Among all available fruits and berries, persimmon is the richest in its composition. Its fruits are able to relieve and prevent many diseases. Before using persimmon, you should find out what its benefits and harms are. Yes, despite the endless positive aspects, there are also negative aspects in this food product.
- What is persimmon?
- Beneficial features
- What are the properties of dried persimmon?
- What are useful foliage, roots, shoots of the fruit?
- Features of persimmon seeds
- Persimmon for the female body
- Persimmon during pregnancy
- Persimmon during breastfeeding
- Useful properties for the male
- Is it possible to use persimmon in production?
- Harm from persimmon
- How to store?
- How to choose a fruit?

What is persimmon?

Persimmon is called differently - "food of the gods", "winter plum", "Chinese cherry", etc.
By persimmon is meant a large berry, which is characterized by a sweet taste, orange, yellow or red. She is meaty and juicy. Weighing approximately 150-450 g. Grown in America, Australia, Eurasia and southern Ukraine. In winter, when all the fruits we are used to depart, the time comes for this storehouse of vitamins.
There are up to 600 species, we have three common types: caucasian, oriental, kinglet.
- Ordinary persimmon or Caucasian characterized by small, tart, astringent fruits that are distinguished by their sweetness.
- Eastern or Japanese has a large fruit. Initially tart, then as it matures, it completely disappears. Dark berry, fleshy.
- Korolek or chocolate persimmon looks like tomato. Initially green, it turns brown over time. The pulp is creamy, sweet, tasty.

This "winter cherry" has a unique composition
Persimmon contains more fiber than apples.
Also in the berry are:
- minerals (elements of phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, calcium, iodine, nickel, sodium, etc.)
- polyferols
- antioxidants
- monosaccharides
- vitamins
- organic acids
- tannins, etc.
Let's dive into some of the ingredients:
- Contains fructose, glucose. Help with stress and depression.
- Vitamin complex, namely A, B, C, PP, E. Thanks to them, the body's defenses are strengthened, the work of all organs is normalized. It is known that children have weak immunity, often get sick. If you regularly use persimmon, you can forget about respiratory diseases.
- Thanks to bioflavonoids, beta-carotenes you can improve the color, condition of the skin, as well as general well-being. If you want to rejuvenate, live happily ever after, eat persimmon.
- Micro and macro elements favorably affect nails, hair, bones, all internal organs and systems (heart, kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract, blood vessels).
berry calories

Calories are usually in 100 g from 50 to 70
The amount directly depends on how ripe the fruit is and on its variety.
For example calories in:
- Kinglet - 50
- Sharon - 60
- Ox heart - 62
- Spanish - 62
A lot also depends on the state the product is in.
If the persimmon is fresh, there are fewer calories, and in dried, their number reaches 230 calories. In dried persimmon, even more - 250. If someone who wants to try dried persimmon is prone to excess weight, then it's not worth the risk, it's better to enjoy fresh berries.

Beneficial features

Persimmon has a lot of useful properties
The berry has:
- diuretic action
- laxative
- immunomodulatory
- anti-inflammatory
- antihemorrhagic
- antibacterial
Also, the fetus prevents the development of oncology, colds, influenza. It normalizes intestinal peristalsis, the work of the stomach, takes part in energy exchange. Thanks to the available enzymes, proteins, fats and carbohydrates are better processed.
Hormones that are part of the fetus help maintain an appropriate level of glucose in the blood. In the case of a respiratory infection present, persimmon contributes to a speedy recovery.
Let us consider in more detail in what situations it would be appropriate to eat it:
For the digestive tract
This "Food of the Gods" acts as a laxative, as it contains a lot of natural fibers, pectin, and water. Thanks to them, blood circulation and bowel function are normalized.
It is also a plus that antioxidants remove toxins from the body. They are able to restore cells after the negative effects of free radicals.
Suffering from hemorrhoids should drink a drink based on dried persimmon. You should take dried fruits of 20 g, dip them in water (300 ml) for half an hour. This infusion is drunk every day.

