Useful life hack for chopping garlic: garlic press is no longer needed | (Photo & Video)

Useful life hack for chopping garlic

Garlic present in many dishes as a condiment. Garlic cloves are very hard and small in size. In order to evenly distribute the garlic throughout the volume of the dish, it must be crushed or even ground.

Cutting it into many small pieces with a knife is quite problematic, so a special crusher is used, in which the garlic is flattened and squeezed out through the holes under the influence of an external force.

But what if there is no crusher at hand? If you just try to crush the head of garlic with some tool (spoon, knife or pestle from a mortar), you won’t be able to make a homogeneous mass. In this case, the desired taste effect will not be achieved.

The article describes how to chop or rub garlic using tools that are always at hand.


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What do we need

Required set of tools

Required set of tools

To rub garlic, you will need a small plate and an ordinary fork. 

Action No. 1 Setting the fork to the initial position

Fork starting position

Fork starting position

The fork is taken in the left hand and positioned in such a way so that the teeth are parallel to the bottom of the plate, while the emphasis should be in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe points. 

Action #2 Preparing the Garlic

A clove of garlic is placed on the tip of a fork

A clove of garlic is placed on the tip of a fork

A clove of garlic is taken in the right hand and placed on the tip of the fork.

Action #3 Rub the garlic

Direction of movement of the garlic

Direction of movement of the garlic


Next, the garlic is moved back and forth so that it touches the tines of the fork, while it is slightly attached to the tines and the bottom of the plate.

Grinding result

Grinding result


The tips of the teeth will cut off a small layer of garlic pulp with each movement, gradually separating it from the clove. A couple of tens of seconds after the start of processing, the entire clove will be worn into a homogeneous gruel.

Thematic video: life hack for chopping garlic with a fork

Useful life hack for chopping garlic: garlic press is no longer needed

Garlic - great grating trick (fork)

Useful life hack for chopping garlic: garlic press is no longer needed | (Photo & Video)

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hack for chopping garlic with a fork

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