Proper watering of seedlings on the windowsill, in peat tablets | TOP-5 conditions for healthy seedlings | (Photo & Video) +Reviews

Proper watering of seedlings

If in the southern latitudes the seeds of vegetables and flowers are sown in the ground and get an excellent harvest, then in the middle lane and northern regions it is very problematic to grow flowers and vegetables without seedlings obtained in advance.

The seedling method requires a special approach and patience. Each horticultural crop obtained from a seed has its own growing nuances. And one of the most important questions: how to properly water the seedlings.

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No. 1 Water for irrigation

Water is the source of life

Water is the source of life

Water quality plays an important role in irrigation. Use warm water at room temperature (+20-+25C). From the tap defend for 2 days. During this time, chlorine evaporates, and salts settle to the bottom in the form of flakes.

Ideal Approach: rain, melt or well water, but this option is available only to villagers.

Using tap water does not promote seedling growth

Using tap water does not promote seedling growth

Distilled liquid, which is devoid of salts, is not suitable. Boiled water is not suitable, there is no oxygen in it, and some useful salts pass into an insoluble precipitate. Chlorine after boiling forms toxic compounds. In addition, after heat treatment, the structure of water changes. Watering with cold, not settled water causes the death of fragile sprouts.

Hard water that is saturated with salts can be softened in the following way:

  • to 2 liters of water add 2 tbsp. l. ash
  • dilute 100 g of fresh peat in 10 liters of liquid
  • stand for 1-2 days, draining the sediment

How to prepare melt water

Melt water is distinguished by its structure and has a beneficial effect on the growth of seedlings

Melt water is distinguished by its structure and has a beneficial effect on the growth of seedlings

Melt water is one of the most useful. It is believed that it has a special structure that has a beneficial effect on the growth of plants in general and seedlings in particular.

If there is no snow and ice available, then we create melt water ourselves:

  • pour tap water into the bottle, leaving room for the liquid to expand after freezing
  • wait until the moment when the main part of the moisture freezes
  • drain the liquid from the central part of the bottle: it contains harmful impurities and salts
  • let the remaining ice melt naturally and use for irrigation

It is possible to use natural melt or rain water only if industrial facilities are located in the distance. Away from the city, in the countryside, such water is most useful for seedlings.
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No. 2 Rules for watering seedlings

Watering seedlings

Having figured out how to properly water seedlings, gardeners get strong seedlings that can bring a full harvest.

The wrong approach starts with sowing seeds. Grooves are made in the ground and watered, and then the seeds are sown. Watering seeds already embedded in the ground can lead to their being pulled deep into the ground. From a great depth, the sprout does not have enough strength to get out into the light.

Alternatively, if the land for crops is not wet enough, snow can be put on top. It will gradually melt and moisten the soil. This is one of the methods of soft watering and seed hardening.The resulting melt water will benefit the hatched sprouts planted after preliminary seed preparation.

Watering as you grow

Small sprouts need careful, gentle watering

Small sprouts need careful, gentle watering

With improper watering, a variety of problems arise with the growth and development of seedlings. Excess moisture creates a lot of problems when growing:

  • roots rot, root rot, black leg and other diseases appear
  • the surface is covered with a dry crust, preventing the roots from breathing and absorbing moisture
  • soil rots: fungal mold develops on the surface, and pathogenic microflora in the layers
  • plants become lethargic and weak, sometimes die

Growing plants require more water.

Growing plants require more water.

Understanding the question of how often to water seedlings, you can avoid many troubles. As the plants grow, the amount of watering changes. The general rules and features of watering are as follows:

  1. Before germination, it is enough to shed the earth once a day. The surface is sprayed with a spray gun, otherwise the earth is washed out. It is important that the surface is moist and loose, without a soil crust through which it is difficult for weak sprouts to break through.

  2. During the emergence of seedlings, the container is opened and the young shoots are carefully shed every 2-3 days. As the root system strengthens in the ground, the seedlings are slightly loosened and thinned out for good growth in the future.

