Polyanthus roses: description of 11 varieties, features of growing from seeds at home | (75+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

polyanthus roses

With the help of polyanthus roses, you can create a real fairy tale out of the everyday life of a garden plot. Even gardeners without much experience can do it.

Plants do not require scrupulous care. They have a brightness and a variety of coloring colors. This gives a special decorative and picturesque garden.

Moreover, these roses bloom for a long time, giving great joy to the owner of the site and everyone around. Due to their unpretentious nature, they are well bred in the territory of the central strip of the Russian Federation.

We propose to consider all the features of growing a polyanthus rose, incl. propagation from seeds and subsequent care.

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polyanthus roses

polyanthus roses

The flower gained its fame in the 19th century. It was obtained by the breeder J.B. Guyot by crossing. Chinese tea and miniature Japanese roses were taken as the basis.

In translation, "polyanthus" means many-flowered. And this is true, because the plant is a low bush, on which a large number of beautiful flowers are strewn.

The buds themselves are medium-sized (about 4 cm). A particularly magnificent view is created due to their location in large groups. The inflorescence can consist of 50 buds.

Colorful bloom for a long time

Colorful bloom for a long time

The rose begins to bloom in spring and can continue until the end of the autumn period. When cutting flowering twigs, they are able not to wither while in water for up to 7 days.

Coloring of flowers can be varied: from dark red to snow-white. The shrub has a strong branching. This makes it possible to form a large number of inflorescences.


Beauty and unpretentiousness are one of the main advantages

Beauty and unpretentiousness are one of the main advantages

The main positive characteristics of a polyanthus rose are:

  • lack of spikes

Makes the flower safe to grow in playgrounds, when cut for use in bouquets.

  • bud formation on all healthy shoots

The bush has such a lush flowering that it is not always possible to see the foliage.

  • high frost resistance

The plant grows well in the harsh climate of Siberia.

Rose polyanthus

Rose polyanthus

  • good resistance to various diseases, incl. fungal; great survivability

Even if the entire aerial part dies, the plant continues to develop. New shoots emerge from root buds.

  • unpretentiousness

With no experience in gardening, you can grow a beautiful flower garden with great success.

  • normal development with a short drought or waterlogged soil
  • undemanding to the composition of the soil


Even with flaws, love for such beauty does not decrease.

Even with flaws, love for such beauty does not decrease.

Of the negative sides, the following can be distinguished:

  • limited coloring is not always suitable for the implementation of some design ideas in the design of the landscape
  • weak flavor not to everyone's liking


beautiful landscape decoration

beautiful landscape decoration

Rose polyanthus, or Angelic, is very popular in the Russian Federation for its high resistance to cold. It is used in decorating gardens, courtyards of multi-storey buildings, city streets, parks, squares.

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Some varieties

Rose polyanthus

Rose polyanthus

There are low varieties of polyanthus roses that do not exceed 30 cm in height and can be grown in pots as a houseplant. There are also taller species that can grow more than 50 cm. They are recommended to be used for borders, discounts, pots.

Angel Wings

Angel wings

Angel wings

Angel Wings

Does not exceed 30 cm in height. The inflorescences are quite lush due to small, but terry buds. Their color is white and pink.

The foliage is bright green. Its surface is glossy.

Orange Triumph

Orange Triumph

Orange Triumph

Orange Triumph

Refers to undersized species. Height approx. 50 cm. Ideal for borders.

It has a beautiful, lush bloom. Many small flowers form inflorescences. Their color is red-orange.





High variety, reaching up to 1-1.2 m (sometimes 1.5 m). shrub has climbing branches and buds, characterized by pomp, double petals. A good option to decorate vertical elements of the landscape.

The color of the flowers is white, and in the middle is creamy yellow. The aroma during flowering is pleasant, but rather weak. Inflorescences consist of a large number of buds.





Looks good in compositions of other colors. Able to grow up to 0.7 m. The variety is distinguished by strong shoots and inflorescences, consisting of many flowers.

The leaves on the branches are a rich dark color. The color of the buds is rich orange, red, sometimes pink. This species is popular because of the changing color of the buds as they open.

