At the beginning of the season, the activity of gardeners and gardeners can begin quite early. The first planting of seedlings can begin as early as February, but most crops are planted in March.
This has a fairly simple explanation: the danger of return frosts in most of the temperate climate passes only in May, and the period of seedling cultivation very rarely exceeds two months.

At the same time, the matter may not be limited to one seedling. As the soil is freed from snow cover in the garden or in the summer cottage, some of the plants can be planted in open ground. Heat-loving go to temporary or permanent greenhouses, frost-resistant - directly into the soil without any special means of shelter.
In addition, it is in March that the reproduction of some perennial crops or the planting of their seedlings may occur, since this process should be completed a few weeks before the start of active sap flow.
In any case, it should be understood that March is the most changeable month of the year. The awakening of nature itself happens very quickly: at the beginning of the month there is snow, and at the end you can already observe the active growth of grass and the appearance of the first flowers. But at the same time, there is a high probability of cold snaps, and even the return of winter in the full sense of the word - with thick snow cover and frosts below -10 ° C.
Therefore, gardeners and gardeners are advised to take a balanced approach to the planting process and correctly distribute crops planted in various conditions. The article discusses the questions of what can be sown in March for seedlings that will be grown at home, as well as what is permissible to sow in March in a seedless way.

Planting seedlings of garden plants
Most temperate vegetable crops are planted for seedlings in March. Only in the southern regions or in the case of growing cold-resistant crops, it is recommended to use the February seedling planting.
The planting procedures of most vegetable crops are similar to each other and only differ in some details.
Cucumber seeds should be treated for half an hour in a warm solution of potassium permanganate, then washed with warm water. Then they are germinated for 48 hours at a temperature of +15 to +30°C. Landing is carried out in the soil, consisting of peat, sod land, sawdust (or sand) and humus, taken in equal proportions.
After planting, the container is covered with a film and placed in a warm and dark place with a temperature of 25-28 ° C. The first shoots will appear in about a week. At the same time, the film is removed and the plants are transferred to the light.
Other crops of this family, for example, an ordinary pumpkin, are planted for seedlings at a later date - at the end of April.
In March, tomatoes are mainly planted, which have medium or late ripening dates, and in the future they will be grown in open ground. Early ripe varieties are mainly grown in a greenhouse way and seedlings are sown for them earlier - in February. However, depending on the onset of warm periods, when the probability of return frosts is low, these dates can be shifted by several weeks.
For growing tomatoes, any universal soil is used. Just as in the case of cucumbers, it is recommended to plant seeds immediately in individual containers.
Planting is carried out at a depth of 1-2 cm, 2-3 seeds are sown in each hole. After that, the container is covered with a film and put on a plate in a warm place with a temperature of +25°C. As soon as shoots appear, the seedlings are transferred to the windowsills of the southern windows, and the temperature at the place of cultivation should not exceed + 18 ° C.
For normal growth, tomatoes need lighting for at least 12 hours a day, so the presence of artificial lighting is mandatory.
Transplantation time for pepper seedlings is 8 to 12 weeks, so it should be planted as early as possible. Similar to tomatoes, peppers are mainly planted in March, which will grow in the future in open ground.
Any universal soil can also be used for pepper, but a layer of drainage or fine gravel, crushed stone or eggshells should be placed on the bottom of the seedling container. Planting is carried out to a depth of no more than 1.5 cm, 2 seeds are sown in each hole.
Further actions are similar to growing tomatoes - first, the seedlings are covered with a film, and as soon as shoots appear, they are put in a sunny place with an optimum temperature of + 18-20 ° C.
The main difference between growing seedlings of this crop is that that she needs a relatively large amount of soil to accommodate the root system. The volume of individual containers for eggplant is not less than 500 ml.
The soil also has its own characteristics. Its composition is recommended as follows:
- humus - 4 parts
- peat - 2 parts
- sawdust - 1 part
Planting is carried out to a depth of 1 cm, 2-3 seeds are placed in each hole. Further care is similar to the previously discussed tomatoes.

