Planting corn in open ground
Corn is an unpretentious plant that, even with minimal investment, provides maximum returns. To get a plentiful harvest and high-quality tasty fruits, you need to choose good quality planting material, follow the rules and recommendations for planting corn, caring for the crop in the open field.
- plant description
- Site selection
- Corn preparation before sowing
- Landing in open ground
- Landing pattern
- culture care
- Pollination
- Harvest and storage
- Joint planting of different crops
- Diseases and pests
- Kinds
- Varieties
- Suitable varieties for different regions
- Favorable days for landing according to the lunar calendar 2019
- Where can I buy

plant description

Herbaceous annual - corn or maize - refers to cereals, but is considered a cereal. The homeland of the plant is the region of modern Mexico and Peru, it came to Russia only in the 18th century during the Russian-Turkish war. Initially, the culture was grown in the southern regions of the Russian Empire.
Unlike other cereals, corn has developed and multi-tiered root and aerial parts. Depending on the variety, individual plants can reach 7 meters. Long leaves protect the inflorescence - cob and panicle. A monoecious plant has male flowers (can be identified by the presence of stamens) and female flowers (there are only pistils).
Despite the fact that corn is considered a southern, heat-loving crop, it is also grown in northern latitudes (seedling method), because seed ripening begins at +10 degrees. At the same time, seedlings can even easily endure short frosts.

Maize is a valuable food crop
The vegetation process of maize takes from 3 to 5 months. During this time, the plant forms 1-2 cobs, the average weight of which reaches 500 g, the length is 40-45 cm.

Site selection

grains of corn
Unpretentious culture and lighting - for stable growth, it has enough daylight hours - 12-14 hours. It is meticulously worth approaching only the choice of soil: it should be quite fertile and loose.
It is considered optimal for cereals: loamy or sandy loamy soil with weak or neutral acidity (from 5.5 to 7 pH). Good drainage is important so that water does not stagnate during irrigation, and groundwater does not come close to the soil surface.
If the soil on the site is unsuitable, then it can be enriched with fertilizer. The basic principles of increasing soil fertility, depending on the period of preparation for planting cereals, are summarized in the table.
Time spending | The essence of the technique |
Autumn before next season | Dig with the introduction of humus or compost at the rate of 1 full bucket per 1 m2 |
1 month before boarding | Add 0.5 kg of dolomite flour or 3 times more wood ash to the soil |
10-14 days before | The soil should be weeded and a complex mineral mixture should be applied. |
During boarding During boarding | 0.5 kg of humus is added to each well. |
The plant needs protection from the cold wind, therefore, it is better to plant it under the protection of large trees or near buildings.

Corn preparation before sowing
Germinated seeds or dry seeds are planted in the ground, but this is preceded by a preliminary stage of preparation of planting material.
Before germination, the seeds are first discarded, whole and large are selected. They are sorted into linen or canvas bags and left to warm up in the sun for 3-4 days.

germinated maize seeds
After that, experienced gardeners disinfect planting material for half an hour in a solution of potassium permanganate or formalin, then washed and dried on a thick cloth or paper.
You can plant seeds after this step, but it is more efficient to increase germination and yield by sprouting seeds. To do this, gauze is placed in a container in several layers, moistened to a wet state, and then seeds are placed on the surface. They will take an average of 7 days to germinate.
As soon as the first sprouts appear, the seeds are planted in open ground, it is advisable to do this in the early morning.