Border King

Border King

Border King

Border King

The height of this species does not exceed 60 cm. This is a very sun-loving variety. It is advisable to plant it in a site that is protected from the wind.

The foliage of the shrub is medium-sized, with a dark color and a glossy surface. Flowers in the center are painted white, and there is a bright red border around the edge of the petals. They have a weak terry.

Decorate with these roses lawns, curbs. They can become bright elements in landscape design.

Dagmar Shpet (Dagmar Spath)

Dagmar Shpet

Dagmar Shpet

Dagmar Shpet (Dagmar Spath)

The height of the branches of this specimen is 70 cm. The bush is upright. Foliage size is medium. Their color is dark green.

This variety belongs to the few white polyanthus roses. Their flowers are terry, fragrant. They are 5-6 cm in diameter. The edges of the petals have a slightly noticeable light pink tint. It disappears as it blooms.

Manu Meilland

Manu Miland

Manu Miland

Manu Meilland

A very tall variety of roses from the group of polyanthus. It has an erect, spreading bush, which reaches a height of more than 1 m.

The stems are decorated with large inflorescences, consisting of a considerable number of buds (up to 10 pcs.). Their color is lilac-pink. As it blooms, the shade of the petals changes to a raspberry-pink color, and their edges acquire a slightly wavy border.

Thanks to the good development of the shrub and the appearance of many new shoots, This variety develops a more lush bloom over time.

Royal Minueto

Royal Minueto

Royal Minueto

Royal Minueto

This representative is distinguished by elegance and two-tone flowering. The basis of the flower is a milky shade, and along the edge of the petals have a crimson color.

The height of the shrub is not too large and does not exceed 65 cm. The foliage has a glossy surface. It densely covers the branches.

The petals of the buds are terry. With their large number (up to 45 pcs.), They gather into lush, large (up to 8-10 cm) buds, which form large beautiful inflorescences.

Stock rose mallow

Stock rose mallow

It is also not capricious, a wonderful plant. A frequent resident of garden areas. Belongs to the Malvov family.

It has many species and subspecies. Depending on the affiliation, they have straight, recumbent or ascending branches. At first they are pubescent, and then exposed. The height is different: from 30 cm to 2.5 m.

The shape of the foliage is round-heart-shaped, incised or with 5-7 lobes. Also, the leaves are pubescent, petiolate.

Simple, semi-double or double flowers are located in the leaf axils. The size of the flowers is 5-15 cm. The shape of the petals is deep-pitched, inverted oblong-ovate or triangular with wavy edges.

The color of the buds is:

  • white
  • red
  • crimson
  • pink
  • yellow
  • lilac
  • purple
  • purple
  • purple

Inflorescences are racemose and spike-shaped. Rhizomes branched, long.

The most famous types:

  • pink
  • Mauritanian
  • forest
  • wrinkled
  • musky

These species are divided into a large number of hybrids and varieties. The most popular of them:

  • Annual
  • Royal
  • Terry
  • Carnival
  • margarita
  • Violet
  • Lyubava
  • Majorette





It is related to extremely decorative varieties. It is distinguished by a wide variety of varieties that are different in the shape of flowers (simple, in the form of a glass or bowl), petals (simple, double, semi-double) and the size of the inflorescences.

The shrub can be low (from 30 cm) and high (more than 1 m). Flowering does not end the entire warm season.

Below are the varieties that are most popular:

  • Leonardo da Vinci
  • acropolis
  • Raffles
  • Carte Blanche
  • Niccolo Paganini
  • Blue for Yu (Blue for You)
  • Easy Does It
  • Blue Wonder (Blue Wonder)
  • Blue Rhapsody - Rhapsody in Blue (Rhapsody in Blue)
  • Nina Weibul
  • Novalis
  • Tchaikovsky
  • Anniversary of the Prince of Monaco
  • Samba
  • Solero

Fairy (The Fairy)



Fairy (The Fairy)

Aristocrat among garden flowers. It is a common and favorite representative among ground cover roses. Its main advantages:

  • abundant flowering
  • unpretentious nature in cultivation

A branched, spreading shrub, but it looks compact, elegant. It reaches a height of 60 cm, a width of 1.2 m. It blooms very abundantly, the green mass is almost invisible. During flowering, a light apple aroma exudes.

