Sweet bell pepper: description and characteristics of the 19 best varieties by ripening time (Photo & Video) + Reviews

bell pepper

bell pepper

Sweet Bulgarian pepper - the fruit of an annual vegetable plant, belongs to the Solanaceae family. Thanks to breeding work, many varieties with red, yellow, orange and even brown fruit color have been developed. Description of varieties allows you to get acquainted with the characteristics of each of them and choose the most suitable for you.

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sweet pepper varieties

Fragrant, juicy bell peppers

Fragrant, juicy bell peppers

Demand creates supply, and since sweet pepper is popular and in demand not only among gardeners, but also on a global scale, the seed market is replete with a variety of varieties bell pepper, differing not only in taste characteristics, but also in terms of fruiting, cultivation agrotechnics.

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Early varieties

A feature of the varieties is the early ripening of fruits: from sowing to full ripeness, a little more than 100 days pass.


Agapovsky pepper

Agapovsky pepper


  • Belongs to an early variety. Was withdrawn in 1995. Can be grown in the Northwestern, Central and Central Black Earth regions.
  • With early sowing of seeds, harvesting occurs in June, from sowing to ripening takes from 90 to 110 days.
  • Bush of medium height, compact, strongly leafy, with dark green, large foliage.
  • The fruits are smooth, drooping, huge, have a prismatic shape. The weight of one pepper varies between 110-120 g. The walls are thick, up to 0.7 cm. The fruits have a pleasant taste, strongly fragrant.
  • It is characterized by resistance to diseases, including the tobacco mosaic virus, and is not affected by fruit rot and blossom end rot.
  • According to gardeners, from 1 m2 of plantings, you can collect up to 8 kg of fruit. Super productive variety!

Composition of fruits:
  • Dry matter - 6.3%;
  • Vitamin C - 210.6 mg;
  • Sugar - 3.5%.


Pepper Atlant

Pepper Atlant


  • Hybrid, high yielding variety. Early ripe, semi-standard, bushes are slightly sprawling. The growing season lasts 110 days.
  • Cone-shaped, rich red three-chamber fruits with juicy and tasty pulp. Weight of peppers - up to 200 g.
  • Commercial cultivation is possible, as it has a high transportability.

big mom

Orange fruits of Big Mama pepper.

Orange fruits of Big Mama pepper

The most popular representative of the Big line from the Aelita agricultural company. Varieties with purple (Big Daddy), orange-brown (Big Girl), red-burgundy (Big Boy) and orange (Big Mom) fruit color have been bred.

Big Daddy Big Girl Big Boy

Big papa, big girl, big boy

big mom

Orange is a very bright, sunny color, which is why many people think that orange-colored peppers have the most worthy characteristics and are the sweetest. However, this statement is not accurate, since red pepper contains more sugar.

However, by growing fruits of sunny colors, you can not only improve your mood, but also your immunity, since peppers are rich in phosphorus, potassium, and other useful vitamins and minerals. A storehouse of vitamins helps cells grow, participates in the structure of bone tissue.

  • Can be grown in greenhouse and garden
  • Semi-spreading bushes reach 60 cm in height
  • Early fruiting
  • Fragrant, juicy, fleshy fruits
  • Has a high disease resistance
  • Recommended for fresh consumption


Pepper Health

Pepper Health


  • A popular variety among summer residents of Russia.
  • Has excellent taste characteristics, is universal in use.
  • But to get a stable harvest, you will need to show patience and diligence.
  • Health contains useful substances and microelements (the name itself speaks of this), it is rich in vitamin C.
  • Feature - a tall, sprawling bush.
  • Height can exceed 1.5 meters. It is clear that for growing you need to build a trellis.
  • Unpretentious, easily adapts to weather conditions, grows well in open ground and in a greenhouse.
  • It takes 3 months from sowing to harvest. The variety is characterized by friendly ripening of fruits. Up to 5-6 kg of vegetables are harvested from 1 m2.