Landing in open ground
Sowing maize is carried out in only two ways: seeds and seedlings. The first method is suitable for southern regions with hot, humid summers, and seedlings should be used by gardeners in temperate latitudes.
High germination can be achieved by planting germinated seeds in the sun-warmed earth. Therefore, the optimal time for planting is the end of May, when the temperature during the day reaches +20 degrees.

maize sprouts
Cultivation by seedlings is relevant for the northern regions or for obtaining an early harvest (2-3 weeks earlier than when planting seeds). To obtain seedlings, germinated seeds are planted in peat cups or small containers, where the seedlings will be easy to extract later.
The soil for seedlings is best suited loose, slightly acidic, well-drained and fertile. Both ready-made soil substrates from the store and home-made soil from a mixture of leafy soil, peat and drainage in the form of sand are suitable.
Before immersing the germinated planting material, the soil is abundantly moistened. For reliability, 2 seeds are placed in each container at once. Seedlings are planted in open ground along with a clod of earth after 3-4 leaves appear. The planting depth is small - 5-6 cm, then the soil must be watered abundantly.

Landing pattern
The yield largely depends on the corn planting pattern, which is distinguished by 4:
- in two rows
- in one row
- square nest
- conveyor
The easiest and most reliable way is in two rows with a distance of 0.5 m for cross-pollination. In this case, the distance between plants should not exceed 35 cm. When choosing a method, it should be borne in mind that adult plants may suffer from a lack of air circulation with such a dense planting.
When planting in one row, the pits can be located closer - up to 30 cm from each other. The depth of planting seeds in a row is only 10 cm, while to ensure germination, 2 seeds are placed in each hole at once. Otherwise, the landing will look sloppy, with large gaps. The pits are covered with moist soil, and covered with dry mulch on top.

Scheme of planting maize in a square-nest way
Square socket method dense planting is excellent for the convenience of inter-row cultivation, timely loosening and thinning of crops. At the same time, corn seeds are planted in two or three parallel lines, with a distance between rows of 70 cm and between plants of 35 cm.
Conveyor way plantings are used for continuous harvesting throughout the season.To do this, seeds of different ripening periods are planted in the ground one variety at a time every 15 days.
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culture care

fertile soil
Watering corn requires infrequent, but plentiful: water should soak the earthen ball under the plant 15 cm deep. Most of all, the culture needs moisture during the period of laying and ripening of young cobs.
The plant does not tolerate changes in humidity, this ultimately affects the quality of the grain. For maize, loosening the soil to a depth of no more than 5 cm and frequent weeding are important.
It is also worth carrying out hilling - this is important for the shallow roots that corn tends to form. Throwing soil to the trunk, the gardener helps the plant not to fold under the influence of strong winds or under the weight of its own fruits.
Organics are considered the best option for feeding a crop: mullein or chicken droppings diluted in water in a ratio of 1 to 10 and 1 to 20, respectively. They are applied 1 month after the appearance of the first shoots.

corn seedling transplant
Timely applied fertilizers will ensure a high yield of the crop along with a large fruit size.
- Nitrogen. It is applied when laying inflorescences, after the formation of 6 or 7 leaves
- Phosphorus. They are applied to the soil when the first shoots have already appeared, and then twice more: during flowering and during the formation of grains on the cob
- Potassium applied throughout the growing season of maize
- Calcium added if necessary to accelerate the formation of root hairs
The lack of some element is reflected in the state of the leaves: they turn pale with a lack of nitrogen, become brown and deformed with a deficiency of potassium, and turn purple without a sufficient amount of phosphorus.
After the formation of the 8th leaf, corn begins to grow actively, adding up to 10 cm in height every day. At the same time, lateral shoots begin to appear - stepchildren. They need to be cut with a sharp blade or knife in order for the plant to produce large fruits. If this is not done, then in the fall small inflorescences will form in the axils of the stepchildren.


knotted cobs
Corn planting yields can be increased using artificial pollination technologies. For this event, choose calm, calm weather.
The technology is simple: Pollen from the panicles is shaken off onto the cobs that are tied, or with a soft brush they are alternately carried out over the female and male flowers.

Harvest and storage
Harvest time depends on the method of planting (seeds or seedlings) and the maturity of a particular variety (early, medium, late). As a rule, this is the end of August - the beginning of September. Corn on the cob is considered ripe when:
- the upper leaves covering the cob are withered
- stigmas turn brown and dry out
- the wrapper becomes light green
- the grains are tightly closed in rows, have acquired a bright yellow color and, when pressed, emit a whitish milky juice

Ripe fruit
Optimal fruit storage conditions - low temperature (from 0 to +2 degrees), at which the ears may not deteriorate for up to 3-4 weeks. If you keep the fruits in warm conditions, they will quickly disappear.
When harvesting, you can also choose planting material for the next year. As a rule, seed varieties are planted separately from others to prevent cross-pollination.You need to expect not the milky maturity of the cob, but the waxy one, at which the seeds acquire a bright yellow hue and wrinkle a little.
The cobs are cut and left to ripen for 2 weeks, then the seeds are carefully separated, which are stored without loss of germination for up to 4–5 years.

Joint planting of different crops
The plant perfectly coexists with other cultures, while the best neighbors for maize will be legumes: peas, beans, and zucchini, sunflower, pumpkins, melon or potato. For these plants, maize serves as both a natural shelter and support. Good predecessors for cereals will be buckwheat, melons and legumes.
Corn and bean seeds can even be planted in the same hole, and then do not thin out the seedlings. Such a mutually beneficial neighborhood is based on the fact that maize receives nitrogen from the soil, which produces beans. She, in turn, uses corn stalks as a support for growth.

Joint planting of cucumbers and corn
The same successful symbiosis of maize with cucumbers and pumpkin, which corn protects from strong winds and does not allow their fruits to lie on the ground. At the same time, partner plants should not be allowed to overtake the cereal, creating unnecessary shading. It is not recommended to plant corn and tomatoes.
The optimal planting after corn is legumes, beets, carrots, perennial greens or winter grains, leafy vegetables.

Diseases and pests

Maize fruit affected by blister smut
Although the plant is not demanding for care, it is susceptible to diseases, so the planting of corn should be regularly inspected.
- Bubble head. A fungal disease that develops at low temperatures and excessive levels of humidity. A characteristic sign is oval-shaped swelling in the affected areas.
- dusty smut. In hot and dry weather, it affects the cobs - they turn black and curl
- Diplodia (dry rot). Appears as black dots on grains and cob stalks
- Helminthosporiasis. It goes by fast. The affected area is inflorescences and leaves on which brown spots appear
Harm to the culture is also caused by insect pests. They are fought with the help of drugs Decis, Karate Zeon, Danadim, Deltamethrin.

Stem corn borer
The danger is:
- oatmeal swedish fly
- stem moth
- root aphid
- meadow moth
- wireworm
- cotton scoop
To prevent the appearance of diseases and insects, it is necessary to observe preventive measures:
- Carry out deep tillage mechanically
- Disinfect planting material
- Stick to crop rotation rules

Fruits of the sugar type of maize
There are only 8 types of cereals, while only 5 of them have production value:
Sugar. It has received the widest distribution and is most often used in breeding due to the milky and sweet taste of the cobs. Mostly young grains are eaten.
starchy. It is characterized by a high content of starch and is also called flour or soft. It is used for the production of molasses and cornmeal, and is well processed. Grains are large, white or red
dentate. On the cob are large rich yellow grains. Differs in resistance to diseases and high productivity. It is used as a feed and industrial raw material, but it is also used for food.
Indian. Another name is silicon. An early ripening, starchy species, from the grains of which corn flakes and grits are produced. A characteristic feature is grains of different sizes, which are white, light yellow, and even almost black.
bursting. Mainly used in the food industry for the production of popcorn
wax. Least valuable species. It has poor resistance to adverse effects and gives small yields. The grains are white and yellow, covered with a wax film
Another 2 species (filmous and sharp-grained) have no food or industrial value.

Maize for popcorn production
Of greatest interest to gardeners are sustainable productive varieties: Lakomka, Juicy, Spirit, Dobrynya, Hopi, Early Golden Sundance.
Sweet varieties have become very popular:
- Strawberry corn. The grains are red, the cobs look like crimson big cones. It has a pleasant taste, but is also used in confectionery as a natural dye, and in dried form as a decorative element.
- Bonduelle. Sweet, early ripe sugar variety. Unpretentious in care, has an excellent taste, is used for eating, freezing and preserving
- Lakomka 121. An early ripening variety, very sweet and tasty. It is characterized by high resistance to diseases and pests.
For eating and for homemade popcorn, it is advised to grow the maize variety of the same name - Popcorn. In the grains of this variety, the content of fat and starch is increased, the seeds have the property of exploding at high temperatures.
Suitable varieties for different regions
Depending on the weather and climatic conditions of growth, for each specific region choose different varieties with different indicators of resistance and germination.
So, in Siberia with a harsh continental climate, the cultivation of maize varieties will be successful: Spirit, Farmer, Lakomka 121, Bylina, Jubilee. These varieties endure extreme weather changes and cold winds, and ripen faster.

For the Moscow region, it is better to select varieties of early ripening, which are best planted with seedlings. A balanced choice will be the varieties: Gourmand Belogorya, Triple Joy, Anava, Spirit.

Sweet corn Lakomka Belogorya
In central Russia and the Urals, a good harvest can be harvested by planting a plant of varieties: Pioneer of the North, White Night and Tiraspolskaya-33.

Sweet Corn Spirit
In the Leningrad region, temperatures above +10 degrees are rarer than necessary for the full maturation of maize, so cobs in this region must be harvested in a state of milky ripeness. The best choice would be early ripening varieties: White Night, Early Pearl, Firstborn, Early Sugar.

Sweet corn Early Lakomka
For cultivation in Turkmenistan, special zoned varieties were bred: Anau-62 and Paytagt.

Variety Khmelnitsky
Corn hybrids bred for Ukraine have a high yield potential (on average 15 t/ha) and resistance to negative environmental impacts. These are: Dneprovsky, Khmelnitsky, Baturin, Synevyr, Dnipro, Kvitnevy, Solonyansky, Orzhitsa.

Variety Dneprovskiy
Varieties of sweet corn zoned in Belarus:Lingonberry, Diamond, Lyudmila, Porumbel, Competitor.

Maize variety Porumbeni
Favorable days for landing according to the lunar calendar 2019

A bed with maize
Sowing and planting corn in 2019 in accordance with the lunar calendar will be successful from May 7 to May 9, you should avoid gardening on May 5 and 19. In June, you can do maize on 5, 6, 13, you should refrain from work - 6 and 17.
V July favorable period for work - 3, 11, 16. Unfavorable - 2 and 17. Late varieties in August can be dealt with on 6 and 8, avoiding work in the garden is worth 1, 13, 15.
Where can I buy
It is better to buy corn seeds for planting on the site in specialized stores or online. Planting material is well tolerated by long-term transportation by mail and storage, without losing the germination and taste of the fruit.

Seeds of hybrid varieties of maize
Seed manufacturers offer varieties with different characteristics of firmness, ripening and fruit taste.
Agricultural holdings most often sell seeds of hybrid corn:
- Dow Seeds (Dow Agro Science);
- Pioneer (DuPont);
- Syngenta (Syngenta);
- Gran 220, Tesla (All-Ukrainian Scientific Institute of Breeding);
- Corypheus, Clifton (FAC).
The basic rules for preparing corn for planting with seeds and seedlings, planting patterns and care features are collected for clarity in short videos:
Corn is a tasty and healthy plant, which, with due care and effort, every gardener can grow in his summer cottage. The reward for labor will be a bountiful harvest of this southern crop, which can be obtained even in a temperate climate. In addition, the crop can be cultivated for silage and pet food.
Planting corn in open ground: how to get a good harvest with minimal care (25 Photos & Videos) + Reviews
Planting corn in open ground: how to get a good harvest with minimal care (25 Photos & Videos) + Reviews