Pumpkin: planting seeds in open ground and subsequent care, description of the best varieties, features of agricultural technology | (Photo & Video)

pumpkin planting

For many years, pumpkin has been a favorite vegetable not only in its homeland of Mexico, but throughout the world.

This fruit is no less popular among Russian gardeners. This is due not only to its value in terms of saturation with vitamins and trace elements, but also ease of care.

To grow this tasty and healthy vegetable, you need to know how to properly plant a pumpkin.

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When is the best time to plant a pumpkin?

Pumpkin is planted on the street in the last days of May

Pumpkin is planted on the street in the last days of May

Growing pumpkins is possible reckless (by planting seeds immediately in open ground) or seedlings in favorable home conditions.

In the first case, the optimal sowing time is mid-late May, when the threat of sudden night frosts has passed and the earth warms up to a stable temperature of + 10-14 ᵒС. Otherwise, the seeds will not germinate, but simply rot. Professional gardeners know that it is best to plant pumpkin seeds on St. George's Day early in the morning, but you will have to rely on the weather. Seedlings are planted at the age of about 30 days.

In regions with a milder climate (Ukraine, Belarus), it is permissible to plant a pumpkin at the end of April. If you focus on the lunar calendar, then the landing period should fall on the growing moon, which will favor the development of fruits.
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Selecting a landing site

A fundamental condition for successful survival and further growth of planting material is the right place.

The fundamental condition for successful survival and further growth of planting material is the right place.

Pumpkin heat-loving plant that needs an abundance of sun and warmth. She is not afraid of burns, since the tough foliage is equipped with multiple hairs that serve as protection. But with a lack of lighting, culture growth slows down. Therefore, the site is selected sunny and well warmed up. It's not scary if there is a slight shading.

Preference is given to fertile soil - sandy or sandy loam. Her best performance:

  • acidity within 6-7 pH
  • rich in organic matter and minerals
  • loose
  • moisture and breathable

Ideal predecessors for gourds are corn, winter wheat and perennial grasses. It is permissible to plant a pumpkin after some vegetables: tomatoes, onions, potatoes, carrots and cabbage. You should not take risks if before that, legumes, cucumbers or zucchini grew in the garden. After them, you can plant a pumpkin only after five years.
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Soil preparation

Pumpkin loves organic fertilizers

Pumpkin loves organic fertilizers

If the soil does not meet the key requirements for planting a pumpkin, then it should be corrected. With increased acidity, limestone or chalk is added, humus or hardwood is added to too clayey compost. They do this in advance - in the fall. In extreme cases, the soil is fertilized immediately upon planting by laying fertilizer in the holes.

How to prepare the ground:

  1. The site is cleared of plant and other debris

  2. Produce shallow loosening and after a couple of weeks the site must be dug up. At the same time, weed roots are removed.

  3. In the spring, 1 day before the planned sowing, the earth is dug up again with the application of nitrogenous fertilizers.

  4. Then the allotment is leveled with a rake and high beds are formed. The universal size of the ridge is 1.5 m (width) x 25 cm (height). Make them at a distance of half a meter

To fertilize the land, it is better to take manure or humus (about one bucket per 1 sq. m). With heavy soil, the laying depth will be 12-15 m, in the case of a light substrate - a little lower. If there is no possibility of advance bookmarking, then when planting, 1.5 kg of mullein or humus is added to each well. In addition, put superphosphate (30 g) and potassium sulfate (15 g).

Pumpkin grows well on a compost heap. Therefore, many summer residents deliberately plant it in compost. In this way, it is possible to increase the yield, since the plant develops better due to good nutrition and the absence of weeds.
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Direct landing

Pumpkin grows well on a compost heap

Pumpkin grows well on a compost heap

As already mentioned, a pumpkin can be planted in two ways: seeds and seedlings. In cool regions, preference is given to the second option. It is worth considering each case separately.


Pumpkin planted with seeds

The process of planting pumpkin seeds

Grow a pumpkin seedless method, this means immediately planting seeds in open ground. In large areas for sowing, seeders for gourds are used, but for a standard garden this method is not relevant - you have to resort to manual sowing.

Usually early-ripening varieties of pumpkin or nutmeg and with a hard peel are bred with seeds. Other varieties are best grown through seedlings.

Previously, the seeds are dipped in a saline solution and those that float up are thrown away (they are not suitable because of their hollowness). The rest are removed, washed and dried. The shelf life of planting material is from 1 to 4 years.

