[Instructions] How to make beautiful and unusual wall shelves with your own hands: for flowers, books, TV, kitchen or garage (100+ Photo Ideas & Videos) + Reviews

How to make beautiful and unusual shelves on the wall with your own hands

In a home environment, there are items that can be discarded and neither the interior itself nor the appearance of the room will suffer. However, there are items that cannot be replaced by anything, otherwise functionality is lost, style suffers and the atmosphere seems unnatural. We are talking about wall shelves that you can make with your own hands, using imagination and a little effort.

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What are the shelves

Shelves are not only almost the main place for storing various household items, collections or design highlights. They complement the design themselves, and are a reliable and capacious storage of essentials.

Fantasy has no political boundaries

Fantasy has no political boundaries

One of the outdated definitions says that a shelf is a horizontal board attached to a wall, built into it or a cabinet, used to store household items (books, souvenirs or utensils). Not everything is as simple now as it used to be. Shelves are not always horizontal, not necessarily attached or built-in, and even not at all wooden boards.

According to the location of the shelves are divided into three main categories:

  • wall shelf
  • corner shelf
  • hanging shelf

According to the main materials, the shelves are divided into:

  • shelves MDF, chipboard
  • plasterboard shelves
  • wooden
  • metal
  • glass
  • plastic
  • combined (at least two materials)

It is important to understand that this list is not dogma. With a developed imagination, you can also make a shelf from an egg patch or a cardboard box. At the same time, neither functionality nor an appropriate design solution will be lost.

According to the design features, the shelves are divided into:

  • console
  • with back wall
  • with side walls, one wall, without them
  • horizontal
  • vertical
  • multi-tiered
  • with sliding door
  • straight, inclined, radius

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For a more detailed understanding about the methods of fastening, this material follows in more detail. So it will be easier to decide which type of installation to choose for your solutions.

Let's look at these three categories.

Wall shelves

wall shelf

Wall shelves

A wall shelf is a shelf that is hung on the wall. There are two main ways to attach it. This is a traditional method using racks and brackets, which can also have a decorative appearance. The second (secret) method is used to hide all fasteners in general, which are the bracket, axle and suspension.

Corner shelves

corner shelf

Corner shelves

Such shelves are attached in the corner of the room to two adjacent walls, and, in turn, they are divided into shelves for the inner and shelves for the outer corner over 180 degrees. The fastening of such shelves is carried out in the same way as ordinary wall shelves, with the exception of rare cases when the ceiling is used as a support.A distinctive feature is the increased complexity in comparison with the first method.

Hanging shelves

hanging shelf

Hanging shelves

This type of shelves significantly expands the possibilities of design solutions. As a rule, fastening is carried out directly to the ceiling using cables, chains and ropes. A dowel is mounted in the ceiling, into which a threaded steel hook is screwed. When drilling a hole for the dowel, a slight deviation from the right angle is allowed. This increases the friction on the fasteners and increases the reliability of operation.

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To make an intricate shelf, you need to purchase additional tools

To make an “intricate” shelf, you need to purchase additional tools

If everything is clear according to the material of the shelves and other classifications, then some difficulties may arise with the tools. Therefore, to make something extravagant, a visit to the construction market in order to purchase a tool will be required.

The modern construction market is not only building materials and tools. It is also a wide range of services. Therefore, if the cost of the service is significantly less than the price of the instrument, it is worth considering this factor and making the right expedient decision.

Another aspect of difficulty lies in personal skills. Of course, you can cut a wooden or plastic shelf with an ordinary hacksaw without buying a jigsaw. But not every master can make a high-quality radius glass shelf on his own; even when sticking an edge onto a chipboard sheet, it can be difficult.

Based on the feasibility and personal experience in the manufacture of products from selected materials, you should knowthat the construction market is ready to perform a number of works for little money. These are: sawing MDF, chipboard, wood, plastic sheets, radius and straight glass cutting, drilling holes according to customer drawings, cutting metal along the contour and others.

Knowing well what needs to be done, what to make of, given the interior of the room, you just need to approach the solution of this issue expediently and not litter the space with unnecessary tools. But further production and addition to the interior can be done independently by purchasing the necessary material.

