Garage is a place to store a car. However, no one ever designs garages to fit only a car. As a rule, after parking a mechanical friend, there is still quite a lot of space left. Usually, it is occupied by some additional car accessories, like a set of seasonal tires or a mini-wash. However, over time, the garage becomes a place for storing tools, various conditionally necessary things or items that have nothing to do with the car at all, for example, cans of pickles. At the same time, these items are almost always stored anywhere. To help organize order in the garage, shelves will help, which you can do with your own hands with a minimum of costs. They will not only help to organize things rationally, but also improve the aesthetics of the interior of the garage.

General Design Issues

Rack with shelves
First of all, you should forget about the first ideas that come to mind - creating the simplest hanging shelves, with a load or area that can fit all the property currently contained in garage. Firstly, this is not rational in terms of their manufacture, and secondly, over time, the volume of things stored in the garage increases, so you have to make new and new designs.
Therefore, it is immediately necessary to plan the design of the shelves in such a way that it is:
- universal
- expandable
- as easily moved as possible
That is, it is advisable not to make each shelf separately, but to make the entire rack, consisting of several shelves, as a single structure.

Shelving with cabinet
The next important question is what will be the design of the rack - collapsible or not. Usually non-separable structures are more durable and withstand heavy loads, however, their disadvantages include difficulties in expansion, dismantling and transportation.
Collapsible structures are less stable, their rigidity is far from non-separable. Often, for additional stability, such structures have to be attached to the walls. However, they have two special advantages - easy extensibility and portability. In addition, thanks to their modularity, racks of various sizes can be made.
In this case, the choice depends solely on the desire of each person.

Choice of shelving design

Collapsible rack
Most often as a material for shelving in garage choose metal or wood. Combinations of these materials are not uncommon. Plastic is rarely used.
The designs of shelving made of wood with metal can be as follows:
- Stationary, that is, designed and assembled for a specific room. Usually a structure of this kind is assembled once, and to give it additional strength it is attached to a wall or floor (in some cases also to the ceiling)
- Mobile. It is possible to install the structure in different places, or the possibility of constant movement using rollers (wheels)
- collapsible. The number of shelves, their height, and sometimes length, can be changed within arbitrary limits
- Suspended. Fastening of such structures is carried out to the ceiling or walls
- A combination of various types or with exotic elements (for example, rotating, moving apart). Usually, this is more of an aesthetic than a practical solution.
A separate group is represented by shelves for storing tools or shelves-containers for storing small parts. - as a rule, fasteners, as well as other "loose".

Tool storage shield
How such products are arranged is clear from their images. They are used quite often, because they are very convenient to use and easy to manufacture. In addition, any available materials can be used as a material for them.

Shelves from many containers
Naturally, the layout of any shelving, including the calculation of its dimensions with the determination of the number of shelves, should be guided by the dimensions of the garage, the parking space of the car, the location of the doors with the gate. In some cases, the use of corner racks will be optimal.

Corner shelves

Preliminary preparation
You should start by preparing a drawing. You can do it yourself, taking as a basis, for example, frames offered for sale. It is necessary to calculate the overall dimensions of the shelves and the parameters of the basis for them.
At the same time, their dimensions should be based on preliminary measurements of the space in the garage. If you perform these measurements correctly, we can assume that half the work has already been done.

Drawing of shelves
- At the same stage, it is necessary to consider how the shelves will be connected to the frame, and the frame itself is additionally strengthened by fastening to the walls or floor.
- An important parameter here will be the height, since, in the case of low ceilings, it is desirable to make the height of the frame up to the ceiling itself, leaving no free space.
- Determining the distance between the shelves is one of the important design points, since it determines the rationality of the distribution of things by levels.
- Traditionally, the lower ones are made the most capacious: large and heavy equipment is placed on them; in addition, they are often used to store wheels and rims.
- Usually the following rule is used - the higher the shelf, the less weight should be placed on it and, accordingly, its height is lower. This is explained quite simply - by increasing the stability of the rack as a whole.
- Separately, we should talk about the depth of the rack. Shelves that are too narrow make the entire shelving impractical, and shelves that are too deep make access to it much more difficult. The optimal depth is 50-60 cm.
- The width is usually determined by the tensile strength of the material from which the shelves are made. There is no need to make the shelving too heavy by making the shelves more than 1.5 m wide (this will require too thick iron or wood so that they do not sag under the weight). Usually the width is chosen about 90-150 cm.
Consider the most popular shelving devices that you can make yourself.