Planting seedlings of ornamental crops

The only purpose for which seedling cultivation of ornamental plants is necessary is early flowering of heat-loving crops.
Thanks to this technique, it is possible to make your site beautiful in early or mid-spring, having received lush flowering of annual crops 1.5-2 months earlier than when they were planted with seeds.
Seeds are planted in early March in large seedling boxes, filled with a light and loose substrate (a mixture of garden soil and perlite). The seed is simply poured onto the surface of the substrate, and 5 mm of humus is sprinkled on top.
Then they are watered with a spray bottle and covered with a film. Watering is regularly sprayed, then covered again with a film and kept in a warm place until shoots appear.
After the appearance of the first sprouts, the film is removed, and the box is transferred to a sunny, cool place. A pick in a separate container is made when 3 true leaves appear. Landing in open ground is carried out at stable temperatures not lower than +15°C.
Seeds are planted in a substrate consisting of the following components: humus, peat, garden soil - 2 parts each, sand - 1 part. Grooves are made in the substrate with a depth of 10 mm.Then watering is done and covered with an opaque lid. Shoots appear in about a week.
The cover is removed and the seedlings are transferred to a sunny place. Picking into a separate container is carried out when 2 leaves appear. Landing in open ground is carried out at the end of May.
Annual dahlias are planted for seedlings in mid-March. In this case, you can use a universal substrate for flower houseplants. Planting is carried out in grooves with a distance between them of up to 5 cm. After planting the seeds, the container can not be covered. Watering with a spray gun is carried out daily.
Picking is done when 3 true leaves appear. Landing in open ground is possible at a stable temperature of at least +20°C. Usually, it is done in early June.

Landing - in the first half of March. It is recommended to use a universal soil for indoor flowers. Seeds are placed at a depth of 5 mm and lightly sprinkled with sand on top.
From above, a box with seedlings is covered with a film. Watering is carried out as the layer of sand dries with a spray gun. The condensate from the film is regularly removed.
A pick for the plant is not needed. Landing in open ground is carried out in mid-May.
fragrant tobacco

fragrant tobacco
Sown in early March in a substrate consisting of peat, humus and garden soil, taken in equal proportions. Seeds are placed on the surface, not sprinkling, but slightly pressing them into the ground. Then the container is covered with a film and transferred to a place with a temperature not higher than +20°C.
Watering is carried out daily with a spray bottle and the seedlings are ventilated for 30 minutes. After the appearance of sprouts, the film is removed, but the temperature regime is not changed.
At this stage, after each watering, the soil is loosened. As soon as the plants have 2-3 leaves, they are seated in separate containers. After picking, I pinch the top to achieve the splendor of the bushes. Planted in open ground in mid-May.
Other ornamental crops

In addition to the crops considered, others are planted in March, less popular plants.
The table shows the optimal timing for planting flowers for seedlings, which are recommended to be done in March:
culture | Planting for seedlings | Landing in open ground |
heliopsis | early March | mid May |
Lupine | early March | mid April |
Astrantia | early March | the beginning of June |
Hispophila | early/mid March | mid June |
Aquilegia | mid March | the end of May |
Brachycoma | early March | the end of May |
Lavender | early March | the beginning of June |
Scabious | mid/late March | early/mid June |
Thrift | early March | mid May |
Levkoy (Mathiola) | the end of March | the end of May |
Pansies (Viola) | early March | the end of May |
Rudbeckia | the end of March | the end of May |
Namesia | mid March | the beginning of June |
Osteospermum | the end of March | the end of May |
Ageratum | the end of March | the end of May |
Kobe climbing | early March | the end of May |
Zinnia | the end of March | mid/late May |
Petunia | early March | mid May |
Phloxes | early March | mid May |
Gatzania | the end of March | mid/late May |
bells | mid/late March | end of May/beginning of June |
Celery | early March | the end of May |
Basil | the end of March | mid May |
Lobularia | early March | end of April |
Balsam | early March | mid April |
Alyssum | the end of March | end of April |
asters | the end of March | beginning of May |