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We collect the necessary tool

Regardless of what material is needed to make the shelf, you should assemble the tool that will be needed in the manufacture and installation of the finished structure. For installation, you will need either a puncher, or a drill, or even a screwdriver, depending on the material of the walls of the room.

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Everything you need for a good host

You also need to prepare:

  • screwdriver or drill
  • jigsaw
  • hacksaw for metal (wood)
  • brackets (regular or decorated)
  • self-tapping screws (nails) or anchors
  • paint (varnish) for wood (metal)
  • sandpaper
  • level (water or laser)
  • roulette

Depending on the material of the shelves, the tool can be supplemented with the listed assortment, depending on the requirements for the final result. If the issue becomes controversial, we return to the point of expediency.

When choosing paints, their composition and drying time should be taken into account. Oil paints are perhaps the cheaper material, but take a long time to dry, which can lead to some inconvenience while waiting for the final result. Also, wooden, chipboard and MDF boards should be held for some time after purchase in a warm, dry room in order to evaporate moisture.

If the wall shelf is made in an apartment, you need to think about the working hours and days of the week so as not to cause inconvenience to your neighbors. This is especially true of the final stage of work - installation, in which you have to use a puncher and drill the walls or ceiling of the room.

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Safety measures are the key to success in any business

Unfortunately, not everyone focuses on this point of preparatory operations, which sometimes leads to sad consequences. If such significant efforts are made to realize creative ideas, then why not slow down the view that these creative dreams do not turn into a tragic reality? In addition, it is elementary and practically not expensive.

PPE is an indispensable assistant in work

PPE is an indispensable assistant in work

When it comes to power tools, you should accept the fact that 220 volts is not just an unpleasant jolt, but possible death. Therefore, work should be done in dielectric shoes, after examining the cords and extension cords for bare areas. It will not be difficult for anyone to use electrical tape and eliminate the danger.

When working with an angle grinder, it is wise to stock up on construction glasses with yellow filters. The cost of acquiring them will be small, but this will serve as a guarantee of clean eyes from chips. Do not ignore the protection of hands - gloves will not only protect the skin from cuts, but also help to avoid unwanted stains when painting.

When installing the structure, if necessary, use the services of an assistant. This is especially true if you need to mount the product at a height, so buying a construction helmet is not at all necessary.

Security is a process, not a result
Bruce Schneier

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The most difficult question is what to make a shelf from

Classics of the genre as the main material

“Classics of the genre” as the main material

If everything is more or less clear with safety precautions, then often when choosing such a variety of materials, a difficult situation arises. For greater understanding and practicality, some features of each of them should be taken into account.

  • Tree (chipboard, MDF) - the leading material on the market in the manufacture of furniture. On the plus side, it's low cost. In work, it is easy to process with any tool and has a long service life at low humidity.
  • Metal – manufacturing often requires a welding machine. The material has a lot of weight, but it wins great when combined with other materials.
  • Plastic - like wood, it is a fairly cheap material, easy to work with. Compared to wood, it has a significant plus - mold does not form on it at high humidity (loggia, balcony, bath, toilet).
  • Glass - very stylish and fashionable material. It is very beneficial to play space with small areas of the room using mirrors. Requires a glass cutter and a diamond drill to drill holes if necessary.
  • GKL - the cheapest of the above materials. Not resistant to high humidity. Often used in the manufacture of niches in the wall, which subsequently serve as shelves.

It is natural that the choice of material for manufacturing should not be determined only by the cost of the material. An important factor is played by both the opportunity and the skills of the master. This is the case when excessive risk will cost certain unforeseen costs in case of damage to the workpiece.

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Design and purpose of manufacture

Earlier it was said that the shelves are wall-mounted, hanging and corner. Each of them differs from the other in the way of installation, which also affects the design. Moreover, when combining the material, the functionality of the finished product also increases.You can make a closed-type structure with opening doors where you can store food; with an open type, the shelf wins with its openness for installing souvenirs or a vase with beautiful flowers.