In order for the seeds to sprout together, before sowing, you must first properly prepare them:

  1. Heated at a temperature of 60 ᵒС for 3 hours

  2. Then subjected to hardening at +1-2 ᵒС for 2 days

  3. Then they are treated with potassium cumate, elin or a solution of wood ash (50 g per 1 liter of water). In the latter case, the ashes are insisted for a day, filtered and gauze bags with seeds are placed there for a day. Then they are removed, washed with clean water and soaked for 10-12 hours in a weakly concentrated solution of potassium permanganate

  4. Seeds are wrapped in raw cloth for 2-3 days and germinated in this way.

Sprouted pumpkin seeds

Sprouted pumpkin seeds

How to sow a pumpkin:

  1. Holes are made in the ground to a depth of 10 cm and at a distance of 80-120 cm (depending on the degree of weaving of the variety). If this is a bush pumpkin, then an indent of 50 centimeters is enough

  2. Appropriate fertilizers are applied and 2 liters of warm water are poured into each hole

  3. Place 2-3 seeds per hole. With successful germination of all, only one copy is left, removing the extra

  4. For safety, seedlings are covered with any covering material or plastic wrap to protect them from possible sudden night frosts.

To obtain the required density of sprouts, it is necessary to add about 20% to the desired weight of the seed. If it concerns early ripening plants, then about 30% is added in excess of the norm.

It is also possible to influence the amount of harvest in the future by reducing the planting area to 3 square meters. m with an increase in the rate of planted seeds. It is only worth remembering that extreme thickening is acceptable within reasonable limits, otherwise you can, on the contrary, lower the yield.

When a vegetable is planted for sale, it is better to increase the area under crops. Then the fruits grow larger and have a better presentation.


 Seeds for seedlings are best planted in peat cassettes

Seeds for seedlings are best planted in peat cassettes

For growing seedlings, it is advisable to take peat pots or paper cups. This will further facilitate the planting of seedlings in the ground - without taking out the plant, they are planted together with the container and thus do not damage the root system. But you can take ordinary plastic containers.

The finished soil mixture is poured into a glass, where you can add a little peat. You can make it yourself by mixing humus with soddy soil in proportions of 4: 1. The following fertilizers should be poured there: 5 g each of ammonium nitrate, potassium salt and superphosphate. Blend and moisturize.

Seeds will also need to be pre-prepared, as in the case of sowing them immediately in open ground. It is advisable to soak them in a solution of wood ash for at least 10 hours, then spread them out in an even layer on a damp cloth and cover with polyethylene. Leave in this state for 10 days. During this time, it is necessary to systematically open them for ventilation, otherwise they will suffocate.

Sowing seedlings should be carried out no earlier than the end of April. After that, the seedlings will grow until they reach a height of about 20 cm and two full leaves appear on them.

Seeds are planted with a recess of 2-3 cm and a film is pulled on top to create a greenhouse effect. Seedlings are placed in a place where the temperature does not drop below 19-24 degrees (can be placed in a greenhouse or on a windowsill). After 5 days, the first sprouts will hatch.

As soon as this happens, the film protection is removed and the seedlings are moved to a cooler place. Do not forget to periodically ventilate the room. Otherwise, the seedlings will stretch out a lot.

Pumpkin is not recommended to be planted next to potatoes

Pumpkin is not recommended to be planted next to potatoes

There is no need for frequent watering, which contributes to hardening. Feeding seedlings for the first time begins 10 days after the appearance of sprouts. For this, ready-made top dressings, such as "Darina", are enough. The second time any mineral composition is applied (5 grams of fertilizer are dissolved in 1 liter of water and watered).

Seedlings require transplanting to a permanent place in the garden when consistently warm weather is established. Holes are dug in the same way as in the case of seeds. They make them larger so that the seedlings can be placed there together with an earthen clod or in a cassette. Each well is preliminarily moistened abundantly.

After soaking up water, a bush is placed and sprinkled with earth to the level of seven-lobed leaves. At the end of the procedure, water again. If the landing is carried out on a compost heap, then the interval between the bushes is 70 cm.

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Pumpkin especially needs moisture during flowering

Pumpkin especially needs moisture during flowering

Caring for a pumpkin is easy, as it is an unpretentious plant. The vegetable does not belong to particularly moisture-loving representatives, despite the voluminous leaves, due to which intensive evaporation of moisture occurs.

Moisture reserves are found in fleshy stems and cuttings, which allows the plant to safely survive dry periods. With abundant watering, the vegetative component begins to rot and is more susceptible to fungal attack.

In drought and during active growth, the pumpkin is watered every day in the evenings. During fruit ripening, watering is reduced so that the vegetable does not grow watery. It is better to underfill than overfill - this is the basic rule.

Pumpkin is especially predisposed to organic top dressing. Therefore, they are recommended to be applied both before planting and after. The following options will work:

  • manure
  • chicken manure
  • vegetable compost
  • humus
  • potassium humate

Of the mineral compositions, preference is given to those in which potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen are present. In the absence of such, potassium salt, ammonium nitrate and nitrophoska are suitable. You can also add wood ash to the soil.

miracle pumpkin

miracle pumpkin

In early spring, green manure can be planted on the site for planting pumpkins. Until the end of May, they will have time to build up a rich green mass, which, when mowing, is slightly sunk into the soil. This will serve as an ideal fertilizer for pumpkins in the future.