Planting in open ground in the garden

Beans - planting
In early spring, only frost-resistant crops can be planted in the garden without any shelter. The list of crops that can survive planting in open ground in March is relatively small.
Mostly these are various early-ripening plants, as well as biennial plants.
The only one of the representatives of Legumes, able to endure the March frosts. Its seeds begin to germinate at temperatures around +4°C, and young seedlings, depending on the variety, can withstand frosts of -5-6°C. At the same time, if snow falls, the probability of survival of young shoots will be even slightly higher.
Landing is recommended in the second half of the month. About 2-3 days before planting, soak the seeds in warm water. Planting is carried out in small holes 3-4 cm deep. 2 germinated seeds are placed in each hole.
The distance between plants should be at least 5-6 cm. Traditionally, peas are planted in long rows, the distance between which is 15-20 cm.
You can also plant peas in early March, as soon as the snow melts. But at the same time, for the first 2 weeks, the area should be covered with any covering material to protect against too severe frosts. Usually it is enough to use polyethylene film for this purpose.
This is one of the most frost-resistant plants in the garden. Being a biennial, it perfectly tolerates winter after the first year of life. Young shoots of the first year do not have such a high winter hardiness, but they are quite capable of enduring frosts of -7-8 ° C, so parsley seeds can be planted in early March. Seedlings can appear even at a temperature of +2°C.
Before sowing, seeds should be soaked for 24 hours in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Then they need to be germinated on gauze for several days. Hatched seeds are harvested to a depth of 1 cm according to the scheme 3 by 15 cm.
Carrots are rarely grown in seedlings, preferring even early-ripening varieties to be planted immediately in the ground. If shelter is not used, it is recommended to plant the crop at the end of the month.
The size of carrot seeds is small, and it is rather problematic to determine the seeds that can sprout. Therefore, it is recommended to germinate them before sowing.
If there is no desire to engage in germination, which is relatively laborious for this crop, it is possible, taking into account the low germination rate, to plant up to 5 seeds in one hole. If necessary, they can be thinned out. Planting pattern 5 by 20 cm, depth 2-3 cm.

Landing on a flower bed

Landing on flower bed
For many ornamental crops, March is not the best time for planting. Most of the plants that serve to decorate the garden are heat-loving.
The exceptions are some perennials and crops, having a mountainous or northern origin.
Another name for the plant is Antirrinum. In fact, it is a perennial, but, despite the ability to tolerate short-term frosts, it does not survive the winter of a temperate climate, therefore it is cultivated as an annual. Recommended for landing, starting from the second decade of March.
Seeds should be planted far enough apart to avoid overcrowding. The first shoots appear after 2-2.5 weeks.
Some gardeners use the following method: snapdragon seeds are mixed in a ratio of 1 to 3 with washed and dried sand. A similar planting method is excellent for the substrate for this crop. The latter is a loose mixture taken in equal proportions of sand, garden soil and peat.

Coleus is also a perennial, which in our climatic conditions is grown as an annual plant. For several weeks, the plant is able to withstand negative temperatures. Its flowers are inconspicuous, and the decorative effect is due to the multi-colored foliage.
The crop development cycle is relatively long, so planting should begin as early as possible. Seed and vegetative propagation is used.
Seeds should be planted in moist soil as soon as the snow melts off the site. It is enough just to deepen the seeds by 1-2 cm, even in the soil that is not yet completely frozen. Propagation by cuttings is usually practiced towards the end of March.
Coleus is undemanding to the fertility and acidity of the soil, can grow in almost any soil.

Belongs to the cruciferous family, but has umbrella inflorescences. For this family, this type of inflorescence is rare, since in most of its representatives the flowers are combined into brushes. The culture is sun-loving, it does not take root well in the shade and partial shade.
In design, Iberis are used as mid-range plants. Due to their unpretentiousness and strong stem, they can be used in rockeries and alpine slides. Seed planting is widespread. Usually it is carried out at the end of March.
Iberis is undemanding to the composition and fertility of soils. Feels great on loams, sandstones and even rocky soils. The main criterion is the loose consistency of the soil and its good air permeability.

Planting in a greenhouse

planting peppers in greenhouse
Greenhouse planting is recommended to grow early ripe varieties of various plants. Moreover, both preliminary seedling cultivation and direct planting of seeds directly into the greenhouse can be used.
If seedling cultivation is used, seedlings of crops planted for seedlings in February are transferred to the greenhouse in early or mid-March. It can be cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants. At the end of the month, it is recommended to transplant the March "seedlings" into the greenhouse.
In order to make full use of the greenhouse, avoiding its downtime, it is recommended to plant plants in two waves. Moreover, with the right organization of the process, it can be implemented within one month.