Before starting work, you need to decide on the design of the shelf

Before starting work, you need to decide on the design of the shelf

In any case, at the first stage, it is necessary to understand for what purpose the design will serve, what material to choose and choose a tool. This sequence will help resolve the issue with the design solution and reduce the time for preparatory work.

The one who does not think about distant difficulties,
close trouble awaits

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Getting started with the selected material


The working material is ordinary pine or spruce (spruce has a lighter shade). An electric grinder will be a good help in the work.

When buying, you should carefully examine the material. The tree should not be rotten, cracked or have many knots. At room temperature, resin can sometimes come out of such knots, which will lead to additional difficulties; the moisture content of the wood should also be taken into account.

The material must be given a smooth surface.

The material must be given a smooth surface.

After sawing the material to the required dimensions according to the drawing, it should be given a smooth and even surface.. For this purpose, we use pre-prepared sandpaper or a grinder. Rough paper #40 is used first, then #80 and the final finish is #120.

The chamfers on the edges also need to be slightly rounded.. If, after sanding the material, small cracks appear, we apply wood putty. After the putty dries, the restored area must also be treated with sandpaper.

Further, for mounting to the installation site, it is necessary to drill holes of the required depth in the marked places. They are necessary to prevent cracking of the workpiece in the process of screwing fixing screws or self-tapping screws into the material. The diameter of the drill is chosen slightly less than the diameter of the rod of the self-tapping screw or euroscrew.

After drilling, the wood is given the desired shade or color. To preserve the texture of the wood, it is covered with stain or similar materials and then painted with clear varnish (or do without it).


Making a bookshelf design

Labyrinth shelf

Labyrinth shelf

As an example, a bookshelf is made in the form of a labyrinth. After the operations described in detail, it is necessary to proceed with the assembly of the structure, after giving the sections different shades.

For reliable contact, building glue is used on wood, additionally compressing the surfaces with at least two euro screws.

It is important to know that ordinary self-tapping screws do not guarantee sufficient strength and reliable operation of the structure.

To preserve the aesthetic appearance, the adhesive that has come out must be wiped off. After the glue dries, both sections of the composition are applied level at the right place. Next, mark the attachment points with a pencil and drill holes for dowels, then the shelves are attached to the wall.

For an even cut at a right angle, it is recommended to use a miter box.

Such a labyrinth is an outstanding example of creativity. If desired, you can complicate the design with additional sections and fix a real labyrinth-puzzle on the wall, which also performs an entertaining role for guests.


Making a decorative sample to give comfort to the room

Shelf, which also performs a decorative role

Shelf, which also performs a decorative role

The shelf itself is made in the required dimensions already described above, but the fastening to the wall will be completely different. You can use chains, twine or leather straps.

If you take belts, then their sections should be even. To attach the belt to the wall, fold it in half and drill a hole 1.5 - 2 centimeters from the edge.The same actions are performed with the second belt, the length of which is calculated individually at the discretion.

With the help of a building level, two marks are made on the wall at a distance less than the length of the shelf by 10 - 15 centimeters. Then holes for nylon dowels are drilled at the marked points. A screw is threaded into each of the belts, folded in half, which is screwed into the dowel (or driven in if it is a dowel - a quick nail).

An already fully prepared shelf is pushed into the belt loops and set as evenly as possible in level. In order to avoid displacement of the shelf in the loops of the belt from the opposite end adjacent to the wall, self-tapping screws are screwed through the belts.

Chipboard or MDF

Combination of colors of chipboard and edges

Combination of colors of chipboard and edges

The examples described above can be made not only from wood, but also from plywood, chipboard or MDF. The surface with sandpaper needs to be processed only in the places of cut. At home, chips form on the cuts of the slab, which are easily painted over with special wax crayons of a suitable color after pasting with an edge.

The melamine edge is commercially available in a wide range of colors and is glued to the end of the board with an ordinary iron. The color of the edge does not have to be matched to the color of the slab - it can be advantageously combined using the color scheme of the room.

Making a glass masterpiece

Rigid fixation of the glass blank in the fixtures

Rigid fixation of the glass blank in the fixtures

To make a glass blank, you will need certain skills in this specialization, a glass cutter and sandpaper or a diamond file for grinding a sharp edge. The process is quite complicated without proper qualifications, so the easiest way is to order the workpiece to professionals, and do the rest of the work yourself. The glass shelf can be ordered in any shape.