Dried persimmon - a very tasty delicacy
With the help of persimmon, you can achieve the cessation of hiccups. It is necessary to brew tea or make a decoction based on the steps of the fetus. They must be dry. For one cup 1-2 pieces of fruit.
For the kidneys

Due to the diuretic action, it is possible to achieve the removal of stones from the kidneys
In this case, it is worth preparing for frequent urges to the toilet. To achieve the expected effect, it is advisable to consult a doctor, it may be necessary to add drug therapy. Persimmon in this case will be a great addition, helper.
With high blood pressure, problems with the heart, blood vessels

Ripe persimmon will help lower blood pressure.
It should be cleaned, chopped with a blender, mixed with 200 ml of milk. This drink is drunk in the morning, afternoon, evening, three times a week.
Another recipe includes persimmon (1 pc.), Chopped ginger root (four times less than the main component), honey (a tablespoon), lemon juice (5-6 drops). Everything is mixed and taken 10 ml three times a day.
Daily use of the fetus will make it possible to prevent such pathologies as:
- heart attack
- stroke
- ischemic disease
If there is hemophilia, then persimmon will go in the role of maintenance therapy:
- They take dried fruits of the “Chinese apple” (25 g), lotus root (25 g).
- Two ingredients are crushed, 500 ml of water are poured.
- Infused for about 20 minutes.
- After that, 10 ml of honey is introduced.
- It is consumed morning and evening for 14 days.
- After it is advisable to take a break, after which the course is repeated.
For liver diseases

For preventive purposes, it is enough to eat two or one persimmon per day.
If you systematically eat this product, then it is possible to protect the liver from diseases that are associated with the deposition of fats on it.
- normalizes lipid metabolism
- prevents the occurrence of cirrhosis, hepatosis in the liver, bile ducts
- restores sugar levels
- regulates water balance
- removes excess fluid
- removes decay products
Useful properties for body systems

Persimmon will fill our body with vitamins
Here it is necessary to consider separately for each direction:
- Digestive system. The constituent berries are able to remove worms and pinworms from the body, destroy staphylococcus, E. coli. They will stop the disorder of the stool and vice versa will relieve the fence, here the amount eaten plays a role.
- Endocrine system. For those who have a lack of iodine, it is useful to eat persimmons. This includes people with thyroid problems.
- urinary system. Potassium and magnesium, which is contained in large quantities, support the functioning of the relevant organs. The diuretic action ensures the removal of stones and sand from the kidneys and prevents them from re-forming. It also helps to remove puffiness, remove salts.
The fruit is very valuable, sometimes it replaces many medicines:
- The immune system. Ascorbic acid and other vitamins increase immunity.
- Nervous system. Happiness hormones produced by persimmon remove bad mood, help to keep yourself in a stressful situation and quickly get out of it.
- Vascular system. The components of the fetus make the walls of blood vessels elastic, contribute to their impermeability, and increase blood flow. It is indicated for those who have varicose veins, rosacea.
For eyes

The berry contains vitamin A, retinol
Thanks to these components, vision improves, the muscles of the eye are developed, a natural tear is produced that moisturizes the eye socket. It is recommended to eat for people who have low vision, drivers, as well as those who work at the computer for a long time.
For the oral cavity

The benefit of persimmon is also that it prevents the appearance of periodontal disease, stomatitis and scurvy.
In order to stop bleeding gums, take a powder obtained from the leaves of the fruit. Half a teaspoon per day is enough. The course of treatment is a week.
For weight loss
"Chinese apple" is an excellent dietary product. It will help get rid of extra pounds, at the same time enrich the body with vitamins, remove toxins.

Persimmon helps to normalize weight
Low calorie fruit, high fiber content improves digestion. It has a lot of useful elements that will come in handy for those who are on a diet.
The fruit is often included in the list of recommended foods during many diets. It contributes to the normal functioning of the digestive tract, eliminates inflammatory processes.
For skin, with non-healing wounds

Persimmon is an indispensable assistant in cosmetology
- tightens pores
- tones up
- pulls up
- bleaches
- cleanses
- eliminates acne
- smoothes fine wrinkles