Fruit characteristics:
  • Vegetables are small in size, reaching no more than 10 cm in length.
  • Thick-walled, fleshy, juicy, red
  • Have a prismatic shape
  • Slight ribbing is visible on the surface
  • Fruits are stored for a long time, resistant to diseases





  • The most popular of the bell peppers with fleshy and sweet flesh.
  • The name was given due to its appearance: the tip of the pepper is curled down and resembles a cockatoo's beak.
  • Kakadu - universal purpose, juicy pulp is used in the preparation of salads, suitable for canning and pickling.
  • Good growth of red Kakadu pepper is observed when grown in open areas.
  • With a lack of heat and light, the leaves begin to turn yellow. High yield. Up to 3 kg of fruits are harvested from 1 bush.
  • Yellow Kakadu pepper is rich in vitamins and minerals

  • Early hybrid variety, from sowing seeds to fruiting takes 105 days
  • Depending on the variety, the fruits can be colored yellow or red, the former being much smaller than the latter.
  • Very fleshy, wall thickness up to 10 mm
  • Large cylindrical fruits weigh up to 300 g, length - 20 cm
  • Tall, with a shoot length of 150 cm, requires tying





  • A highly productive hybrid variety, which is grown both in greenhouses and in the open field.
  • The vegetative period lasts 80 days, so the variety belongs to the early one.
  • The juicy, tasty fruit keeps well, making this variety popular for commercial cultivation.
  • Gardeners appreciate Claudio for its resistance to sunburn, temperature extremes, they talk about high resistance to diseases, especially viral ones.
  • Grow through seedlings.
  • It is worth noting that Claudio seeds have a long shelf life, so you can buy them for the future, it will not affect germination.

Growing features and characteristics:
  • Prefers open sunny areas with fertile soil
  • Powerful, spreading bushes
  • Up to 12 fruits are formed on one bush
  • Cuboid fruits have an elongated shape, 4-chamber
  • Peppers turn deep red when ripe.
  • It is characterized by uniformity: vegetables are the same in shape and color
  • Fruit weight - 250 g, pulp thickness - 1.1 cm


The photo shows a section of the Kolobok pepper: very thick walls

The photo shows the Kolobok pepper in a section: very thick walls


  • Early variety. The stage of technical maturity occurs 110 days after germination.
  • It can be grown in greenhouse conditions and open ground.
  • "Pot-bellied" fruits, like barrels. That's why he is the Kolobok variety.
  • A low-growing plant rarely exceeds 40 cm in height. The bush part has dense foliage.
  • The variety got its name due to the fruits that look like balls. The fruits are drooping, in an unripe form they are painted in a light green color, and when fully ripe, they acquire a rich red, dark shade.
  • Large vegetables weigh up to 150 g, the wall thickness is 0.9 cm, which indicates their fleshiness, with a pleasant aroma inherent in bell pepper.
  • It is not susceptible to black mold, blossom end rot, verticillium wilt, virus mosaic.
  • It is mainly used for fresh consumption, very rarely - for canning. Raw cubes are added to vitamin salads, stewed, it turns out very tasty stuffed peppers.
  • Compliance with agrotechnical cultivation methods will allow you to get a high yield, which can be from 3 to 5 kg of juicy, fleshy peppers per 1 m2.
  • Peppers are used to decorate the festive table: it looks beautiful when sliced.

small egg

Pepper pod

small egg

small egg

  • Early variety. A tall plant with a strong root system and spreading bush.
  • It can reach a height of over 1 m, requires support and tying, can be grown on a trellis. Pretty unusual size for a pepper.
  • When growing Capsicum pepper, it is recommended to form a plant and leave 2 stems.
  • Do not rush to sow seeds for seedlings, this procedure can be carried out in early March. Picking into separate cups is carried out at the development phase 1 of this leaf.
  • Transplant to open ground after reaching the age of seedlings in 70 days.
  • An unpretentious plant that does not require special growing conditions is susceptible to various diseases: fungal, viral, bacterial.
  • Unfavorable weather conditions pose a particular threat.
  • When planting in open ground, they make sure that the predecessors are not legumes, nightshade crops: tomatoes, beans, potato, pepper.

