TOP 6 tricks you can do with nail clippers

use of wire cutters

Nail clippers (otherwise - nipser) have firmly entered our everyday life. Not only not a single manicure parlor, but also not a single handbag can do without them. Having nail clippers almost always with you, it is useful to know about their unusual use. In this article, we will tell you how to use a pliers instead of pliers, a screwdriver, a stripper (stripping tool), as well as many more unusual uses for the tool.

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Materials for work

For testing you will need:

  • nipser;
  • wire ø1-2 mm;
  • insulated wire;
  • any device with a cover on self-tapping screws (in the example - a fan);
  • seeds;
  • mosquito coil;
  • Scotch.

No. 1. We give the wire any shape


We put the end of the wire into the hole of the knicker.

We put the end of the wire into the hole of the knixer


Using wire cutters as a lever, you can give the wire any shape, even a perfect ring.

Using wire cutters as a lever, you can give the wire any shape

No. 2. We clean the insulation of the wires


First you need to remove the rivet and the clamping lever from the wire cutters.

First you need to remove the rivet and clamping lever from the pliers


We grab the wire with a clipper at the right distance and, controlling the pressing force with our hand, bite the insulation.


Turning the wire cutters, cut the insulation around the entire circumference of the wire and remove it.

Turning the wire cutters, cut the insulation around the entire circumference of the wire and remove it

No. 3. Unscrew the screws

If your household appliance breaks down and you don’t have a screwdriver handy, use the nail file included with the nippers. With its help, you can easily unwind the necessary connections, and then assemble them back.

if a screwdriver is not at hand, use a nail file

No. 4. We click the seeds without damaging the nails

If you place the spout of the seed into the nipser and press lightly on it, the seed will easily pop open, rewarding you with delicious contents. In this case, your nails will not suffer at all.

the seed will crack easily

No. 5. Stand for a mosquito coil


We bend the clamping lever and take out the nail file, placing it perpendicularly.


Putting the nail file up on any flat surface, we put the center of the spiral on the end of the nail file.

we put on the end of the nail file the center of the spiral


If you do not need a whole spiral, break off a piece from it and place it between the cutting plates of the wire cutters.

break off a piece from the spiral and place it between the cutting plates of the wire cutters

No. 6. Bite your nails without scattering scraps


And, finally, a life hack for the usual use of wire cutters. Seal the sides of the cutting blades of the clipper with tape.

Seal the sides of the cutting blades of the clipper with tape


Now the cut pieces will not scatter all over the room, and you can easily remove them by removing the tape.

Now the cut pieces will not scatter all over the room

Also, with the end of the nail file, which is included in the set, it is convenient to open parcels packed with adhesive tape. Because the edges of the nail file are not sharp, they will not harm the contents of the package.
TOP 6 tricks you can do with nail clippers

Unusual use of nail clippers

TOP 6 tricks you can do with nail clippers

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