Double flowers have a pale pink color. They are small in size (about 2.5 cm). They gather in racemose inflorescences.

Flowering variety lasts a long time. The beginning falls in the middle of the summer period and continues until the onset of the first slight frosts.

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The necessary conditions

For full development, good lighting and ventilation are necessary.

For full development, good lighting and ventilation are necessary.

In order for the plant to fully develop and give joy with its lush and long flowering, it is necessary to create all conditions for it, if possible.

Location and lighting

Rose polyanthus

Rose polyanthus

For the most favorable development, it is necessary to choose places for planting with good lighting and ventilation so that the air does not stagnate. With a lack of light, the flower can grow, but its appearance will not be very presentable. The branches will stretch out a lot.

Temperature, humidity, drafts

Rose polyanthus

Rose polyanthus

The plant has a high cold tolerance. This property makes it possible to grow these roses even in the harsh Siberian climate. But, despite this, it is necessary to additionally cover them for the winter period.

As for humidity, its level should be moderate. It is also necessary to protect the flower from through air currents.

The soil

Planting a rose

Planting a rose

Despite the fact that a plant of this variety does not have a high demand for soil composition, the best option for good development would be a light substrate with a neutral acidity and nutritional composition.

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Reproduction methods

Propagation by cuttings is a more acceptable option, because.simply and quickly can lead to the desired result

Propagation by cuttings is a more acceptable option, because. simply and quickly can lead to the desired result

To propagate a rose, 2 methods are used:

  • cuttings
  • seeds

Propagation by cuttings is a more acceptable option, because simply and quickly can lead to the desired result.


Rose cuttings

Rose cuttings

Only healthy, strong shoots are selected for cuttings. They are cut with a sharp knife. It is better to wipe the blade with a disinfectant solution.

The shoots should be about 15 cm long. Immediately after cutting, they are placed in water. Before planting the cuttings, they must be soaked in a solution that stimulates the growth of the root system.

For rooting, the sprouts are planted in moist soil. At first, they need to create a greenhouse effect, for example, using a package that covers the landings from above.

Planting a rose seedling

Planting a rose seedling

Sprouts can take root in the following compositions:

  • land
  • peat
  • perlite
  • sand
  • coconut fiber
  • sawdust

An important point is to control the level of soil moisture. If it is dry, sprouts without roots may dry out.

Only after the roots appear, it will be possible to transplant into another container, a greenhouse. In summer, rooted young plants can be planted immediately in open ground.

In this case, you will need to carefully monitor the landing. To do this, you will need to temporarily cover the sprouts so that they are not affected by direct sunlight. Also, the soil around is covered with mulch, for less evaporation of moisture.


For propagation by seeds, varieties suitable for this are selected.

For propagation by seeds, varieties suitable for this are selected.

Before using this breeding option, you will need to familiarize yourself with some of its features.. It is more often used in the presence of an adult plant capable of producing full-fledged seed material, which will be suitable for breeding in the future. It is important to know that not all varieties are suitable for this.

In breeding, seed breeding is indispensable, because this is how new varieties are developed. Hybrids don't breed like that. This does not mean that the hybrid plant will not grow. Just its coloration, the shape of the flowers will be significantly different from the mother plant and more like wild varieties.

The most common types of roses that can be propagated from seeds are:

  • polyanthus miniature
  • brown, which belongs to wild rose species
  • spiny
  • canina

There are other types. In order to proceed to direct planting in the soil, the seed material must first be prepared.

Preparatory work

rose fertilizer

rose fertilizer

Experienced gardeners have noticed that the best germination is shown by the material that was collected from boxes that have not reached full maturity. To extract the seeds from the box, the following steps will be required:

  • cut the box
  • Separate the pulp
  • Take out the seeds carefully.

The shape and size of the material from one box may vary. This is not a defect. The main thing is that there are no damaged areas on the seeds. Dried and rotten specimens are thrown away.

Before sowing, the seeds are placed on a fine mesh and washed with hydrogen peroxide. This will help destroy harmful organisms. Such washing can also prevent mold and remove rot on already grown plants.