Feature and Features:
  • Glossy fruits are cylindrical
  • When ripe they turn red
  • The weight of one fruit is 240 g
  • Contain a large amount of vitamins
  • Universal purpose: can be consumed fresh, canned, used for salads, side dishes


Early variety of bell pepper Kupets

Pepper Merchant


  • Early variety. Suitable for growing in greenhouses and open ground. From sowing to fruit ripening takes 110 days.
  • Medium, semi-spreading bushes reach 75 cm in height. Large, drooping pyramidal-shaped fruits weigh up to 100 g, rarely more. In technical maturity they are colored green, in the stage of biological ripeness - red. Juicy pulp with a wall thickness of 0.5-0.8 cm.
  • The fruits contain vitamins and sugars, so it is more useful to eat vegetables fresh.
  • Sowing seeds for seedlings - February - the first days of March. It is necessary to deal with transplanting seedlings into unheated greenhouses in mid-May, in the garden - in the last decade of May. Prefers loose, light, fertile soil. One of the conditions for successful cultivation is moderate watering with warm water; the variety reacts poorly to prolonged overdrying of the soil.
  • At the beginning of the growing season, nitrogen-containing fertilizers are applied, during the period of fruit set - potassium-phosphorus.

orange miracle

Large fruits of the Orange Miracle variety have good commercial qualities.

Large fruits Orange miracle have good commercial qualities

orange miracle

  • A hybrid variety of Dutch selection, exceeded all expectations of gardeners, thanks to good taste characteristics, large fruit sizes and bright, sunny color.
  • In the middle lane, it is recommended to grow in greenhouses, since it was originally bred for growing in greenhouses. However, in regions with a warm climate, cultivation is also possible in open ground.
  • From sowing seeds to technical maturity, 90-100 days pass.
  • Peppers are stored for a long time, especially in a cool room or on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, so the variety can be grown not only for personal purposes, but also for sale.
  • Tall bushes reach a height of more than 1 m, but this characteristic depends on growing conditions: on poor soils, the sizes are much smaller. Such a large bush can only give 8, in extreme cases - 12 fruits.
  • The pulp is juicy, very sweet, quite tender, pleasant to the taste. When fully ripe, peppers turn a warm, orange color.
  • The fruits are large, cube-shaped, with a wall thickness of 0.7-1 cm. The mass of one pepper is up to 250 g.

Among the advantages are the following:
  • Good yield, up to 14 kg of vegetables are harvested from 1 m2.This is actually so, although it is hard to believe;
  • The fruits are pleasant in taste, have a universal purpose: they are suitable for eating raw, can be preserved;
  • Shows high resistance to diseases such as tobacco mosaic.

It is recommended to use fresh, so the body will receive more vitamins and minerals.

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Varieties with an average ripening period

bell pepper

Varieties with an average ripening period are no less popular with gardeners. Suitable for fresh consumption, canning, pickling and freezing.


Variety Belozerka with red and yellow fruits

Variety Belozerka with red and yellow fruits


  • Hybrid variety of medium fruit ripening.
  • It is characterized by high productivity, resistance to pests, to viral diseases.
  • Fruits of medium size, the weight of which varies between 70-100 g.
  • Thick-skinned vegetables with a wall equal to 0.7 mm.
  • Green fruits appear first. Then their color changes to yellow, and in the stage of maturity, the vegetables become rich red.
  • Good taste qualities of fruits, juicy and fragrant pulp, long shelf life made the variety popular.

