Carry out welding work in protective gloves and a mask.

Similarly, we grab the second loop.

Step 3. Checking the alignment of the loops


We put a profile pipe on the door frame and, moving it to the hinges, check that they are in the same plane. If necessary, we knock out the loops with a hammer.

We put a profile pipe on the door frame


We shift the pipe to the hinges and also align them in a vertical plane.

We shift the pipe to the hinges and also align them in a vertical plane

The process of aligning the loops in two planes is very important. If this is not done, the door will simply warp, and it will not properly close and be removed from the hinges.

Step 4. We grab the ears of the loops


We attach the eyelet close to the movable loop. It is desirable that the second edge of the plate falls on the profile frame of the doors. In this case, the hinge, door leaf and frame profile will be welded together, greatly strengthening the structure. We grab the ear to the door leaf.

We grab the ear to the door leaf


Similarly, we grab the eye of the second loop.

Step 5. We weld the loops


We begin the scalding of the hinges by welding the eyelet to the hinge and the door leaf with a continuous seam.

We begin the welding of the hinges by welding the eyelet to the hinge and the door leaf with a continuous seam

To prevent overheating of the metal, it is better to scald alternately on both loops.

Next, we weld the fixed part of the hinge to the door frame, completely welding the gap.

we weld the fixed part of the hinge to the door frame

3Opening the door, we scald everything from the inside. With this method of welding loops, you will never allow unwanted skew.
A reliable way to weld hinges: on gates, round posts and gates

How to weld hinges correctly

A reliable way to weld hinges: on gates, round posts and gates

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