Stratification of rose seeds

Stratification of rose seeds

When the material is ready for planting, it's time to deal with the initial stage of germination.

Stratification - is an important process in which winter conditions (cold and moisture) are artificially created.This will help speed up the germination process and increase the germination of the material.

Before the seeds germinate, they need to lie in cold and humid conditions. It must be a layer of earth or snow. This is necessary for hardening and providing the material with optimal moisture.

The seed material of a polyanthus rose is not sown directly into the soil. It is placed on a pad. For this, toilet paper, napkins, cloth can serve. Thanks to the substrate, the seed will be provided with moisture in sufficient quantities and will be retained.

Growing roses from seeds

Growing roses from seeds

The lining fabric is placed in a plastic container and moistened with hydrogen peroxide. Seeds are poured on top and covered with the same cloth. The container is removed refrigeratorbut not in the freezer. Such cool conditions should be maintained for about 2 months. During this time, it is necessary to ensure that the fabric does not dry out.

During this time, the seeds will undergo a stratification procedure and begin to germinate. When the first shoots appear, they are transplanted into peat. If a hatched seed is found ahead of time, it is immediately removed from the container and sown in peat in order to prevent the small sprout from dying in cold conditions.

Sprouted seeds are best planted in small pots to begin with. As they grow, they can be moved to a larger container.

Germination and planting

Growing roses in potatoes

Growing roses in potatoes

Maintaining optimal temperature conditions - an important aspect to grow polyanthus seedlings. The room temperature should be around 200C. Deviations are possible, but in small indications.

The degree of illumination is also a very important indicator. For good development, young shoots need to be in good light for at least 10 hours a day. If it is impossible to provide such an amount of light in natural conditions, auxiliary light sources of artificial origin are connected.

When seedlings are indoors, it will require periodic ventilation, to provide plantings with access to fresh air.

With the onset of the spring period in warm sunny weather, pots with seedlings are taken out to the balcony. This will harden the plants and prepare them for further planting in the beds. Mulching with perlite will protect seedlings from diseases.

By the end of spring, the seedlings will get stronger. During this period, often night frosts are already excluded, and the soil warms up enough, so the sprouts can be planted in open space without fear.

But in most cases, flower growers leave young plants on windowsills or balcony for another 1 year and only then planted. During this time, the rose will mature. The first buds appear on it.

Rose cuttings

Rose cuttings

The depth of the hole should be such that the roots fit well into it and do not crumple. At the bottom must fit 1 tbsp. l. liquid mineral fertilizer and mixed with the soil. The old soil, if possible, is cleaned from the roots, but with great care, because. the roots are very delicate and can easily be damaged.

Nuances that are important to know:

  • Small sprouts do not need a lot of space, and after reaching 3 weeks of age, transplanting and thinning seedlings is required. Pots are selected small sizes. Sprouts are transplanted with great care
  • Direct sunlight is aggressive for seedlings, so it is necessary to shade it.
  • Watering is carried out as the top soil layer dries up.
  • For the full development and strengthening of seedlings, they must be fertilized. For this, top dressing is used, which contains potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen.

Cultivation in open spaces

Rose polyanthus Rumba

Rose polyanthus Rumba

For growers with experience, artificial stratification of planting material is not the best option. They prefer natural conditions for this process. But with a small number of seeds, the risk is not acceptable. Insurance won't be superfluous.

When choosing the option of sowing immediately into an open space, advance preparation of the recesses will be required. The soil must be loosened. Its composition is fertile. The seed is laid in a recess and sprinkled with soil. The layer should be small (about 0.5 cm). This work is carried out in autumn period.

With insufficient moisture in natural conditions (during dry weather), additional spraying of the recesses and covering them with a film is necessary. This will provide the seeds with optimal moisture.

Shelter of roses for the winter with shields

Shelter of roses for the winter with shields

With the onset of colder weather, the landings take cover. For this, dry spruce leaves, straw, hay can be used. Everything is revealed in April. At this time, snowfall and frost become unlikely, and the earth warms up well from the sun's rays.

For the northern regions, it is recommended to install a greenhouse over plantings open after winter. This will protect weak seedlings from possible surprises of nature.