1. Simple wooden shelves

Wooden shelving in the garage
Most often, in garages, a simple stationary structure is independently made, located along one or two walls. In the latter case, it can be considered angular.
This type of shelf has the following advantages:
- low cost in comparison with metal;
- simple and fast assembly without the need for metal processing (in particular, without welding);
- convenience in service;
- naturalness and good aesthetic qualities;
- with proper wood processing and care - relatively long service life and high structural strength
An example of such structures is shown below.

Garage shelving
The order of manufacture of such a design is as follows:
- The materials from which the racks and the shelves themselves will be made are selected. Hardwoods (larch, oak) are suitable for racks, but, in extreme cases, ordinary pine can also be used. The shelves themselves can be made from almost any wood material. Even plywood, chipboard or OSB can be used
- Racks should be made from a bar with a section of 10x10 or 5x10 cm. The crossbars between the shelves to give strength to the structure are made from the same bar
- Shelves are cut from the selected material according to measurements
- All structural elements before installation should be treated with an antiseptic to avoid rotting or fungus
- The structure is assembled from racks and crossbars. If necessary, it is additionally reinforced with metal corners and attached to the wall, floor or ceiling.
- Racks are marked vertically in places where shelves will be attached to them. Their fastening is carried out in various ways: in this case, self-tapping screws, spikes, glue for wood are used. In rare cases, pins are used. Do not forget about traditional nails, unlike self-tapping screws, they loosen less. To give additional strength to the shelves, they can also be planted on metal corners.
- After assembly, the ends of the rack are processed, and then the entire structure is varnished or painted with paint.
VIDEO: How to make a wooden shelf
Shelves in the garage: order first. General design issues, simple options, step-by-step instructions for making your own hands (75+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews
![[Instructions] How to make beautiful and unusual wall shelves with your own hands: for flowers, books, TV, kitchen or garage (100+ Photo Ideas & Videos) + Reviews](
2. Wooden shelves with a metal frame

Rack with metal frame
An alternative design that is more expensive, but at the same time, a more durable and durable solution. Racks are metal in these shelves, and the surface of the shelves itself is made of wood or any materials of wood origin.
Such a rack has a higher immunity to moisture and mold. It is more resistant to heat and fire. Moreover, using metal parts can be made collapsible, which will allow you to change the appearance of the structure according to any desire of the garage owner.
Materials and tools necessary for work

Corners for shelving in the garage
Racks of such a rack are made of pipes of rectangular section or from a profile with a width of one of the sides 5 cm. As a crossbar, a 30 mm corner is best suited.
The frame is made from a corner, while the thickness of the shelf should be from 1.5 to 3 cm (along the height of the corner). Crossbars made from a corner can be attached to the rails in different ways - by welding or by bolts. It all depends on the desire of the owner.
If a solid structure is needed, then welding is preferable, if the versatility of the product with the possibility of its further modernization is required, bolts should be used. The use of bolts makes it possible, for example, to change the height of each level.
Shelves can traditionally be made from any material at hand, from pine to OSB. For reasons of strength, their thickness should not be less than 12-15 mm.
For work, you will need the following set of tools:
- drill (driver)
- Bulgarian
- wood saw
- corner
- level
- welding machine (optional)
Manufacturing procedure

corner shelving frame
The assembly of the rack is best done in a free room., while it is desirable to free the garage from unnecessary things and remove the car from it.
After assembling the frame, it should be screwed to the wall.The assembly sequence is as follows:
- According to the finished measurements, the material of the racks and corners for the shelves is cut using a grinder
- Racks are marked in those places where shelves will be attached to them
- The corners are bolted to the posts (or welded in the case of a stationary structure). In this case, it is extremely important to observe the connection angle of 90 °, otherwise the design will turn out to be skewed
- Similarly, the racks are connected to each other using crossbars, but at the same time, right angles should be observed not only between the racks and crossbars, but between the crossbars and the corners attached earlier
- The assembled structure is installed in its place and screwed to the walls and floor. This can be done, for example, with anchor bolts.
- The metal frame is ground using a grinder with a suitable brush head and coated with a primer or paint containing a primer. At this stage, in order to facilitate the laborious process of mechanically cleaning the frame from rust, you can use a chemical rust converter. Typically, converters require a day to dissolve the rust; after which it is allowed to paint surfaces without any mechanical or chemical treatment
- After the paint has dried from wood or wooden materials, shelves are cut out and adjusted in size to the finished frame structure
- The shelves are sanded, painted or varnished, after which they are attached to the frame with bolts or self-tapping screws.
VIDEO: Do-it-yourself universal shelves
Shelves in the garage: order first. General design issues, simple options, step-by-step instructions for making your own hands (75+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

