Primrose or spring primrose is a perennial ornamental plant. China is considered the homeland, the distribution area in natural conditions is North America, Central Europe, Asia. Primrose blooms in the first days of spring, so the plant will be a great gift for International Women's Day or Easter.
The flower can be grown not only in the open field, but also to breed primrose at home. To get early and abundant flowering, you will need to know agricultural practices, because certain conditions are required for the successful cultivation of an ornamental plant.


The bright colors of primrose cheer up on winter, gloomy days.
Malakoides or mallow-like
- The low plant was given another name - soft primrose. Petiolate leaves have an elongated oval shape and are located very tightly to each other, which makes the rosette quite dense and elastic.
- Flowering occurs in late autumn or early winter. Tall peduncles with flowers of various colors rise above the beautiful tuberculate foliage. Pink, white, red, with splashes and strokes of a different color, with a yellow center, the flowers reach a diameter of only 1.5 cm.
- One rosette gives up to 8 peduncles, from the whorl of which new peduncles are produced. If you look closely at the flower, it seems that the flowers cascade down, forming a multi-step ladder. As a result, the plant produces up to 45 flowers.
- Primula malacoides is highly valued for its profuse flowering. Propagated by seeds. If sown in May, flowering will take place in autumn, in July, it will bloom with the advent of spring.
- This species is recommended to be grown as a 1-2 year old crop. The fact is that the flowering of an unpretentious plant every year becomes poorer and poorer. Growing up, the bush loses its decorative effect.
- Teeth are clearly visible along the edge of the petiolate, lobed leaves, the surface itself is covered with thick and thin hairs. Plant height does not exceed 30 cm.
- It blooms with huge flowers in diameter reaching 3-4 cm. The inflorescences look like umbrellas. The flowers are painted in various colors, may have wavy petals or a yellow center. Chinese primrose thins out a pleasant aroma.
- Among the many varieties there are plants with double flowers. When grown at home, it is recommended to keep the flower cool during flowering. During rest, coolness is also needed.
Obconic or reverse conical
- This is perhaps the most beautifully flowering ornamental plant. Gorgeous foliage: rough, wavy, heart-shaped, large leaf plates are located on a lush rosette on long petioles. The inflorescence looks like an umbrella. The flowers, diverse in shape and color, reach a diameter of 3-4 cm and thin out a barely perceptible, pleasant aroma.
- Primula obkonika comes with red, hot pink, purple, snow-white flowers. Some flowers have a green center. Peduncles are very high, so it seems that the flowers are located above the foliage in the second tier.
- When creating good conditions, primrose can delight with flowering for a long time: from spring to December.
- However, despite the beauty and long flowering, the primrose obkonika has received little distribution, since the leaves, or rather its hairs, contain a very unpleasant substance that causes allergies. The alkaloid irritates the skin and leaves red spots on it. To relieve irritation, it is recommended to wash your hands in acidified water.
- Currently, breeders are trying to breed varieties of primrose obconica without the allergen.
- After flowering, do not throw away the plant. It is necessary to transplant into a large container and put in a cool room. With the onset of autumn, watering is increased, if there is dried foliage, it will have to be cut off.
- Rarely found in indoor floriculture. The species was obtained 110 years ago and was intended for breeding at home. Kews Botanical Gardens is located in the London suburbs, in Kew. It was there that this magnificent species of primrose appeared as a result of crossing the many-flowered and whorled primroses.
- The green foliage of the plant is collected in a powerful outlet. Sometimes you can find varieties with green leaves powdered with a whitish bloom.
- Powerful peduncles form several whorls. Flowering occurs in winter and continues for a long time. Flowers yellow, fragrant.
- If the seeds are sown in early spring, flowering begins in autumn and continues throughout the winter.
Ordinary or stemless
- The plant was born in the Caucasus. Under natural conditions can be found in the Crimea. A rhizome plant in indoor floriculture became widespread only 15 years ago. In retail, you can find exactly the common primrose.
- This type is universal. It is suitable for outdoor cultivation, as it overwinters well. Thanks to winter hardiness, it can be grown in balcony boxes.
- The leaves are oblong, wrinkled, shaped like an oval, collected in a dense rosette. Pinnate venation is clearly visible in the center of the leaf. The flowers are huge. There are varieties with snow-white, blue-lilac, red, yellow, burgundy flowers.
- Flowering is very plentiful, begins in February and lasts until August. You can decorate a balcony, terrace, loggia with miniature plants by placing primrose pots in hanging planters.
- When growing common primrose on a balcony in bright light, it is recommended to create a light shade for it at lunchtime, otherwise the foliage will get burned. The plant needs spraying in dry weather and heat. It is necessary to regularly check the soil moisture, preventing it from drying out.