If the seeds were germinated in open ground, plants will have greater vitality, stability, splendor.

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Proper care is required for healthy development and lush flowering.

Proper care is required for healthy development and lush flowering.

In order for a rose to bloom beautifully and luxuriantly, be strong and healthy, it needs to be properly looked after. Consider in more detail the basic rules of care.


rose watering

rose watering

For roses, drought and waterlogged soil are not particularly terrible. But you do not need to over-water the flower. Lush flowering will be only with moderate watering.

Watering is necessary if the surface layer is noticeably dry. More frequent watering (1 time / week) is required during the period when the first buds appear and until the end of flowering. When the rose has faded, watering is stopped to prepare it for the winter period.


Rose fertilizer

Rose fertilizer

Top dressing is introduced from the onset of the spring period. Ready-made mineral formulations can be used, as well as a self-prepared chicken manure solution. It is diluted in a ratio of 1:20 and infused for 1 week before use.

Important: The application of nitrogenous fertilizer is applied with great care. Its excess leads to an abundant growth of greenery and poor flowering.


rose pruning

rose pruning

It is necessary to form a rose bush. Pruning is carried out in several stages:

  • at the beginning of the growing season
  • throughout its entire length

They begin to prune the plant with the onset of spring when the first leaves appear. Pruning are last year's, with diseases and damage to the branch.

Old foliage is also cut off. Removing healthy branches that grow towards the center will avoid excessive density of green mass. To make the bushes beautifully shaped, 1/3 of the length of all branches is removed.

Trimming the top of the bush will give it more branching and splendor. Throughout the growing season, faded buds and old branches are pruned.


Shelter with spunbond for the winter

Shelter with spunbond for the winter

Even with good resistance to low temperatures, polyanthus roses need additional protection for the winter. If you do not cover them and the temperature will drop below -50C, they may not withstand the onset of cold weather.

Shelter formation begins in mid-autumn, when the rose has already faded. Before shelter, the flower must be cut off. Dried buds are removed from it, all shoots that are broken and diseased.

It is necessary to cover in dry weather conditions, otherwise condensation will appear on the material. For protection, you can use a box that is suitable in size, backfilled with sawdust, fallen leaves.

The covering layer should be good, then the plant will be in comfortable conditions. Also, for shelter, a frame installation can be built and spanbond, a dense agrofilm, can be stretched over it.

Shelter should be maintained until spring. With the onset of warm sunny days, the protective material opens gradually.This will ventilate the plant and prevent it from overheating and rotting.

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Diseases and pests

Diseases and pests of roses

Diseases and pests of roses

The defeat of diseases for roses of these varieties is extremely rare. They are resistant to them. But finding a shrub at a high level of humidity for a long time is not permissible. This is a favorable atmosphere for pathogenic microflora, in which it reproduces well, as well as for the development of fungal diseases.

Shrub formation is also carried out under dry weather conditions. Dampness will allow the fungus to penetrate into the area where the cut was made. This will infect the entire plant.

Most often, compared with other fungal diseases, the rose is affected by powdery mildew. It is treated with antifungal agents specifically designed for this. It can also be affected by rust and black spot.

Due to the weak aroma during flowering, polyanthus roses are not particularly attractive to pests. Although aphids often infect the plant. For this reason, for the purpose of prevention, for pest control, it is imperative to treat the shrub with special preparations (at least 3 times per season).

spider mite

spider mite

Also, roses are often attacked by the following insects:

  • rose leafhoppers
  • spider mite
  • pink leaflet
  • rosy rottener

Since polyanthus roses are easy to care for, they are suitable for absolutely everyone: professionals and amateurs who are just starting their business. They can be used for various purposes. They decorate landscapes, as well as decorate gardens and indoor spaces.

This quality makes it possible to implement even the most unusual ideas. It will be very interesting for those who decide to grow these plants.

VIDEO: Rose polyanthus Growing from seeds at home Planting and care in open ground Varieties

Polyanthus roses: description of 11 varieties, features of growing from seeds at home

Rose polyanthus Growing from seeds at home Planting and care in open ground Varieties

Polyanthus roses: description of 11 varieties, features of growing from seeds at home | (75+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

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