Planting in the greenhouse of different crops at the same time
The following crops can be planted directly in the greenhouse in early March:
- salad
- radish
- onion
- lettuce turnip
- some ornamental types of cabbage (for example, Beijing)
They have relatively short maturation times and can withstand the previously mentioned relatively low temperatures (6-8°C).
As soon as their crop is harvested, seedlings planted in early March can be transferred to the greenhouse. The temperature in an unheated greenhouse by this time will already be in the region of + 12-15 ° С.
The recommended period for planting seedlings in a greenhouse is significantly less than transplanting into open ground. It is about 2-3 weeks.

landing calendar

Planting calendar - phases of the moon
For optimal determination of planting days, it is recommended to use the lunar calendar. Naturally, the information given in it is not absolutely true.
However, many gardeners note the relationship between the phases of the moon on planting days and the health of the crop and its yield. The lunar calendar for planting seedlings for March 2020 is shown in the table:
Day of the month | Moon phase | Zodiac sign | Recommended Actions |
1 | Growing | Taurus | Planting legumes (peas, beans, beans), nightshade (tomatoes, peppers, eggplants), flowers, bulbous plants. |
2 | Growing | Twins | Planting pumpkin (cucumbers) and legumes (peas). |
3 | Growing | Twins | Planting cucurbits and legumes. |
4 | Growing | Crayfish | Planting all plants for harvest (not for seeds), seed soaking. |
5 | Growing | Crayfish | Planting all plants for harvest, fertilizing. |
6 | Growing | Crayfish | Planting all plants for harvest, fertilizing. |
7 | Growing | a lion | An unfavorable day for any work. |
8 | Growing | a lion | An unfavorable day for any work. |
9 | Full moon | Virgo | Any kind of landing and transplantation is undesirable. |
10 | waning | Virgo | Planting all plants for harvest, picking. |
11 | waning | scales | Planting tuberous and bulbous crops, planting plants for seeds, sowing greens and onions. |
12 | waning | scales | Planting tuberous and bulbous crops, planting plants for seeds, sowing greens and onions. |
13 | waning | Scorpion | Favorable days for soaking seeds, planting ornamental, medicinal and spicy plants for seedlings. Top dressing with organic matter and mineral fertilizers. |
14 | waning | Scorpion | Auspicious days for sowing ornamental plants. |
15 | waning | Sagittarius | Sowing and planting on seeds. Planting ornamental plants. |
16 | waning | Sagittarius | Planting all plants. Especially effective - greens. |
17 | waning | Capricorn | Sowing plants for seeds. Planting legumes, shrubs, perennials. Transplanting and picking plants. Application of fertilizers. |
18 | waning | Capricorn | Soaking seeds, sowing on seeds. Pruning, pinching, picking. |
19 | waning | Aquarius | An unfavorable day for any work. |
20 | waning | Aquarius | An unfavorable day for any work. |
21 | waning | Aquarius | Soil work. Transplantation and picking. The introduction of fertilizers. |
22 | waning | Fishes | Sowing and planting of any plants. Especially effective - nightshade and pumpkin. |
23 | waning | Fishes | Sowing and planting of any plants. Especially effective - nightshade and pumpkin. |
24 | New moon | Aries | An unfavorable day for any work. |
25 | Growing | Aries | Working with the soil, fertilizing. |
26 | Growing | Aries | Working with the soil, fertilizing. |
27 | Growing | Taurus | Soaking seeds, working with bulbs. Planting perennials and shrubs. |
28 | Growing | Taurus | Soaking seeds, working with bulbs. Planting perennials and shrubs. |
29 | Growing | Twins | Sowing and planting of any plants. Soil work. Working with bulbs. |
30 | Growing | Twins | Sowing and planting of any plants. Soil work. Pest control. |
31 | Growing | Twins | Sowing and planting of any plants. Soil work. Pest control. |
When sowing seeds according to the planting calendar, weather conditions should also be taken into account, especially if work is performed on beds in the garden. It is recommended to keep an eye on the weather forecast, as weather conditions may change partly in the spring.

What you don’t need to plant in March (instead of a conclusion)

Purslane planting and care in the open field
Each plant has its own life cycle, in which there are both active growth phases and pauses in the form of dormant phases. Plant care involves not only following agricultural practices, but also observing the life cycle of the plant, so this should be taken into account when choosing seeds for planting in March.
Below is a list of plants that are either planted in open ground later (April-May), or for seedlings earlier, in February:
The considered cultures are decorative. There are also vegetable crops that are not planted in March.
These include beets, potatoes, some varieties of turnips and carrots. These vegetables, unlike flowers, are not grown in seedlings, and in March the air and soil are not warm enough for their planting.
Thematic video: What to sow in March
What to sow in March
Planting plants in March for seedlings: table by day and culture + lunar calendar for March | (Photo & Video)+Reviews