Everyone knows about the benefits of wood ash in "gardening matters". Without hesitation, it is applied under any plants and in any growing season. Natural ...
Before planting any plants in his garden, vegetable garden or summer cottage, the gardener must examine the condition of the soil. It is important to know not only the composition of the soil and its ...
A garden hay stick is a good tool for protecting crops. Suppresses many pathogenic microorganisms in the soil by ...
The efficiency of agriculture directly depends on soil fertility. Over time, the supply of nutrients in them decreases and plants become ...
Land is the main component of the future harvest. Information about it is important in the smallest detail. You need to know it in order to find opportunities ...
Experienced gardeners always monitor the level of soil fertility. After all, a depleted plot is unlikely to give a good harvest. DIY compost bins...
We use manure as a fertilizer Manure is an organic substance that consists of the waste products of domestic animals. Like fertilizer...
Superphosphate In our article, we will talk about the importance of a phosphorus-containing substance for plant crops, about the norms and timing of fertilization ...
There was a stunted ficus at our work in the smoking room, sluggish and drooping all over, and at some party someone drunk poured decently red wine into it, and after a couple ...
Peat tablets The quality of the resulting plant material depends on the composition of the soil for seedlings, its nutritional value and other properties. Using ...