For installation of a conventional rectangular shape, it is required to mark 2 drilling points on the wall using a level. Further, it all depends on the selected fastener element. You can use a rigid glass mount to the wall or simply put the shelf on chrome brackets.

Dowels are inserted into the drilled holes in the wall and special holders or an aluminum profile are attached. With rigid fixation, the shelf is inserted into the rubberized grooves of the fasteners, set up evenly and fixed.

We create a practical plastic shelf


Classic variant

Plastic shelf

Plastic shelf

To make a regular rectangle or square, you will need a plastic sheet of the required thickness, depending on the expected load. It should be noted that the plastic material is quite flexible. However, it has a great advantage over wood and materials derived from it - it is not at all afraid of moisture.

For sawing the workpiece, we use a hacksaw with a fine tooth or an electric jigsaw. When cutting by hand, the saw must be held at a sharp angle. Plastic is relatively easy to machine.

After cutting, it is necessary to process the edges with sandpaper and chamfer. Depending on the chosen mounting method, you may need to drill holes for the brackets, but you can use the fasteners from the previous example to avoid this.

Since plastic is not afraid of moisture, it is rational to use it in rooms with high humidity: balcony, loggia, bathrooms. In rooms, it is practical to use for flower stands, where it is possible to spill water from a pot. When installing a plastic ceiling or window sill, do not rush to throw out the trimmings - they will help save on material.


Fantasy oversteps the bounds

Advanced technology in the home

“Advanced” technologies in everyday life

It is worth dwelling in more detail on one of these solutions and using exclusively improvised materials.

It is very easy and quick to build a beautiful container for towels and washcloths in the bathroom, practically without spending any money on it. It is enough to collect several five-liter bottles of drinking water and look for a nylon cord about 8 meters long.You will also need fasteners and a glue gun.

Depending on the needs, 6-8 eraser bottles are taken (in this case, square in diameter). The tapering segment of each bottle along the marked line is cut off with a marker with an improvised tool. A glue gun is used for reliable adhesion to each other.

In the resulting block, holes are made at the outer corners with an ordinary knife or scissors, into which a nylon rope is threaded. You can calculate the length of the cord visually. With the help of a level, two points are marked and, after drilling, dowels with hooks are inserted, where the edges of the ropes are tied.

Such a block is universal and can be used not only in the bathroom. If desired, you can increase or decrease the number of compartments, change their shape and location, as well as the required volume of each cell.

Metal interior style



Forged bar bracket

Forged bar bracket

When the interior requires it, you can resort to the help of a metal frame and base. For manufacturing, you will need a welding machine, which greatly complicates the work. Welding work on the side is also expensive, however, if the price justifies the goal, then it is worth it.

The shelf itself can be absolutely any shape: flat, with sides, oval, curved, angular. At this stage, a welding machine is not needed; you will need metal shears for thin sheet steel or a grinder for thicker material. For subsequent deburring, sandpaper or abrasive nozzles on a drill are used. Do not forget, as in the previous examples, to chamfer, which is especially important for metal products.

For the manufacture of brackets, a steel bar with a diameter of 3-5 mm is required. Such a section is relatively easy to bend and torsion without heating. The required pattern to simplify the work is pre-made as a template from aluminum wire or drawn on paper, followed by applying a workpiece for verification.

For fastening directly to the wall using anchor bolts or dowels, it is necessary to prepare two steel plates about 2 centimeters wide. On both sides, at a distance of 1-2 centimeters from the edge of the plate, holes are drilled for a mounting bolt or self-tapping screw.

Welded areas must be beaten off from slag and cleaned with a grinder. Ready-made brackets are applied to the shelf and welded to it using a corner to set a right angle. The finished product is painted in the desired color with the use of patina for the effect of antiquity.

