Cucumbers are grown almost everywhere. Cucumber farming is simple: with regular care procedures (watering, fertilizing, lash formation) ...
Dandelion can be safely attributed to cosmopolitan plants that quickly spread due to volatile seeds and boldly take their place in the meadow or in the garden. ...
Growing ornamental plants is not as easy as it seems at first glance. For many flower crops, room conditions ...
The most pressing "spring" issue for gardeners is the cultivation of the garden. Malicious larvae, bacteria, fungi, viruses that survived the winter in the old ...
Growing flowers at home is a very common hobby, to which almost all residents of our country devote their time to one degree or another.
Usually, at the sight of snow-white whitewashed trees (especially in a well-groomed garden), an inexperienced viewer has a strong association with putting things in order ...
Despite the fact that wasps are beneficial insects that destroy pests, they can cause a lot of trouble. First of all, these are their bites. They ...
Fleas are parasitic insects that live in the fur or hairline of mammals, or in the feathers of birds. They feed on the blood of their hosts. Besides...
Such a pest as a bear is unique in its own way. Firstly, this is a creature capable of moving in all available ways: from underground to air; ...
Wasps is the common name for a large number of insects belonging to different genera or even families. There are quite a few varieties of wasps, however ...
Remedies for Cockroaches These small insects lived on Earth long before us. With the advent of man, or rather, his dwellings, cockroaches got bored with wild life, and ...
Snakes are legless representatives of the world of reptiles. These cold-blooded creatures, distributed almost all over the world, except for a few ...
Animals are the most unpleasant of all garden pests, because, unlike other types of animals, they have advanced intelligence and ...
Plants are a source of food not only for humans, but also for a large number of other living beings. It can be said that to some extent the inhabitants ...
Mouse Remedy Rodents have been companions of man since the discovery of agriculture. As soon as a person began to cultivate the land and receive the first crops, ...
Tick and flea remedy Ticks are arthropods belonging to the class of arachnids. There are quite a lot of them, in total the class has several ...
mosquitoes As soon as the warm season begins, nature begins to awaken. Together with plants and animals, the activity of such an important class is activated ...
Diseases and pests of the garden Gardeners, planting fruit and berry crops on their plot, count on getting a harvest from them. However, sometimes they...
Ants Ants are ubiquitous. This is one of the most interesting insects living next to humans in gardens and vegetable gardens. Still no ...