houseplant care

homemade primroses
Primula needs:
- high air humidity
- the optimal temperature for growing during flowering is not higher than + 15 ° C
- diffused natural light
It is necessary to try to bring the conditions of detention closer to the required ones, otherwise the bush will quickly stop blooming and lose its green mass.
Choosing a place depending on the illumination
Primrose is a rather capricious indoor plant that loves to soak up the sun from time to time.. However, when choosing a place for growing, you cannot put a potted plant on a windowsill on the south side. Direct sunlight has a detrimental effect on the foliage of the flower, causing it to burn. The buds dry up from the sun.
Knowing this feature of primrose, many novice flower growers put the plant in the shade. Primrose cannot grow in the shade, because the lack of sufficient light can lead to the cessation of flowering.

Abundant flowering of primrose is possible only with good lighting.
You should choose the right place so that the flower is comfortable. It is more convenient if you place a pot with a plant on a windowsill on the southwest or east side. Primrose should receive enough light, this is necessary for good growth and development.
Temperature regime
Difficulties in growing primrose at home are caused by the temperature regime, which varies depending on the phase of vegetative growth.

The gentle coloring of primrose inspires calm and inspires
The optimal temperature for growing primrose:
- during the wakefulness period (from the beginning of spring to the end of autumn), for primrose, you should try to maintain the temperature regime within + 18-21 ° C;
- in the winter months, day and night temperatures should be different; during the day it is required to maintain the temperature at +17 ° C, and at night - to prevent the thermometer from dropping lower than +15 ° C.
Depending on the varieties of primrose, they need different temperatures during the flowering period.. The reverse-conical primrose during budding and flowering prefers a temperature of +16-20 ° C, all other members of the Primrose family are recommended to be kept at a temperature of +15 ° C during flowering.
It should be remembered that 2 factors contribute to prolonged flowering: comfortable lighting and optimal temperature conditions.
Proper watering
You need to water indoor primroses in the same way as outdoor ones. It is necessary to constantly maintain soil moisture. After watering, it is recommended to loosen the ground to ensure good breathability.
Excessive waterlogging can lead to rotting of the root system, overdrying of the soil will negatively affect the appearance of the plant, growth and development.

Proper watering is the key to plant health. The flower loves moderate watering
Water for irrigation - water according to the rules:
- before watering, it is necessary to let the water settle so that harmful impurities settle to the bottom of the tank
- you can not use tap water without letting it settle; if there is a hitch, it is recommended to boil water and cool to room temperature
- many flower growers use melt or rain water for irrigation
If you have distilled water on hand, you can also pour it.
During rapid vegetative development, when the plant is intensively increasing its green mass, it is recommended to water the primrose intensively. During flowering, the flower needs intensive watering.. After flowering, watering is slightly reduced and transferred to moderate. During the dormant period, it is preferable to water as the earthen coma dries out.
The natural habitat of primroses: Asia and Europe are characterized by average air humidity, so when growing at home, you do not have to artificially increase the humidity if the room temperature is not high.
It is quite another thing when the apartment is very hot. The peak of flowering occurs at the end of the heating season, so the grower will have to work hard to increase the humidity in the room.
Humidifiers are sold in specialized stores.You only need to set the required mode and the grower will no longer have to worry about the humidity in the room, it will be maintained at the right level all the time.