Fastening and installation is carried out in a typical way using a building level, a pencil and dowels.


plumbing design

A masterpiece of design thought

A masterpiece of design thought

To apply brutal ideas, you will not need a welding machine or effort to bend the metal. In this case, only a standard plumbing set is applicable - a gas key. Non-standard solutions often win over the classics due to their extravagant techniques.

For such a masterpiece, you will need 10-15 pieces of pipe with a diameter of 15 mm (threaded at the ends ½ "). For fasteners: a couple of screw water taps, tees, a pressure gauge, several angles and plugs with a ½” thread. Then you can draw an approximate diagram of the water supply unit.

The pipe sections are connected using a gas wrench and tow, then painting takes place. Tees or corners are attached to the wall with ordinary dowels. To do this, the already twisted plumbing system is applied to the wall and leveled, drilling points are marked with a pencil.

This type of idea will not only look good in almost any room setting. It is still not without practical use as a wall shelf for storing books or magazines. As a "revitalization" of the corner, it is possible to install a pot with a curly trunk wrapping around water pipes.

To make it even more practical, you can lay an electric cable inside the pipes and supply the structure with electricity.With such local lighting it will be possible to enjoy reading books taken on the pipe. Such a peculiar reading corner with a unique design.

Combining materials for creative solutions

A good solution for the implementation of creative ideas will be the use of two or more materials. It can be wood and iron, glass and metal. For more complex tasks, it is possible to use three materials at once, for example, steel, wood and glass.

Design reception in the kitchen

Design reception in the kitchen

Before starting any physical work, it is necessary to carefully calculate the parameters and only then begin to purchase material and work. As in most cases, the saying is true: Measure seven times and cut once.

For combined shelves, the base itself can consist of two or more tiers, chrome-plated tubes, and the back wall of a thin OSB sheet.

In addition to everything, you can also use lighting equipment to illuminate objects. It is possible to use spotlights or LED strips. Installation will not burden with its complexity - already familiar dowels and self-tapping screws will come in handy, however, with a high load of dishes, you should think about using anchor fasteners.

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Rationality and safety

As it turns out after reading this article, you can do anything with your own hands. The main thing is that for this there is an idea and a desire to create. Skills play a role, but are not at the forefront. Because, having a bright idea and an irresistible desire, your creation will flaunt in this corner.

Children do not learn Sopromat - they overcome it

Children do not learn Sopromat - they overcome it

It remains only to apply the material read and draw a conclusion: what material is applicable functionally in this type of room. After all, if objects of different masses often fly in the children's room at an unstoppable speed, is it worth risking health childrenwho have kilograms of glass hanging on the walls in the room? And why substitute a rectangle of chipboard or drywall under a constantly flowing flower pot?

It should be understood even without physical calculations, based on life experience, that the tree is afraid of moisture (except for some species of which the shelf will give off the smell of big money). Drywall is not afraid of this moisture - it simply does not have time to do it, the glass is fragile, the plastic sags. But at the same time, wood can withstand huge loads, drywall is cheap, glass gives sophistication, and plastic painlessly tolerates dampness.

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Note to the home designer

  • A shelf located high should not be crowded with heavy objects. The higher, the easier.
  • Refinement has no place in cramped quarters. Remember that the paintings in the gallery do not fit together.
  • The most used things are best placed at eye level.
  • Use contrast and the rule of three colors.
  • An installation of an elephant is unlikely to look next to a pug. Manage your sizing properly.

[Instructions] How to make beautiful and unusual wall shelves with your own hands: for flowers, books, TV, kitchen or garage (100+ Photo Ideas & Videos) + Reviews

Original do-it-yourself shelves without nails and screws

[Instructions] How to make beautiful and unusual wall shelves with your own hands: for flowers, books, TV, kitchen or garage (100+ Photo Ideas & Videos) + Reviews

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1 comment
  1. This shelf is very similar to those shelves that we all had in ancient times in apartments. We were looking for something similar for a summer residence and found it!

    The choice of colors was great.

    Outer shelf size (LxDxH): 830x240x322 mm.
    The shelf is made of chipboard 16 mm thick. The glass moves along plastic skids, already attached to the upper and lower parts of the shelf (that is, you don’t need to nail them yourself), the back of the hardboard.

    Leave feedback




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