Spring is the start of a new growing season. The success of the garden depends on how work will be started in the garden, garden or summer cottage.
If in the southern latitudes the seeds of vegetables and flowers are sown in the ground and get an excellent harvest, then in the middle lane and northern regions without pre-obtained ...
Growing a plant from a seed is a very interesting, exciting activity, although not an easy one. The nucleolus acts as a bone, which is covered ...
With seed cultivation, it is important to achieve high germination rates. To do this, it is necessary to carry out special processing of seed material, ...
At the beginning of the season, the activity of gardeners and gardeners can begin quite early. The first plantings for seedlings can begin as early as February, but most ...
Few of the Russian people imagine their life without a garden. This is not just a work "up to a sweat", but also self-realization, an opportunity to be alone with ...
Modern gardening, even in comparison with the achievements of half a century ago, is very well developed. Breeding work, as well as the results of ...
All gardeners and summer residents want to get a big and healthy harvest in their summer cottages. To grow good seedlings, which is the main step, ...
It will take quite a bit of time and the days will come of turning the window sills of city apartments into small plantations for vegetable and flower seedlings. Many...
The process of growing many crops, especially those with a thick shell, can be significantly accelerated if it is first softened in some way or ...
Indoor plants often suffer from a lack of sunlight even on windowsills, may stop blooming and die. To prevent this from happening, they...
Peat tablets The quality of the resulting plant material depends on the composition of the soil for seedlings, its nutritional value and other properties. Using ...
Greenery Recently, mini-beds on the windowsill have gained immense popularity.Thanks to the ingenuity of gardeners and the latest technology, home ...