It's no secret that after repairing plumbing, old hoses of flexible water supply remain in the house. And even without repair, they often fail, requiring replacement with new ones. The main cause of failure is a rupture of the inner hose. At the same time, the braid and fastening remain practically intact. Do not rush to throw them away, because you can make irreplaceable things in the household from them. This is what our article is about.

Materials for work
In order to make things useful in the household, you will need:
- defective metal flexible water supply hose (nut-nut);
- hacksaw for metal;
- vise;
- wrench;
- Union;
- wire cutters;
- awl;
- floating head connectors;
- a piece of threaded construction stud, two washers and nuts each;
- thermocambric;
- scissors;
- building hair dryer.
No. 1. We make a cap from a nut
Cut off one nut from the hose with a hacksaw. We take out the sealing ring and the rest of the hose from it.
We put a coin of a suitable size into the nut, on top of it an o-ring and another coin.

We screw the plug onto the pipe and clamp it with a wrench.

No. 2. Making a transition fitting
We cut off the second nut and also remove the sealing ring and the rest of the inner hose from it.
We insert a fitting for a smaller diameter hose and an o-ring into the nut.

We screw the nut onto the pipe, tighten it with a wrench and you can put a hose on the fitting.

No. 3. Making a leash for spinning
We dissolve a piece of the hose winding and bite off pieces of wire from it along the desired length of the leash.

We connect connectors with a floating head to the wire. The leash turned out to be thin, flexible, strong enough and too tough even for a large pike.

No. 4. Making a brush head on a drill
Remove the entire piece of braid from the hose.
With an awl or other sharp object, we untwist one edge of the braid.

On the second side, cut the braid at a distance of 2-3 cm.
We screw the nut onto the stud, put on the washer and the prepared brush and clamp it with the second washer and nut.

No. 5. Making a needle file handle
Cut off a piece of the desired length from the braid.
From a thermocambric of sufficient size, cut 2 pieces.

We sequentially put on a file a thermocambric, a piece of braid and again a thermocambric.

The use of flexible piping
Flexible water line? | TOP 5 life hacks for a home master
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