Planting tulips in autumn in open ground: planting dates for the Moscow region and the Urals | (Photo & Video) +Reviews

planting tulips in autumn

When the leaves are just beginning to bloom and the first grass appears, the flowering heads of primroses raise. Tulips stand out among them, bright colors and large flowers of which attract attention.

They are among the first to decorate flower beds and form a multi-colored mosaic in combination with primroses. But in order to see spring flowering, proper planting of tulips in the fall is necessary.

Perennial flowers (TOP-50 species): garden catalog for giving with photos and names Read also: Perennial flowers (TOP 50 species): garden catalog for giving with photos and names | Video + Reviews

The quality of the planted bulbs is the key to successful flowering

Proper autumn planting - the unique colors of blooming tulips in early spring

Proper autumn planting - the unique colors of blooming tulips in early spring

When tulips planted in autumn sprout, the grower looks forward to the spring flowering of the planted varieties. But sometimes disappointment comes with the emergence of a garden culture: a small or incorrectly formed flower, weak flower stalks, and sometimes no flowering. The main reason for the loss of decorative qualities lies in the bulb.

Tulip belongs to the perennials of the family. Lily, it grows and blooms thanks to the bulb. When flowering ends and the leaf dries up to 2/3 of the part, the bulb is dug up. Early varieties in the garden bloom faster and bulbs are removed earlier. Late varieties stay in the soil longer.

This procedure is necessary for:

  • removal of diseased and infected specimens
  • the formation of larger flowers in the future
  • increasing the number of children

Baby onions do not always dig up, they leave them in the ground for a couple of years, to form a full-fledged bulb.

Bulbs removed from the soil and prepared for storage

Bulbs removed from the soil and prepared for storage

Dug up plants are carefully removed, trying not to cause damage. Immediately sorted by variety, size and flowering time. Further:

  • separated from the ground, roots, husks, without touching the covering scales
  • washed and treated against fungi
  • dry in a draft, outdoors in warm weather

Sometimes after digging, when viewed on the surface, rot is visible. If the affected area is small, then the onion can be saved. Remove the diseased part with a sharp knife, treat with brilliant green and sprinkle with wood ash, then dry well.

If mold is found on several specimens, then all planting material is treated from a fungal disease with fungicides.

After flowering, it is necessary to remove the peduncle so that the leaf blades grow back. Nutrients accumulate in them, which allows the bulb to grow and grow stronger.

Storage conditions for planting material

How to store tulips in winter

How to store tulips in winter

Before laying in boxes, it is worth once again checking the quality of the bulbs and dividing them by size and variety. (if it has not been done before). They are laid out in open boxes with holes in 2-3 layers, which are laid with paper or natural cloth.

It is important to store the bulbs, observing the temperature and humidity. If these indicators are not followed, then in the spring the plant gives a "blind shoot" without a flower.

During storage, it is recommended to control the temperature regime:

  • in July this figure is + 23- + 25C
  • in August it drops to +20C
  • in September is +17С

Do not cover boxes with lids. Without fresh air flow, ethylene released by the bulbs accumulates. It harms children, who subsequently get sick and grow worse.

The video below demonstrates the conditions for proper storage of tulips.

Video: We store tulip bulbs after digging correctly

Planting tulips in autumn in open ground: planting dates for the Moscow region and the Urals

We store tulip bulbs after digging correctly

Planting tulips in autumn in open ground: planting dates for the Moscow region and the Urals | (Photo & Video) +Reviews

How to grow tulips by March 8 at home? Planting, distillation, storage and other subtleties Read also: How to grow tulips by March 8 at home? Planting, distillation, storage and other subtleties

Autumn planting rules

planting tulips

planting tulips

Planting and caring for tulips in the fall includes several stages. In order for ephemera (plants with a short growing season) to bloom, it is important to choose a place, the right time, and take into account the characteristics of planting.

Alternative methods of planting bulbs are also interesting. Every little thing is important, respect for the subtleties of landing. otherwise, full-fledged flowering in the spring will remain in question.

Site selection and gardening

It is important to choose a suitable place and prepare the land

It is important to choose a suitable place and prepare the land

The ground is prepared a month before planting, so the choice of a suitable site with good lighting is taken care of in advance. Do not grow ephemera three times in one place. New, exotic varieties are quite capricious and are easily damaged by pests and diseases that accumulate in flower beds where tulips are constantly planted.

To grow a flower culture, you must comply with the requirements for growing conditions. Optimal option:

  • sunny and flat areas protected from the wind
  • drained soils that do not accumulate water in spring
  • sandy loam and loam rich in humus
  • neutral or alkaline formulations

The site is dug up to a depth of 25-30 cm, weeds are removed. For better water and gas permeability, peat and (or) coarse sand are added. Nutrient mixtures are introduced, which include organic matter: compost and humus, as well as mineral compounds with potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus. Create a fertile layer in which tulips will be planted.