Use natural remedies
Consider the best mask recipes:
- From wrinkles. Persimmon (1 pc.), grape oil (15 ml), cottage cheese (15 g) will help to correct the oval of the face, give skin elasticity and remove mimic and age wrinkles. All this is ground until smooth, applied to the skin of the face. The manipulation time is half an hour. There are at least two sessions per week.
- From acne. Remove blackheads, narrow pores, improve complexion can decoction of persimmon (30 ml), mixed with yellow clay (15 g), two drops of jasmine essential oil. The skin is pre-steamed, after which the prepared composition is rubbed for half an hour. Repeat three times in 7 days.
- For dry skin. Warns, removes peeling, moisturizes. You need to mix the pulp of one small persimmon fruit with olive oil (30 ml). This duet is infused throughout the day. Then it is applied to the steamed skin for 45 minutes.
- For oily skin. Persimmon (30 g) with lime juice (10 ml) can remove shine, clean pores. Keep no more than ten minutes. Do no more than once every three weeks.
- Rejuvenating composition. Persimmon (35 g), retinol (15 g), rice flour (10 g) will improve skin condition. The mixture is applied for 25 minutes, once a week.
- Toning mask. Reduces pores, tightens the skin. The composition of persimmon pulp and egg white will give it elasticity. Apply three times a week and keep for about 25 minutes.
If there is any irritation on the skin, then a special composition should be made that can be used to treat the affected areas.
Proceed as follows to prepare the outer mixture:
- Take 500 g of unripe persimmon.
- Remove skin.
- Mash the pulp in a deep bowl.
- Add 1-1.5 liters of water.
- Mix thoroughly, leave for a week in the sun.
- After 7 days, strain the composition.
- The strained solution stands for another three days.
- The finished product is applied to the rash three times a day.
- If there is a long non-healing wound, then by attaching a piece of the fetus to it, you can achieve a disinfecting effect.
- This will contribute to the speedy regeneration of tissues, rapid recovery. It is advisable to make persimmon + honey compresses twice a day.
Against depression, for recuperation
Since the fruit in question contains sugar with potassium, it is advisable to eat it with psycho-emotional disorders. To have a result, you need to drink a glass of juice a day or eat 3-4 fruits.

Berry juice improves mood, relieves fatigue
Well digestible persimmon fills the body with strength and energy. It is recommended to eat for athletes, people who work physically.
If your child is engaged in a sports section, then instead of a sandwich, offer him a persimmon.

What are the properties of dried persimmon?
The dried fruit is able to retain all the useful substances. And thanks to drying, viscosity, astringency, which many do not like, goes away. Such a preparation can be stored for a long time. From it you can cook compote, add to muffins, cereals.

Dried fruits have three times more calories
Dried berries always have a white coating. This indicates a high content of glucose and fructose. Appears after moisture evaporates.
It crystallizes on the surface when the persimmon is dried. Some people think that it is mold and dispose of a valuable product, but this is a mistake!
The benefit of this product is to eliminate various problems that are associated with organs:
- digestion
- kidneys
- heart
- liver
- vessels

What are useful foliage, roots, shoots of the fruit?
Persimmon leaves and rhizome are brewed, after which the resulting broth stops bleeding, disinfects the wound surface (cuts, scratches, punctures, etc.). This is especially practiced in oriental medicine. Also, such a remedy can reduce soreness and inflammation in hemorrhoids (applied externally).

Shoots and foliage can be collected from autumn and dried.
They have a huge amount of vitamin C.. In the autumn-winter period, you can make tea based on this raw material, which will be the prevention of colds.

Features of persimmon seeds
Usually, people throw away the bones that are in the berry and do not think that they can also be used for their intended purpose. The Japanese collect them, fry, grind, boil instead of coffee. The Africans made flour out of them.

The bones also contain many useful elements that replenish strength.
To cook these seeds, they need to be roasted like seeds.

Persimmon for the female body
Magnesium, present in persimmon, normalizes the menstrual cycle in a woman, removes cramps and pain during menstruation, and has a beneficial effect on reproductive function. The fetus during menopause becomes a salvation, as it removes discomfort and improves the general condition.
Also, healers often resort to the use of persimmons for the preparation of their potions, which are issued for the treatment of infertility, gynecological diseases.

Persimmon helps preserve the beauty of skin, hair and nails
For hairline, you can make masks. The simplest and most positive effect is rubbing the pulp into the hair roots. Leave the composition for half an hour, then rinse.
You can also add berry juice to shampoos and shower gels. Fruit extract will give the skin and hair a healthy look, saturate with vitamins. To strengthen the nail plate, do baths (water + persimmon juice.) The frequency of procedures is 2-3 times a week.
Particular attention should be paid to important moments in a woman's life:
- pregnancy;
- breastfeeding period.

Persimmon during pregnancy

This miracle berry contains a lot of trace elements, vitamins that are vital for the formation of a new life.
She is capable of:
- strengthen the immune system of the lady (and during the bearing of the fetus, she is running out)
- improve metabolism
- make up for the lack of iodine, potassium, etc.
- remove swelling, fatigue
- calm down
All of the above is essential throughout the entire 9 months. Persimmon is needed for the full bearing of the fetus.