  • The height of the bush varies from 40 to 70 cm
  • Friendly fruit ripening
  • Cone-shaped peppers weigh an average of 80 g, wall thickness 7 mm
  • Good fruit transportability
  • Recommended for outdoor cultivation
  • Universal variety

ox ear

Cow's ear pepper variety

ox ear

ox ear

  • Mid-season variety of sweet pepper.
  • The technical maturity of the fruit occurs at 97-99 days, and 125 days pass from sowing the seeds to harvesting.
  • High-yielding variety Cow's ear. Up to 3 kg of fruits are harvested from 1 m2.
  • The plant is resistant to virus mosaic.

  • Bush height - 60-65 cm
  • The length of conical peppers is 10 cm, the thickness of the pulp is 0.8 mm
  • Fruit weight about 150 g
  • Has good transportability
  • Can be grown in a greenhouse, open field, under a film
  • Resistant to viral diseases.
  • Can be consumed fresh, cooked lecho, canned.


Belongs to a variety with an average fruit ripening period. Many gardeners put forward such a hypothesis that getting a high yield does not depend on which variety is chosen, but on whether it is suitable for growing in certain climatic conditions.

Therefore, in our unpredictable climate, it is recommended to cultivate proven varieties. Hercules did well.

Here is such a giant! Pepper length - 12 cm.

Here is such a giant! Pepper length - 12 cm


  • The leaves of the plant are painted in dark green color, a slightly wrinkled texture is clearly visible on their surface.
  • The sheet is medium in size.
  • On the plant, the fruits are drooping, ripening begins 120 days after sowing.
  • The fruits are cube-shaped, up to 11 cm wide and 12 cm long.
  • The weight of one fruit is 200 g.
  • Only during the period of biological maturity, vegetables acquire a rich red color.
  • The rest of the time the flesh is dark green.
  • Since the variety has a long growing season, seeds are best sown at the end of February. It is recommended to transplant seedlings into open ground in late May-early June.

Large fruits ripen on semi-spreading bushes 0.5 m high.

  • Can be used both fresh and prepared for future use
  • Juicy pulp, pleasant aroma, wall thickness - 0.7 cm
  • High yield: each bush can produce 3 kg of fruit
  • Pronounced disease resistance

We inform you that the fruits of the Hercules variety can also be consumed at the stage of technical maturity, when they are colored dark green. It doesn't detract from the taste in any way. The fruits will not be bitter.

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Pepper "Star of the East": description of the line of varieties

An extensive family of sweet peppers was united together and given the name "Star of the East". This is a whole line, represented by hybrid varieties with a variety of fruit colors.

Star of the East includes fruits with orange, white, golden, yellow, tangerine, chocolate, classic red color. This can include white in red, white in yellow, giant, giant red.

Varietal series Star of the East. Seeds for sale.

Varietal series "Star of the East". Seeds on sale

Varieties with the same fruit shape were collected in one line: when a pepper is cut, it looks like a 4-ray star. All varieties are bred by SeDeK specialists (the leading seed-growing and breeding enterprise of the Russian Federation).

The line includes varieties with an average ripening period, suitable for growing in open ground, in a greenhouse and under film cover.

Description of the members of the group:

  • Powerful, low, semi-spreading bushes
  • Fruits are mostly cuboidal, rarely trihedral prismatic
  • The walls are fleshy, the fruits are juicy
  • The taste is sweet, without bitterness, a barely perceptible smell
  • Weight of one fruit - 160-170 g, weight - up to 300 g

All hybrids are high-yielding, up to 15 fruits can be counted on one bush. Up to 8 kg of vegetables are harvested from 1 m2.

golden miracle

Thanks to a powerful root system, the bushes do not bend under the weight of large fruits of the Golden Miracle variety.