Double superphosphate

Double superphosphate

With the onset of heat, it is useful to add ammonium nitrate, which will help the plants grow faster and form a green mass. Superphosphate is needed when planting for good root formation. It is also added when the buds appear. He is "responsible" for beautiful flowering.

Ready-made complex fertilizers for onion crops have been created. They are applied to the soil, based on the instructions on the package. Good nutrition has a beneficial effect on tulips: plants bloom on time, are distinguished by juicy stems and foliage, bright, colorful buds.

In the first stages of growth and leaf formation, tulips require nitrogen, which is rich in manure. But it cannot be used fresh. The concentrated composition causes a burn of the roots, and fungal infections also spread.

Landing features

Disinfection of bulbs before planting

Disinfection of bulbs before planting

Planting tulips in the fall begins with checking their condition after “summer hibernation”. The bulbs are carefully examined for infection and treated with drugs: copper sulfate, potassium permanganate or phytosporin. In one of these solutions, planting material is soaked an hour before planting.

Processing bulbs is required to destroy the "in the bud" of bacterial and fungal infections. Diseased specimens are carefully discarded.

With a standard approach, if a natural landscape is created (a field of tulips), then the planting pattern is as follows: about 20 cm between rows and 10 cm between bulbs. As one of the options - plant flowers in a checkerboard pattern. For marking and creating holes, a landing cone is used, which contains dimensional divisions.

There are rules on how deep to plant. The depth of planting is related to the size of the bulb:

  • children are lowered into the holes by 5-10 cm
  • onions 3 and 2 parsing deepen up to 12 cm
  • large specimens of 1 analysis - up to 15 cm

You need to decide at what depth to plant tulips in the fall, so as not to be disappointed in the results in the spring. If you plant the bulbs deeper, then the plant will need more strength to form the ground part and flowering will be delayed. Planting tulips in November suggests that the grower has already thought out the planting scheme, created design options for his flower garden.

Traditional seating option

Traditional seating option

Small ephemeral bulbs are planted along the edge, and large ones are given a place in the center. They select the appropriate color scheme, combine varieties according to flowering time, come up with interesting combinations with other primroses: hazel grouse, muscari, hyacinths.

The advice of experienced craftsmen will tell beginner growers how to plant tulips in the fall:

  1. The bottom is located on the bottom of the bulb. This is the area where the roots are formed. The bulb should be planted upside down. If you turn it over, then the peduncle will be weak, and most likely will die.

  2. Bulbs should be placed in pre-prepared planting pits with loose soil. It is not necessary to press them into the ground with force: this will break the weak rudiments of the root system. In addition, the depth of embedding into the soil will be small. Only after planting, the earth is poured on top with a dense layer.

  3. Watering tulips during planting is not necessary: ​​enough moisture from autumn rains

  4. It is important to note the landing site so that in the spring, when forming a flower bed and placing other flowers, do not injure the bulbs. Sometimes they put beacons with an inscription or cover the placement of tulips with pebbles

A flower bed with planted bulbs does not need to be covered. But this is the case if the landing dates are met. It happens that winter frosts come sharply or the planting is carried out late. In this case, it is abundantly sprinkled with sawdust, and covered with spruce branches on top. They also use a special covering material.

Lazy gardeners will help protect flowers with snow caps. The shelter will save the bulbs from freezing in the middle lane and in the Urals.

Landing time

Timely planted plants bloom at the right time.Flowering time depends on the variety.

Timely planted plants bloom at the right time. Flowering time depends on the variety.

When asked whether it is possible to plant tulip bulbs in November, some gardeners shrug their shoulders, because the planting time is associated with a number of factors. The main thing to pay attention to is the temperature of the soil. It is necessary to plant tulip bulbs so that they sleep and gain strength, and the life processes in it go slowly, it is necessary at + 8- + 10 degrees. The temperature is measured with a deep thermometer, lowering it 10-12 cm underground.

In the southern regions, the question of whether it is possible to plant tulips in November is not fundamental: the last decade of autumn is the right time. The further south, the later planting dates, they shift towards winter.

In the Moscow region, the bulbs fall into the soil in October. In Siberia, seed is planted for wintering from late September to mid-October. The exception is warm autumn, when the soil is well warmed up. Then flower growers take up shovels in early November. The tulip needs time to root (30-45 days) so that in the spring it actively grows.

It has been proven that the moon affects the growth and development of plants, so flower growers turn to the lunar calendar for help. Bulbs are planted only on the waning moon. The growing Moon, Full Moon and New Moon are not suitable for these purposes.