When full-fledged 2-3 leaves appear on young shoots, thinning of the plantings should be done. Features of growing large-fruited pumpkins are that only 1 sprout is left in the garden. When a nutmeg or hard-bark variety, then 2 seedlings are left.

Pumpkin needs more than just watering. Loosening, mulching, removing weeds, weeding are additional activities. Such actions are carried out after the setting of the first fruits, but no later than the beginning of August.

It is necessary to loosen as weeds grow. Sawdust or peat are suitable as mulch. For better formation of adventitious roots, the plants are spudded with moist soil.

You should also pinch the side shoots and the central stem. There are two ways to form a bush:

  1. in one stem extra ovaries should be removed, leaving only 3 on the bush, on which there are 3-4 leaves

  2. in two stems - it is necessary to cut the tops of the shoots so that 2 fruits remain on the center, and one on the side

In wet weather, boards are placed under the pumpkins, so they don't start to rot.

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Pests and diseases

melon aphid

melon aphid

Pumpkin is considered a fairly resistant crop, but with improper care, it tends to suffer from various diseases and pests. Of the diseases, powdery mildew is the most dangerous. The reason for its development is poor agricultural technology, steadily damp and cool weather.

Signs of powdery mildew - this is the appearance of a whitish coating on the stems and surfaces of the leaf plates. Gradually, these areas become brown and dry. The affected plant is stunted in growth and its fruits are poorly tied, which eventually grow deformed and not tasty.

What can be done in this case:

  • remove and destroy the affected shoots and foliage outside the garden
  • the remaining plant is treated with colloidal sulfur (dilute 25 g in 10 l of water)
  • sprayed with sodium phosphate (10 liters of water will require 50 g of the product)
  • mullein insists for three days and bushes are pollinated with it (1 liter of mullein is diluted in 3 liters of water)

Other pumpkin diseases:

  • white rot
  • bacteriosis
  • anthracnose
  • peronosporosis

Slug on fruit

Slug on fruit

To prevent these diseases, before planting, the seeds must be treated with an ash solution, and the soil with a fungicide. In the fall, be sure to remove all remaining plant debris from the garden and burn it.

Possible pests that can attack the culture are slugs and melon aphids. If pests are found on vegetables, insecticidal preparations are used to combat them:

  • citkor
  • Fufanon
  • Actellik

Among folk remedies, the following can be distinguished:

  • chamomile infusion
  • infusions of tops from potatoes and tomatoes
  • decoctions of wormwood
  • wood ash or lime mortar
  • tobacco powder

The plant is sprayed with liquid agents, and powdered with loose agents. The procedure is carried out three times with an interval of 7 days.

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Vegetable ripening time and its collection

Harvest before the first frost

Harvest before the first frost

The ripening period of pumpkin depends on the climatic conditions of the region. In latitudes with a temperate climate, this is approximately the first days of October, in the south - the beginning of September. The main reference point for harvesting is the drying stalk, which acquires a grayish color. Collection must be carried out in dry, not cloudy weather.

In hard-skinned varieties of garden pumpkins, when the fruits are fully ripe, the pattern on the peel changes. To check the maturity, you should press on the crusts with your finger and if they are not pressed through, then you can remove them. Also, when tapping, a ringing sound should be heard.

You can remove large-fruited fruits a little ahead of time and place in a cool and well-ventilated area, Then they will ripen in a couple of weeks. The main thing is that there is no damage on the surface.

If we talk about the ripening time, then it occurs 85-120 days after the appearance of the first shoots. Ripe vegetables should have a bright orange color and a dull coating, and the tops turn yellow and dry out by this point.

In order not to damage the fruit, cut the stalk carefully. If chips and scratches are found on the barrels, it is necessary to do the treatment with brilliant green and seal the defects with adhesive tape so that the infection does not penetrate inside.

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How to properly store a pumpkin?

In a good cellar, pumpkin retains its taste and presentable appearance all winter.

In a good cellar, pumpkin retains its taste and presentable appearance all winter.

Most cultivars of pumpkins do well kept at homewhile retaining its nutritional properties. But late-ripening species last longer.

It is worth noting that pumpkins have a longer shelf life than watermelons and melons.