Thanks to a powerful root system, the bushes do not bend under the weight of large fruits.

golden miracle

  • A variety with an average fruit ripening period.
  • It takes 125 days for the fruit to reach full maturity. Seeds have good germination.
  • Recommended for indoor and outdoor cultivation.
  • Zoning: Russia, Ukraine, Moldova.
  • The fruits are tasty, used for fresh consumption and for canning.
  • A powerful bush with a good root system from top to bottom is strewn with fairly large, elongated, thick-walled fruits weighing up to 250 g.
  • The pulp is fragrant, tasty, juicy. When ripe, the pepper acquires a golden yellow hue - hence the name of the variety.

The Golden Miracle variety has a lot of positive characteristics:
  • Pepper is resistant to weather changes, can be grown in areas with different climates.
  • It has a long fruiting period.
  • It has good disease resistance.
  • Due to the high commercial and taste qualities, it is recommended to grow not only for yourself, but also on an industrial scale.
  • Unpretentious, needs minimal care.
  • As practice shows, the fruit crop does not have serious shortcomings.


Pepper Swallow was obtained as a result of selection of an older variety Moldova. Suitable for commercial cultivation.

Pepper Swallow was obtained as a result of selection of an older variety Moldova


  • Belongs to the mid-season variety
  • The bushes have a standard, semi-spreading shape, they need to be tied up, as they grow up to 60 cm
  • Fruit ripening occurs 120 days after sowing seeds
  • From 1 m2 you can harvest up to 5 kg of crop
  • Suitable for commercial cultivation

Fruit characteristics:
  • The thickness of the walls in the stage of biological ripeness is 0.7 cm, in the technical stage - up to 0.5 cm
  • Fruits are oval, slightly cone-shaped
  • Unripe vegetables are painted in light green color, when ripe - in red
  • The weight of the fetus varies between 70-100 g
  • Ripe peppers - 10 cm long

Gift from Moldova

Pepper fruits Gift of Moldova

Pepper fruits Gift of Moldova

Gift from Moldova

  • The mid-season variety first saw the light in 1973 and immediately gained universal popularity.
  • From sowing seeds to fruit ripening - 120-125 days.
  • Semi standard plant, bushes only occasionally exceed 50 cm in height.
  • Juicy, sweet, large fruits.
  • Wall - 0.5 cm.
  • Up to 5 kg of fruits are harvested from 1 m2.
  • Unpretentious to the conditions of detention, resistant to diseases of various directions.

  • Abundant flowering and fruiting
  • Short internodes
  • The fruits are cone shaped
  • Powerful root system
  • High yield
  • Does not need to remove stepchildren and tying up

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Late varieties

Why early and mid-early varieties are popular is understandable, but what is the beauty of late sweet pepper varieties? The fact is that early cultures give their fruits and depart. At this time, the canning process is already completed.

But what to do in August, when, it would seem, you can enjoy fresh vegetables, but they are no longer there. Well, do not open the jar prepared for the winter. This is the beauty of late varieties: they can bear fruit until mid-autumn.


Juicy, fleshy fruits. Pepper is a real hero!

Juicy, fleshy fruits. Pepper is a real hero!


  • The description of the Bogatyr variety depends on the manufacturer.
  • For example, the SeDeK agricultural company offers a variety with a cone-shaped fruit, weighing up to 130 g, pepper up to 11 cm long.
  • Bush height - 55 cm.
  • Bogatyr from the company "Aelita": large-fruited cone-shaped peppers weighing 150 g, 15 cm long.
  • When choosing seeds, it is worth focusing on the climatic zone and soil composition.
  • It is preferable to buy from an agricultural company located in your region.
  • Thus, you can be sure that the variety will be adapted to the climatic conditions of the region.

General characteristics:
  • High yield
  • Deep red fruits
  • Resists tobacco mosaic virus, rot, not susceptible to verticillium wilt
  • Universal purpose
  • Can be grown in greenhouse and open field.