According to the lunar calendar 2020, the most favorable dates are:

  • September 9 and 10
  • October 6,7 and 8
  • November 3 and 4

You need to plant healthy and large bulbs to get luxurious flowers.

You need to plant healthy and large bulbs to get luxurious flowers.

Why is it so important to decide if you can plant tulips in November. Planted on time, they overwinter and in cold soil they go through a dormant period (stratification period), which is important for lush flowering.

If you plant ephemera in too warm soil, then they begin to grow in the fall, and then the sprouts freeze out. In too cold soil, the bulb is not able to take root and in the spring the plant develops slowly, delaying flowering. Some varieties hibernate when planted in cold, but not frozen ground (the time of the "first snow").

If you plant ephemera in the spring, it will take a long time to root, after which the stem will begin to form. But you can not wait for flowering, since the onion must necessarily go through a period of stratification (long exposure in the cold). Spring planting does not provide such an opportunity, so only leaves will grow.

If on the eve of planting it is clear that a sprout has appeared on the bulb and growth processes have begun, then it is better to save it for spring distillationplanted in a pot. After going through all the steps for distillation (stratification in the refrigerator), the plant will bloom at the desired time.
Onions - a description of 33 varieties with their photos and main characteristics, ripening dates and other useful information (Video) + Reviews Read also: Onions - a description of 33 varieties with their photos and main characteristics, ripening dates and other useful information (Video) + Reviews

Unconventional landing methods

Tulips in the garden

Flower growers are constantly experimenting, coming up with new options for planting bulbous crops in the garden, creating unusual flower arrangements

Placement in a plastic container

One option is to plant tulips in plastic containers.

One option is to plant tulips in plastic containers.

One method is to plant tulips in autumn in plastic boxes or baskets. Small holes are made at the bottom for drainage, the soil mixture is poured into the bottom, the onions are laid out, trying to place them more tightly. Containers are installed in pre-prepared trenches and buried.

This method makes it easier to care for plants:

  1. After the plants have faded, you need to remove the container and select all the planting material. At the same time, the bulbs are practically not injured, because their location is known

  2. In containers, more favorable conditions for growth are created. For a limited space, it is easier to prepare an earthen nutrient mixture, organize watering and fertilize in time

  3. Convenient for decorating large flower beds or rabatok, where tulips are placed in even rows, choosing the right color scheme

  4. The bulbs are not damaged by rodents that cannot penetrate the plastic barrier.

This is one of the convenient ways to plant tulips in November. In cool weather, it is not a pleasure to work with cold earth. The container method greatly simplifies the task.

Climbing landing

By planting bulbs using the lasagna method, you can get such a luxurious bouquet

By planting bulbs using the “lasagna” method, you can get such a luxurious bouquet

Thanks to the longline planting in autumn, in the spring you get a huge bouquet of tulips of different shapes and colors that sparkle with beauty. This effect is achieved by planting bulbs at different depths. They are simply placed in the ground or in a buried flowerpot, a deep basin or a wide bucket.


  • select a small area and dig it up, introducing batteries
  • using a landing cone, we dig in larger specimens to a considerable depth
  • then we plant a higher layer of medium-sized onions
  • even higher we have the smallest planting material

The bulbs should not be located one above the other, so we mark in advance the place of their placement with small sticks. It turns out a layered structure like an Italian dish.

Simplified version: plant several (5-7 pieces) bulbs of the same size at close range in one large, common hole. To what depth depends on the size of the bulb: on average, it is 7-15 cm. There is another, more precise gradation: a depth of 3 bulb diameters.

Various combinations of bulb crops

Various combinations bulb crops

This composition allows you to combine colors, size and shape of the petals. Interesting contrasting options are obtained: varieties with smooth and double petals, variety mixtures of different colors and shades. Combinations with variegated and monophonic buds of the same color look beautiful. Varieties selected according to the timing of flowering allow you to admire the “bouquet of tulips” for a longer time.

A similar version of lasagna is created using different bulbous crops. By adding imperial hazel grouse, crocuses, irises, daffodils to tulips, they get an amazing flower phantasmagoria.

Autumn planting of tulips is a common procedure for flower growers who love to deal with bulb crops. They do not think about whether it is possible to plant tulips in November. Knowing the exact planting dates in their region, choosing the time according to weather conditions and their own experience, they are sure that in the spring they will see bright hats of their favorite primroses.

Growing tulips using Dutch technology can be seen in the video below.

Video: Autumn planting of tulips. Dutch technology

Planting tulips in autumn in open ground: planting dates for the Moscow region and the Urals

Autumn planting of tulips. Dutch technology

Planting tulips in autumn in open ground: planting dates for the Moscow region and the Urals | (Photo & Video) +Reviews

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