Here are some tips and tricks on the matter:

  • After harvesting in rainy weather, vegetables must be dried.
  • It will be great if you store the crop in the basement, but an insulated balcony (loggia) or a cool pantry is suitable for this purpose.
  • The optimal conditions for long-term storage of pumpkins are temperature conditions within 5-15 ᵒС and humidity not more than 70%
  • Pumpkins are placed in wooden boxes or on racks, wrapped in plastic bags, so that they do not come into contact with each other and with the walls of the storage. In this case, the stalks should be directed upwards.
  • The cut pumpkin can be folded into the refrigerator or freezer, pre-packed in food containers or bags

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The best varieties

Properly carried out harvesting is a guarantee of long-term preservation of the taste and commercial qualities of fresh pumpkin.

The guarantee of long-term preservation of the taste and commercial qualities of fresh pumpkin is a well-conducted harvest

When choosing a pumpkin variety for planting, be sure to focus on the climate of the planting region and the characteristics of the pumpkin. In this regard, it is worth highlighting the most popular varieties.

For the Moscow region



The following species are suitable for this zone:

  • Premiere

Cold-resistant culture from the category of table pumpkins. Represents sprawling whips. The fruits grow large, weighing about 6-7 kg. Their flesh is sweet and fragrant, like a melon. The plant is undemanding to the composition of the soil.

Common Cucurbita rero

Common Cucurbita rero

  • ordinary Cucurbita rero

A hard-skinned species, recognized as the most not capricious in terms of cultivation. Squash and zucchini are varieties of this species. Not surprisingly, the Common Gourd has many varieties. They are climbing and bushy. The fruits are also different in shape. Their weight varies between 3-7 kg. The color of the peel is orange, yellow, white or green. Some have stripes on the ribbed surface.



  • Dachnaya

An early ripe variety with a ripening period of about 75 days. The vegetable has a sweetish pulp with a vanilla flavor. The fruits weigh 3-4 kg and can be stored for about 4 months.



  • Spaghetti

Early maturing variety - 2 months pass from germination to full ripening. After cooking, her pulp breaks up into fibers, which is why this name came about. They are usually added to salads or eaten hot like spaghetti.

Bush orange

Bush orange

  • Bush orange

This representative grows large bright orange fruits, weighing about 5 kg. Their flesh is pleasantly sweet and juicy. The variety has good keeping quality.

Gribovskaya bush 189

Gribovskaya bush 189

  • Gribovskaya bush 189

A popular variety among gardeners with an early fruiting period. It grows in the form of a bush, on which up to two pumpkins weighing up to 7 kg each ripen at once. They are tear-shaped with a ribbed surface. When fully ripe, they acquire an orange-greenish color. The flesh is deep orange, firm and very sweet.

Altayskaya 47

Altayskaya 47

  • Altayskaya 47

Refers to the universal types of early ripening. The fruits are bright orange with yellow stripes.The shell is hard, the pulp is fibrous and endowed with a pronounced sweetish taste. The variety tolerates long-term transportation well and retains its original properties for a long time.

For the Ural region

Russian woman

Russian woman

Of the varieties most suitable for planting in the Urals, the following can be distinguished:

  • Russian woman

Culture resistant to cold and various fungal diseases. Valued for its sugary taste and juiciness of the pulp. The mass of ripe fruits reaches 3 kg. Ripening time - about 110 days. Vegetables have a colorful orange color.

Muscat pearl

Muscat pearl

  • Muscat pearl

The harvest of this variety of pumpkins is harvested 100 days after the seeds hatch. The weight of the fetus varies from 5 to 7 kg. The pulp has a persistent nutmeg flavor. The plant is quite frost-resistant and endures drought and waterlogging.

For Siberia

Variety Freckles

Variety Freckles

In colder areas, the Freckle variety successfully takes root. The pulp of the fruit is juicy, fragrant and sweet, somewhat reminiscent of a melon. Even after exposure to heat, it retains a crispy texture. The mass of one vegetable is about 3-3.5 kg.

Of the varieties most suitable for planting in Siberia, the following can be distinguished:

  • Variety Freckles

You can also offer Smile - a bush variety that is resistant to negative weather manifestations. The variety is distinguished by excellent taste and technical characteristics, has good seed germination. It retains its beneficial properties during storage throughout the cold period. The fruits have a mass of 2-3 kg.

Pumpkin Smile

Pumpkin Smile

  • Pumpkin Smile

Pumpkin is considered a useful dietary product, and the pulp and seeds are valuable in it. A guarantee of good yields is the correct selection of seed material and timely planting, according to the basic regulations.

Self-grown pumpkin, preserved in accordance with all the rules, will enrich the everyday diet in the winter. And there are so many recipes for its preparation that there will be no problems with this.

VIDEO: Planting pumpkins in spring in open ground

Pumpkin: planting seeds in open ground and subsequent care, description of the best varieties, features of agricultural technology

Planting pumpkins in spring in open ground

Pumpkin: planting seeds in open ground and subsequent care, description of the best varieties, features of agricultural technology | (Photo & Video)

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