Winnie the Pooh

Pepper Variety Winnie the Pooh

Variety Winnie the Pooh

Winnie the Pooh

  • A hybrid late variety with pleasant-tasting fruits.
  • It can be grown in various climatic conditions, while it will not lose its taste.
  • It was bred in 1980 by Moldavian breeders who crossed Swallow and Buqueten 3.
  • In the middle lane, seeds are sown in February. Such early sowing allows you to get vegetables in July.
  • The bushes are compact, the shoots are tightly pressed against the main trunk, the plant does not exceed 25 cm in height.
  • Grown as a standard variety.
  • The fruits are arranged in bunches, which allows you to get a high yield.
  • Cone-shaped fruits grow in length by 10 cm, the weight of one fruit is 50 g.
  • Depending on the stage of ripening, the fruits differ in color: first green, then red.

  • Juicy, sweet fruit
  • Good fresh and canned
  • High palatability
  • Pulp - 0.5 cm
  • It is characterized by good keeping quality of fruits, suitable for transportation over long distances.
  • Friendly ripening of peppers
  • From 1 m2 - 5 kg of vegetables

California miracle

Pepper California Miracle

Pepper California Miracle

California miracle

  • Represented by several varieties. Fruits can be yellow, orange, red, golden.
  • It takes 130 days from sowing seeds to fruit ripening. The bushes are compact, do not exceed 30 cm.
  • Fruits with thick walls (6-8 mm), weighing 80-120 g.
  • Vegetables contain vitamin C, suitable for fresh consumption and for canning.
  • Can be grown commercially.
  • It has good transport characteristics.

  • High yield
  • weather resistance
  • High disease resistance, including mosaic virus
  • Large, fragrant fruits

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The benefits of sweet pepper for the body

Sweet pepper should be constantly present in the diet

Sweet pepper should be constantly present in the diet

Its use improves the condition of the circulatory system, normalizes heart rate and heart function in general, reduces the risk of strokes, heart attacks, and lowers cholesterol.

Medicinal properties of fruits:

  • Antioxidant
  • Restorative
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Immunostimulating
  • liquefying

It is recommended for people living in contaminated areas with radiation, who are exposed to radiation all the time, albeit in small doses.

Useful for the prevention of respiratory diseases: SARS, pneumonia, bronchitis, tonsillitis, and tuberculosis.

To make up for the lack of vitamins and always keep it normal, it is recommended to eat at least 50 g of pepper per day.

Useful for people who are losing weight. The fruit contains capsaicin, which promotes the burning of adipose tissue.

The benefits of sweet pepper are manifested in arthritis, diabetes, sciatica, varicose veins.In addition, it is recommended for baldness, relieves puffiness, increases appetite and improves metabolism.

Recent studies prove that roasted peppers are not only healthy, but they also contribute to the development of tooth decay.
Sweet bell pepper: description and characteristics of the 19 best varieties by ripening time (Photo & Video) + Reviews

Battle of bell peppers. 08/16/2017

Sweet bell pepper: description and characteristics of the 19 best varieties by ripening time (Photo & Video) + Reviews

8.6 Total Score
Sweet pepper

If you follow agricultural practices when growing pepper, all varieties will please you with a high yield. Timely feeding and watering of plants will favorably affect the taste characteristics of the fruit. It should be remembered that the choice of varieties for growing in open ground and in a greenhouse depends on the climatic conditions of a particular area. Your evaluation of our materials is very important for us. Leave your rating in the comments with the reasoning behind your choice. Your opinion will be useful to other users.

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  • Useful vitamin product
  • An abundance of varieties for different climatic conditions
  • Not recommended for gastritis and ulcers

1 comment
  1. Sweet pepper can be safely called the most unpretentious plant in central Russia. Sweet pepper seedlings are very well received even in dry weather. The plant never gets sick and there are no insects in nature that can harm it. This vegetable grows well on nutrient-poor soils and bears fruit until late autumn. The plant calmly tolerates any heat, does not need shading. It is for these reasons that sweet pepper is a definite favorite among domestic gardeners.

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