  3. After 1-2 weeks (depending on the specific vegetable or flower crop), when the plant grows and gets stronger, watering is carried out 2 times a week

  4. After the dive procedure and landing in a separate container, it is good enough to shed the earth once a week to completely moisten the earthen ball and soak the soil to the very bottom. If the flower culture is forming buds and your seedlings are preparing to bloom, then fertilization is important at this stage.

When transplanted to a permanent place, plants grown at home stop watering for a week. At the same time, there is an active growth of the root system, which grows in search of moisture.

What determines the frequency of watering seedlings

Each vegetable or flower crop needs an individual approach and its own portion of moisture.

Each vegetable or flower crop needs an individual approach and its own portion of moisture.

When transplanting and picking, you should take care of the container. Separate cups or containers should have drainage holes and trays to drain excess moisture. Drainage is laid at the bottom of the tank with a layer of 2-3 cm in the form of expanded clay, pebbles, broken bricks, small shards of dishes. With excess moisture that accumulates at the bottom of the pot, the roots rot, and the planted seedlings begin to hurt.

It depends on the quality of the land how many times a week to water the seedlings. Features of growing in loose soil, which contains a mixture of soddy soil, sand, humus, peat, consist in more frequent irrigation. Such an earthen composition quickly absorbs moisture, but does not retain it for a long time. When using too heavy garden soil, which does not include coarse sand and peat (loosening components), seedlings are watered much less frequently. To determine the sufficient level of moisture can be the moisture content of the soil.

It should be noted that each specific horticultural crop requires its own portion of moisture. For example, seedlings cabbage does not tolerate the drying of an earthen coma, and pumpkin seedlings are patiently waiting for the next irrigation. But the space for root growth is limited, so any plant will not survive an extended absence of water.

tomato seedling

tomato seedling

Usually seedlings are grown en masse, but before planting in the ground, all growing conditions are observed. It is necessary to plant and maintain different varieties of horticultural crops in a bright room. Usually, housewives grow seedlings in the kitchen, on the windowsill, where there is enough heat and light, and it is easier to follow the frequency of watering.

If the spring is warm, then greenhouse - an ideal place to strengthen seedlings. Here it does not fade and does not stretch, and the introduction of water becomes easier thanks to drip irrigation.

Gardeners ask the question when to water seedlings: in the morning or in the evening.It's not essential. Agronomists recommend the best time: to carry out morning watering 2 hours after sunrise, and evening watering 4-5 hours after sunset. The main thing is not to water the seedlings during the "active sun".

Hydrogel and frequency of watering

Hydrogel retains moisture in the soil for a long time

Hydrogel retains moisture in the soil for a long time

Gardeners began to actively use hydrogel when planting plants. The drug is a small granules that perfectly absorb and retain water. The packaging indicates in what proportions a specific mass is diluted with water. This is not a fertilizer, but simply a gelled, moisture-saturated mass.

The resulting hydrogel conglomerates are mixed with garden soil for sowing and during transplanting seedlings into larger containers in a ratio of 1:3 or 1:4. Some gardeners add hydrogel not only to seedling containers, but also directly to the beds on the eve of planting vegetable or flower crops in open ground.

Such a "wet soil":

  • holds water well
  • regulates its amount in the soil
  • does not over-wet the ground
  • does not allow the earthen coma to dry out
  • reduces the frequency of watering

The use of hydrogel is convenient for people who cannot always water seedlings on time. It does retain moisture in the soil, but that doesn't replace irrigation or drip irrigation. Just the amount of watering will be less.

Growing seedlings at home: tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, eggplants, cabbage, strawberries and even petunias. All the subtleties of this issue Read also: Growing seedlings at home: tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, eggplants, cabbage, strawberries and even petunias. All the subtleties of this issue

№3 The nuances of watering seedlings of vegetables

Tomatoes love dry heads and wet feet.