Primrose in bloom. Very soft colors keep you warm
You can put a flower pot in an additional container. As it evaporates, it is recommended to add water to the pan. In order to prevent rotting of the root system, because with this method of moisturizing, the primrose will absorb moisture through the drainage holes, it is advisable to install the pot with the plant on a layer of expanded clay, moss or sand.
Soil selection

In the store you can buy ready-made soil intended for growing plants of the Primrose family.
Nutrient mixture can be prepared at home. To do this, mix leafy soil with peat and sand, taken in equal proportions.
It is clear that the application of fertilizers stimulates the growth and flowering of plants. However, with regard to primrose, fertilizer must be applied carefully. If you overdo it with nitrogen-containing dressings, the foliage will turn yellow in the plant.

Ready mix fertilizer for primroses
If you plan to feed with complex purchased fertilizers, it is necessary to prepare a solution in half the concentration described on the package or instructions for use.
How to transplant primrose?
The rules for growing primrose involve transplanting 1 time in 1-3 years, it all depends on the age of the plants. Young specimens are recommended to be transferred annually to a larger pot, and older plants - 1 time in 2-3 years, here you really need to look at the condition of the specimens.

Primula obconica
When choosing a pot for transplanting, you need to pay attention to the capacity, which would be 1-1.5 cm in diameter larger than the previous dimensions.. Primrose has a shallow root system, so wide, not deep pots should be chosen for growing.
When transplanting into purchased soil, it is recommended to add a little river sand (coarse-grained) to its composition. In proportion it will look like this: 3 parts soil and 1 part sand. At the bottom of the pot, it is necessary to arrange drainage from expanded clay or small pebbles.

Any composition with a primrose can decorate not only a summer cottage, but also become a bright spot in the design of an apartment.
When transplanting, it is important to pay attention to a few points that will contribute to the fastest adaptation and accelerate the growth of the plant:
- When planting in new soil, you can not deeply bury the outlet: the middle leaves should be above the soil level.
- When transshipping a plant, it is important to water the ground before transplanting., and then transfer the flower to a larger pot and add fertile soil.
- If the appearance of the plant does not tell us that it needs to be transplanted, it is still recommended to remove the topsoil in the pot and replace it with a new one.
You need to deal with the transplant process in the fall: in the last ten days of September and until mid-October. It should be noted that the root system of the primrose is quite delicate, so it cannot be damaged during transplantation.

Reproduction methods
Primula can be propagated by 2 methods: by sowing seeds and by dividing the rosette into parts, that is, vegetatively.
seed propagation
It is better to buy seeds in the store than collect your own. The fact is that the seeds are very capricious, and already tested for germination go on sale. You can not be afraid that they will not germinate. When buying, it is important to pay attention to the expiration date.
Before planting, the seeds must undergo a natural stratification. This is a necessary condition for their successful germination, since many varieties do not germinate without stratification.

primrose seeds
Stratification is the process of temporarily cooling seeds.In natural conditions, this is what happens: they lie under the snow all winter, and germinate in spring.
You can apply another method. After sowing the seeds in a container, it is necessary to cover the container with a bag and also send it to the refrigerator or bury it in the snow on the street. If the stratification takes place in the refrigerator, it will be necessary to remove the planting container from time to time and ventilate it in order to change the microflora inside the container and remove condensate from the lid or bag.
If even after the seed preparation process has been completed, and they still do not have time to sprout, you need to put the container in the freezer for 2-3 days. In this case, it is important to monitor the temperature so that it does not fall below -10 ° C.
When the stratification period is over, the container with crops must be transferred to a bright windowsill and wait for new plants to appear.
If the seeds do not require stratification, it is recommended to sow them in the summer, around the end of June. It is necessary to pour nutrient soil into a spacious bowl, evenly distribute the seed over the surface and lightly sprinkle with soil.

young primroses
After sowing, the soil is moistened with a spray bottle, the plantings are covered with glass or film and taken out to a dark room for germination.
During seed germination, it is necessary to maintain the temperature at + 15-18 ° C. From time to time it is recommended to observe the landings, remove the glass for ventilation.
The first seedlings will appear in 2-2.5 weeks. Now you need to grow them up and already at the age of one and a half months it is recommended to plant them in separate bowls and grow them as independent plants.
Vegetative method: reproduction by dividing the outlet
You can increase the number of copies by dividing the mother bush. Usually this procedure is timed to coincide with the transplant process. Thus, 2 birds with one stone can be killed at a time, that is, the plant can be transplanted into a new land and propagated. So the primrose will react less painfully to all manipulations and will not have to injure the plant twice.