Persimmon during breastfeeding
But after 4-5 months, you can begin to introduce persimmon into the diet of a small amount of persimmon. If everything is fine and this did not affect the child in any way, then the amount of fruit eaten can increase daily, but not more than 1-2 pieces per day.

The use of berries by a nursing mother will provide an opportunity to restore immunity, both for the woman herself and for her child
Also, this product will not allow anemia to develop, contribute to the normal functioning of the heart muscle, blood vessels, positively affect the growth of the baby, and improve the gastrointestinal tract.

Useful properties for the male

For the strong half, this fruit is also infinitely useful.
- Reduces the likelihood of diseases related to the genital organs
- Promotes sperm production
- Helps cure prostatitis
- Increases active sperm count
- Increases potency
- Improves semen quality
Men are always associated with strength and endurance. But there are situations when even a strong and hardy person goes out (after hard work, illness, sports), and persimmon will help you recover quickly. This is another good reason why you should stock up on such fruits.

Is it possible to use persimmon in production?

Unripe berries, branches, roots, leaves are used to make dyes.
Due to the high content of tannins in them, all components are in demand in production:
- varnish
- ink
- fabric dyes
Parquet, furniture, musical instruments are made from persimmon wood. The Japanese use the juice of the fruit to impregnate ropes. This gives them strength, increases their service life.
Berry extract is also taken to make wrapping paper for tea. It does not allow moisture to seep in, prevents the formation of mold.
Harm from persimmon

In addition to the positive aspects, the berry also has negative
This "food of the Gods" can even hurt. To prevent this from happening, be vigilant.
- Do not consume the fruit on an empty stomach and just before bedtime. If you eat berries on an empty stomach, stomach stones can form as a result. This is the result of sticky pieces of food, the influence of pectin, tannin, found in persimmon. Over time, the appeared bezoars will grow, bring pain. Then vomiting, various dysfunctions will join. To get rid of them, you will have to resort to surgical intervention.
- Take off the skin. It contains tannins, and they cause the appearance of bezoars (stomach stones).
- Should not be used by people with diabetes. The berry contains sugars, glucose, fructose. After eating, there is a possibility of developing hyperglycemia.
- Do not forget to rinse your mouth after eating, otherwise it will lead to tooth decay.
- It is not allowed to eat people after operations on the digestive organs, with intestinal adhesions, obese, with an acute period of pancreatitis, colitis.
- Never drink milk or chilled water with such food. This will lead to the formation of a coma and later to a bezoar.
- It is not advisable to use the fruits for diarrhea. At this point, berries can only worsen the condition.
- You need to abstain in the first three months of lactation, in children under three years of age, with the existing individual intolerance.
How to store?
In order for persimmon to be present on the table for as long as possible and strengthen the body, you need to learn how to properly store it. It appears on the counter no earlier than the month of October, disappears at the end of winter.
During the period of active sale of the fetus, some measures should be taken, thanks to which you will be able to receive vitamins, micro and macro elements, as well as other elements necessary for the life of the body all year round.

Proper storage of persimmons will allow you to use it all year round.
It can be:
- to freeze
- dry
- mothball
If you plan to eat a berry in the next 2-3 weeks, then it will be nice to lie in a temperature regime of -1 degree. The main thing is that the humidity should be no more than 85%, otherwise the fruit will become moldy.
If you need to extend the shelf life of persimmons unchanged, then place it in the freezer. It is advisable to put an unripe fruit (tight) there. After defrosting, it will become soft, sweet. The astringency and viscosity will disappear.
If you decide to dry the fruit, then for this also get a hard berry. It is peeled, cut into small pieces and placed in the oven (optimal temperature is 45 degrees). The product should not darken much.
How to choose a fruit?

Inspection of berries on a tree
The choice of berries makes many nervous. Here, first of all, the purpose for which the persimmon is purchased is taken into account.
The fruits must not be spoiled:
- If a berry is needed to be eaten in the near future, then ripe specimens are preferred. To choose the most delicious fruit, pay attention to its appearance. Sweet and juicy will have a rounded shape, shine, bright color, damage should be absent. Foliage and footboard should be dark in color and dry. And the fruit is soft to the touch.
- If the purpose of the purchase is subsequent drying or freezing, then buy a hard and soft persimmon.
Thanks to such techniques, the persimmon will soften, be sweet, non-viscous. These methods will contribute to the early ripening of the berry.
Nutritionist advice
Persimmon "Food of the Gods": description, benefits and harms to our body (female and male), selection and storage of fruits (Photo & Video) + Reviews