Tomatoes love "dry head" and "wet feet"

A specific cultivated plant makes its own adjustments to the irrigation regime. Different vegetable crops require different amounts of liquid and frequency of irrigation. Representatives of the nightshade family have the same approach to watering. Having wondered how often to water seedlings of tomato and pepper, you do not need to look for different options: peppers, Eggplant tomatoes are watered and fed in the same way:

  1. Before germination, the ground is sprayed with a spray bottle.

  2. When sprouts are born, the earth is not watered for 3 days

  3. Then there is active growth, when water is needed 2 times a week

  4. Watering is important 2 days before picking 4-5 days after it

  5. Mature plants are irrigated once a week. During this period, it is necessary to feed the seedlings, which are actively growing.

Fertilizers are prepared from yeast, which strengthen seedlings, increase their endurance, and enhance root growth. Feeding tomato and pepper seedlings with yeast is a very useful procedure. Yeast fungi actively multiply in the soil, releasing nitrogen and potassium.

Cucumber seedlings will quickly grow if the soil is moderately moist.

Cucumber seedlings will quickly grow if the soil is moderately moist.

Approximate times for irrigation are given. It is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the soil and moisten it as it dries, preventing the formation of a crust on the surface.

Adult melons growing in a greenhouse or open field are not demanding on watering: most of them live in dry climatic conditions. For cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkins, melons, many vegetable growers also use the seedling method of growing. But unlike adults, small plants require their portion of moisture and mineral fertilizers.

You need to figure out how to water cucumber seedlings. This is the most sought-after vegetable crop, which is in every summer cottage, requires a special attitude towards itself:

  1. The soil is kept moist until germination. As a fertilizer, eggshell powder is recommended, which contains a rich complex of minerals.

  2. The emerging sprouts are watered once a day. The soil is slightly loosened, breaking the soil crust

  3. When 2-3 true leaves appear, watering is reduced to 2 times a week, but they should be plentiful. It is important to thoroughly saturate the ground with moisture.

  4. In the phase of three true leaves, top dressing is applied in liquid form, using folk remedies and traditional recipes. This is necessary to strengthen the plants, from which numerous fruits are expected.

Growing seedlings of cucumbers

Growing seedlings of cucumbers

One of their exotic options is feeding seedlings with banana peel infusion. Several banana peel skins are poured with 3 liters of water and infused for 2 days. Then filter, add another 3 liters of water. It turns out a nutrient mixture of mineral components, which is applied under the root.

Cabbage seedlings require a lot of water, so the main task is keep the ground moist at all times. Moisture is applied abundantly on the eve of picking and before planting cabbage seedlings from the greenhouse into open ground for a permanent “place of residence”.

When growing seedlings in peat pots or tablets the substrate dries out fairly quickly. To avoid this problem, they are placed in a pan with water to replenish moisture from below. Each pot is wrapped with cling film: this will help to avoid excessive evaporation.
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№4 Watering flower seedlings

Individual approach to watering flower seedlings of different ages

Individual approach to watering flower seedlings of different ages

Many flowers have very small seeds. This creates difficulties in sowing and watering. For reliable germination, some seeds are sold in the form of pellets. They are covered with a layer of nutrients that facilitate germination.

Consider how often to water seedlings of flowers with small seeds:

  1. The soil is abundantly moistened with water from a spray bottle.

  2. Seeds are evenly spread over the surface and re-sprayed

  3. The container is covered with foil to retain moisture. Periodically, the film is briefly removed, providing air circulation

  4. When thin sprouts appear, the film is slightly opened and the ground is irrigated with a syringe so that the sprouts do not fall.

  5. After a few days, the film is removed and the plants are watered as they dry, but do not fill with water.

  6. As they grow, thin out and reduce watering. Then the flower seedlings are dived and transplanted into separate containers.

  7. The first feeding is carried out a week after picking. If the stems are weak and the sprouts are pale, then growth stimulants or foliar top dressing with microelements will help. The foliar application method makes it possible to soak the leaves with the components necessary for growth, which penetrate the plant faster

With the right approach to irrigation and other growth factors, healthy, strong seedlings are guaranteed.