Primrose in bloom. In the photo you can see the double flowers of a plant of various colors: from delicate tones to darker ones.
During division, it is important to be careful, because young shoots are very tender.. Having separated the new sockets, the mother plant itself is planted in a new soil and the soil near the socket is well compacted. For young bushes choose not deep, but wide pots, filled with sand and planted for germination.
All landings must be covered with a film and transferred to a cool room. As the soil dries out, it is recommended to moisten the soil with warm water. Full rooting will occur in 2 weeks. When new leaves form on the outlet, they can be safely transplanted into new pots.

Primrose distillation
In order for the forcing process to go optimally quickly, for this, plants are chosen that are 2 years old.. You can also take older sockets that were used for breeding.

Forcing primrose for the holidays. A beautiful bouquet with lilac, blue, white, cream, pink and crimson flowers can please your beloved woman
- Since autumn, primrose has been dug up with flower beds, transfer it with a clod of earth into a pot or container and bring it into a cool room.
- It can be stored in a greenhouse, basement or right on the street, giving them a good shelter from dry foliage and spruce branches.
- Storage temperature should not be lower than +4-6 °C.
- If the plants are provided with a warmer wintering, vegetative growth will begin and it will not be possible to restrain the appearance of foliage.
- Due to the lack of light, all the greenery will be elongated and lethargic, which will affect the decorative appearance of the plant.
- From such specimens it will hardly be possible to wait for flowering. Plants should not be watered during winter.
- When daylight hours increase significantly, the primrose is transferred to a warm room and placed in a well-lit place.
- It is preferable to carry out these works in the last days of January or in the first decade of February. The room temperature should not exceed +18 °C.

A beautiful broken border runs along the edges of the petals. It seems as if water droplets are hanging on the edge of the flowers.
After the plant is brought into the house, you need to give it some time to adapt to new conditions, and then gradually resume watering.
Depending on the type and variety of primrose, flowering begins at different times. Some varieties bloom very early, the first flower stalks may appear on the plant as early as February. Some specimens bloom in early March, others may only bloom in April.
After the plant has faded, it is recommended to take it to a cool room, but with sufficient lighting. Until spring, it is recommended to moderately water the flower in order to preserve it until it is possible to transplant into open ground.

Pests and diseases
With improper care and non-compliance with the temperature regime, you may encounter problems: or different insects start up on the plant, or the primrose is damaged by diseases. Proper care of primrose prevents the appearance of pests and diseases. Plants look healthy and delight flower growers with their abundant flowering for a long time.
How to recognize the enemy and how to deal with him?
- Decay of foliage is observed when the soil is excessively moist and when water enters the center of the rosette of leaves. To prevent undesirable consequences, it will be necessary to avoid falling on the foliage during watering. It is necessary to check the soil before watering and see if there is a need for watering.
- The problem of yellowing foliage may be due to high dryness of the air in the room or an excess of fertilizers, especially nitrogen-containing ones. Sometimes the foliage turns yellow due to excessive lighting. To bring the plant back to life, it is necessary to reduce watering, top dressing and put the pot with the plant for some time in partial shade.
- The primrose may look lethargic, dropping buds and flowers quickly. The reason for this behavior lies in the high temperature in the room. When growing, you need to ensure that during flowering the temperature does not rise above +16 ° C.
Spider mite, weevil, aphid - frequent companions of primrose. To get rid of pests, you can hang sticky tapes near the plants and treat the specimens with Fitoverm and Aktellik insecticides.
Sometimes spotting can be seen on primrose leaves.. It appears as gray spots. In the future, a plaque appears on these light stains. To get rid of such a misfortune, it is recommended to treat the pot with the plant with foundationazole or topaz.

Unusual coloring of primrose. Looking at the flower, it seems as if they were painted by an artist, each petal is very skillfully outlined.
What to do with primrose in a pot? Garden primroses. Primula Obkonika
Primula: description, varieties for home growing from seeds, compliance with the rules of cultivation and care (50+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews