Ball Valves everyone is good, but if you do not regularly revise them, then they fail. Rotary elements turn sour, and it becomes impossible to turn them. As a result, we have a faulty faucet.
Replacing the latter is an ordinary event, if not one “but”. What to do when it is not possible to block the water supply riser? Changing a pressurized tap is a risky undertaking that few dare to undertake.

Faucet replacement - instructions

They left for the summer, turned off the water, and when they returned home they found that the tap did not open
Changing a pressurized valve is not an ordinary task, but not so rare. The order of work here is no different - the differences are only in the allotted time. The risk of flooding neighbors from below also increases, since unexpected difficulties may arise: for example, when unscrewing the tap, it may burst, additional time will be needed for work, but it is not.
If you still decide on this event, you need to properly prepare for it.
- Stock up on numerous rags to collect water
- Prepare the tool so that when replacing it, you do not waste time searching for it
- Stock up on water containers and think about how to dispose of it
- Get the emergency phone number. If the situation gets out of control, specialized help will be needed.
Step #1 - Preparing to Replace a Faucet
After the water tanks have been prepared, the rags have been collected, the emergency number has been stored in the phone’s memory, you need to prepare adjustable wrenches, i.e. fit them to size.
When replacing, sealing material will be required: tow or fum-tape. In such cases, it is better to use “old” types of seals for sealing water joints, since errors can occur in “hurried” work, and tow forgives this: it will not need to be rewound, they do not lose their properties with repeated use.
We prepare tow - about 20 cm long.
To prevent leakage in the future, it is necessary to process the prepared tow with a sealant.
Step number 2 - unscrew the faucet
As with any screw connection, the threads can stick. You need to turn off carefully, smoothly - turning the nut a little, you need to return it to its place.
As you unscrew, you need to remove the old sealant from the thread - this will save time in the future.
Step #3 - Thread Sealing
After the tap has been unscrewed, pressurized water will flow into the previously prepared container. No need to fuss. There is enough time - the capacity of 10 liters is filled in about 1 minute. Drain water as needed sewerage.
Remove old sealant.
Carefully wind the pigtail tow onto the thread. We roll clockwise, i.e. towards the nut. This is done so that the flax does not unwind when the crane is put in place.
Step 4 - installing a new faucet
The faucet to be installed must be open, otherwise you will not install it. We start it under a stream of water and bait. You can close it after the crane is baited on 3-4 threads (Fig. 7.8).
Step 5 - tighten and check
We close the faucet.
We take an adjustable wrench and completely tighten the threaded connection. We check its tightness - wipe the connecting node with a rag and make sure that there are no drops. Otherwise, a modification will be needed.
Feature video: Pressurized ball valve replacement
Pressurized ball valve replacement
How to replace a pressurized water faucet: a simple life hack