With the right approach to irrigation and other growth factors, healthy, strong seedlings are guaranteed.

Not all flowers like spraying (for example, lobelia, petunias). For them, "root watering" is organized. The container is lowered into a basin of water and wait until the earth is completely saturated with moisture. Then they take it out, let the water drain and put it in a permanent place.

Watering seedlings of flowers with large seeds is not so difficult. Seeds are planted in pre-spilled grooves. From above they fall asleep with earth and lightly tamp. It is not necessary to cover the soil, but the mistakes of gardeners are that they allow the formation of a soil crust on the surface. Sprouts are not able to get out through a dense layer of earth. After the emergence of seedlings, watering and feeding seedlings should be according to a certain schedule.

The video below demonstrates how to properly water seedlings at different stages of development.


Proper watering of seedlings on the windowsill, in peat tablets

Proper watering of seedlings on the windowsill, in peat tablets | TOP-5 conditions for healthy seedlings | (Photo & Video) +Reviews

Proper watering of seedlings on the windowsill, in peat tablets | TOP-5 conditions for healthy seedlings | (Photo & Video) +Reviews

Lobelia: description, planting and care, when it should be sown, description of varieties (50 Photos & Videos) + Reviews Read also: Lobelia: description, planting and care, when it should be sown, description of varieties (50 Photos & Videos) + Reviews

No. 5 Combination of watering and fertilizing

Top dressing strengthens the immunity of the plant and increases the green mass

Top dressing strengthens the immunity of the plant and increases the green mass

To obtain strong, healthy horticultural crops, the procedure for fertilizing seedlings is important. At the first stages, it is necessary to feed the grown seedlings with urea, which promotes the growth of green mass.

It is not necessary to make mineral compositions. For these purposes, mullein and bird droppings are actively used, diluted in a certain ratio (concentrated formulations will burn the roots).

Most berry and vegetable crops like neutral or alkaline soils. Ash will help create the right environment. Eggshell powder is also effective, which delivers calcium, magnesium, phosphorus to the soil and deoxidizes it. It works especially well with nightshade: tomatoes and sweet peppers.

How to properly water seedlings with nutrient compounds? We offer several options:

  1. Ammonia strengthens plants and stimulates the growth of green mass. 1 tsp ammonia is diluted in 10 liters of water and used for irrigation

  2. Iodine solution improves the immunity of horticultural crops and promotes root development. Such top dressing is carried out one-time. Only 1 drop of iodine is needed for 3 liters of water

  3. Hydrogen peroxide disinfects the soil, nourishes the cells with oxygen. A 3% peroxide solution is being prepared: 3 tbsp. l. diluted in 3 liters of water

  4. A solution of potassium permanganate improves the growth of greenery, disinfects the soil, and increases resistance to disease. 3 g of potassium permanganate are diluted in 10 liters of water and young greens are poured with a pink solution. Such top dressing is carried out no more than 1 time in 10 days.

  5. Ash tincture is effective for adult seedlings. A glass of wood ash is diluted in 10 liters of boiling water and insisted for a day. The solution is filtered and poured under each seedling ½ cup

  6. Growth stimulants strengthen sprouts and improve the growth of green mass. The most famous Epin, Kornevin, Zircon, Sodium Humate, Silk and others will do. Bred according to the instructions and used for weak, diseased or elongated shoots

Plant growth stimulator

Plant growth stimulator

After watering, water remains in the pan. It should not accumulate in large quantities, as this leads to root rot. Excess liquid must be drained 15-20 minutes after watering.

The question of how to properly water seedlings will always be relevant for gardeners. The condition of plants depends on the quality of water, the frequency of irrigation, the abundance of moisture, and liquid top dressing. Other factors are also important for the growth and development of seedlings, but feeding the roots with moisture remains on the agenda. This is one of the most important moments in obtaining healthy seedlings.

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