3. Shelves for storing heavy things

metal shelving
Usually, for storing very heavy objects or objects with large dimensions, metal shelves. For reliable storage of things on them, it will be better if they are made as stationary structures.
This approach immediately eliminates bolts as a connecting element. You can buy stationary metal products, the connections of which are provided using various grooves and guides, but this will no longer be an independent production, in addition, such structures are very expensive.
Therefore, to create entirely metal shelves, it is recommended to use welding. The use of bolts is allowed in non-critical joints, or where they are assigned the role of fastening light elements.

metal rack
- As usual, production begins with the creation of a drawing or sketch.. In this case, their location plays an important role. It is desirable to place such products near solid, solid walls. It is possible that a significant part of the load when attaching the rack to the wall will fall on the wall, and if it is decorative, unpleasant incidents are possible.
- For such shelves, it is best to choose not square profiles, but ordinary corners as frame elements., but not less than 50 mm in size. Often the creation of such products is made not from the frame, but from mounting on the wall.
- Frame elements are first marked and cut out with a grinder, and then welded into a single structure using a welding machine. At all stages, you should check the right angles of the rack elements: between the uprights, crossbars and fasteners.

Frame for metal shelves
- The shelves themselves are made of perforated or rolled steel with a thickness of 1 to 5 mm. Its thickness is determined solely by the desire of the owner.
- At the same time, one should not forget about the weight of the structure.. A sheet of rolled steel with dimensions of 50x100 cm and a thickness of 3 mm weighs almost 12 kg, and a sheet with the same dimensions and a thickness of 5 mm weighs almost 20 kg.In addition, do not forget about the cost: a sheet measuring 1000x500x3 mm will cost about 2-3 dollars.
- An alternative would be to use wooden shelves. In this case, you should choose a tree with a thickness of 2.5 to 3 cm, which will first need to be treated with a fire retardant to increase its fire resistance.
- These boards can be connected to the frame with bolts. Metal sheets to the boards are also fastened with bolts or self-tapping screws. In this case, it is better not to use welding, so as not to destroy the wooden elements.
Upon completion of the work, the entire structure must be cleaned of rust and painted.

4. Making hanging shelves

Hanging wall shelves
Hanging shelves are of two types - wall and ceiling. wall shelves can be made in an open or closed version, sometimes they have a back wall. They are attached to the garage wall with corners or anchors. These shelves can also be both stationary and collapsible.
Ceiling shelves are placed at the highest level and are fixed directly to the ceiling. They can be suspended from hooks welded to metal ceiling beams. In addition, eyebolts or special long studs are used as fasteners.

Suspended ceiling shelves
The advantages of such shelves include the relative simplicity and speed of assembly. However, they are quite wobbly and cannot support too much weight. On the other hand, no one will put items that are too heavy to store at this level for safety reasons.
The manufacture of the frame for such structures, as well as the shelves themselves, repeats the procedures described earlier in the manufacture of wooden shelves with a metal frame. At the same time, fasteners are made in the upper part of the frame for connection with hooks or studs installed in the ceiling.
VIDEO: Wooden hanging shelves
Shelves in the garage: order first. General design issues, simple options, step-by-step instructions for making your own hands (75+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

5. Metal and plastic shelves

Plastic shelves for tools
Due to its low strength, plastic is rarely used in the manufacture of shelves, however, for storing various small things and light things, this option has a right to exist. Plastic is the cheapest material from which shelves can be made, in addition, with its use you can not only save money, but also decorate the design of the garage with bright elements.
Such shelves can be made using a wooden or metal frame, in a variety of designs. The design and dimensions depend on the desire and taste of the garage owner.
It must be remembered that such racks have a number of significant disadvantages:
- low fire and heat resistance
- vulnerability to chemically active substances (solvent, gasoline, acetone, etc.)
- low holding weight


Corner rack
The garage is often not only the habitat of the car, but also a warehouse for a wide variety of things, both related to the automotive theme and not. Very often, uncontrolled storage of items in the garage leads to its clutter and inconvenience of working in it.
Shelves are one of the easiest ways to keep your garage organized. and give it a more or less attractive look. Making them with your own hands is not a particular problem even for people who have a superficial idea of the work of professional builders.